LEARN FROM THE VERY BEST GURU. Unbelievable, It's so simple n so easy ... I love U

PureBULL ...
Publish date: Mon, 02 Feb 2015, 01:30 AM
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am leading this large group of Growth Stock Investors.
we r very focus on the mkt.
we aim to catch the right stocks in play at the right timing.


To all Concerned, 

These best of the Best stock Gurus will help us do this 'toughest job' in the world well...

Dan Zanger, a student of legend William O'neil is the world 2nd best record profit in stock trading, turning $11k to $18mill in 18 mths n still counting ! 

Read n re-read more than 10 times n still re-reading... 

The more times u read, the cleverer u r n richer u will be...

Jesse Livermore was a loner, a mere office boy with little formal EDUcation. He was highly stressed out in the stock mkt since a young boy of 15 years old. This is a big part of stock mkt occupational hazard. It was his BRAIN n body that failed him n certainly not his stock operating methodology that the entire investing world continues to learn from... 

He once said it is unfair to play stock due to insider mgmt's better info abt the co. So he decided to go 100% into commodity futures, cotton I guess. He was the mover n almost corner the cotton mkt. At that final critical moment, his BRAIN went haywire ! This is like an expert pilot who flys the plane to the highest n all of the sudden losses his eye sight n sense. His Future contract being highly leveraged had no cut loss mechanism. By the time he was 'awaken' he went bankrupt.

Livermore is an expert n very good in making fast money in stocks. Barely passing his Form 'thee' = PMR < LCE, Certainly he wasn't good enough in the big ocean such as the commodity mkt. At some point in the cotton play, every country n the whole world was against him, so he crumpled.

Commodity n currency mkts r truly fit for the world highly 'educated' n brightest minds who have deep knowledge, knowhow n wisdom to act Right always.  G Soros's the perfect talent who excels in this space. A few other hedge funders of the same tribe r equally good. 

Dear friends, we do pity him, Right ! Your Warren B. also learns from Livermore on fear n greed, except that he lectured the financial fraternity with his popular longer well defined sentence.  A known fact that no one can be a prestigious hedge funder today without learning from Livermore. Like all the famous hedgees on Wall Street, we can all learn the original stock mkt 'kungfu' from Livermore n make the hedgees ran for their money.                                                                                                                                                                                                             Learn it RIGHT, it's investing life changing !

Food for thought. Think about it. Now we have the potential to be as good as or even better than the hedgees !

WHY ? Livermore with less than Form 'thee' qualification can make so much money in stocks, u with all the uni degrees must do much better. Agreed ? Excited ?

By n large, People tend to reject the best (No. 1 to 10) in the world. They choose to learn from No. 1000s or more or no position ranking at all... 
Choosing who to learn from, also can go wrong already. How to be Right in the stock mkt ? 

It's a free world, U decide...

4 people like this. Showing 2 of 2 comments


purebull .. thanks so much for sharing !! will heed your advice to read, re-read n re-re-read till all rules are deeply ingrained in my brain :)

2015-02-01 14:07


connie ... i love your sexy statement hihiihi

2015-02-02 02:12

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