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On Labour Day eve, Guan Eng says govt will create new jobs for Malaysians

Publish date: Wed, 01 May 2019, 11:05 AM

KUALA LUMPUR, April 30 — The federal government will seek to create new jobs for Malaysians amid challenges posed by the digital revolution and technological advances, which may cause certain jobs to be obsolete, DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng said today.

In his message for Labour Day tomorrow, Lim said job creation is needed as Malaysia undergoes competition from countries with lower costs, such as Vietnam, as well as “ digital disruption caused by the transition into the digital economy and Industry 4.0” and new technology that may potentially destroy low-productivity jobs. 

"To shield existing workers from job losses caused by digital disruption, new jobs must be created,” he said in his message.

He said the government is currently studying the option of giving out “monthly income supplements” to encourage employers to hire workers, while also encouraging workers to work for a “more reasonable pay”.

“Further, we have to expose our workers to the latest technology, be it automation, artificial intelligence and robotics to enhance our productivity, competitiveness and wages,” Lim, who is also Bagan MP, said.

Lim also said the government is seeking to encourage investment in new sectors directly relevant to Industry 4.0, which he said would “create high-quality jobs for all Malaysians”.

He said the government is formulating market-based solutions to raise Malaysian graduates’ income, while also addressing unemployment woes especially among youths and graduates.

Noting the increase by 48 per cent of total approved foreign direct investment to RM80.5 billion in 2018 from RM54.4 billion in the preceding year, Lim said these investments are expected to create an estimated 50,000 new jobs in the beginning of these years as the projects start being realised.

“But we do not want just any job. We need jobs that uplift us instead of trapping us in a vicious cycle that threatens to leave us with little security during an emergency. We need jobs that supports shared prosperity,” he said.

Noting that the government recognises that Malaysians only earned 35 per cent of the GDP in 2017, Lim said Malaysia should aspire to reach the levels recorded in developed nations such as Singapore and US at 41 per cent and 43 per cent respectively.

Lim said unity against those who seek to divide the nation with racial sentiments and religious hatred was required for success.

“Only by moving forward together as one people, including both employers and employees, celebrating diversity, respecting our differences, encouraging women to work and upholding workers’ rights can we enjoy shared prosperity,” he said.

Lim is also the finance minister, but his comments were made under his party position and position as a federal lawmaker.

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Anwar wife and daughter wears tundong......All things being equal, I would prefer PM wife and daughter to be without tundong.

2019-05-01 15:24


babablackship > May 1, 2019 3:25 PM | Report Abuse

M'sia will only be strong without someone like u n Tun around to cause us poor. u all will be voted out in GE15, the most is 4 more years.

so, we have to work harder to defend PH, don't we?

2019-05-01 15:27


Malaysia certainly needs unity more than senseless speakups., blah blah or any sslee with no brain cells.

2019-05-01 15:30


d by babablackship > May 1, 2019 3:31 PM | Report Abuse

PH has to get rid of TDM first! n stop his 3rd car n his sons to get money from Bursa as director. Our resources are very limited now, cant afford to waste away or to satisfy others insatiable greed.

your blah blah is not helping he country.....u got to learn patience ......good country can be destroyed simply due to lack of patience.

2019-05-01 15:36


sted by babablackship > May 1, 2019 3:35 PM | Report Abuse

I admire speakups braveness in telling ppl the true, not like some one like 3q thinking that she can cover up for what TDM was n want to persuade ppl to allow him to ruin our economy further.

the doctor says today, one of his jobs is to give bitter medicine....he says good doctors do that/

2019-05-01 15:38

Goh Kim Hock

well done, bro Lim Guan Eng.

2019-05-01 15:39


y Goh Kim Hock > May 1, 2019 3:39 PM | Report Abuse

well done, bro Lim Guan Eng.

brother LGE has a very tough job in a very fragile couuntry.

But I believe he is up to the task.

external factors are the only unknowns.

2019-05-01 15:47


PH is doing the right things, just give them some time..

2019-05-01 15:47


Pakatun must prove its relevance in Sandakan byelection result. If lose, can go back tanam jagung in GE15. wakaka

2019-05-01 15:53


Posted by chinaman > May 1, 2019 3:53 PM | Report Abuse

. If lose, can go back tanam jagung in GE15. wakaka

if win?

2019-05-01 17:16


social media and forums.......

I prefer China model.....all media is focused on 1 outcome.....all to improve the country.

neither China nor Malaysia can do well if they turn to chaos and fake news.

2019-05-01 17:21


Dear all,
Speak the truth and only the truth.
Do not doublespeak nor speak with poison tongue to spread falsehood and poison the mind.
Nothing to fear if you speak the truth.
Mahathir also said there was nothing to be afraid of if one reported the truth.
“If you report the truth you don’t have to fear anything because it is the truth. But if you tell lies and you make up stories just to stir up emotions and make people angry with each other, then of course that is not right,”

Thank you

2019-05-01 18:37


Dear Fish and Chips,
Yes these are what we had done during Dr. Mahathir Era of 1981-2003. We had fought a good fight but could not achieve our mission of toppling BN and cleaned our beloved Malaysia off corruption and abuse of power.

Yes we gave our overwhelming supports to Pak Lah, believing that he can cleaned UMNO off money politics and carried out his reform agenda to curb institution corruption and abuse of power. What a big let-down and disappointment seeing Pak Lah being held ransom by UMNO warlords, by his own family members and close relatives, little Napoleons in his Administration and heavy criticism from Tun Dr. Mahathir. Pak Lah lacks the political will and courage to fulfill his reform agenda as promised in his early days.

The question: Have we made a big U turn to support Tun Dr. Mahathir to be our next PM if PH manages to win GE14?
Are we out of our minds?
Are we supporting the same man we had fought so hard to get rid off?
My answer to these questions is NO. We fought for principles; reform, against corruption, against abuse of power, against injustice and for a better Malaysia and not solely against the man.
Is Tun now a changed man?

The question remains: is Tun now a changed man? No point in bringing up the past ghost.
For better or worst GE14 is over and done with. PH formed the government and is given the mandate to govern Malaysia till GE15 in year 2023. As Citizen of Malaysia you are free to criticize the elected leaders and representatives, and to scrutiny how PH conducts the business of government. So please criticize with fact and figure and speak your mind and suggest how/what/where it can be done better.

Thank you

2019-05-01 19:05


I think the government should stop focusing investment on growth to sustain and unsustainable trajectory..increasing population.

Instead they should focus on improving competitive edge of the country against neighboring.

Best way to do this is by improving the education system. Have less years of education and focus purely on science, maths and business & technology and just one language (english).

They should focus on how to distribute wealth more fairly.

They should ensure the life quality of existing citizens are taken care.

Reduce the tax - there is no need for further investment to encourage growth of the poor population. Burn out the existing fuel to produce investment to produce green energy.

Produce an intelligent country not a heavy population of idiots.
Enough of this capitalist pyramid scheme...

That is the truth - and i am sure even sslee would like to close an eye on this.

2019-05-01 19:19


Channels the fund to produce quality citizens not quantity of modern day slaves - laborers.

2019-05-01 19:22


neither China nor Malaysia can do well if they turn to chaos and fake news., fighting and petty jealousies.

too many blah blah stupid people in Malaysia.

lock them up may be the only good solution.

2019-05-01 20:21


all these blah out...u reap what u sow.

me? for me, Mahathir is a true patriot, high intelligence and very capable.

His motto....knowledge, integrity and grit, all problems become no problem.

2019-05-01 21:00


Anwar not too bad himself....

but Wife and daughter wear tundong.....not my ideal candidate, given a choice.

2019-05-01 21:02

Trouble Huat

government should reduce the direct tax and increase on indrect tax.

2019-05-01 21:11


me? I think Mahathir will rest when Najib is behind bars for good, not before.

2019-05-01 21:12


by Trouble Huat > May 1, 2019 9:11 PM | Report Abuse

government should reduce the direct tax and increase on indrect tax.

u worry too much.....

tax as a percentage of GDP is enough need to increase.

still plenty of waste, plenty of fat in the system after 60 years of BN.

2019-05-01 21:14


by babablackship > May 1, 2019 9:13 PM | Report Abuse

U right u n old man will reap what u all have sown for many yrs from Karma.

What a person wear is not important, what they do is more important. If I have to choose between TDM n Najib, I will choose the later, he at least get rid of our burden of having to bail out potong by selling half to geely; but old man is going to put back that burden that would b worst than potong, to us again.

too many blah bah stupid people in Malaysia.....not surprised Mahathir cannot rest until Najib is behind bars for good.

2019-05-01 21:16


TDM all right one....if he not alright, he cannot be so brave.

2019-05-01 21:23


unfortunately, the malaysian cabinet is largely devoid of competent people.

u have an environment minister who boast of her marriage to ioi's heir, a agri minister boasting of durian exports, a primary industries minister who only know how to argue with european buyers and the list goes on........

2019-05-01 21:27


oh yes, how can i forget abt this umno 2.0 minister.

osted by babablackship > May 1, 2019 9:28 PM | Report Abuse

U missed out one, a minister having fake degree.

2019-05-01 21:29


thats why i think pkr is dumb in letting old horse be pm in the pact.

umno 2.0 is the smallest component party yet has the most ministers and deputies.

at that time, pkr shld have insisted that the largest party be the one dictating while old horse shld remain a figurehead.

i bet by the next election, umno 2.0 will be the largest party in parliament.

Posted by babablackship > May 1, 2019 9:27 PM | Report Abuse

U right, if he is not so fierce n daring, he wont b on top for 22 yrs, no now still can come back continue accumulating his n his family's wealth here. V all bear it for decades already la. v know what type of person he is, don't need u to fool us.

2019-05-01 21:33


easy to make empty criticisms.....makes u feel good, feel useful, feel intelligent. All an illusion.

Better is happiness, knowledge, integrity, grit, stability, peace, harmony, prosperity, forgiveness.

and Old Horse is grandmaster, a patriot, visionary. Born leader.

2019-05-02 10:32


not stimulus bursa?

2019-05-02 10:51


UMNO cybertrooper blah blah......they didn't tell you their budget has been cut, now no money to pay u?

2019-05-02 10:53


blah blah

easy to make empty criticisms, .....makes u feel good, feel useful, feel intelligent. All an illusion.

Better is happiness, knowledge, integrity, grit, stability, peace, harmony, prosperity, forgiveness.

and Old Horse is grandmaster, a patriot, visionary. Born leader., a rare one for Malaysia.

2019-05-02 11:01


forgiveness is a very powerful force...and that is shown in GE 14.

2019-05-02 11:03


y babablackship > May 2, 2019 11:04 AM | Report Abuse

How much have u being paid from old horse, if lucrative, I might consider sell my self-esteem n lie with u, just bec of money.

I not so powerful but I just think Malaysia is a very lucky country and like to keep it this way.

2019-05-02 11:25


blah blah

because of idiots like u, I do not believe in democracies......too many idiots in this world.

I believe in the China model for government.

This is too fragile a country to let idiots like u ruin it for all of us.

2019-05-02 11:37


China is like a well oiled machine the whole country moving forward together . Its China Inc.

Malaysia also need to move forward together like a well oiled machine....but first, have to lock up all the blah blah black sheeps.

2019-05-02 11:44


China is like a well oiled machine the whole country moving forward together . Its China Inc.

Malaysia also need to move forward together like a well oiled machine....but first, have to lock up all the blah blah black sheeps.

Its Malaysia Inc.

2019-05-02 11:45


u just blah blah.

Mahathir has to work 24/7 and at the age of 94. .....and a very fragile country , holding it together.

2019-05-02 12:04


work 24/7 no use everyday bursa down,work smart better not work hard

2019-05-02 12:07


u just blah blah.

Mahathir has to work 24/7 and at the age of 94. .....and a very fragile country , holding it together.

Happiness, gratefulness, forgiveness, peace, stability, harmony, prosperity.............these are all linked.......

a country full of idiots and blah blah just like Trumpp America is a disaster for a fragile country such as Malaysia.

2019-05-02 12:09


y apolloang > May 2, 2019 12:07 PM | Report Abuse

work 24/7 no use everyday bursa down,

bursa up down is not a good proxy

2019-05-02 12:10


y apolloang > May 2, 2019 12:07 PM | Report Abuse

work 24/7 no use everyday bursa down,

bursa up down is not a good proxy

Bursa go up can come down, bursa go down can go up.

Index can go down, I bought Dayang at $ 1.36 sitting on unrealised profit already.

What is more important is people learn how to achieve happiness by themselves ....Happiness, gratefulness, forgiveness, peace, stability, harmony, prosperity.............these are all linked.......

2019-05-02 12:20


babablackship > May 2, 2019 12:26 PM | Report Abuse

There is no way v can have peace with old horse around to mess up our economy.

to be frank, u are just another idiot.

2019-05-02 12:29


Fish and Chips > May 2, 2019 12:18 PM | Report Abuse

I think LGE should promise to create 10 millon jobs! Since we know he has been a liar and scammer just like Jho Low!

LGE is a real hero.

2019-05-02 12:35


To create jobs mega projects must continue?

2019-05-02 12:38


blah blah

why I post is because I want to share the joy of having a better attitude to stuffs....

learn about happiness, positive attitude, gratefulness, forgiveness, peace, harmony, and all link to prosperity.

idiots like u are doing harm to yourself and to the country.

2019-05-02 12:42


blah blah

Previously , Najib is a very corrupt PM and things are very bad. Its good to do what ever it takes to bring Najib down.

Now, PH is moving in the right direction....We can just sit back relax and enjoy.

2019-05-02 12:45


Dear all,
Let’s stop quarrel and relive the moment of that fateful day as events unfolded on GE14 on 9th May 2018 as narrative by this anonymous writer.

Thank you
P/S: Tun Mahathir at his ripe old age will not have much time nor desired for money/women or power. He was forced out from retirement to do his last bit for Malaysia. As PM he is man in hurry and a workaholic as he knew he has not much time left. He has promised to hand-over power to DSAI in two year time. Let history judge Tun Mahathir when he is gone.

2019-05-02 13:06


u must be joking.

if his laopeh is not old horse, do u think sapura kencana can grow so fast????

Posted by Sslee > May 2, 2019 1:06 PM | Report Abuse

Dear all,
Let’s stop quarrel and relive the moment of that fateful day as events unfolded on GE14 on 9th May 2018 as narrative by this anonymous writer.

Thank you
P/S: Tun Mahathir at his ripe old age will not have much time nor desired for money/women or power. He was forced out from retirement to do his last bit for Malaysia. As PM he is man in hurry and a workaholic as he knew he has not much time left. He has promised to hand-over power to DSAI in two year time. Let history judge Tun Mahathir when he is gone.

2019-05-02 13:20


babablackship > May 2, 2019 3:00 PM | Report Abuse

Mkt tell u that PH under old man is moving in the wrong direction.

market tells nothing except market sentiments. Traders trying to make money.

people who tell you markets are accurate forecasting machines have never experienced markets like I do.

2019-05-02 17:18


I am sad although not surprised recent Merdeka survey is so negative.

If America can elect Trump, I don't expect Malaysian public to be any smarter.

That is why I am not a believer in democracy. ....I like the China model for fragile countries, for emerging countries, for developing countries....of course no democracy, u get a Najib , then die lah., no way out ..........

2019-05-02 17:24


babablackship > May 2, 2019 3:00 PM | Report Abuse

Mkt tell u that PH under old man is moving in the wrong direction. stock mkt move ahead of economy, so v can expect the worst yet to come.

stock market signals are never easy to interprete or reliable as forecasting tool for economy or good/ bad government.

Plenty of false positives and false negatives.

2019-05-02 20:02

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