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Military personnel are not cheap labour, says Patriot

Publish date: Wed, 14 Aug 2019, 03:22 PM

PETALING JAYA: The National Patriots Association (Patriot) has lashed out at businessman Koon Yew Yin for his views on the military.

Patriot president Brig-Jen (Rtd) Datuk Mohamed Arshad Raji (pic) said it was regrettable to see such a respectable person mentioning in his blog that armed forces personnel are “doing nothing except eating and sleeping and that some of them should replace the foreign workers in the Felda plantations”.

"This is the second time in less than two months someone has viewed military personnel as cheap labour.

"The first time was when former Sabah Chief Minister Harris Salleh suggested redirecting excess military personnel to 'assist the government uplift and stabilise the rural village community', including sending them to work as security guards and the women personnel to help clean houses and conduct courses for housewives, " he said in a statement Wednesday (Aug 14).

He added that the suggestions from both men were ridiculous and showed their sheer ignorance of the role of the armed forces.

"It is true that after 1989, the war with communist insurgents ended. However, currently we have our troops in foreign peace-keeping missions, maritime patrols and guarding our national borders. These are missions where our men in uniform are in harm’s way, " he said.

He said being in peacetime does not mean the military personnel are doing nothing, as what Koon opined.

"Their main preoccupation is to train for war. This, the civilians and politicians cannot comprehend as they do not see the possibility of any war.

"They are also on perpetual alert to help the civilian authorities in case of natural disaster. The strength of our armed forces, the discipline and high morale of our military personnel by itself is necessary as a deterrent against any form of threat and aggression.

"It gives clout to our nation’s leaders when dealing with foreign leaders. If our military is disorganised, poorly trained, ill disciplined and low in morale, our leaders lose esteem and gain no respect, an element very necessary in international relations, " he said.

Mohamed Arshad said that when soldiers train, they train to kill.

"From field craft to tactics to strategies, depending on the level of command, the fighting men and women operate as a cohesive fighting force.

"They are professional killers and many are highly skilled in their own respective roles. They do jobs civilians could not do.

"They are trained to go through and be able to endure hardship. All of them understood that the moment they enlisted, they have to be prepared to die for the success of any vital mission, " he said.

He called on Koon and all politicians to change the way they view military personnel.

"They are certainly not cheap labour. They are trained professional killers our nation cannot do without, " he said.

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Military protect s our nation.
High respect to them, they are willing to die for Msia.

Kyy, u better join askar wataniah??? I dare u to do it.
Kyy, your money is worthless if foreign army occupied Msia.

2019-08-14 16:01



2019-08-14 16:08


KYY is a parasite

2019-08-14 16:26


Deputy Defence Minister Liew Chin Tong has called Koon’s statement “regretful” and “misguided”.

Indeed a very unfortunate, regretful, unhelpful and uncalled for statement from Koon that aggravated the already strained interracial and interfaith ties on the back of several other issues that happen in the past few weeks.

Perhaps he should reread the book “How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie

2019-08-14 23:07


Moon that is too say if your wife is free, she ought to help to sweep our street clean.

Why she sleep, eat N watch Internet at home???

2019-08-15 01:13


uncle is looking at things from the perspective of running a company, not running a country, that is why he said like that. BUT running a country is much more complicated that running a company. Running a country, there are politics and things that you put money in knowing will never produced returns, example, welfare of citizens. In a company, you can chop off whatever expense you deem unnecessary but for a country, you can't because you risk losing support
As for the army, you don't look for an army when it is needed, you must get one ready in time of peace. In fact, the army should be modernized because there will be time in future i believe will be needed. There's a possibility of a threat coming from the north due to the system that country is under and all indications are pointing to a great threat.

2019-08-15 01:35


One more thing, I can tell you guys, in 10-20 yrs time, there will be big changes coming from the north. Either remain competitive or become obsolete. Mandarin will most likely be learnt by many countries in the future just like english. Eventhough there are resistant to learning mandarin coming from politicians in the country but i believe parents will be in favor of it in the future.

2019-08-15 01:39

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