Publish date: Sat, 13 Dec 2014, 02:04 AM

"How do you save RM50,000? - I shared with a friend on how to do it. I got a term life for RM280 p.a covering RM100k until 70 years old. I cancelled my wholelife insurance of RM2,800 p.a. for the same coverage up to 100 years old. Save RM2500 p.a x 20 years = RM50,000. (PM0122037325)



"We all have secrets

there is nothing wrong with that 

but we all need the confident

a friend 

to share our secret with

in a way a shared secret tell us who our real friends are

they are the people we trust the most"


An extract from the US tv series 2014 "FOREVER", who is an immortal living in New York as a doctor in the morgue, solving crimes.....

Similarly the stock market, like what Gary Shilling said, will not last FOREVER.  Gary was referring to the new high achieved of the US market, has been saying US market is over valued for the last couple of years.  He recommended some defensive stocks and forecasted the equity market in US was going to drop, i.e. going back to its mean, average Shiller's CAPE of about 13 times.

Currently, he said the market is overvalued based on Shiller's CAPE of 26.5 times.  The earnings improvements over the last few years are driven by COST CUTTING (not revenue improving) and borrowed money for share buyback, basically, they borrowed at almost zero cost.

However, this share buyback are also indication that the CEOs of the S&P 500 is running out of ideas to improve their earnings through expansions and competitions instead of via financial engineering (i.e. share buyback).

Anyway, crude oil has came down to below USD60 (for WTI).  Soon, it will be below USD50.

According to some biz owners in Krabi, an island resort in Thailand, 2014 biz is pretty bad, they claimed that there was a substantial drop of biz from Europe this year.

Anyway, Gary was not accurate on the timing of market drop, but, his advise on defensive stocks do pay good return as well as his view on the 10 yrs and 30 yrs tresuries will continue to fall.

Dow Jones has dropped about 400 points over the last 5 market days.  Looks like more to come.

So, DEFENSIVE is the solution.  Those who went back into oil and gas stocks in Bursa is like catching a FALLING KNIFE.  Look at SKPetro, dropped to almost RM2.20 when the peak was close to RM5.00 (not too long ago).  So are other oil and gas stocks, which dropped almost from 30% to 50% per cent.  I believe, more than RM2 billion was wipe out of the market.

So which stock shall we invest in, low PE, low beta, HIGH DIVIDEND, double digit growth, ROE above 15%.  Look for these type of stocks, and the risk of going wrong in the long run is low.

This may be my last piece, nothing last FOREVER.  

A wise man once said,

He who control others, is the leader


He who control himself, is the master










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To : sosfinance ,any reccomentation ,lost direction

2014-12-13 19:34


stop predicting market direction and oil price.nobody can do it.

2014-12-14 21:32


To: belkg, say, it is assumed you have RM200 (depending on your reserve). You have invested RM100 into fundamentally strong shares (low PE, good growth, dividend higher than FD). There is nothing significant change about the fundamental of the biz, say it dropped 33% to RM67. You buy RM67. If it dropped to RM34 (i.e. drop another 50% from RM67) buy again.

Your total investment will be RM100, RM67 & RM33. Average is RM67. Say you bought at PE of 9X, DY is 5%. At a new average cost, your PE will be about 6X, your DY will be 7.5%.

So, it actually depends how much reserve you have. If you have RM150 and invested RM100, I would buy when it drop to RM50. Your average is now RM75. Based on new PE will be 6.75X and your DY will be 6.7%.


You will be collecting 7.5% DY, and awaits PE to rebound when the market recover. Say it takes 3 years to go back to RM100, you will have 50% capital gain (RM67 to RM100) + 7.5% p.a. for next 3 years. Your compounding return each year is about 21% for 3 years. If takes 5 years to recover back to RM100, your compounding is about 16% p.a. for 5 years. If the company takes 8 years to recover to RM100, your compounding is about 13% p.a.

This is NOT A RECOMMENDATION, it is just a mathematical suggestion based on experience.

2014-12-16 00:28

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