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2024-03-26 20:47 | Report Abuse

It's imperative that we address the impending crisis of 5000 Malaysian jobs hanging in the balance. This situation demands immediate action and a strategic approach. We must collectively advocate for the formulation of a law that deems calls for the boycott of lawful businesses as a punishable offense. Furthermore, it's crucial for the guardians of a peaceful belief system in our nation to convene and deliberate on issuing a decree against any followers who maliciously advocates, campaigns, or even mentions the term 'boycott' with the intent to jeopardize the livelihoods of innocent individuals, who are uninvolved in any wrongdoing or conflict. This proactive stance is essential to safeguarding the economic stability and well-being of our communities

News & Blogs

2024-03-26 20:43 | Report Abuse

As a sarawakian and a civilised citizen., I have tried my best to do my part.


2024-03-26 20:41 | Report Abuse

Posted by TanDavid88 > 12 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Posted by rchi > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse

Mr OTB.You made many rich.Tell them come out to testify for you. Hahaha.
Posted by rchi > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse

Personally,me still think OTB is an asset to i3investor.
Who cares cry babies?
OTB recommended YTLpower at 1.10, he made all readers rich.
I also made million from YTLpower.
He is the saint and the god always bless him.
Hope that OTB is healthy, recommending many good stocks to make us rich.


That's half of the reality. Can't make paid clients rich by buying. The second part is how to exit high above 4.00 in large volume ?

Lai....lai....lai.....the emperor got clothes?

- by the boys who cried wolves

News & Blogs

2024-03-26 13:44 | Report Abuse

All well controlled by the almighty- everything is just a TEST of human quality- the cultivation of civility, pateince, compassion, mercy, understanding and nobility vs impulsiveness, ignobility, etc etc. Some time ago, the marsh mallow test was conducted.....................................................


2024-03-26 13:38 | Report Abuse

Take a break from here, guys. Come and engineer profit$ in GCB. Someone cried expensive around 2.20. Now 2.50...huat ar


2024-03-26 13:37 | Report Abuse

Take a break from here, guys. Come and engineer profit$ in GCB. Someone cried expensive around 2.20. Now 2.50...huat ar


2024-03-26 13:36 | Report Abuse

Take a break from here, guys. Come and engineer profit$ in GCB. Someone cried expensive around 2.20. Now 2.50...huat ar


2024-03-26 07:49 | Report Abuse

The practice of embroidering or inscribing the name or other revered figures on clothing items, including socks, is deeply rooted in religious devotion, respect, and cultural symbolism. This practice holds particular significance in regions with strong traditions, such as Xinjiang , where some tribes have preserved their cultural and religious heritage for centuries.


2024-03-26 07:49 | Report Abuse

In regions like Xinjiang, where the Uighur community has faced cultural and religious challenges, preserving traditional practices such as embroidering religious inscriptions on clothing items is a way to uphold their identity, heritage, and faith in the face of cultural assimilation pressures. In modern times, the practice of embroidering religious inscriptions on clothing has evolved with technological advancements. It is not uncommon to find socks, garments, and accessories with machine-embroidered or printed religious motifs, catering to the diverse preferences of disciples worldwide. The art of embroidery and calligraphy in some cultures is highly esteemed and reflects centuries-old traditions of craftsmanship and artistic expression. Embroidering the name or verses on clothing items, including socks, showcases the beauty of related art and the skill of artisans. In addition to everyday wear, clothing with religious inscriptions may be reserved for special occasions, ceremonies, or festive celebrations. It adds a spiritual dimension to such events and underscores the importance of faith in personal and communal life. In regions where Urghurs are a minority or face challenges related to identity and cultural preservation, wearing clothing with religious inscriptions can be a way to assert and maintain their identity. It fosters a sense of solidarity within the community and reinforces shared religious values and beliefs. Some Urghurs believe that wearing clothing with the name or verses can offer spiritual protection and blessings. It is believed to ward off evil and negative influences, serving as a form of divine armor for the wearer. Embroidering or inscribing symbols, verses, or the name on clothing has been a cultural tradition in many Urghur-majority regions for generations. It reflects the deep connection between their faith and everyday life, as well as the importance of expressing one's faith through visible symbols.


2024-03-26 07:45 | Report Abuse

In regions like Xinjiang, where the Uighur community has faced cultural and religious challenges, preserving traditional practices such as embroidering religious inscriptions on clothing items is a way to uphold their identity, heritage, and faith in the face of cultural assimilation pressures. In modern times, the practice of embroidering religious inscriptions on clothing has evolved with technological advancements. It is not uncommon to find socks, garments, and accessories with machine-embroidered or printed religious motifs, catering to the diverse preferences of disciples worldwide. The art of embroidery and calligraphy in some cultures is highly esteemed and reflects centuries-old traditions of craftsmanship and artistic expression. Embroidering the name or verses on clothing items, including socks, showcases the beauty of related art and the skill of artisans. In addition to everyday wear, clothing with religious inscriptions may be reserved for special occasions, ceremonies, or festive celebrations. It adds a spiritual dimension to such events and underscores the importance of faith in personal and communal life. In regions where Urghurs are a minority or face challenges related to identity and cultural preservation, wearing clothing with religious inscriptions can be a way to assert and maintain their identity. It fosters a sense of solidarity within the community and reinforces shared religious values and beliefs. Some Urghurs believe that wearing clothing with the name or verses can offer spiritual protection and blessings. It is believed to ward off evil and negative influences, serving as a form of divine armor for the wearer. Embroidering or inscribing symbols, verses, or the name on clothing has been a cultural tradition in many Urghur-majority regions for generations. It reflects the deep connection between their faith and everyday life, as well as the importance of expressing one's faith through visible symbols.

News & Blogs

2024-03-25 21:54 | Report Abuse

Akmalkin Skywalker the Trojan horse- facilitating to paspus' grand victory in the next GE

Order 66 is a pivotal event in the Sockswar. It was a command programmed into Akmalkin Skywalker and his clone troopers by Chancellor Paspustine, secretly the Sith Lord Darth Sidious. The order, when executed, directed the clones to turn against their Jedi commanding officers, whom they had been serving alongside throughout the Clone Wars. This order led to the near-total annihilation of the Jedi Order, marking a significant turning point in galactic history as Paspustine consolidated power to win the next GE.


2024-03-25 21:45 | Report Abuse

Akmalkin Skywalker the Trojan horse- facilitating to paspus' grand victory in the next GE


2024-03-25 21:02 | Report Abuse

Now, let's wait for repercussion. Every action has a reaction of the same magnitude - by Newton laws. Let the investigation to wrap up, and recommend KKakakamart's boss to consider suing that whistleblower, Firdauswon. Their actions of gaslighting, slandering, and tarnishing the company's reputation deserve accountability, including compensation for the financial losses incurred. Rather than addressing mistakes with the shop manager for resolution, Firdauswon's actions are like setting fire to the community #thephantommenace


2024-03-25 21:00 | Report Abuse

....delusion-free i.e. back to senses

(Verse 1)
Yo, let me paint a picture of a social illness,
Where one mistake turns into a storm, relentless.
It's slanderous, blown out, out of proportion,
A pretext for axing a business, no caution.

Forgivable errors, they ain't crimes,
But they're used to crush, in these tough times.
Businesses bleed, families in strife,
It's a ripple effect, a tough life.

(Verse 2)
Humans run these businesses, we ain't robots,
Mistakes happen, but they're not plots.
Fairness and understanding, that's the key,
Not ruthless acts, but dialogues, you see?

Forgivable errors, they ain't crimes,
But they're used to crush, in these tough times.
Businesses bleed, families in strife,
It's a ripple effect, a tough life.

Taxes paid, jobs provided,
Businesses thrive, when they're not divided.
Dialogue, remediation, learn from the grind,
That's how we grow, in this daily grind.

(Verse 3)
Let's preserve jobs, sustain the families,
Foster growth, not harsh realities.
Businesses are more than just profits,
They're part of the fabric, no limits.

Forgivable errors, they ain't crimes,
But they're used to crush, in these tough times.
Businesses bleed, families in strife,
It's a ripple effect, a tough life.

So let's change the narrative, rewrite the script,
Forgiveness and growth, let's not skip.
Businesses and people, hand in hand,
That's the vision, for a better land.


2024-03-25 20:15 | Report Abuse

......of fertile ground for vigilante culture

It is be highly detrimental to the rule of law in countries that uphold high moral standards. The reasons are:

1. **Undermining Legal Processes:** Vigilante actions bypass legal procedures and due process, undermining the fundamental principles of justice and fairness. This can lead to arbitrary judgments, lack of accountability, and the erosion of trust in the legal system.

2. **Risk of Misidentification:** Vigilantes may act based on incomplete information or personal biases, leading to wrongful accusations and harm to innocent individuals. This not only violates the rights of the accused but also damages the reputation of the legal system in ensuring accurate justice.

3. **Escalation of Violence:** Vigilante actions often escalate conflicts and violence instead of resolving them peacefully through legal channels. This can result in a cycle of retaliation, further destabilizing the social fabric and compromising public safety.

4. **Diminished Deterrence:** When vigilantes take the law into their own hands, it weakens the deterrent effect of official law enforcement. Criminals may perceive a lack of consistent consequences, emboldening them to commit more offenses.

5. **Unaccountable Authority:** Vigilante groups or individuals operate outside the framework of accountability and oversight that governs official law enforcement agencies. This unchecked power can lead to abuses and excesses that go unchecked.

6. **Legal Precedent and Norms:** Allowing vigilante culture to thrive sets dangerous precedents and normalizes extrajudicial actions. It sends a message that individuals or groups can act as judge, jury, and executioner, undermining the rule of law's foundational principles.

7. **Social Division:** Vigilantism can deepen social divisions by pitting groups against each other based on perceived grievances or biases. This fractures community cohesion and makes it harder to address underlying issues through constructive dialogue and legal reforms.

In conclusion, while vigilantes may believe they are upholding their personal living values, their actions ultimately erode the rule of law, weaken societal trust, and contribute to a less just and orderly society. It is crucial to uphold legal processes, accountability, and the principles of justice to maintain a stable and fair legal system.


2024-03-25 20:14 | Report Abuse

Vigilante culture is be highly detrimental to the rule of law in countries that uphold high moral standards. The reasons are:

1. **Undermining Legal Processes:** Vigilante actions bypass legal procedures and due process, undermining the fundamental principles of justice and fairness. This can lead to arbitrary judgments, lack of accountability, and the erosion of trust in the legal system.

2. **Risk of Misidentification:** Vigilantes may act based on incomplete information or personal biases, leading to wrongful accusations and harm to innocent individuals. This not only violates the rights of the accused but also damages the reputation of the legal system in ensuring accurate justice.

3. **Escalation of Violence:** Vigilante actions often escalate conflicts and violence instead of resolving them peacefully through legal channels. This can result in a cycle of retaliation, further destabilizing the social fabric and compromising public safety.

4. **Diminished Deterrence:** When vigilantes take the law into their own hands, it weakens the deterrent effect of official law enforcement. Criminals may perceive a lack of consistent consequences, emboldening them to commit more offenses.

5. **Unaccountable Authority:** Vigilante groups or individuals operate outside the framework of accountability and oversight that governs official law enforcement agencies. This unchecked power can lead to abuses and excesses that go unchecked.

6. **Legal Precedent and Norms:** Allowing vigilante culture to thrive sets dangerous precedents and normalizes extrajudicial actions. It sends a message that individuals or groups can act as judge, jury, and executioner, undermining the rule of law's foundational principles.

7. **Social Division:** Vigilantism can deepen social divisions by pitting groups against each other based on perceived grievances or biases. This fractures community cohesion and makes it harder to address underlying issues through constructive dialogue and legal reforms.

In conclusion, while vigilantes may believe they are upholding their personal living values, their actions ultimately erode the rule of law, weaken societal trust, and contribute to a less just and orderly society. It is crucial to uphold legal processes, accountability, and the principles of justice to maintain a stable and fair legal system.


2024-03-25 20:14 | Report Abuse

Vigilante culture is be highly detrimental to the rule of law in countries that uphold high moral standards. The reasons are:

1. **Undermining Legal Processes:** Vigilante actions bypass legal procedures and due process, undermining the fundamental principles of justice and fairness. This can lead to arbitrary judgments, lack of accountability, and the erosion of trust in the legal system.

2. **Risk of Misidentification:** Vigilantes may act based on incomplete information or personal biases, leading to wrongful accusations and harm to innocent individuals. This not only violates the rights of the accused but also damages the reputation of the legal system in ensuring accurate justice.

3. **Escalation of Violence:** Vigilante actions often escalate conflicts and violence instead of resolving them peacefully through legal channels. This can result in a cycle of retaliation, further destabilizing the social fabric and compromising public safety.

4. **Diminished Deterrence:** When vigilantes take the law into their own hands, it weakens the deterrent effect of official law enforcement. Criminals may perceive a lack of consistent consequences, emboldening them to commit more offenses.

5. **Unaccountable Authority:** Vigilante groups or individuals operate outside the framework of accountability and oversight that governs official law enforcement agencies. This unchecked power can lead to abuses and excesses that go unchecked.

6. **Legal Precedent and Norms:** Allowing vigilante culture to thrive sets dangerous precedents and normalizes extrajudicial actions. It sends a message that individuals or groups can act as judge, jury, and executioner, undermining the rule of law's foundational principles.

7. **Social Division:** Vigilantism can deepen social divisions by pitting groups against each other based on perceived grievances or biases. This fractures community cohesion and makes it harder to address underlying issues through constructive dialogue and legal reforms.

In conclusion, while vigilantes may believe they are upholding their personal living values, their actions ultimately erode the rule of law, weaken societal trust, and contribute to a less just and orderly society. It is crucial to uphold legal processes, accountability, and the principles of justice to maintain a stable and fair legal system.


2024-03-25 20:03 | Report Abuse

Vigilante culture is be highly detrimental to the rule of law in countries that uphold high moral standards. The reasons are:

1. **Undermining Legal Processes:** Vigilante actions bypass legal procedures and due process, undermining the fundamental principles of justice and fairness. This can lead to arbitrary judgments, lack of accountability, and the erosion of trust in the legal system.

2. **Risk of Misidentification:** Vigilantes may act based on incomplete information or personal biases, leading to wrongful accusations and harm to innocent individuals. This not only violates the rights of the accused but also damages the reputation of the legal system in ensuring accurate justice.

3. **Escalation of Violence:** Vigilante actions often escalate conflicts and violence instead of resolving them peacefully through legal channels. This can result in a cycle of retaliation, further destabilizing the social fabric and compromising public safety.

4. **Diminished Deterrence:** When vigilantes take the law into their own hands, it weakens the deterrent effect of official law enforcement. Criminals may perceive a lack of consistent consequences, emboldening them to commit more offenses.

5. **Unaccountable Authority:** Vigilante groups or individuals operate outside the framework of accountability and oversight that governs official law enforcement agencies. This unchecked power can lead to abuses and excesses that go unchecked.

6. **Legal Precedent and Norms:** Allowing vigilante culture to thrive sets dangerous precedents and normalizes extrajudicial actions. It sends a message that individuals or groups can act as judge, jury, and executioner, undermining the rule of law's foundational principles.

7. **Social Division:** Vigilantism can deepen social divisions by pitting groups against each other based on perceived grievances or biases. This fractures community cohesion and makes it harder to address underlying issues through constructive dialogue and legal reforms.

In conclusion, while vigilantes may believe they are upholding their personal living values, their actions ultimately erode the rule of law, weaken societal trust, and contribute to a less just and orderly society. It is crucial to uphold legal processes, accountability, and the principles of justice to maintain a stable and fair legal system.


2024-03-25 19:59 | Report Abuse



2024-03-25 19:40 | Report Abuse

While addressing grievances is important, it should be done through fair and proportionate means that uphold justice, respect human rights, and promote long-term solutions rather than punitive measures that exacerbate problems. Due consideration must be given to:

Economic Impact: Revoking the factory license not only affects the supplier but also has ripple effects on employees, their families, and the local economy. It leads to job losses, financial instability, and potential social hardships.

Lack of Due Process: The sudden revocation of a license without proper investigation or legal procedures undermines the principles of due process and procedural justice. It denies the affected party the opportunity to defend themselves or seek recourse through legal channels.

Potential for Retaliation: Such harsh actions can breed resentment and retaliation, creating a cycle of conflict and hostility instead of promoting understanding, reconciliation, and constructive dialogue.

Humanitarian Considerations: Consideration should be given to the human impact of these decisions, ensuring that punitive measures are proportionate, fair, and respectful of human dignity.


2024-03-25 19:21 | Report Abuse

Each has his own niche while ringgit continues to burn- until education is reformed to produce quality thinking human beings who would stand together to brainstorm real world issues of AI-dominant hypermodern era.

Posted by BuyAndHold88888 > 4 hours ago | Report Abuse

Those racist politicians stayed in a safe seat especially in the places where their race are a majority whether it is Malays or Chinese.Middle of the road politicians can survived in Mixed seats

News & Blogs

2024-03-25 19:20 | Report Abuse

Unfortunately it happened as the last straw, following vernacular and bkt challenges.


2024-03-25 19:18 | Report Abuse

BATmobile puncture lagi?

News & Blogs

2024-03-25 17:39 | Report Abuse

Such a mentality is a billion times more threatening to Madani living than the mistake


2024-03-25 15:45 | Report Abuse

The worst deterioration of human quality occurs when individuals engage in a cycle of tit for tat behavior, refuse to forgive, show mercilessness, and engage in defamation through slander, shifting blame for unidentified tailoring errors onto others.

1. **Tit for Tat Behavior:** This behavior perpetuates negativity and escalates conflicts rather than resolving them. It fosters a culture of revenge and retaliation, leading to a breakdown of trust and cooperation among individuals and communities.

2. **Refusal to Forgive:** Forgiveness is a fundamental aspect of human relationships and societal harmony. When people refuse to forgive, they hold onto grudges and resentments, poisoning their own well-being and hindering opportunities for reconciliation and growth.

3. **Mercilessness:** Lack of mercy and compassion towards others reflects a disregard for human dignity and empathy. It can result in unjust treatment, cruelty, and the dehumanization of individuals, eroding the moral fabric of society.

4. **Defamation through Slander:** Engaging in slanderous behavior, especially when attributing unidentified errors to others maliciously, not only damages reputations but also contributes to a culture of falsehoods and deceit. It undermines trust, spreads misinformation, and can have severe consequences for individuals and communities.

By indulging in these destructive behaviors, individuals not only harm others but also diminish their own moral character and the overall quality of human interactions. Instead, fostering forgiveness, compassion, and honesty can contribute to a healthier and more harmonious society.


2024-03-25 14:57 | Report Abuse

The worst deterioration of human quality occurs when individuals engage in a cycle of tit for tat behavior, refuse to forgive, show mercilessness, and engage in defamation through slander, shifting blame for unidentified tailoring errors onto others.

1. **Tit for Tat Behavior:** This behavior perpetuates negativity and escalates conflicts rather than resolving them. It fosters a culture of revenge and retaliation, leading to a breakdown of trust and cooperation among individuals and communities.

2. **Refusal to Forgive:** Forgiveness is a fundamental aspect of human relationships and societal harmony. When people refuse to forgive, they hold onto grudges and resentments, poisoning their own well-being and hindering opportunities for reconciliation and growth.

3. **Mercilessness:** Lack of mercy and compassion towards others reflects a disregard for human dignity and empathy. It can result in unjust treatment, cruelty, and the dehumanization of individuals, eroding the moral fabric of society.

4. **Defamation through Slander:** Engaging in slanderous behavior, especially when attributing unidentified errors to others maliciously, not only damages reputations but also contributes to a culture of falsehoods and deceit. It undermines trust, spreads misinformation, and can have severe consequences for individuals and communities.

By indulging in these destructive behaviors, individuals not only harm others but also diminish their own moral character and the overall quality of human interactions. Instead, fostering forgiveness, compassion, and honesty can contribute to a healthier and more harmonious society.

News & Blogs

2024-03-25 08:18 | Report Abuse

Each has his own niche while ringgit continues to burn- until education is reformed to produce quality thinking human beings who would stand together to brainstorm real world issues of AI-dominant hypermodern era.

Posted by BuyAndHold88888 > 4 hours ago | Report Abuse

Those racist politicians stayed in a safe seat especially in the places where their race are a majority whether it is Malays or Chinese.Middle of the road politicians can survived in Mixed seats


2024-03-25 07:44 | Report Abuse

The worst deterioration of human quality occurs when individuals engage in a cycle of tit for tat behavior, refuse to forgive, show mercilessness, and engage in defamation through slander, shifting blame for unidentified tailoring errors onto others.

1. **Tit for Tat Behavior:** This behavior perpetuates negativity and escalates conflicts rather than resolving them. It fosters a culture of revenge and retaliation, leading to a breakdown of trust and cooperation among individuals and communities.

2. **Refusal to Forgive:** Forgiveness is a fundamental aspect of human relationships and societal harmony. When people refuse to forgive, they hold onto grudges and resentments, poisoning their own well-being and hindering opportunities for reconciliation and growth.

3. **Mercilessness:** Lack of mercy and compassion towards others reflects a disregard for human dignity and empathy. It can result in unjust treatment, cruelty, and the dehumanization of individuals, eroding the moral fabric of society.

4. **Defamation through Slander:** Engaging in slanderous behavior, especially when attributing unidentified errors to others maliciously, not only damages reputations but also contributes to a culture of falsehoods and deceit. It undermines trust, spreads misinformation, and can have severe consequences for individuals and communities.

By indulging in these destructive behaviors, individuals not only harm others but also diminish their own moral character and the overall quality of human interactions. Instead, fostering forgiveness, compassion, and honesty can contribute to a healthier and more harmonious society.


2024-03-25 07:43 | Report Abuse

..... deteriorating human quality

The worst deterioration of human quality occurs when individuals engage in a cycle of tit for tat behavior, refuse to forgive, show mercilessness, and engage in defamation through slander, shifting blame for unidentified tailoring errors onto others.

1. **Tit for Tat Behavior:** This behavior perpetuates negativity and escalates conflicts rather than resolving them. It fosters a culture of revenge and retaliation, leading to a breakdown of trust and cooperation among individuals and communities.

2. **Refusal to Forgive:** Forgiveness is a fundamental aspect of human relationships and societal harmony. When people refuse to forgive, they hold onto grudges and resentments, poisoning their own well-being and hindering opportunities for reconciliation and growth.

3. **Mercilessness:** Lack of mercy and compassion towards others reflects a disregard for human dignity and empathy. It can result in unjust treatment, cruelty, and the dehumanization of individuals, eroding the moral fabric of society.

4. **Defamation through Slander:** Engaging in slanderous behavior, especially when attributing unidentified errors to others maliciously, not only damages reputations but also contributes to a culture of falsehoods and deceit. It undermines trust, spreads misinformation, and can have severe consequences for individuals and communities.

By indulging in these destructive behaviors, individuals not only harm others but also diminish their own moral character and the overall quality of human interactions. Instead, fostering forgiveness, compassion, and honesty can contribute to a healthier and more harmonious society.


2024-03-24 17:15 | Report Abuse

Defamation occurs when someone’s words cause harm to another person’s reputation or livelihood. A statement must be presented as fact, not opinion, in order to be considered slander. The statement must be made to a third party.


2024-03-24 15:13 | Report Abuse

Now everyone can fly!


2024-03-23 21:36 | Report Abuse

A very sensitive community which easily get offended- and rather unforgiving


2024-03-23 21:35 | Report Abuse

..........which easily get offended- and rather unforgiving

Now, Google will boikot displaying information on currency exchange rate for ringgit


2024-03-23 21:21 | Report Abuse

Firdauswon's approach without addressing the mistakes directly with the shop manager in private for resolution. This juxtaposition implies that Firdauswon's actions are not constructive/noble but rather detrimental/ignoble, akin to setting fire to the business chain specifically and the whole community generally. This highlights the severity of the situation and the need for accountability whereby sandering involves damaging statements about someone and/or something.

The argument for legal action centers on holding Firdauswon and gang accountable for their actions, which have allegedly caused financial losses and goodwill deficit to KKakakamart.

News & Blogs

2024-03-23 21:11 | Report Abuse

Little does that shallow-minded paper mill Cock Seong know, integration isn't a one-size-fits-all solution. In certain scenarios, segregation and avoidance can serve as proactive shields against slander and provocation in hypersensitive communities. It's not about exclusion but about protecting oneself amidst societal turbulence.

News & Blogs

2024-03-23 20:35 | Report Abuse

"bankrupt of idea" will be reflected by weakening of currency, increasing country debt and deteriorating human quality


2024-03-23 18:49 | Report Abuse

Vernacular schools as sanctuary for the minority

Fostering unity in a diverse classroom requires embracing and celebrating differences rather than categorizing and dividing based on parental backgrounds. By promoting inclusivity, empathy, and open-mindedness, educators can create a more harmonious and supportive learning environment where all children feel valued and accepted regardless of their parents' religious beliefs. This approach not only promotes unity but also cultivates a culture of respect, understanding, and cooperation among students from diverse backgrounds.


2024-03-23 18:48 | Report Abuse

Vernacular schools as sanctuary for the minority

labeling based on parents' religion can contribute to discrimination and prejudice. Children may face unfair treatment or exclusion based on stereotypes associated with their labeled group, leading to feelings of alienation and isolation. This can negatively impact their social and emotional well-being, impeding their overall development and integration within the classroom community.


2024-03-23 18:47 | Report Abuse

Such labeling reinforces social divisions and hierarchies within the classroom. It can lead to cliques based on religious identities, where children may feel pressure to conform to certain norms or beliefs associated with their labeled group. This not only limits their freedom of expression but also inhibits the exchange of diverse perspectives and ideas among students.


2024-03-23 18:45 | Report Abuse

Half-baked cock seong fails to understand and point out that labeling children based on their parents' religion can lead to division and exclusion within a diverse classroom. When a child is categorized solely based on their parents' religious beliefs, it can create barriers to understanding and acceptance among classmates from different backgrounds. This labeling can perpetuate stereotypes, hinder genuine interactions, and promote a sense of "us versus them" mentality.


2024-03-23 18:41 | Report Abuse

Little does that shallow minded paper mill cock seong know that while integration has its merits, there are situations where segregation and avoidance may be seen as proactive measures for self-defense against slander and provocation in a hypersensitive community.


17,089 posts

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 13 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Protection of young children who tend to slip tongue when criticising beliefs (vernacular schools as sanctuary - safer place to make mistakes)

**Protection of Safety and Security:** In highly sensitive environments where tensions run high, segregating or avoiding certain interactions can be a way to protect individuals and communities from potential harm or conflict. It can prevent volatile situations from escalating.


17,089 posts

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 12 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Peaceful neighbourhood

**Preservation of Peace:** Segregation and avoidance can contribute to maintaining peace and stability within a community by minimizing contentious interactions that could lead to misunderstandings or confrontations.


17,089 posts

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 11 minutes ago | Report Abuse

All done for a noble reason

**Respect for Boundaries:** Respecting the boundaries and preferences of individuals and communities is crucial for fostering trust and avoiding unnecessary friction. Segregation and avoidance can be seen as a form of respecting these boundaries.


17,089 posts

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 8 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Suntze's art of war: To retreat by segregation is to advance harmonious agenda

**Focus on Positive Interactions:** Segregation and avoidance can redirect focus towards positive interactions and collaborations within the community, fostering a more harmonious environment where mutual respect and understanding can flourish.


17,089 posts

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 6 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Minimize unintentional friction and unnecessary confrontation: one man's medicine can be another man's poison

**Minimization of Provocation:** By avoiding situations that are known to provoke negative reactions or slander, individuals can protect themselves and others from unwarranted attacks or misunderstandings.

News & Blogs

2024-03-23 18:33 | Report Abuse

Minimize unintentional friction and unnecessary confrontation: one man's medicine can be another man's poison

**Minimization of Provocation:** By avoiding situations that are known to provoke negative reactions or slander, individuals can protect themselves and others from unwarranted attacks or misunderstandings.

News & Blogs

2024-03-23 18:31 | Report Abuse

Suntze's art of war: To retreat by segregation is to advance harmonious agenda

**Focus on Positive Interactions:** Segregation and avoidance can redirect focus towards positive interactions and collaborations within the community, fostering a more harmonious environment where mutual respect and understanding can flourish.

News & Blogs

2024-03-23 18:28 | Report Abuse

All done for a noble reason

**Respect for Boundaries:** Respecting the boundaries and preferences of individuals and communities is crucial for fostering trust and avoiding unnecessary friction. Segregation and avoidance can be seen as a form of respecting these boundaries.

News & Blogs

2024-03-23 18:27 | Report Abuse

Peaceful neighbourhood

**Preservation of Peace:** Segregation and avoidance can contribute to maintaining peace and stability within a community by minimizing contentious interactions that could lead to misunderstandings or confrontations.

News & Blogs

2024-03-23 18:26 | Report Abuse

Protection of young children who tend to slip tongue when criticising beliefs (vernacular schools as sanctuary - safer place to make mistakes)

**Protection of Safety and Security:** In highly sensitive environments where tensions run high, segregating or avoiding certain interactions can be a way to protect individuals and communities from potential harm or conflict. It can prevent volatile situations from escalating.

News & Blogs

2024-03-23 18:13 | Report Abuse

Unfortunately, in the context of cheap politicking, human errors are often exaggerated, leading to a vicious cycle of inflamed emotions within an intolerant and unforgiving community. This environment blurs the distinction between truth and manipulation, creating a dangerous dance of rhetoric, slander and deceit. As individuals or groups seek to advance their agendas, they resort to twisting facts, distorting reality, and exploiting vulnerabilities in public perception. This manipulative behavior has further polarized society, eroded trust in institutions, and undermined the pursuit of constructive dialogue and genuine understanding.

Posted by Sslee > 3 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Chinese just want to build a better life in this lifetime for himself, his family, his communities, his rightminded comrades and this country he call home.

News & Blogs

2024-03-23 18:10 | Report Abuse

Filling and reclamation can significantly expand living space to the sea, allowing for the development of new coastal cities, industrial zones, recreational areas, and infrastructure projects. However, these projects must be carefully planned, executed, and managed to balance human needs with environmental conservation and sustainability.

News & Blogs

2024-03-23 17:55 | Report Abuse

While no society is entirely free from racism or prejudice, these factors contribute to the argument that Chinese people, as a whole, tend to exhibit the least racism compared to many other societies:

1. **Education and Awareness:** Chinese education emphasizes the value of harmony, cooperation, and understanding among different ethnic groups. Schools promote cultural awareness and teach students about the importance of respecting diversity.

2. **Social Cohesion:** Chinese society places a strong emphasis on social harmony and unity. This collective mindset discourages divisive attitudes based on race or ethnicity, promoting a more inclusive and harmonious environment.

3. **Historical Perspective:** Chinese culture has a long history of tolerance and inclusivity. Throughout history, China has absorbed various ethnic groups and cultural influences, fostering a more inclusive worldview.