
SS661M | Joined since 2014-07-12

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2014-12-23 11:13 | Report Abuse

Invest123. Looks like u have decided to get onboard.


2014-12-23 11:10 | Report Abuse

Looking at the sceen won't help. Lets plan a vacation in JB or Singapore & contribute our part to KSL.


2014-12-22 20:39 | Report Abuse

I have no clue, Kenneth. I never communicate with him. He just suddenly came out & said I talk like sifu. Did I? Then he said I m tin kosong la.... even I m tin kosong it has nothing to do with him, right. That's why I invite him for coffee to find out what happened.


2014-12-22 19:31 | Report Abuse

Dun worry. I m still young & healthy. I dun mind to have a cup of coffee with u. This is my email. Looking forward to see u. I appologise for my rude remarks (in Chinese). I shouldn't say that.

News & Blogs

2014-12-22 19:24 | Report Abuse

F22Raptor: tin kosong,for your type better go buy a few acres of farmland and rear some chickens la,dun play stock mkt,it is not for your type..panlai tok kok saja.
22/12/2014 19:12


2014-12-22 19:21 | Report Abuse

Thanks for your advice. I alr got plenty. Do u?

News & Blogs

2014-12-22 18:34 | Report Abuse

SS661M,stop talking like a sifu when you are just a tin kosong,use OD to buy shares wor...really dunno how to write the word 'die'..wakakakaka.

I didn't flag u n I dun know who did. Anyway I put it back.


2014-12-22 18:19 | Report Abuse

22/12/2014 16:55

Big fish accumulating. Otherwise price would have headed south.


2014-12-22 13:52 | Report Abuse

Yes. Hevea initial cap is 100m & it managed to make 30m now. It's because it used yours & mine money & borrowings. After using our money to make money then kick us out? And you describe it as magnificent????


2014-12-22 13:19 | Report Abuse

This Alex always hope for privatization. See how the PJDev director offers his shareholders. You think Hevea's director will give you good offer? He'll wait until the next market correction and offer you the lowest price possible!

News & Blogs

2014-12-22 13:09 | Report Abuse

This ks55 is really a "Lau jiow" or well experienced investor/trader. Look at his second comment here. Good to follow him seriously. Same principle as me, invest must have money money money.

錢 錢 錢 No money no talk, no money no talk. Got money when down buy more, and more and more!

Em...... Sir, I thought our objective is share investment lead to retirement. The above statement sounds like share investment is only for the rich. Besides, if the above is true, then you should tell ppl something about fund allocation, but not 100% invested. In fact I used my OD to average down in the 2nd wave correction. If 3rd wave does come I'll have to bear high interest, not knowing for how long.


2014-12-22 12:21 | Report Abuse

if bret oil up a few bucks tonite those punters really 'fu lat' this time.


2014-12-22 12:17 | Report Abuse

so easy make money from bank meh...tai len gong.


2014-12-22 12:13 | Report Abuse

Right! So good to have ppl who focus on company but not market sentiment like you, kenneth89. Take a look at FBMKLCI put warrants. All nose diving today. Sentiment is improving. Once those speculators sold their structural warrants can expect more money inflow to strong counters like KSL!


2014-12-22 12:00 | Report Abuse

When annual report released by FEB15 we can find out if foreign funds still holding KSL. Any faster way to find out? I guess ppl sell because they are worry about this issue.


2014-12-22 11:36 | Report Abuse

can sit there 2-3 yrs doing nothing? so goooood.....


2014-12-22 11:34 | Report Abuse

KSL Bhd expects another record year for net profits in 2015, said executive chairman Ku Hwa Seng. "We are set to launch RM6bn worth of properties in 2015-16, consisting of high-rise apartments, commercial and landed properties," he told Edge Financial Daily. KSL had unbilled sales of RM1bn as at Sep 30, which could last for 2-3 years

News & Blogs

2014-12-21 18:06 | Report Abuse

Leno is smart, but not too smart. Leno is holding RM. Not USD, lol.

News & Blogs

2014-12-21 16:40 | Report Abuse

It's unfair to just mention those underperformed counters. How about those outperformed counters? Investment is no rocket science but a probability game. As long as winning > losing that's ok.

News & Blogs

2014-12-21 15:33 | Report Abuse

ravichung. KC's approach is long term investment. The stock value will be reflected in stock price eventually because the strong survive and the weak falls. However, the weak might outperform the strong in short term because it has higher velocity(more traders). Looking at the volatility of current market, I m not looking forward for too long term. Therefore, I don't follow KC's approach, but I m not saying I don't believe him. Believe or disbelieve and to act accordingly or not to act accordingly are your own choices. It's all depends on our objectives.


2014-12-20 21:01 | Report Abuse



2014-12-20 20:24 | Report Abuse


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2014-12-20 18:52 | Report Abuse


News & Blogs

2014-12-20 18:38 | Report Abuse


News & Blogs

2014-12-20 18:18 | Report Abuse


News & Blogs

2014-12-20 18:14 | Report Abuse



2014-12-20 12:26 | Report Abuse

As i know the div policy is not yet officially announced. Anyone can share? More recurring incomes:

KSL Residence @ Taman Daya comprises one block of hotel (360 units) and 3 blocks of service apartment (1022 units). The estimated total gross development value of the service apartments is approximately RM 700 million to spread over a period of 5 years. Earthworks have been commenced in Year 2014


2014-12-20 12:00 | Report Abuse

bsngpg. Pls continue sharing. Dun worry about KSL 2015 performance due to tightening of lending policies. There are plenty of unbilled sale (pls check current asset in balance sheet). Those products are alr sold & banks r releasing money in 2015&2016. KSL just has to deliver & money will come!


2014-12-20 11:40 | Report Abuse

kcchongnz OTB KYY are still invested. Does cool eye sell his shares? I m not trying to imply anything. U make your own judgement. I m happy to see plenty of new spokespersons in this forum. Kenneth, Shah Faisal, bobbywee & many others. Pls dig out more infor & continue sharing with newcomers. I think those bought early in the yr have sold. Good luck!


2014-12-19 20:27 | Report Abuse

Ratio 1:1 Ex price $1 Maturity period 5yrs


2014-12-19 13:00 | Report Abuse

gweilo. The question is which one is primary investment & which is secondary. If the secondary investment (loan stock) is more costly than the primary (mother share), isn't is sounds weird? I'd tick option 1 (KIV), and I m pretty sure Insas's management will do the same.


2014-12-19 08:05 | Report Abuse

I can only be a spectator 2day bcoz I got no money liao, lol. Unless saltedfish can lend me some.


2014-12-19 08:03 | Report Abuse

The reason I pick Hevea is because of it's strong cash flow. In terms of earning it is inferior to Lat&Hom, but in terms of cash flow it is as competent. In the end of the day cash is the only thing matter. We dun judge how wealthy a person is by looking to his paycheck (income statement). We look into his bank account (cash flow statement). There are plenty of creative accounting can be done but eventually the truth will be revealed in cash flow. It doesn't mean cash flow can't be creative but normally ppl won't do that. Why bother to kill a chicken with an axe if we can do it with a knife?


2014-12-19 07:55 | Report Abuse

Icon888. Homeritz is too generous in paying dividend, which is not good. It's reinvestment rate is the lowest among the three. If they keep doing so their earning growth will reach terminal rate (flat) very soon. But it does has it's strength. Very high profit margin. Can it just depends on qualitative earning infinitely? Furniture business is no rocket science.


2014-12-19 07:29 | Report Abuse

Aiyo.... Invest123. U can google all these terminologies. U should only ask how the multi proposal works.


2014-12-18 23:50 | Report Abuse

The above posting is not directed to a specific person. It is for sharing with all forumers.


2014-12-18 23:48 | Report Abuse

No1 Homeritz No2 Latitude No3 Hevea. So wat? Which one has more upside potential? Hevea is inferior because of high D&A. I suspect the accountant do this to avoid tax. That's way it's tax is only 6%(if not mistaken). If we exclude D&A Hevea is as competitive as Homeritz & Latitude.


2014-12-18 23:34 | Report Abuse

U r most welcome. Hope to hear constructive comments from u. I m kind of tired informing new investors & I'll stop for a while. I've been doing so since June. Now is your turn.


2014-12-18 23:29 | Report Abuse

Agreed date is 5yrs from ex date, which is not announced yet. It's just like FD. After 5yrs Insas buy back the share from you at cost. You dun subscribe you dun get free warrant, that is it. No obligation.


2014-12-18 23:26 | Report Abuse

687423 What a nice little fairy tale about tourists crossing the causeway solving the colossal financial crunch for a property counter like KSL. Save the storyline for your 3 year old son cos KSL is not a kopitiam! Very amusing....
18/12/2014 04:43

Who is the arrogant one?


2014-12-18 22:50 | Report Abuse

Issue price of RPS. 4sen /RPS.


2014-12-18 21:37 | Report Abuse

Rm0.01 is the par value (I guess). Can refer back to balance sheet see if common share par value = Rm0.01. Ratios are correct. Interest rate 4%pa payable semi annually for your infor. Definition of redeemable preference share: a preference share which must be bought back by the company at an agreed date and for an agreed price.


2014-12-18 20:43 | Report Abuse

Antie 好x烦。是不是老公不要她?


2014-12-18 20:39 | Report Abuse

Aiyo.. No wonder antie 冤魂不散 at Hevea. Saltedfish & talkrealreal kacau her kampung ah?


2014-12-18 19:22 | Report Abuse

n u will be sorry.


2014-12-18 19:00 | Report Abuse

ong88888. Crescendo got recurring incomes or not? Are the lands generating incomes or not? If BN tighten lending policies can those land generate incomes or not? We buy business not asset. If we value share base on asset then we use Graham NetNetWorkingCap criteria. Crescendo qualify or not?


2014-12-18 18:55 | Report Abuse

The transporters & taxi drivers r so happy which the oil price plunge. Exporter r do happy with the RM plunge. My business doesn't go bankrupt with this circumstances. When must every share go kaput?


2014-12-18 18:51 | Report Abuse

Wat a foolish statement. All facts are presented in annual reports and yet some one says fact is unimportant. Religious faith???? Anyone sense that? I dun.


2014-12-18 18:06 | Report Abuse

Why so quiet? Everyone busy collecting?