
SS661M | Joined since 2014-07-12

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2015-01-05 08:17 | Report Abuse

Yes. Pls explain.


2015-01-04 22:26 | Report Abuse

At share price 81sen, the RPS worth nothing. So there is no corporate exercise.


2015-01-04 21:56 | Report Abuse

militia. I oso got the answer but it is too lengthy to be published here. I oso dun have the permission from the writer to publish it. May be u can create a blog to do it, which i m not good at, so others can be benefited.


2015-01-04 21:46 | Report Abuse

The problem is the ex price of warrant is $1, which is higher than the share price of 80sen! Warrant is sweetener and it is supposed to offer us discounted way to get a share. So I think the share price has to be at least $1.2 (subscriber buy $1.2 with $1) for the multi proposal to be attractive.


2015-01-04 21:33 | Report Abuse

If Insas is doing well in the next 5yrs, the detachable warrants with the right you purchase from those who are not intended to subscibe will magnify your gain!


2015-01-04 21:29 | Report Abuse

NAP is $1.8. The ratio is 2warrants : 5shares. So the NAP eventually becomes 5*1.8/ 7 = 1.286. However, it is only true when all warrants are ex. If u don't subscribe, your share value depreciates from $1.8 to $1.286. If u subscribe, instead of having 5shares with value $1.8 each, you get 7shares with value $1.286 each.


2015-01-04 21:03 | Report Abuse

If u subscribe, u get free warrant which will eventually dilute your existing shares. Basically u gain nothing. They just break your $10 dollar bill into two $5 dollar bills. If u don't subscribe, u will sell your right to 3rd party. Your $10 dollar bill became one $5 dollar bill because the 3rd party got you the other $5 bill.


2015-01-04 07:24 | Report Abuse

Why shut him up? Let him talk.


2015-01-03 15:39 | Report Abuse

Prospone util market sentiment get better. When asking for money must do it when ppl are in good mood.


2015-01-03 14:33 | Report Abuse

Hi, pasang kuat. TQ for warning us. Can u share more? U got insider news?

News & Blogs

2015-01-03 07:53 | Report Abuse

KC will refute my statement by asking 'What is it's IV?' After observing the price & IV for sometimes, I notice that price seldom catch up with IV. Very often IV will deteriorate with company fundamental (without much warning) & fell to the market's anticipated price (especially small cap). I believe in value investing. Shall we be skeptical as well (half boiled)?

News & Blogs

2015-01-03 07:40 | Report Abuse

20-30% losses when market is at its all time high not scary? You must be kidding.


2015-01-03 07:38 | Report Abuse

criticalanalyst. Big shareholders intension is their rights on the company. Small fish intension is short term gain. It's all depend on which category we belong to. There are hybrids too (small time value investors).


2015-01-02 19:20 | Report Abuse

Happy New Year to you too. Not so good currently. The rain halts a lot of activities. So the money 1way ticket lo. Only outflow no inflow. Stock market also not performing. This counter got 'hong' meh? There is sudden spike in earning. Insiders accumulating oso. But the latest quarter report not so good le. 有好嘢要分享哦。。。


2015-01-02 13:18 | Report Abuse

Why everybody come here? This stock got tukang goreng?

News & Blogs

2015-01-01 11:38 | Report Abuse

Why the sifu not joining?
1. Too many ''ordinary" participants (me as well).
2. Almost everyone know their winning stocks.
3. Too persismistic about 2015 market.


2014-12-31 21:51 | Report Abuse

When u say less downside. R u sure? If the market gets rough in 2015 they might drop lower. Possible?


2014-12-31 21:40 | Report Abuse

I mean ROE & ROIC. Most of the stocks in your portfolio are value locking type. Non performing assets. Shall we pay more attention on the business?


2014-12-31 20:47 | Report Abuse

Hi, Noby. Do u think value is everything in share investment. How about efficiency? Is this really your portfolio, or just for competition?


2014-12-31 17:19 | Report Abuse

Cancel the multi proposal may be will up. Ppl dun wan to subscribe.


2014-12-31 17:14 | Report Abuse

Pushed up by share buy back?


2014-12-31 15:21 | Report Abuse

Japanese QE pump more money into the market. Borrowings are cheap. Ppl spend more. Am I right? Pls correct me if I m wrong.

News & Blogs

2014-12-31 07:30 | Report Abuse

Hello, Mr. Tan. Pls give me a chance to participate & learn from all the old timers. TQ.

Amway 20.8% 20Lots
Insas 10.74% 135Lots
Hevea 9.96% 60Lots
KSL 14.72% 80Lots
AeonCredit 19.36% 20Lots
Scientx 14.02% 20Lots
MMSV 10.4% 20Lots (plus all the balance if any)

News & Blogs

2014-12-31 07:01 | Report Abuse

ks55. You said u r 70% invested (50%reit 20%share other than reit). Can the 30% reserve money make significant difference if market really crash?


2014-12-30 17:06 | Report Abuse

Leave the tree alone. It will grow.

News & Blogs

2014-12-29 11:11 | Report Abuse

Another article explaining the raw materials used by different companies.


2014-12-29 11:01 | Report Abuse

Secondly, unlike Latitud, Pohuat or Liihen which uses the best part of a rubber tree trunks to make their furniture, Hevea on the contrary is using the residues of these rubber trees and henceforth the much cheaper cost input. (cited from the article). 別人用树心。Hevea 用树皮。好!Plenty of resources are wasted! Felda replanting projects chop down thousands of acres of palm trees. Those trunks are chipped & being left in the field to replenish the soil organic content. Nobody bother to collect these resources!

News & Blogs

2014-12-29 10:50 | Report Abuse

Plenty of resources are wasted! Felda replanting projects chop down thousands of acres of palm trees. These trunks are chipped and being left in the field to replenish the soil organic content. Nobody bother to collect these resources!


2014-12-29 10:36 | Report Abuse

Since flood comes every yr, ppl should buy cheaper ready-to-assemble chipboard based furnitures. Product of Hevea!


2014-12-29 09:29 | Report Abuse

KBYap. I m not in the furniture business but I heard that oil palm trunk can be the alternative source of furniture wood. In fact, ppl have started using cocoanut tree & oil palm tree though it isn't very popular. Some of the reasons of the unpopularity are availability of rubber trees & demand on oil palm trunk as biomass raw material. Furniture nowadays are mostly plywood + cushion based. I m not sure if cocoanut trunk & oil palm trunks can be processed to make chipboard or plywood (may be you can share). With modern technology, I don't think lack of rubber wood marks the end of furniture manufacturing.

News & Blogs

2014-12-29 08:49 | Report Abuse

KBYap. I m not in the furniture business but I heard that oil palm trunk can be the alternative source of furniture wood. In fact, ppl have started using cocoanut tree & oil palm tree though it isn't very popular. Some of the reasons of the unpopularity are availability of rubber trees & demand on oil palm trunk as biomass raw material. Furniture nowadays are mostly plywood + cushion based. I m not sure if cocoanut trunk & oil palm trunks can be processed to make chipboard or plywood (may be you can share). With modern technology, I don't think lack of rubber wood marks the end of furniture manufacturing.

News & Blogs

2014-12-28 10:00 | Report Abuse

Obama 姿势好有型。为何AhJib屁股示观众?


2014-12-28 08:53 | Report Abuse

When ppl see a pair of sandals worth $3 with a $2 price tag in Jasco they'll grab them. In stock market, it is a very different story. Why? Ppl r not intended to resell the sandals. They threat stocks as trading items with no intension of long term holding! If your holding period is more than 2yrs, why worry about oil price, politic, recession bla bla bla.....??? If it doesn't move, hold until it does. If it drops next year, buy more if you can afford. KSL has 2000arc land bank. Assuming that it consumes 200arc every 3yrs consistantly, it can last for 30yrs!


2014-12-27 20:54 | Report Abuse

Instead of rising fund through RPS now they spend money in share buy back. Lol.

News & Blogs

2014-12-27 15:38 | Report Abuse

KC. This one is off topic but i like to seek your view. If the capex is huge due to price of real estate, are we supposed to offset the depreciation by fair value gain? The management can build a plant in the middle of no way to minimize the cost of doing business. It can also build on a strategic location with the intention of fair value gain. However, they are unlikely to include fair value gain in the income statement. Are we underestimated this company in this circumstance?

News & Blogs

2014-12-27 08:41 | Report Abuse

Expectation on Latitude & Homeritz: Increase in earning as a result of rise in sale & higher margin.
Expectation on Hevea: Besises the above mentioned points, we can also expect degearing & lower depreciation as magnifier of earning increment.
Pls correct me if I m wrong:)

News & Blogs

2014-12-27 08:31 | Report Abuse

If we exclude dividend payout (which is not an indicator of financial strength), Hevea won 4 (PE, PB, P/sale, P/FCF) out of 6 comparison metrics. The reason of low EY is due to high depreciation, which is non cash item. Depreciation will diminish slowly and eventually fall to a level corresponding to maintenance capex (if no further expansion). If we look at the EV/ebitda, it isn't look too bad. Why not put Hevea in the 3rd spot? :))))))


2014-12-24 12:26 | Report Abuse

We r adult. We r responsible for our acts. What has been said is said. I m just repeating what u said. Why flag me? I didn't flag u. Trying to hide what u said?


2014-12-24 11:38 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-12-24 10:13 | Report Abuse

We r adult. We r responsible for our acts. What has been said is said. I m just repeating what u said. Why flag me? I didn't flag u. Trying to hide what u said?


2014-12-24 09:53 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-12-23 21:56 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-12-23 14:45 | Report Abuse

U R 股神?


2014-12-23 14:44 | Report Abuse

At least it's moving up. Li Hen is moving down. Lol. Merry Christmas everybody. See u in 2015.


2014-12-23 14:41 | Report Abuse

Back to 1.96 again. Kenneth u r right. Accumulators fishing at this price. Merry Christmas to all forumers. Hopefully market sentiment turn good after holiday. See u in yr 2015!


2014-12-23 14:09 | Report Abuse

Starbucks, Coffee bean? My treat. No problem. I'll be in KL-JB soon.


2014-12-23 13:52 | Report Abuse

Hello....f22lizard. I m not receiving e mail from you....