
bsngpg | Joined since 2013-08-04

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2014-10-04 13:30 | Report Abuse

“标清….… 盲目的希望……追高…….以为逆势而上……..”

This should not limit to property counters only; in fact the phenomenon applies to the broad market. Please do not pick property counters as scapegoat.

News & Blogs

2014-10-04 13:17 | Report Abuse

"资金被你们榨干了 …......."
Why do not accuse banking industry which is relatively very safe but commanding very high margin.

News & Blogs

2014-10-04 13:14 | Report Abuse

Housing development is kind of biz with high capital, high risk, high revenue but only reasonable return. If we take Mahsing as an example, we will realize that they are just earning very reasonable margin which is about 15% and less. Mahsing is a good example as its cost of land is very close to market value as the land was acquired and developed/turned into revenue in short time. We should not take those companies with land acquired many years ago at much lower than market price and giving us false numbers that housing development delivers huge margin.

News & Blogs

2014-10-04 07:47 | Report Abuse

B-Jim 活在人间。Jim-Y 有理想。


2014-10-01 14:06 | Report Abuse




2014-09-30 22:47 | Report Abuse

please wait for a while.


2014-09-30 22:21 | Report Abuse

0.27? 0.28? 0.32?. Then I will have many free Iphone 6 plus. He! He!
On the flip side, I may need to donate Iphone 6 plus to China mainland. Aiya! Aiya!


2014-09-30 07:07 | Report Abuse

Why can up but not down? What good news or false news or no news? May it be a trap instead of an opportunity ?


2014-09-30 06:38 | Report Abuse

Heard the new list will be published in Nov. Many people assume that Padini will be reinstated into the list based on fact that it had rearranged its banking activities to align with the requirement. But there is no guarantee.


2014-09-28 15:16 | Report Abuse

Yes, if want to blame somebody, blame yourself for your failed ostrich attitude in denying own responsibility but pushing to others.

News & Blogs

2014-09-28 14:28 | Report Abuse

Many research brokers, bloggers performed and posted their research works based on scenario at that time. They used formal forecasting and analysis methods which were acquired from school. Some did very good works while some don’t, just like in our school days, some scored A and some don’t but their hard works and contribution should not be discounted. Hindsight is always easy and self-amused.

News & Blogs

2014-09-21 16:03 | Report Abuse

hi inwest88: your good words warm my Sunday. I am blessed in knowing you. Thks god.

News & Blogs

2014-09-21 12:24 | Report Abuse

PB, LPI, MBB, Nestle turn into faires in 20-30yrs by consistent and aggressive growth. Mahsing for the last few yrs has demonstrated the same trend. Will Mahsing able to continue the trend for 20 yrs? I have a dream that Mahsing turns fairySing in 20 years and me too.

Stephen Chow quoted that a person without dream is not different from salted fish. Do you agree in sunny Sunday.


2014-09-21 12:10 | Report Abuse


News & Blogs

2014-09-21 08:24 | Report Abuse

Hi Stock: good biz not only figures. Yes, I like it. Thks.

News & Blogs

2014-09-21 08:23 | Report Abuse

Hi es: very interesting. I like it. Thks.

News & Blogs

2014-09-20 18:12 | Report Abuse

Hi Stock: after your highlight, I am now realize that we really have many similarity in selection of stocks. I believe you have Fimacorp which I do not have but I do have KFima, one of my passive holding.

News & Blogs

2014-09-20 16:57 | Report Abuse

Hi Mr. Stockoperator and Mr. Icon8888: Thank you very much for good words.

Even though Zhulian was quoted as an example from 5+ to 2+ to SUPPORT the discussed topic, it should be confined within those bought from 2+ to 5+.
In my actual case, I incurred big paper or theoretical loss from 5+ to 2+ because during RM5.0 and above, I was really pondering very hard each day if I should sell. Unfortunately I did not sell any.

Nevertheless, I would very HUMBLY and quietly to tell that my current return from Zhulian is still very “fairy tale” >200% @ 5 years.

In my long journey of investment, three catastrophic and very expensive errors were made which made me almost impossible to make reasonable return for long term CAGR even for another many years to come unless there are another few more heavy holdings turn to fairies such as Mahsing and Padini.

In short, I still very strongly believe in long term hold strategy.

News & Blogs

2014-09-20 14:58 | Report Abuse

I do not believe in fairy tale portfolio and overall return. Nevertheless, in reality, one or two holdings can really deliver fairy tale return but this is very unlikely the case for overall portfolio.

Said that, I do believe strongly in long term holding strategy, which allows me to catch one or two fairies along some lemons.

News & Blogs

2014-09-20 10:51 | Report Abuse


News & Blogs

2014-09-19 19:27 | Report Abuse

Dilemma of long term investors. On one side, it is their investing philosophy to hold forever as long as the company is still growing, on another side is the risk of profit vaporization. By the time, the deterioration of company's profit is confirmed, share price must have dropped significantly, and so their paper profit. Therefore to sell or not to is the most difficult thing to judge and to me it is much depend on luck.

News & Blogs

2014-09-18 21:44 | Report Abuse

I have to agree totally with the strategy of buying good company and hold for very long term. However please allow me to express different view that it is not necessarily right at all the times and all shares. Example Zhulian, the company keeps on growing unabatedly, as well its share price. And out of sudden from nowhere its earning and share price diarrhea likes nobody business from 5+ to now 2+. Mahsing, CIMB, Genting and GenM are another few examples where holding good companies for long term is not equal to huge profit as at today. Nevertheless, positive return is still there.

(maybe few years later they will explode)


2014-09-16 23:03 | Report Abuse

If Notion has potential or not, I dare not to comment as share mkt is not predictable where lemon can sometimes become diamond.

But what I can tell you is that if you have bought Notion in 2010 and 2011 and hold it until today(me lol), you would have lost 40% in average plus opportunity cost. Pls do not misunderstand that I chosed high in 2010 and 2011. You can choose average price of 2012, 2013 or 2014 and check if it is still a negative game.

On the other hand, if you have bought Mahsing on 30/6/2010 and 30/6/2011 and hold it till now, you would have earned at least 100% and 25% respectively.

So I were you, I would not buy Notion. It is my 2 cents only. If somebody fries up Notion, I rest my case.


2014-09-15 22:17 | Report Abuse

Thks for your timely update.

Wow! Sweated. The dividend is actually 10cents with exdate on 26Sep14. DRP has been fixed at RM6.78. Those with less qty should opt for cash div to avoid stamp duty.

News & Blogs

2014-09-14 12:40 | Report Abuse

However I like the dividend a lot. Saliva drooling. If YTL can give the same dividend in future, I would lock it in safe box.


2014-09-14 12:37 | Report Abuse

Give away lot of cash reserve as dividend, does this hint that the chance of getting Project B-Train has gone with the wind?


2014-09-14 11:40 | Report Abuse

This is not good news for our beloved YTL. I always view KL-Spore Bullet Train project as the biggest catalyst to YTL, but the blowing wind has never in favor to the most competitive YTL.

Just see the powder projects either by 1MD or Moff are both likely behind committed schedule. It is irony to learn that the efficient YTLpower with proven early delivery on its IPP was not given more projects.

With the same trend, I would view project Bullet Train is now the “flied away cooked duck”. We always make wedding gown for others in one way or another.


2014-09-14 11:39 | Report Abuse
隆新高铁及大马城 传赛莫达林晓春争夺2大工程, 财经新闻财经 2014-09-14

(吉隆坡13日讯)消息指,大马富豪丹斯里赛莫达和丹斯里林晓春正针对国内2项大型工程,即隆新高铁(HSR)和由一个马来西亚发展有限公司(简称1MDB)发展的马来西亚城(Bandar Malaysia)相互竞争。

《The Edge》引述消息人士报道,2人对于总值400亿令吉的隆新高铁和发展总值达200亿令吉的马来西亚城,非常感兴趣,竞争可说是齐头并进。




赛莫达旗下马矿业(MMCCorp,2194,主板贸服股)通过与金务大(GAMUDA,5398,主板建筑股)联营的马矿业-金务大捷运私人有限公司(MMC-Gamuda KVMRT)取得了吉隆坡捷运工程。








2014-09-13 19:40 | Report Abuse

Thks for yr advice. In fact return of my big investment in YTY is now at 6+% within couple months excluding the imminent 5.9cents div. However people in Bursa tend to speculate in some counters sometimes in their investment life. One or two times of screw up trades will pull down the overall return significantly. I am exactly one of this type of investor.


2014-09-13 14:31 | Report Abuse

It is a Single Tier 9.5 cents, which means no tax. You will get RM95 per 1000 units of YTL (RM1660 as of Friday).


2014-09-13 12:34 | Report Abuse

Indubitably that its share price lags far behind its peers and broad market, but certainly not its mgt. I have never doubt about the ability of its mgt in growing the company. Short term quarterly hiccup on earning growth is not a matter of worry just like any road hump along the long journey. What do you think ?

News & Blogs

2014-09-13 12:23 | Report Abuse

LengYan's first criterion of selecting company is reliability of its mgt. In this context, who is better between Ho and Ong ? You have to decide by yourself. I personally chose Ho.


2014-09-13 10:35 | Report Abuse

Friendly chat with you:
Salted fish get its day of turning around. Sai can be gold if we know how to turn it to biogas or fertilizer or sewerage treatment biz(definitely not those lousy mgt as IDW).

Nevertheless my "gambling" on Trop is purely dependent on fortune teller, not fundamental or chart. I believe in FengShui, luck and miracle. Therefore I visited Holland frequently. Hopefully this time the fortune told Trop bring me to
Hokkaido instead of Holland. Happy Weekend.


2014-09-13 07:57 | Report Abuse

It is now the chilly autumn, maybe our beloved TurtleSing started early hibernation again. Nevertheless, she is our money pet, will continue growing unabatedly even during hibernation. When she wakes up, she will be no longer the same size. Hold her gently now, before she is too expensive for you to hold. The quiet and non-obvious reward from her is actually better than broad market. Happy Moon Cake Festival and happy hibernation.


2014-09-13 07:33 | Report Abuse

Fortune teller told me to buy big on Trop. So I bought again at 1.36 on Fri. As of now, I have had a truck of Trop already. 1.36 is the lowest entry price, and I am still on paper loss. If eventually, his foresight is not right, I have to jump "long kang" lol.


2014-09-11 22:01 | Report Abuse

Me too bought at 1.36, the last transaction was mine.

News & Blogs

2014-09-11 21:53 | Report Abuse

The message from the author is very great. I have to agree with him.

I would like to speak my two cents on manufacturing industry which I have better knowhow than other industries such as banking, property or plantation.

Why look at NTA? Ooh because if unfortunately one day the company go bankruptcy, at least the assets can be sold and investors can share the proceed.

The cruel fact is that the high NTA in manufacturing industry when it is still in utilization in generating revenue today can becomes scrap metal when liquidation. The company spends a lot of money in setting up a factory and buying in expensive machine but in the eyes of liquidator, except for the land, those are not others than scrap, some even want the company to pay for the cost in scrapping the machine and demolishing the factory. So please do not be cheated by NTA.


2014-09-10 14:11 | Report Abuse

Big jump on share price, can it be due to imminent announcement on bonus issue?


2014-09-09 07:04 | Report Abuse



2014-09-08 22:09 | Report Abuse



2014-09-08 21:38 | Report Abuse

嗨逍遥子:我在几月前已经上船。又有幸同船? 哈,该是我们英雄所见略同吧。你是英雄,我是英“熊”。


2014-09-05 21:37 | Report Abuse

I am an old uncle, turtle way suits me better, slow and steady. Anyway, thks for yr recommendation. wishing you earning big money from scientex and keckseng


2014-09-05 21:31 | Report Abuse



2014-09-05 21:12 | Report Abuse

Sorry, even though I have vested interest in Trop, I stilI opine that it is too optimistic and too early to view it as a future blue chip.


2014-09-05 21:01 | Report Abuse

Hi lching: 你好吗? Actually I do not have target price to sell. I just simply aim rm7 at the moment, but I doubt I will sell then.


2014-09-05 20:38 | Report Abuse

I am "Kia Soo", if it drops to 1.38, I will follow to buy more, else I am contented with the qty on hand and waiting to recoup loses and reap fruit. Wishing you great luck.


2014-09-05 19:44 | Report Abuse

My opinion:

You do not need to pray for that. Mahsing will very likely reach at least rm3 three years down the road by its self growth, unless by then the broad mkt is a big bear mkt.


Based on historically growth rate, the current on going projects and forecastable future prospect, it is very reasonable to assume Mahsing will grow >=15% per annual.
And let us make another conservative assumption that Mahsing is now traded at rm 2.20 only.


Conclusion: Mahsing will be at least rm3.35 in 2017 unless the broad mkt is a Big Bear by then.


2014-09-05 15:47 | Report Abuse

In order to show support, I bought in another 5000 shares at 1.40.