Ahmad Cendana

cendana287 | Joined since 2012-03-14

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2012-09-06 16:42 | Report Abuse

Datuk, maggi mee can be quite nice...the maggi goreng especially. This is what I'd usually order at the restaurant. Or roti canai. Nothing else. I'm so predictable.

By the way, to the Buyers - buy la the -CF at 0.055... so kedekut Heheh!


2012-09-06 16:36 | Report Abuse

Regrets, regrets... I didn't expect this; not so quickly after yesterday's fall. Would definitely have bought at 0.05, that's for sure, and would have at 0.06 too if it looks stable. Those who went in at 0.065 earlier have gotten their reward this afternoon. Quite significant percentage-wise.


2012-09-06 16:22 | Report Abuse

Drat! It petered out with some party selling heaving into 0.97. Looks like I should pick up the shares and wait out these sellers over the coming weeks.


2012-09-06 16:07 | Report Abuse

JCY is picking up again!


2012-09-06 16:05 | Report Abuse

And I was slow...waiting for 0.06 to average down and suddenly there's activity. Maybe I should average up instead? But I must know what's going on first.


2012-09-06 15:59 | Report Abuse

But at least there's interest in it and it's up 2 sen today:-) Is something finally brewing?


2012-09-06 15:45 | Report Abuse

Now that QE has been mentioned - although it will likely boost the market for a while, I feel all of this money-printing and huge debts are going to end badly for the US and Europe. And we will also be affected although most likely not as badly.

Their debts are simply unsustainable - the US especially. Should countries like China no longer purchase the US bonds - or worse, unload what it is already holding - what other options would the US have? They can continue to print money but it will become like the `duit pohon pisang' as issued by the Japanese during WWII. Even right now I think it should be less than RM3.00 for 1 US$. The only reason why it had gone up to this current level is because of the Euro crisis - people are even more fearful of the Euro situation and had looked for seeming `safe havens'... ignoring the fact that the US isn't exactly in sound financial shape.

For us, BSKL is one way to invest and try make some money. But I'd say it's prudent not to put all our capital into the market. Diversifying a certain percentage (10% or so) into precious metals like gold and silver would be prudent.


2012-09-06 15:13 | Report Abuse

From what I had read at Bloomsberg last night, ECB will purchase the bonds. But as compromise and to `jaga hati' the fiscal hawks in Germany and the northern countries, the interest rates will be market-based. So, those deadbeat countries will still have to cough it out through their nose should the market decide above 6% or more. I think that's fair - they *will* get the funds but surely they can't expect to pay what Germany has to.

By the way, comparatively we are doing okay. The 3-year rate (or is it 5, not sure) for us is only at 3.something%. That 1997/8 financial crisis is a blessing in a way because it checked us from having enough rope to hang ourselves, like Greece and Spain.


2012-09-06 13:26 | Report Abuse

16/5/12 - AMMB expects "2Q to rebound. BUY". Yeah, and we would now be saddled with a big loser.


2012-09-06 13:04 | Report Abuse

This is an event-driven counter. Made losses in the last quarter and I don't expect it to suddenly announce big profits in the next. So it will have to depend on news. Or rumours to move it. Talks of some party wanting to take over would push it up. Or maybe someone being a significant shareholder. One good thing about it is that it's suitable for those with heart conditions - this counter and its warrant won't shock anyone with a sudden drop:-)


2012-09-06 12:58 | Report Abuse

Broad correction going on today with a lot more counters losing than gaining. Even a miserable 2 sen gain can take three counters into the Top 10 "Gainers"! Quality counters are becoming more attractive but at the same time can't be too hasty.

My list includes:
Digi, Axiata, Maxis, TM, Mudajaya, SKPetro, UOADEV, YTL Power, Perisai... but they will have to shed some more sen to be really attractive. So many counters but capital, as always, is limited. Therefore, will have to find the best bang for the buck. It's back to fundamentals where PE and dividend yield will decide, aided by technical readings and the comments here.


2012-09-06 12:01 | Report Abuse

Alex Lu was right with that "Tipping Point" post. He didn't say "Don't buy" but from his "Sell into strength" is as good as "Don't buy". After the sharp fall, I had mentioned about buying. He said at around 1.00 might be okay. It doesn't matter if it went to 0.89 yesterday - the more important thing is that he indirectly agrees JCY shouldn't be below 1.00. I hope he writes another post based on the latest technical readings. I'm too much of an amateur to trust my own interpretation of charts.


2012-09-06 11:48 | Report Abuse

Starting to have a heartbeat again!:-) Hope the momentum builds up.


2012-09-06 11:27 | Report Abuse

The general market trend is one thing. Then there is talk about the general elections (yet again). Sooner or later, the forecast of when it will be held will eventually be correct. Some people had been forecasting it since 2009. With UEM Land and other counters perceived - real or otherwise - to be politically connected, there's a risk. Then again there's also the potential for reward if the right side wins. MRCB, Glomac etc. - there are opportunities here. And risks.


2012-09-06 11:23 | Report Abuse

Its performance is disappointing. This is a good company and is trading near its par value. Sooner or later it will rise to its real level which I'd say is above 0.70. But there's no catalyst at the moment so it's going nowhere. I follow it every day and will immediately jump in when there's sustained movement. It's better to buy at a more expensive price but with the momentum going up than at a discount when the downward move hasn't been broken.


2012-09-06 11:17 | Report Abuse

So this on-off thing about the GE is now on again then? That explains the fall in index-linked counters and the BSKL. But they are due for a correction anyway. There will be opportunities to buy the quality counters at a more reasonable price. Have to be patient where waiting will be more profitable than simply jumping in to buy too early.

In JCY's case, traders' perception will be crucial in the next few days. People are uncertain and uncommitted at the moment as seen from the price. One plus for it is that it has gone down so much and weak holders have dropped out after the shakeout. It *shouldn't* go down by much anymore... unless if the big boys start selling and creates another shakeout.


2012-09-06 08:54 | Report Abuse

Don't know how the market will treat JCY today. It's difficult to anticipate what the mood will be on a very near term basis, like daily. But that's the traders and contra players' timeframe and with counters like JCY, their present sentiment will be what counts the most today. I'm holding on to the "longer" term of a few months though where the price distortion will eventually be ironed out.


2012-09-06 07:42 | Report Abuse

If it goes to 0.05, I will definitely buy some more to solidify my position in the unsung idiot club:-) Or when it shows signs of activity in volume, price or news. Hopefully it will be the latter.

One of the main reasons why I've chosen SB is because of a couple of people I know have been accumulating it. And these are people who are very successful in the stockmarket although they have had misses too. They have included seeming losers in their porfolios over the years. A few had gone bust but those that pulled through after the ICU returned hefty gains of more than 100%. These more than made up for the counters that went bust. The important thing is to only put in capital that you can afford to lose without hurting too much.

Things look very bleak for SB, that's for sure. And it is reflected in the price. But I'm betting on these cards to happen: (1) the restructuring plan, which should be announced before the court injunction is over, will be acceptable and viable (2) that some party will mount a takeover. Not difficult at all since its current market capitalisation is only RM70 mil. "But why would anyone want to take over a debt-ridden company?," you might ask. I don't know exactly. But for some people, it would be of use. Even besi buruk has value.

At 0.05, one won't have much to lose - unless if it suddenly goes bust and you fail to get back anything. At 0.10, that's a 100% profit. But if it does get back up, I don't think it will stop at 10 sen but more. Well, this is what speculation is about.

By the way, to put things in perspective: if one buys a solid counter like Axiata at its current 6.22, is there any guarantee that he will make a profit? Or is it impossible for the price to go to 5.22 or 4.22? That's the stockmarket - there is no guarantee and we have seen winners turn into losers and the other way round. Silver Bird just *might* rise from the ashes just yet. Even if it doesn't turn into a phoenix, getting back to just half its 50 sen par would be great.


2012-09-06 07:09 | Report Abuse

To me, the only thing that I agree on after the last quarter's report is this: the TP of 2.00 is no longer valid. Therefore, a correction to a more reasonable level is in order. But not below 1.00. I feel it's from 1.02-1.40. Consider the following:
1) It reported a lower quarter not a loss.
2) It is giving yet another dividend.
3) After the current quarter's report, the year-on-year for three quarters will almost certainly show better numbers.

So, it appears that the matter of "lower HDD parts demand" and "minimum wage" are the only factors that are legitimately serving as dampeners to its share price. Is JCY the one and only company in the whole country and world facing this? What are its peers' numbers and share prices comparatively? If there are discrepancies, then it points to "external factors" being responsible for this extreme drop in price. Sentiments, as in the fear factor, are the main reasons with fundamentals being only a small reason. In fact, the latter has been grossly distorted into shaping these negative sentiments.

Many are using its 52-week low of 38 sen or so as the basis to weigh their own fair vale price. Why should it be so for this isn't Cybert or GPRO, whose drops are justified? At its current PE Ratio and dividend yield, JCY is way too cheap and presents a bargain. Yesterday's fall to 90 sen was a great opportunity to buy. As usual, many were paralysed - such is the fear factor and I don't blame them (my throat was dry and the heart thumping before and after I clicked the "Buy" button). They might be proven to be right in the short term but if/when JCY's price goes up, the same people will be kicking themselves and lamenting "How did I let myself miss that opportunity?!"


2012-09-05 23:40 | Report Abuse

Should the warrant ever come down to 0.04 I will definitely buy it again. At this price, it's very very safe. IFCA is the slow-moving type but it's solid.


2012-09-05 21:13 | Report Abuse

Investment Bank


2012-09-05 21:10 | Report Abuse

Oh, yes; it's the same target as the one on 24/7 when Digi was at 4.42. If an investor had followed ECM's advice, he would have missed out on a 50 sen gain.


2012-09-05 20:51 | Report Abuse

ECMLibra says its TP is only 4.05?? Does it have the facts and figures to back it up? ECMLibra - this is one investment bank that I'm very suspicious about.


2012-09-05 20:29 | Report Abuse

pilato - This isn't a counter which a `normal' investor should invest in. I wouldn't advise or recommend it to anyone. The reason that I'm in is because I have a certain percentage of my capital specifically for very high risk counters. I'm holding on to something I had read somewhere: "It's better to have 10% of your capital invested in high risk companies than having all of it in companies that pay only 10%."

These are longer term speculations (not investment) where one will have to wait AT LEAST one year for things to move... if they do move. I will hurt if I lose this part of my capital, but neither will it be severe enough to drive me to the along:-) I don't put everything in Silver Bird though - have spread it to a few other counters. The rationale is this (assuming it's 3 very high-risk counters): in the worst-case situation where all three `bungkus', I will hurt as mentioned above. But if one goes my way, it should be enough for me to break even, at least. If two, then that's a sure overall profit on my capital. The minimum return MUST BE at least 50%.

With SB, the average price is now at 10 sen. If it goes lower, then I will add some more. How low will it go? I don't know - could be close to 0.01 if its restructuring plan fails and if (when) its creditors file a winding up petition. But if it goes down to 0.05, I don't think it will go much lower.

Since you are a newbie, it's much better to buy something more secure - MK Land, for instance. Its net tangible asset is 0.89 but is now only selling at 0.36. Try and read the analysts' reports and target prices at the MK Land thread.


2012-09-05 17:19 | Report Abuse

Muhibbah is a different story. With it, the problem is the money owed by Asia Petroleum Hub project - RM300 million if I'm not mistaken. Before this, Muhibbah was doing well - it still is but this matter is dragging it from rising. In JCY's case, it is due to *projections* of investors and analysts that the lower HDD parts demand will result in lower profits or even a loss in the next quarter. But we must also remember that the management isn't sitting still and waiting to be swamped by market forces. At least I hope they aren't. Minimum wage etc. - any good company will have plans on dealing with the problems and situations.


2012-09-05 17:14 | Report Abuse

An encouraging end to JCY. There was no fundamental reason for it to have gone down this much today beyond sentiments. So, there's the likelihood it will retrace the fall tomorrow. The -CF closed at 0.05 and if there's momentum tomorrow, 0.07 isn't impossible. If that's the case, I think I'm going to be a bit greedy and make the TP +3 sen. Didn't buy many lots earlier so will have to make up with this higher TP.


2012-09-05 15:40 | Report Abuse

Today IHH is affected by the general market sentiments. Will just have to hold on and wait it out. As for the currency matter, The Star Biz yesterday quoted a HLIB analyst as saying "the forex risk should not be a big problem for the company."

"For a company as big as IHH, they can afford it. Every company which ventures overseas will be faced with forex risk."

Don't forget the cash which IHH obtained from the listing. It can use part of this to totally pay off the debt, if it wants to. It can also start to hedge or whatever. As I had said earlier, it isn't a huge problem that would threaten IHH. The title in the The Edge is certainly too speculative and sensational, as if that's what IHH stands to lose.


2012-09-05 14:42 | Report Abuse

It has rebounded a bit. If this continues and the momentum moves the other way, I might get my 2 sen with the CF just yet.


2012-09-05 14:17 | Report Abuse

assthrow, I'm puzzled with this one though - how do the financial institutions sell the JCY mother shares? If it's not short-selling (which is illegal), then they must have those lots in their hands. They would have to buy these shares at lower prices than now - if not, they too will be making a loss.


2012-09-05 13:09 | Report Abuse

Captros, I feel the slide in JCY is very overdone. It is compounded by the number of traders cutting loss, which only results in the price going down further. It doesn't happen with counters that are less popular where they don't drop this sharply.

As for the blue chips, I think they will correct further. They had been happily going up and up to rather high PE's when the broader market was only up slightly or going sideways. There might be better prices for the very good ones like Digi, Axiata etc. in the near future. Now they are still rather expensive.


2012-09-05 12:47 | Report Abuse

I think the situation today qualifies as a small "blood on the streets" event. If it's a knee-jerk reaction, then the opposite will likely happen, i.e. a rebound. If it's fundamental, then the price will slide slowly.

But whatever, it's also an opportunity; to either make some money or to lose it. We have to make a decision - to just look where one will definitely be safe AND not get anything when the market turns around, or to get in where one can suffer a loss OR make money. This is the time when I'm putting a certain percentage of the capital in... but not all because we need some dry gunpowder left to prepare for whatever future contingencies and opportunities.


2012-09-05 12:36 | Report Abuse

Will have to hang on tight now that it's gone lower. But I'm prepared for the possibility of losing most of my capital in this one if things don't work as I have anticipated. This is my "very high risk" counter which MUST give a minimum 50% return for the risk I'm taking. I believe the management will announce the restructuring plan in a month or two. We'll see how it goes from there.


2012-09-05 12:30 | Report Abuse

This isn't a "Buy" signal, of course. But notice how the price is stable when most other counters are going down today? I think that says something, i.e. it has probably corrected enough. As long as it stays above 1.00, then the later investors won't get burnt. For the moment at least it's `better' than JCY - the government won't bail out JCY or whatever but it most certainly will do something about MAS:-)


2012-09-05 12:20 | Report Abuse

Yuzuki, I'm banking on that too. For now, I'll just lie low and wait. For the risk that I'm taking and the timebomb I'm carrying, it will have to be a 2 sen gain to make it worthwhile.


2012-09-05 12:14 | Report Abuse

That guy, Genius-something was right big time about the HA. And I had hesitated to buy at 0.08. Now in with -CF at 0.04. I think I'll just stay away from seeing the second-by-second transactions... makes me nervous and prevents me from doing my work.


2012-09-05 12:05 | Report Abuse

From Star Alert - Ingens substantial shareholder says he's not selling his stake to Ninetology. That means the `restricted offer' will not go through since Ninetology had said ALL the substantial shareholders must sell... which only strengthens the belief of many that this is just a CON JOB by the parties involved. Many have been burnt; the authorities must take action against these market manipulators!


2012-09-05 12:00 | Report Abuse

Okay, Datuk, I'm going in. If I lose money, I'm going to blame you ya? Heheh! Since the price has stabilised, now the -CF sellers aren't giving at 0.04. But can't buy at 0.045... unless there's a clear sign it is rebounding. Will have to wait at the screen and see.


2012-09-05 11:41 | Report Abuse

This is the most volatile counter I've ever seen. Totally unexpected. Sometimes it `pays' to be a `penakut'. The drop is so sharp and so much in that the panic selling has happened TWICE over the past few weeks. Regardless of the sales of HDD parts, JCY isn't exactly doing badly; it's more of traders' sentiments. The -CF at 0.04... I think I'll just buy a few lots, pick up and wait. Worst-case scenario, I might lose half of the money.


2012-09-04 23:39 | Report Abuse

Oh, I see. What's it called?


2012-09-04 23:36 | Report Abuse

Yet another one - now it's KPF Quality Foods suing Silver Bird for RM24 mil for non-payment. Sorry, dudes - SB doesn't have any money right now. And you can't do anything much just yet because it has a restraining order from the High Court.

So, the best thing for everybody is this - just agree to its restructuring plan. Most probably these creditors will be given new shares in SB after the company undergoes a capital reduction exercise and calls for a rights issue. Don't want them?? Well, that will mean you won't get back anything! So be a good boy and just collect your SB shares ya. Better these, which you all can sell in the market, than wind it up and get a mere fraction of the debts.


2012-09-04 23:26 | Report Abuse

That's true. One of mine is this - "How to Make Money in Stocks: A Winning System in Good Times or Bad" by William J. O'Neil. The examples are from US counters but that's not too big of a problem. The important things are on how technical charts can help but the observations on what type of companies tend to go up (or down) and the situations in which this happens.


2012-09-04 23:14 | Report Abuse

passerby, one of the reasons why I was/am hesitant with JCY is because I remember very well what you had said about warrants in one post a few weeks ago. You mentioned about momentum, and I've seen (and benefited) from this. And I'd take my profits and run after 1 sen or even 0.05 rather than hope for more because things can quickly change.

Your advice about buying smaller lots is sound. At current prices and with a reasonable timeframe left for the mentioned warrants, I feel it's worth a risk. But will have to be careful so as not to hurt myself too much should JCY continue to slide right until the expiry date rather than see an upswing. But it remains to be seen whether I will actually have the guts to buy tomorrow or thereabouts.


2012-09-04 21:03 | Report Abuse

KC Loh, sometimes it pays to be fearful. Yesterday afternoon, I had almost bought the -CF when it was at 0.07 (Seller's Price). But I was hesitant and didn't click on "Buy". Then someone snatched it and it went to 0.075. Annoyed by this, I decided to wait instead of putting in the order and was busy with something else.

That turned out to be fortunate because it went down to 0.065 later on. And today, it went down further, closing at 0.055. Maybe I should just buy first thing tomorrow morning since I'll be getting it at a significantly cheaper price (percentage-wise) than the 0.07 I had wanted to pay for yesterday.


2012-09-04 19:49 | Report Abuse

Investors'/Traders' Sentiment and Perception - these are a lot more important than facts and figures, and also financial reports. We have seen how the prices of proven and confirmed deadbeat companies going up... all because of investors *feeling* the price will go up in the future and nothing else. It doesn't matter what all the analysts in the world with their financial sheets and charts say.

Logically, JCY's price shouldn't have come down this much. After all, it actually reported *profits* in the last quarter, not losses! If this is a football match and half-time (after two quarters), JCY is leading 4-1. But since it had scored 3 goals earlier on, the one goal scored later in the first half is seen as "bad".

This is a counter that's very popular with traders. They had driven it to its heights earlier on but the same traders are now doing the opposite. Can't blame them for the fear factor is very powerful. At present, the sentiment is very jittery - when it goes up, people tend to sell and take small profits because they fear these might slip away. 1.00 is a critical psychological floor and support - if it goes through it, we don't know how much lower it would go. If it stands firm, then I just might get my 2 sen from the warrants (which I haven't bought yet).


2012-09-04 19:06 | Report Abuse

The CE & CF warrants - they still have some months to go (Feb and March 2013) and I don't know how much longer I can hold myself without buying. When these warrants come down to a certain price (as now), I feel the risks in buying and waiting are justified. One period of positive sentiments and an upswing and a 2 sen rise is more than possible. I'll have to build up the courage to buy.


2012-09-04 18:58 | Report Abuse

It's really a shame that there aren't many put options on BSKL. It's true that many traders don't understand that it's supposed to work the opposite of the call warrants. But gradually I believe more people will be better informed and will find that it's an opportunity to make money by betting against a counter. We'd often get the urge to short a high flying counter because we just know that the rise isn't sustainable. Unfortunately we can't due to the BSKL regulations. The availability of put warrants would have been a tolerable alternative.


2012-09-04 18:47 | Report Abuse

"theoretical":-) By the way, there's a great desktop dictionary & thesaurus that I've been using since 1999 - WordWeb (for Windows) http://wordweb.info Get the free version. A user can easily check the meaning of a word, its synonyms and antonyms with just a click. After you have installed and launched it, right-click on the icon and go to "Change hot key". You can set it to whatever you like (mine is Ctrl + Right Click).

If you do a lot of writing and reading in English, this is one utility that you can set to automatically launch every time you start the laptop.

News & Blogs

2012-09-04 18:31 | Report Abuse

It *might* rebound but I feel it's very risky. The sincerity of this restricted offer is being questioned and I have serious doubts about it and the people involved. Many suspect it's just a con job to spike up the price (after some people had quietly bought). If this offer falls through, then it's confirmed. The authorities must then do something about it, make the people involved an example. Caution is called for in this situation.


2012-09-04 18:26 | Report Abuse

pirate99, keep in mind that the uplifting might have already been factored in by investors/traders. After all it's been widely known even before the rights issue process. But even so, I'd expect it to still create a buzz when it does come. Just how big a buzz remains to be seen.

By the way, I've jumped in and thrown my lot with MK Land this morning. Had missed its last upswing and its recent slide has given me a chance to come in. I feel it will rebound now that it has a stronger base after the shakeout. I'm banking on it to be like TH Heavy, which has really performed. If it doesn't... well, looks like I'd have to be a `forced investor' as with a few of my other counters:-)


2012-09-04 17:30 | Report Abuse

sirzack - Listen to people, yes. That's good. But it must be *you* who make the decision. Use the opinions here as resources to help you evaluate the various counters; as a check and balance for our own projections and speculations. But not as "tips". Sometimes, these might turn out to be right; sometimes way off.