
Icon8888 | Joined since 2013-07-25

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2019-04-18 16:49 | Report Abuse

LOL now you are talking 10 years later...

Howard Mark says “Being too far ahead of your time is indistinguishable from being wrong.”

Please don't talk 10 years later with me. I am busy counting money NOW


2019-04-18 15:55 | Report Abuse

Buffalo meat on hot teppanyaki plate , 3iii finding time difficult to pass ..

"ohhhh when is the next crash coming so that I can stop wiping tables at mc Donald...?"


2019-04-18 15:52 | Report Abuse

Several of my newbies friends followed Optimus advice this morning and sold Jaks at 77

Now they are all cursing him

Pity the newbies

Now we all know who misled newbies


2019-04-18 13:54 | Report Abuse

That is Lcon8888, not icon8888

I never touch this stock


2019-04-18 13:08 | Report Abuse

@newbie8080, meeting management is not everything. It is the judgement that counts

The analyst met with management and got all kind of info. But when price collapsed, he ran away with tail between his legs. He downgraded the stock to 65 Sen. But it subsequently touched 90 Sen. This proved him wrong already

What irked me is his recalcitrance. In the latest report, he kept on harping about the "slow progress" while we all know that Jaks is talking about early commissioning (CFO told kenanga)

My impression is that this analyst is not a seasoned investor.


2019-04-18 10:19 | Report Abuse

It is so obvious that he is very keen to collect


2019-04-18 08:27 | Report Abuse

Just let it barks...


2019-04-18 02:54 | Report Abuse

when you see a mad dog barking at you on the street, there is no need to stop your car and respond. Just ignore it. Let it continue to bark under the tropical hot sun. Apart from barking, it cannot do anything else to you. Sooner or later, It will go away

I did not make the above statement in anger or with hostility. I am just saying it as a matter of factly

Having said so, I would like to thank MichaelWong for standing up to misbehaviour. Thank you.


2019-04-17 20:14 | Report Abuse

Don't worry about that

It is like occasionally you grow some pimples on your face

It never kills

And before you know it already go away


2019-04-17 20:07 | Report Abuse

if all of us ignore this mad dog, sooner or later he will go away


2019-04-17 19:22 | Report Abuse

Meaning yet to be drawn down loh

Can't even write properly


2019-04-17 17:27 | Report Abuse

good at securing contracts but lousy execution


2019-04-17 17:15 | Report Abuse

Something good brewing ?


2019-04-17 17:15 | Report Abuse

Boss bought 2 million shares woh

: 0


2019-04-17 16:12 | Report Abuse

It could be Bank Negara or SC

They don't give a hoot about kYY relationship with PH. They are just playing their regulatory role

Posted by HiddenDragon > Apr 17, 2019 3:58 PM | Report Abuse

Why government don't like kyy?
kyy helped PH gov. a lot during GE 14


2019-04-17 14:19 | Report Abuse

That is why I say I am optimistic of making money from the market

Because there are so many fools around


2019-04-17 14:16 | Report Abuse

The problem with you and many others in life and in stock markt is lack of confidence of your own intellect

For example : in your comments above, you automatically assume the analyst was right . Hence you rationalise and justify for him. And you do that by distorting the real picture by making all kind of silly assumptions etc

An independent thinker is different. He will look at the analyst report, and with a healthy dose of skepticism and contempt, he proceeds to point out what he think is the unreasonable and illogical part

Can you see the difference ? One is a small kid being pushed around. The other is an adult that think objectively to try to figure out the truth

Who do you think can be a better decision maker in stock market and in life ?


2019-04-17 13:57 | Report Abuse

Not to say that insas cannot help you to make money, but it is likely to be less effective than a stock with EPS growth



2019-04-17 13:55 | Report Abuse

Sslee, my little bit of advice for your insas

"Whatever stock you pick, focus on EPS growth"

If you stick to this principle, you are unlikely to get it wrong

Posted by Sslee > Apr 17, 2019 1:33 PM | Report Abuse

Dear all,
If you are long term investors, you will surely welcome KYY’s margin call force selling or any negative IB report (50% discount?? why not 80% discount) so that you have the chance to collect more at cheaper cost to you.
So what the fuss? unless you are a chicken’s trader, a hit and run type of small time traders.

Thank you
P/S: I am still waiting for i3lurker to throw INSAS at 50 cents for me to collect.


2019-04-17 12:51 | Report Abuse


Posted by digi_three > Apr 17, 2019 12:18 PM | Report Abuse

Icon8888 aiyooo you watched too many horror movie lorr .. too many avengers movie lorr and oso too many star wars movie haar. the way you apply your logic horr aiyooo .. imagine you are CEO of Dayang lorr ... aiyoo finish lorr ...

845 posts
Posted by toto > Apr 17, 2019 12:36 PM | Report Abuse


2019-04-17 12:07 | Report Abuse

just stay away from it

don't know what the hxxx is gong on

my conspiracy theory is that somebody doesn't like what KYY is doing (manipulating stocks) so they are coming up with all kind of things to deter him

and these people could be from the government as they are able to mobilise 3 banks to downgrade Dayang simultaneously

it is a warning shot to KYY


2019-04-17 11:12 | Report Abuse

Stupid analyst

Heard it is qqq3 son


2019-04-17 11:09 | Report Abuse

nobody fund a power plant partially, it is all or nothing


2019-04-17 11:09 | Report Abuse

to be sourced or to be drawn down ? this stupid analyst

Posted by DK66 > Apr 17, 2019 11:03 AM | Report Abuse

"Power plant at 46% completion. We understand that as at Jan 2019, the power plant has achieved 46% project completion, with significant billings expected in FY19. Management is confident of completing the power plant on schedule and likely to achieve commercial operation date in 1H2020. Key milestones to complete in 2019 are the completion of main plant’s boiler, turbine & generator and other ancillary buildings such as jetty and administration building. Outstanding orderbook from the EPC contract 2 is c.RM1.2bn as at December 2018 or c.70% of the outstanding orderbook of RM1.7bn. Thus far, the project has secured c.USD1001m in funding with USD859m remaining to be sourced." - Publicinvest

"Thus far, the project has secured c.USD1001m in funding with USD859m remaining to be sourced" - Publicinvest is not aware of the financing for the project ????? What kind of research report is this ????

News & Blogs

2019-04-17 11:05 | Report Abuse

useless analyst

no back bone to make buy call despite strong earning visibility

wait until when ? wait until plant starts operating ?

News & Blogs

2019-04-16 20:52 | Report Abuse

KYY is just a small time player. There are many other syndicates around. All Jaks need to do is to open the book let them see the earning projections, and make some arrangement to coordinate buy and sell, then the syndicates will happily participate

stretch your imagination a bit

dont always think that stocks wont move without KYY

Posted by hollandking > Apr 16, 2019 8:45 PM | Report Abuse

your jaks article u need to write TO UNCLE..... , if not he wont noticed. You need to convince him to come back, then u have a chance. U must be very convincing. He got hurt badly before, so he most likely wont come back BUT i think in his article he had written before not wrong to come back if after selling and it doesnt go your way, he say can buyback one. So not sure if it still hold or not


2019-04-16 14:57 | Report Abuse

Wah Super high gain portfolio

Really warren buffalo


2019-04-16 12:41 | Report Abuse

bought some

profit is cyclical, existing EPS understates its true potential ?


2019-04-16 09:44 | Report Abuse

See you at 4

With a bit of luck , 5

News & Blogs

2019-04-16 07:37 | Report Abuse

Recently a lot of new bloggers promoting all kind of things in i3 (Calvin Tan not new but one of the most agressive)

Even progressive punter like me also horrified


2019-04-15 20:09 | Report Abuse

oh ya... the guarantee of RM1.50 LOL...

come come come...


2019-04-15 20:04 | Report Abuse

dumb dumb hold don't move a muscle

News & Blogs

2019-04-15 16:38 | Report Abuse

Special thanks to DK66 for this article. I acted on his advice by switching half from warrants to Mother shares

Now that market is soft, I am benefiting from lower decline in value

News & Blogs

2019-04-15 13:45 | Report Abuse

but it is ok if you cannot understand, I roughly know your intellectual level...

not everybody has second level thinking capability

News & Blogs

2019-04-15 13:44 | Report Abuse

I know... but not so good company can be good buy when cheap enough or risk reward ratio is favourable enough

my jaks wb appreciated from 25 to 60 sen loh....

do I need to say more ?

News & Blogs

2019-04-15 13:40 | Report Abuse

not really lah... I just found him double standard. he lists out so many shortcomings of jaks, yet can live with so much weaknesses of QL (chicken farming ? pui)

I can do the same for QL. so dont take his view seriously. every stock has its weaknesses, it is whether people want to spend time dwelling on them.

News & Blogs

2019-04-15 13:30 | Report Abuse

one day when pChem appreciates 160% you can come back and lecture me and qqq3 about jaks

News & Blogs

2019-04-15 13:29 | Report Abuse

one thing I know is that I made 160% punting jaks wb while your pChem is still busy cleaning up the blast site

why talk so much ?

Posted by ( BNF trader losses ) Philip > Apr 15, 2019 9:02 AM | Report Abuse

This part I totally agree 100%. Value is what you get, price is what you pay. However how do you define a great company? Amazon and Netflix and topglove and harta was once a cheap company ( in price) but a great company ( management, market size, delivery, growth).

Just because JAKS is cheap ( by which estimation), doesn't make it good if you don't know what the risk is: let me outline.

1. CEO wants to control the board of directors with his own elected board. There is ZERO representation of the majority shareholder (70%+ ownership) who will protect their interests. When KYY wanted to do so, he was rejected. RISK.
2. JAKS is losing money on its property development business. RISK.
3. The IPP which is the reason everyone buys the stock is not operational and no profits yet. Everything is ASSUMED. RISK.
4. a lot of being spoken about an PPA contract that is profitable but very few have seen. RISK.
5. The projections for JAKS has gone from negative to very optimistic (tp7-9) such volatility is the same reason why most banks don't deal with bitcoin. RISK.
6. what will JAKS do with the money from IPP? Historically, they have not been sharing it's wealth and profits with its minority shareholders in terms of share buybacks, dividends etc. RISK.
7. If JAKS decides to go back into property development, this time in Vietnam with all your IPP money, knowing how it performed with its Malaysia development, will you be happy or sad? RISK. (inside knowledge says this will happen.)
8. Is JAKS management a capable management(that can grow its future business) or a one trick pony like INSAS which stumbled into inari ameritron? RISK.
9 do you know for a FACT that the IPP will be profitable? Three same thing was said about evolve mall( great location, lousy management. I was there).RISK.

If you can still buy Jaks after weighing ALL these risks, then I salute you. Either you know something the CFO doesn't, or you have only started your investing journey 3-5 years ago. In icon8888 case, you can't teach a dog new tricks.

News & Blogs

2019-04-15 08:53 | Report Abuse

how you invest is actually dependent on what books you have been reading

if you read warren Buffett, you will think and behave like Philips and 3iii. Look for high quality companies selling at not so cheap valuation.

But if you read Howard mark, John Neff, etc, you will think and behave like me. Look for reasonable quality second liners trading at cheap valuation.

The reason why Philips and I are seldom in good term is because Philips thinks that his method is more superior than mine (and almost all of us here, as very few actually invest like buffett). So there is no room for compromise. He is the best, our stock picks are all rubbish.

(the same holds true for 3iii, who has gone quiet recently as there are more and more evidence revealing the inadequacies of his investment philosophy)

For me, both investment philosophies are good. Buffett is not the only person that makes it, Howard Mark, John Neff and others have also been very successful. This is proof that both methods work.

They come with their respective strengths and weaknesses. You choose whatever that suits you.

Posted by Ricky Yeo > Apr 15, 2019 8:21 AM | Report Abuse

Buying great companies is great, but doesn't mean buying cheap companies are stupid. IF everyone believe in that, there is more of a reason that buying cheap proves more profitable than buying great. All that matters is if Icon8888 think he is well compensated for taking the risk. If the expected value is positive where odds is in your favour, buying cheap can be as good as buying great.

News & Blogs

2019-04-15 01:45 | Report Abuse


I made 160% return with my Jaks wb while you were busy talking days and night about your high quality investment

Anybody can talk

News & Blogs

2019-04-14 20:44 | Report Abuse

Talk so much , I am already making 160% return from my Jaks wb

You pchem just blasted its plant

News & Blogs

2019-04-14 20:29 | Report Abuse

You guys are a bunch of strange fellows

qqq3, sslee, KcChong...

All of you ...

News & Blogs

2019-04-14 20:22 | Report Abuse

I don't have insider info regarding whatever I said above, but my experience told me that this should be the case

If you have been in the market Long enough, you will know this kind of stuffs

News & Blogs

2019-04-14 20:19 | Report Abuse

Why would China partner refuse to distribute the FCF as dividend ? So that the cash horde can later be confiscated by Vietnamese government in the event of a china Vietnam conflict ? They are even more keen than Jaks to extract the cash

Furthermore, when Jaks invite them in, Jaks would have imposed condition to pay out dividend through shareholders agreement

In short, don't worry about dividend

Everything is under control


2019-04-14 20:00 | Report Abuse

LOL morning discuss until night


2019-04-14 16:40 | Report Abuse

I added more


2019-04-14 16:38 | Report Abuse

This is hawkeye portfolio not Tan kw



2019-04-14 14:00 | Report Abuse

I was having a good time here and this Philips come along....

: (

See you guys


2019-04-14 13:34 | Report Abuse

Since taking position in early 2019, I don't dare to move around. Just dumb dumb hold and wait for my stocks to appreciate one by one.

Harvesting in batches

The biggest loser is my remisier. He is not very happy with my inactivity (I assume)

I think next CNY he won't send me hamper anymore