
inwest88 | Joined since 2013-06-06

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2013-09-18 16:37 | Report Abuse

Sephiroth168, once again I urge you to take a look at Instance and make your own deduction !

News & Blogs

2013-09-18 14:53 | Report Abuse

This is not a speculative counter, so what type of volume do you expect. Already today's volume is more than 2 million whereas the last 4 weeks daily average is 400,000 plus. And volume is relative. With a small base you cannot expect the volume to be like MAS, Daya, Iris etc.


2013-09-18 14:15 | Report Abuse

People with knowledge and skills like kcchongnz, ooi teik bee, matrixcool (just to name a few) when presenting their views on stocks, they always have supporting facts and figures. Thus the readers can do their own study, analysis and understanding before making a decision and are solely responsible for their own actions irrespective of whether profits or losses are incurred. We can see in the forum they are plenty of people just shouting buy buy buy, sell sell sell and some even predicting target prices without any basis of all. Some can even tell you that the counter will go limit up soon and yet there are some who believe such stories.


2013-09-18 13:49 | Report Abuse

Let me join in the appreciation to kcchongnz. I have also liquidated my 15,000 units at 42 sen (purchased at 36 sen)for a profit of about RM850. Not much (as I say I trade for fun) but enough for my happy hours for the next week. And I am truly happy for those who made more.

See kcchongnz, you have so many people expressing gratitude to you. Thus you need not have to bother a handful of guys who only how to give rude and cynical comments and questioning your integrity and so forth.


2013-09-18 11:50 | Report Abuse

As I mentioned earlier, this is almost the situation as in Instaco ! Just imagine - the mother share price is only 40 sen and the conversion price is also 40 sen ! Look at Instaco now !

News & Blogs

2013-09-18 10:01 | Report Abuse

True, but how many people involved in stocks have not uttered at least of the things mentioned ? I doubt so !


2013-09-18 09:39 | Report Abuse

Frank and kcchong, I think enough has been said for this counter. Frank has already related his nasty experience and kcchong is of the view that this is not a counter to invest based on financials. But then there are still many strong supporters due to various reasons. We are here just to give our views and opinion. Let those holding on to the stock make their own judgement and decision.


2013-09-18 09:34 | Report Abuse

Good analysis, kc. In fact I was eyeing it for some time after otb selected it as one of his stock picks but just couldn't have the courage to go in in view of the uncertainties surrounding currently.


2013-09-17 21:16 | Report Abuse

Those who bought the mother share (before ex-date) at more than 30 sen will be losing money at today's closing prices (Instanco 25.5sen and Instaco W 0.9 sen)


2013-09-17 20:54 | Report Abuse

kcloh, what happened to your friend dave - today appeared today suspended. With him not around you will not have fun. Anyway let's wait for the return of "newbiestock3"


2013-09-17 16:15 | Report Abuse

kcloh, dave is back ! Good for you. Now you can have fun !

News & Blogs

2013-09-16 20:46 | Report Abuse

Whatever it is, Malaysia is still a decent place to reside. Everyone can still earn a living if he works hard. The country is blessed with natural resources and there are no weather / climatic problems. As Hafiz says, be contented with and appreciate what what we have.

News & Blogs

2013-09-16 20:34 | Report Abuse

I think we should not bring politics into this forum
- just my opinion.


2013-09-16 20:10 | Report Abuse

A well produced disclaimer - full of wits, wisdom and humor albeit with a bit of sarcasm - LOL !


2013-09-16 20:01 | Report Abuse

FCTB - firstly let me make it clear. I am not taking sides but just want to present a fair and honest view as to why you seem to insist on a disclaimer.

1) kcchongnz is just putting up his views and in no way in the entire write-up did he mention or imply that it is a recommendation to buy. No target prices are given but just a computed intrinsic value to ascertain the margin of safety
2) it's the sole responsibility of the reader to make his own judgement and decision
3) hence when one loses money he should not blame the writer. On the other hand if one profits from kcchongnz's views, he need not have to reward him with a single sen
4) everyday you can see in the newspapers stocks recommendation by institutions. Do all of them put up disclaimers ?
5) no where in this forum is there is a condition that all comments or opinion have to be accompanied by a disclaimer (am I right, Admin ?)
6) and if you were to refer back to your posting below, it is more likely that you are suggesting, if not recommending, to sell and buy. Did you put up a disclaimer ? What if the price of ytlp goes up and the others drop ?

" 爱丽斯 梦幻世界's Portfolio: Alice Wonderland 2013"
May 13, 2013 05:57 AM | Report Abuse
if i was you, i will sell all the ytlp shares , and go buy something else. if you asking for my advise, i would suggest you sell half of ytlp and use the money to buy other more potential stocks such as pwroots, inari , magni. pwroots is already kind of high, inari and magni , this 2 is still very worth for buying now. ""

From the above, it is very clear and obvious that there is no rationale, logic or justification whatsoever for a writer to put up a disclaimer. There are so many people in the forum who shouts buy buy buy, sell sell sell and even state target prices. Do they put up any disclaimer?


2013-09-16 17:24 | Report Abuse

Just my opinion - at the current price, probably it has already factored in the news on the free warrants. However they may still be some upside. Just be a bit cautious. At the end of the day it all depends whether those people still want to "push". Whilst we can take the performance of Instaco as a guide, each and every stock has its own uniqueness !


2013-09-16 17:14 | Report Abuse

Perhaps take a look at and study the performance of Instaco before and after performance AND before and after the ex-date !


2013-09-16 16:30 | Report Abuse

hidden gem, if you look at the latest development in the US probably you would now think that the coming days would not be so gloomy after all ! Asian markets are sharply higher and so are those in Europe which just opened ! Anyway as I said there is nothing wrong in being conservative. You can still find trading opportunities.


2013-09-16 16:08 | Report Abuse

mfbs - buy, buy, buy ??? On what basis ?


2013-09-16 14:10 | Report Abuse

In stock investment there are several things to bear in mind (especially for newbies)
1) never listen to rumors - by the time it reaches you, the price would have already gone up
2) never completely trust the recommendations made by the so called experts - they have vested interests (direct or indirect). Do your own study and analysis. Suggest you equip yourself with some understanding of the stock market operations and some financial knowledge
3) if you think you have made enough from the counter, just sell (selling is the most difficult part) and move on. No one can sell at the highest. Do not wish and take pride that you have sold at the highest price. Think of the other party who bought from you. Let him have the chance to make money also from further price increase.
4) never fall in love with a stock (like otb mentioned above). There are more than a thousand counters in the KLSE
5) at times know how to cut loss, even if it's painful
6) etc etc etc......


2013-09-16 13:44 | Report Abuse

That's precisely what I have been saying, kc. These people have vested interests (be it directly or indirectly) in the their stock recommendations. We often see a stock at RM1 is given a target of 1.50 and when it moves up to say 1.48 in about a month, the same person will revise the target upwards to 2.20 and so forth.... What type of forecast is this - so big change in target price within a month. Did the company strike gold ? On the other hand, in a bearish market the target prices will be kept revising downwards.


2013-09-16 13:38 | Report Abuse

kcchongnz, as I mentioned I bought Fibon strictly based on your write-up (there is not an iota of recommendation from you) and if it really drops by 90% or 100%, it's purely my decision. In fact I wondered if I had joined this forum at the beginning of the year, I would have made quite a bit of money from some of your stock picks. And you are absolutely right in saying I am a conservative trader, not only conservative but compulsive also - LOL. Even I have some stocks to be held over a medium to long term basis, I like to trade and would go in and out very frequently. Most of the time I cut my losses and tend to liquidate early after the price has gone up by more than 10%. In the past 30 years of involvement in stocks, do you believe that I have went in and out in 630 different counters (up to end of 2012). Sometimes I just trade for fun. Luckily at this point in time I am still on the plus side. In fact I kept all records of all my transactions since 1989 (I think I started in 1982 or 1983). Played 630 counters - 339 with profits 291 with losses.


2013-09-16 13:20 | Report Abuse

Do take a look at the posting by KCLoh. The coming days week may not be that gloomy !

Posted by KC Loh > Sep 16, 2013 12:18 PM | Report Abuse

World markets rally after Summers withdraws [CNN]:


2013-09-16 13:00 | Report Abuse

ya rchi, what are the positive developments you come across ? I thought the main issue is the FOMC meeting. However based on the the latest development in the US, the discussion on QE tapering may be delayed to December (see Sunbiz today)


2013-09-16 11:25 | Report Abuse

YS1, whilst I admire your steadfast belief and persistence in holding on to this counter, like what Frank said, you have lost out on the opportunity to make up what you have lost in this counter especially during the bull period, not to mention the loss of interest. Imagine 370 lots (1 lot = 1,000 units) at an average price of 0.77 sen is almost 300K. Your logic is that in accumulating the number of shares by averaging down the prices each time it drops, you will recover everything IF (and only IF) the price shoots up one day. I am not saying it is not possible (anything is possible in the stock market). In the entire process of stock investment / trading, the decision to sell is the most difficult part. Just take note that Frank or anyone else is not influencing you in any way. Frank is just relating his experience and as for me I have never touched this counter before. There is no right or wrong in each person's strategy. Your decision to hold on may be right and may bear fruits in future. Who knows one day the General or some other people may just goreng the price to RM1. It can also be because some great news are happening for the company. Then you would have recovered everything plus profits. In fact, in all sincerity I hope it will happen and if it happens, I am happy for you. It shows your persistence finally pays off. In this forum we should rejoice when others make money. All the best, YS1.


2013-09-16 10:59 | Report Abuse

Am glad that at last you realized you have wasted your time here. In fact what have you achieved besides running down the writer. And I noticed in the Malton thread you are talking about cash flow, bad assets etc. Wow, you are learning fast from kcchongnz as basically as some of the key criteria in his assessment of a company. Wish you luck in your trading !


2013-09-16 08:34 | Report Abuse

Frank, to be honest I am not that successful as you assume but just that through many years of experience in the stock market I have observed enough what are the counters to avoid. A lot are just goreng counters and if anyone were to able to make money from these stocks, it's purely luck and timing. Yes some people do make a fortune as such shares can go up 100% or even up to 500%. But for every success story , probably there may be
20 or 30 others who lost their pants. To YS1, 1738analyst and others I wish him well. Hopefully the General will one day goreng the price up for them to make come profits (or cut losses)


2013-09-16 08:24 | Report Abuse

As I mentioned earlier, I would prefer not to get involved but I just cannot tolerate someone calling another names like idiots etc. What is the purpose of doing so. The whole thing is so simple. If you do not believe or subscribe to what others write, just don't read the article or just ignore the contents after reading it. You are at liberty to do so but what gives you the right to bombard the writer with sarcastic, rude and cynical comments. This is totally unethical, immoral and unacceptable. And what is wrong with people's ages? Everyone gets old one day - it's inevitable ! Why bring this up ? Just can't understand.


2013-09-15 22:39 | Report Abuse

Saturn and Hafiz, glad that you two have made up. At least my effort is not in vain. You can dispute on differences in opinion but do it politely and constructively without calling names. Cheers !


2013-09-15 17:49 | Report Abuse

What makes you so confident about this counter - company's fundamentals / financials / potential earnings growth / TA / positive news etc ?


2013-09-15 17:12 | Report Abuse

Thanks, but do you notice that quite often a lot of penny stocks moved up only one day and then dropped back. Nevertheless I will keep an eye on it.


2013-09-15 16:31 | Report Abuse

Thanks for the recommendation. I normally do some study and analysis before making a purchase.


2013-09-15 16:19 | Report Abuse

Same to you !


2013-09-15 16:11 | Report Abuse

Sorry, I will not touch this counter !


2013-09-15 16:05 | Report Abuse

Read the posting below one more time !

Posted by Frank Soweto > Sep 14, 2013 02:40 AM | Report Abuse


2013-09-15 15:59 | Report Abuse

I doubt the strong supporters understand the underlying message from Frank !


2013-09-15 15:39 | Report Abuse

Can't agree with you more Tony. However there are still people out there who do not appreciate the free lunches thrown by kcchongnz and otb etc...


2013-09-15 15:35 | Report Abuse

Frank Soweto, looks like there are many strong supporters of KNM here !


2013-09-15 14:35 | Report Abuse

scjm3, glad that you are still continuing ! Good write-up !


2013-09-15 14:27 | Report Abuse

my101home, you are probably right. I reckon that who just went in have to hold a little longer - just my opinion.


2013-09-15 11:32 | Report Abuse

I reckon you should carry on the good work as I feel you are just giving an honest opinion of the counter and in no way constitutes a recommendation to buy or sell - unlike some institutions who more often than not may have vested interests. As you are probably aware we have good people like kcchongnz, ooi teik bee, matrixcool etc (just to name a few) who provide good write-ups and analysis but yet there are people who just appear and give offensive and sarcastic responses without any justification and basis whatsoever.

And I can't agree with you more that most members here, even combining all of them, are not powerful enough to affect or influence the price of any particular counter. We are just a "small fish" compared to the big players.

As long as one's conscience is clear, he should not be bothered with what the others say. Although I strongly disagree with their actions, but to think of it we have to respect freedom of speech. The best solution is to just ignore their comments and do not response. otherwise there will be no end to what I usually describe - a war of words.


2013-09-15 10:21 | Report Abuse

matrixccol, I find your analysis is of immense value to those who prefert o do trading. Keep up the good work!


2013-09-14 21:49 | Report Abuse

Anyway, I am leaving this thread now as I too feel he's not in my league. Cheers everyone and goodnight !


2013-09-14 21:48 | Report Abuse

"stuepic" ? cant even spell properly and yet want to argue on facts and figures. And now trying to defend that it is a "trick" question. LOL !


2013-09-14 21:36 | Report Abuse

Just an example. I purchased Fibon at 36 sen strictly based on kcchongnx's write-up. This a a neglected counter which no one bothers to find out and talk about. I trust his analysis and if the price goes down to say, 10 sen, I am not going to blame him. It's my decision to go in. And if the price shoots to RM1, I will also not give him any "commission" for his selection.


2013-09-14 21:31 | Report Abuse

Saturn, you should know me better. In your exchange with Hafiz, I did not take any sides. I just want to be fair. Thus in this case< i strongly feel that kcchongnz should not desrve this type of treatment from other people. If anyone doesn't agree with what he writes, so be it. Why criticize, make sarcastic remarks and belittle the writer. Then the guy should write to the newspapers and condemn all the fund managers who forecast target prices wrongly...


2013-09-14 21:27 | Report Abuse

Actually I do not want to get involved but just cannot "tahan" seeing someone running down others with no basis whatsoever. See his posting below on Stem Life

Sep 11, 2013 04:11 PM | Report Abuse
Anybody know difference between DEEMED interest here n direct interest?


2013-09-14 21:24 | Report Abuse

kcchongna, I still stand by my statement below:-

Posted by inwest88 > Sep 14, 2013 03:12 PM | Report Abuse
kcchong, I reckon you should not waste your valuable time disputing with someone who is far below your league.

He only talks about power plants, concessions and love. I doubt he knows anything about financial, cash flows, potential growth etc. No purpose in engaging him further. What otb says is true, some people just want to attract attention.