
kebling98 | Joined since 2022-07-07

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2023-07-11 11:56 | Report Abuse

Half of my portfolio is MSC loh


2023-07-08 07:49 | Report Abuse

Oil breaks resistance loh
Fly loh
Infinity and beyond


2023-07-08 07:26 | Report Abuse

Tin price mantap lah
Even friday loh
Nice Closing
Hot money no worry to park their money over weekend in Tin loh


2023-07-08 07:20 | Report Abuse

Minyak naik next week
Bull in oil loh
petronm Hibiscus dayang naim dnex armada uzma semua naik loh


2023-07-08 07:13 | Report Abuse

2Q brent 78 , premium 8/barrels so cost is 86
Refinery products 94 , so crack spread 8
8*sales *usd rate = 360 millions

Derivative hedging margin 23
Spot market margin 16 so gains 7
7*contract volume * usd rate =320 millions

Apa hengyuan fans mahu lagi?

Normal premium is 2.5-4 only loh

2Q results insider know loh thats why early bird show you 1 day show lah
But I Buy msc dulu. Msc the king of bursa next week


2023-07-07 10:31 | Report Abuse

2,4 je?
Mungkin is breaking triangle direct surge to 2.8 lei?
After consolidated 2.8 , August to sep we enjoy 4.2 loh, Myanmar ban exports for 2 ~4months lah at least


2023-07-07 10:19 | Report Abuse

Msc dah 224 , we target 3 something yah


2023-07-07 07:44 | Report Abuse

My sifu asked us 3 questions loh
1 what happens to Myanmar in August?
@myanmar ban tin exports

2 how were tin price do lei?
@ up loh

3 how were msc do lei?
@ up loh


2023-07-06 11:18 | Report Abuse

Told you one day show loh
Dont miss MSc yah
Myanmar banned export in August loh
Refining margin fly hengyuan limit up kan?
Tin price fly msc limit up juga lah
Do you own research before buy yah.


2023-07-06 10:12 | Report Abuse

Breaking triangle loh
Stay above MA100 msc can go beyond 2.8 loh


2023-07-05 23:43 | Report Abuse

Hengyuan used hedge margin 8-14 in 2022 lah
That is why lose a lot loh
But now is time they used margin 14-36 loh
Sure revert to gains lah

14-36 is last year first half lah
Second half margin is about 16-26

Confirm big gains lah


2023-07-05 23:16 | Report Abuse

1Q crack spread 24 , hedging gains already multi millions
2Q crack spreads 17, hedging sure make more money lah
Hengyuan hedging margin from 14-36 loh
Which they will realise the gain until 2025 Dec
Let say Crack spread will remain 14 till year end, hedging gains will more than 1500 millions loh for 2023
And first half hengyuan managed to hedge from 17 to 28 loh
Henyuan already lock in profits for 2000 millions loh
But today one day show onlly lah
Wait August loh


2023-07-04 08:35 | Report Abuse

Wait 2.06 baru masuk lah
Breaking triangle loh
Every time msc break lah
Will up 50% loh at least


2023-07-01 23:20 | Report Abuse

sifu marah for posting his estimation.
He say something not very sure, dont share
Than 1thing is sure
Hengyuan will limit up after MACD and RSI bullish divergence


2023-06-30 11:31 | Report Abuse

Tin now 26860.
Uptrend intact
August msc rocket launches to the sky


2023-06-30 11:28 | Report Abuse

Economy crisis
DSNR: we will fight
The others: salah najib, masalah dunia

Chinese still trust rocket ?


2023-06-29 00:16 | Report Abuse

US to consider additional sanctions on AI chip exports to China loh
Better sell us stocks loh
Can Buy hsi or klse loh
China yuan and myr going to turn strong loh

West down east up time for 2nd half loh


2023-06-27 18:53 | Report Abuse

Bigbull ada news Hsr?


2023-06-27 18:51 | Report Abuse

no civil war no limit up
Wait 2.8 and all in 2.5


2023-06-27 00:34 | Report Abuse

Gamuda ytl mrcb ijm uems wct loh
Bandar Malaysia lei
Iwcity ekovest ecoworld limit up


2023-06-27 00:23 | Report Abuse

Hsr coming soon loh


2023-06-24 22:06 | Report Abuse

If civil wars last longer than Ukraine war lah
Oil price 150 pun boleh loh
Is not talking about sanctions, is about production loh
Production may cut down 50% , or totally down loh
Refinery have the same faith loh
That time, all stocks died except oil and gas loh

Monday monitor loh, if fly baru grab loh


2023-06-24 21:39 | Report Abuse

I miss DSNR loh
He actually is the 2nd best PM . DSAI cant match NR at all. But DSAI still the top 10 lah.

Top 10 DSAI maybe can last for 10 years lah


2023-06-24 21:32 | Report Abuse

Susah lah. Some brainless one uses to blame rogol disebabkan seluar pendek lah.


2023-06-24 21:03 | Report Abuse

Sifu Michael sell call scib at 22 sen lei
But see chart lah , agree hengyuan may drop to 2.8 loh

But now maybe civil war loh
News is powerful than chart lah


2023-06-24 20:32 | Report Abuse

Civil war loh
Crack spread lift to 30? How long lei?
Civil war 3 years, 3 years loh

God bless russia
But, Ukraine will be save
Hai, manusia mengapa suka perang


2023-06-24 12:38 | Report Abuse

If Russia in chaos, the oil industry will stop. Oil price 100. Hengyuan limit up again loh
God bless russia.


2023-06-24 12:34 | Report Abuse


Russian warlord Yevgeny Prigozhin has claimed he is moving against Russia’s military leadership and that his fighters have entered the country’s Rostov region ready to “destroy everything” in their way – in a stunning series of developments that pits Moscow’s security establishment against a militia leader whose forces have played a pivotal role in the invasion of Ukraine.


2023-06-24 10:16 | Report Abuse

Good news coming soon loh


2023-06-24 10:14 | Report Abuse

August super rockets msc fly to the moon
Infinity and beyond


2023-06-24 10:06 | Report Abuse

Next week bahaya loh
But no many know
2Q is recording derivative gains loh
2Q will make more than 200m PAT . Limit up loh August
But limit up is from 3.6 lei or 2.8 lei?
Macam 2.8 loh


2023-06-21 14:28 | Report Abuse

Uwc u turn
Tech show time


2023-06-20 23:56 | Report Abuse

US down 300 points
Malaysia water fall loh

If today the driver is Bossku lah
He will fly to US , China to bring in investor loh

He will waive stamp duty loh
Suspend short selling loh
Immediately announce a special fund of 5000millions will be used to save the market loh


2023-06-20 20:40 | Report Abuse

Hengyuan hibernation loh

Ptrans going to launch loh
Watch yah

Today sifu give many tips lei
wct kerjaya tafi

No moneys buy loh

Focus ptrans this round…..


2023-06-17 08:26 | Report Abuse

Yesterday tin price 27225 loh.
Next week lagi tinggi
If August break 40000 lah
MSc break 3.60 loh


2023-06-16 14:00 | Report Abuse

MSc starts of the bulls loh
Limit up


2023-06-16 11:51 | Report Abuse

Towards harga Ramah stocks loh year end 4.99 happy boh?


2023-06-16 10:46 | Report Abuse

Makin hampir Ogos makin tinggi tin price lah
Msc nail ke bulan loh
Limit up!


2023-06-16 09:57 | Report Abuse

Have been collecting ptrans for weeks, lets see cowboy sifu hebat boh

Dnex petronm msc all make good returns , ptrans will be the next sure win stock


2023-06-16 00:00 | Report Abuse

Petron sure worth more than 10 lah
Pegang kuat kuat
Floating ticket getting lesser loh

whole world bull loh
We still bear ke?
We the only bear in this planet loh!


2023-06-15 23:44 | Report Abuse

Whole world bull loh
Hongkong pun bull loh
Malaysia follow?


2023-06-15 22:23 | Report Abuse

mr. Lee is the 3rd choice. We got this type of choice ke?


2023-06-15 14:50 | Report Abuse

Makan duit but bring prosperity to people
Tak makan duit but bring poverty
Only 2 choice
Which leader u want lei?


2023-06-15 10:30 | Report Abuse

Bossku terbaiklah !
His vision is world class lah
Anwar can’t match his standard lah

Betul haha Anwar got the number and movie loh


2023-06-15 10:20 | Report Abuse

Tulah, Bossku yang terbaik !
Coming state election, punish him lah


2023-06-15 09:58 | Report Abuse

MSC ! Check Myanmar news lah
Up trend stocks till year end loh

Told you don’t worry about deferred tax , buy dnex
Tin price uptrend, buy msc

Kebling no lies one loh

TENAGA so cheap now , ready some bullets loh


2023-06-14 13:26 | Report Abuse

tech show time loh
hengyuan tidur dulu


2023-06-12 18:16 | Report Abuse

Gods will
I like Andy lau ! Used to listen this song when I was young