
kmohan62 | Joined since 2013-05-30

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2015-06-11 09:45 | Report Abuse

From my analysis of its performance so far and taking into account the macro economic elements of the stock going the end of the 4th quarter,it should worth circa RM 2.20.

News & Blogs

2015-06-04 21:21 | Report Abuse

Zy ma,please watch your tone and language.Mr Koon Koon,instead of playing with his cucu at this ripe age of his had decided to spent time and energy to share his investment philosophy and ideas with the young and novice investors despite the fact that there are lot of young punks nowadays who have this misguided notion that they know a lot just because they carry around with them all this fancy gadgets which give a false sense of over confidence of themselves. In actual fact these youngsters are very much depended on their parents hard earned money even for their tissues!!


2015-06-04 20:29 | Report Abuse

Evergreen is at the cusp of explosive take off... no turning back until the following events take place which is very unlike in the near future:

i. Price of crude petroleum surging to US 100 per barrel,
ii. US dollar vs RM in favour of RM,
iii. Sudden and abrupt slowdown in US economy,
iv. Fed Reserve reducing interest rate,and
v. prolong slowdown in US home sales growth.

News & Blogs

2015-06-04 20:21 | Report Abuse

Hi Thambi Murali...I should concede that you have bought yourself some free publicity..proving beyond reasonable doubt what a loser you are.. !!

News & Blogs

2015-06-04 15:32 | Report Abuse

Thambi Murali, you are either missing the forest for the trees or just plain stupid...what i asked you for is to learn from experienced people and don't criticise for the sake of criticising...can you please show me if you have contributed any articles of worth ..only losers keep on criticising others without able to contribute constructively...and for your information.. I don't have any sort of biz with Mr.Koon neither am I related to him as you can see from my name I am an Indian and Mr Koon is a Chinese...despite that I respect and willing to learn from anyone whose is a good teacher...sorry you definitely do not fall in that category..unless of course if you could write an investment article or two at least a faction as good as Mr Koon's or Mr KC Chong and OTB which is worth my while or any other forum members'

News & Blogs

2015-06-04 14:30 | Report Abuse

Hi Mr Murali Thambi, You yourself have admitted albeit inconspicuously that you are not anywhere near Mr Koon when comes to just listen up to what Mr Koon has to say and learn a thing or are just trying to act too smart for your own good!!

News & Blogs

2015-06-04 13:44 | Report Abuse

Mr Koon Yew are doing a great job not only providing scholarship for the needy students though some may not have the requisite academic qualifications to secure a government hand out but you are also sharing your investment philosophy and secrets with the readers.I like your philosophy in life that is to share with the needy ones for I believe it makes one's life more meaningful.Besides I do also appreciate whatever investment tips you part with the forum goers at large and I strongly believe that your writings have helped me a lot in opening up my investment outlook and strategy.Though I have not so far invested in those companies you have recommended as I have already committed all my fund in a certain company which I believe holds good potential in the mid to long term horizon I do keep up with your recommendations of companies and do a follow up research of sort for future reference.Of course there there some recalcitrants who are born to criticise other people's opinions as I believe these people suffer from a certain kind of inferiority or perhaps edifice complex.I hope you ignore these pest and march on unperturbed with your ultruistic duties if I can it one for lack of better terms.Thanks,Mr Koon.


2015-06-02 20:24 | Report Abuse

The management could be anticipating a much better profit in the next such I am sure they would have decided to embark on a share buyback programme if not already doing so after getting shareholders mandate...this counter is on an upward trend albeit in a jagged manner...expecting it to touch the RM 2.00 threshold by the end of the year as all major indicators are showing positive sign..i.e the strengthening of US dollars vis-a-vis RM,home sales in US soaring more than 6% with housing starts increasing about 9% yoy,overall US economy already on a strong footing,most major furniture exporters especially to the US showing unabated profit uptick.I have put 100% of my investment money in this counter and decided to shut my eyes and ears until the end of the 4th quarter.

News & Blogs

2015-05-24 20:24 | Report Abuse

I don't want to comment...because what i want to say will land me in trouble.PERIOD...FULL STOP.!!!


2015-05-23 19:14 | Report Abuse

Next stop...share buy back followed by bonus issue...keep your fingers crossed.


2015-05-18 11:10 | Report Abuse

There is a high likelihood that the company may embark on a share buyback exercise especially so when it is able to show some descent profit in the coming quarterly result..this in turn will enhance its NAV per share vis-a-vis its overall value.The company might even give out these shares as bonus to reward its loyal shareholders..


2015-05-15 08:02 | Report Abuse

This counter is poised to take off...any investor,I mean investors not speculators or punters yet to come aboard...this is the last call for boarding...


2015-05-08 10:04 | Report Abuse

The last quarter result scheduled to be released at the end of the month will determine the direction of this counter's share price...a good profit will propel it further which in my opinion will be the case...the best is yet to come..investors especially the instituitional investor will be waiting by the sidelines to pounce on it...afterall the furniture counters have already out run themselves...


2015-04-30 11:16 | Report Abuse

This company has seen worst things it micro or macroeconomic situation i.e. when the crude oil and ringgit at its best level against US continue to prevail despite the losses.Now,with its turnaround plan well in position and bottom line is seeing the light at the end of the tunnel,so to speak.Those speculator who have lost their money can't help deriding this my guest!! And for those who still holding and a matter of fact accumulating as the price consolidates...thess are the smart ones..


2015-04-22 08:34 | Report Abuse

Traders are speculators and most of them end up in net losses in the long my guest to follow their foot step!


2015-04-18 13:43 | Report Abuse

Will take off just before the announcement of the latest quarterly result.


2015-04-15 11:02 | Report Abuse

I can't agree more with fellow forum member sunztzhe that EVERGREEN is a cyclical turnaround stock.The only shortcoming from his remark is that he did not go on or shall I say care to elaborate his statement further ..hence I will take it from there and give my two penny worth of an opinion.Indeed this is a classic cyclical stock and the underlining factors at the moment are a perfect precursor for a better and bigger things to come albeit slowly and steadily..but with a caveat..if the management were to screw up big time than every bet on the table is off!! First and foremost is the growing demand for its product as a result of accelerated purchases from furniture manufacturers from abroad such as Japan,America and Europe.This was a consequence of a surge in demand enjoyed by these manufacturers for their product by consumers in the west. With oil prices dipping almost 55% from a high of about US 110 per barrel 6 - 7 months ago and stubbornly holding forth,the net result is akin to a tax break for most consumers in the west who are not famous for being thrift and the extra money in their pockets will find its way to the stores selling consumer discretionaries...furtuniture of various types and makes being one..Besides,this very low oil price will inadvertently bring down the high cost of production which was bogging manufacturers down as such evergreen almost the past 6 to 7 years vis-a- vis squeezing their profit margin and putting them in a state of moribund!And the icing to the cake is the falling ringgit against US dollar..this will translate to exchange rate gains for the company as its products is denominated in US dollars.So you see...this company should be making money from multiple front...please do not act on my opinion alone..please do your home work and do share with us here..


2015-04-08 09:27 | Report Abuse

Hello Saltedfish,

This is a forum to exchange ideas among investors and potential investors..I have no qualms with negative comments that comes with some constructive opinion which could help others to weigh and ponder so as to make some informed decision pertaining to the counter in question.But you seem to be making one sentenced negative comments which are rather repulsive in nature!!May I konw your motive here? Are you trying to play a game of devil's advocate? If you have no contructive ideas or comments to share here,please do keep your not so intelligent one sentenced opinion to yourself.


2015-04-03 10:58 | Report Abuse

Great opportunity to accumulate..if you axcess fund not needed for the next one year or so...the returns from this stock will make you laugh all the way to the bank...for pure speculators you may have to pay a visit to the alongs!!


2015-03-26 20:40 | Report Abuse

I concede that my prediction has gone a little bit off tangent.Nevertheless I would steadfastly hold to my earlier prediction of a long term positive outlook for this stock.Let me reiterate my earlier statement that this counter is for the long haul and short term hick ups should concern the genuine investors only the punters and contra players should and would have to take a hit...too bad...


2015-03-26 08:07 | Report Abuse

Most probably will achieve the RM 1.48 - RM 1.50 band this Tuesday( 31st Mac 2015).That was the price circa 28th Mac 2011 [ exactly 4 years ago..when price of crude petroleum were around the US 65 - US 70 band.]...meaning a good revenue and profit for the company..


2015-03-25 10:50 | Report Abuse

The rate of acceleration in daily price will be more profound once it touches the RM 1.50 - REM1.60 band and from there onwards the price of the stock will head uninhibited towards RM 2.00 mark in the short to mid term.My prediction is it will touch the RM 2.00 mark in about 6 months time.


2015-03-19 11:32 | Report Abuse


I can't agree with you more ...there's a clear sign that someone individuals or institutional players are accumulating this counter..just analyse the daily buy as against the sell volume the past couple of will get the drift.My guess is that this counter is quietly but surely been tracking the furniture counters which have most have gone through the stratosphere the past few months perhaps for some good reasons..i.e. uptick in demand from the west,growing profit,good fundamentals... etc..evergreen as suppliers and exporters of the raw materials where basically the clients and customers are furniture manufacturers and is only natural like night follows day..that the future bodes well for this counter...those with extra cash to spare in the mid to long term [ 1 to 2 years ] just accumulate and put into the that period you would have at least doubled your value of investment if not more...just act stupid and deaf about the day to day chattering...please be informed that this is my opinion...not a call to buy or sell...LIABILITY EXCLUDED...and this piece of my opinion is for the novice borne from my goodness of heart not for the so called experts who most of the time themselves are not accurate in the their analysis and prediction...I don't wallow in in- depth analysis but strongly believe that it is suffice to analyse the general macro economics environment locally and abroad...


2015-03-08 08:56 | Report Abuse

With America cruising well on the recovery path and Euro almost finding the right footing to the same...demand for consumer discretionary goods will be seeing some tangible up shot in demand in the mid to long term.What's most encouraging is the expected prolonged low price of oil is effectively giving everyone a tax break which will put more money in their pockets hence more confidence to hard feelings but it is given that westerns especially Americans are not known to least not in their gene..they will start spending soon and all the pent up demand will rear its ugly head if not already has...and for will go on cruise control from now on...with all the restructuring and what not..with the added bonus of sustained low fuel price..production cost will invariably drop...translating into higher profit margin..the recent quarter performance if anything to go by is a harbinger for better days to come..germane to the fact that the momentum is cast on stone..besides it enjoys good management team,top ten producers of medium density fibreboard the in the world...good fundamental fundamentals...and with the added positive macro environment..this counter is in for the long haul..for the purpose of being transparent I have bought this stock and right now it is the freezer..well oblivious to the short term a year's time I will be laughing all the way to the bank...LIABILITY a call to buy or sell...just sharing my opinion.


2015-02-13 08:12 | Report Abuse

With the American economy in almost full steam and the return of confidence in the housing and consumer discretionary spending,demand for furniture and wood based products will be inevitably in steady demand...this certain bodes well for Evergreen besides with the appreciation of dollar vis -a-vis-ringgit is an added bonus..throw in the cheap fuel price to boot... all the germane indicators point to one single direction only... the gradual acceleration of this counter towards RM 1.50 within the next 6 months...this is the personal opinion of the writer..not a buy or sell call.


2015-01-28 11:46 | Report Abuse

The problem is some people tend to miss the forest for the trees!..The issue of ESOS and the executives selling off their shares is independent of the fundamentals and the future potential of the company...besides thoses executives selling off may have a host of reasons for doing so...not necessarily a reflection of the companies fundamental as per se...furthermore the fundamental of the company may not necessarily reflected in the current financial position but in future which must take into account the micro and macro economics environment which may or may not directly impact the company's performance..


2015-01-27 10:40 | Report Abuse

For the novice and uninitiated...if you have bought this stock...I will give you a free advice..but liability excluded... just grit your teeth and keep it for another six months to a year...don't get seduced by the profit you see now if at you have already seen will never regret!!


2015-01-24 11:36 | Report Abuse

Some of the forum participants seem to make unsolicited comments or comments which are generally negative...clear indication of their ulterior not so ultruistic motives to throw some unsuspecting and naive investors off tangent...please be aware of such persons ...especially those who claim to sell at so and so price;those who claim to have liquidated their holdings simply because they don't see any more upside potential and so forth...these are all premeditated comments with intention to influence the new and the not initiated market participants.


2014-11-26 09:26 | Report Abuse

This is a classic pattern of a mid to long term value stock...I wish it will drop another RM 0.0 2 or RM0.03 sen...what an opportunity to seems to be managed well...transparent....good reason to be transparent...they are confident of much better performance in future,,,every substantial share holder is holding tight to their shares...shares available is about 14% to 15% only...I am sure institutional buyers will be waiting for this counter to migrate to main board...there is a possibility of private placement to enable this stock to be more liquid...besides it is also a good company of M&A as its number of shares are limited..


2014-11-22 15:43 | Report Abuse

Is creador and this Brahmal guy going to take up stake via this private placement?...Why do I see a surge in price pattern similar to the counters bought into by this private quity lad? Just a hunch...that's all.!!


2014-11-22 10:20 | Report Abuse

Bowman,what's your basis of prediction that the price is going to drop.Don't waste our time making some unsubstantiated comments!


2014-11-18 20:58 | Report Abuse

Crude oil is falling like a rock...I have the feeling it may drop further to about USDS65 per barrel within the next few months... the US is bent of bringing the Russian economy to its knees...very simple... in order to balance its budget [ Russia's] the price of crude should hover around US 80 per barrel...if the price of crude is artifically sustained below US 80...the Russians will be in trouble...the economy won't last long...there will be chaos in Russia and the rouble will depreciate...Russia's cost of import will also escalate..this is one way of arm twisting them into submission and evict them from Crimea...and also to force them to back off for good from fiddling with Ukrainian's internal politics..

You may ask what does this got to do with share price locally...especially with regards to OCNCASH. Well...I will give a short narative of scenario ...One of a number of products manufactured by this co. is felt which among others the application is interior and anterior trims in automobiles..with oil price falling precipitously..disposal income of the consumers will increase marginally...many will want to buy or change their cars...demand for cars will invariably increase if not in the short term...perhaps in the mid to long term...manufactures of automobiles will ramp up production...they will have to increase the purchase of parts as well as others components needed in the production of cars.. that's exactly why OCN is in talks with Australian co to supply to Ford ...thus one of my reasons for the forecast in increase in demand for felt manufactured by OCNCASH in the mid to long term...don't also forget that OCN produces disposable hygienic products used as back-sheet for diapers, sanitary napkins, wet wipes, and surgical apparels including caps, masks, and gowns.

Plz remember..I am just sharing my thoughts...not a recommendation to buy or sell...but for your information I have bought 100k of OCN...I am for the long haul with this gem....and it is yet to take off!!!


2014-11-18 17:07 | Report Abuse

About a fortnight ago...I predicted the price to be RM is now RM 0.42...from my further analysis of this counter of its fundamentals and prospects...i am for the long haul...expect price to hit RM 0.65 by early Januari 2015...and thereafter RM 1.00 by the middle of 2015...


2014-11-10 15:18 | Report Abuse

My estimate of TP in two weeks time is RM 0.35 - RM 0.40 once its current price breaks away from the expected resistance of around RM 0.28-RM 0.29...don't ask how I arrive at this TP...but based on the analysis of it fundamental and estimated revenue in the near term.About two weeks ago when IFCAMSC was around RM0.67...I estimated the share to hit RM 0.82 in two weeks it has surpassed my target way ahead!!!... Be I said earlier this is only my estimate based on some basic fundamentals and technical analysis...invest at you own risk!!!


2014-11-10 14:14 | Report Abuse

Systech another IFCAMSC in the making...if you don't buy will want to kill yourself in two weeks time!!!


2014-11-07 10:20 | Report Abuse

If you want to make a comparison with IFCAMSC ..this is a better counter ..steady increase ini sales and EPS....will go up slowly but surely...!!!


2014-11-05 19:55 | Report Abuse

TP : RM 0.44...very soon...!!


2014-11-04 19:55 | Report Abuse

Based on today's volume and price movement...there's a possible gap up of RM 0.015.. the chart trend indicates a possible close for the day between RM0.815 RM 0.825.. potential increase of between RM 0.03 and RM 0.04 per share from today's close.


2014-11-03 11:55 | Report Abuse

Government's revenue from commodities falling like a stone...GST will be the least choice will have to carry on...


2014-10-30 09:38 | Report Abuse

Buy on dips...will be picking up next week...TP : 0.82..contra players beware!


2014-10-29 11:06 | Report Abuse

Crude Petroleum and CPO as well as other commodities on the decline...possible steep drop in government revenue....the only avenue at the moment for the government to boost its coffers is the such there will be all out effort on the part of the authorities to make sure most of the business entities as well as merchants are GST compliant soon...perhaps with a little extension of compliance requirement amount of contra play and profit taking will be able to derail IFCA's price ascendancy in the mid to long personal TP : RM 0.82 within the next couple of weeks.Don't ask me how I arrived at that figure...just a littel tweeking of the figures based on the current revenue and profit margin and etc...FOR YOUR INFORMATION I HAVE POSITION IN IFCA...bought 50000 at RM don't accuse me of trying to entice you buy this counter...I am just sharing my thoughts...nonthing less..nothing more...BUY AT YOUR OWN RISK...LIABILITY EXCLUDED!!!

News & Blogs

2014-10-28 20:39 | Report Abuse

There's every possibility of our government charging the rakyat petroleum tax as one form of revenue earner if the global petroleum price were to drop below the average cost of production...!!!


2014-10-28 13:09 | Report Abuse

For your assumption is based on the information given out by the management of the co.,ie the potential of most of the property dev co.becoming their client within the next few months as most of them are not GST compliant yet!!..,they seem to be pretty excited especially their foray into China seems to be bearing fruit and so on...I gut instinct wants to trust them.INVEST AT YOUR OWN RISK!!


2014-10-28 12:56 | Report Abuse

ozzie75, got it right...BUT strictly for mid to long term players only!!!


2014-10-28 12:46 | Report Abuse

Profit taking by contra players...still in up trend mode...this stock is a gem if you keep for another year...possible upside potential of 100% - 150%...another Myeg..only contra players have to fear...not the mid to long term players.

News & Blogs

2014-10-16 21:27 | Report Abuse

The moral of the story...don't listen to rumours and might as well donate to the will earn some good karma...which in turn will swirl around you and your family and come to your the most crucial moment...when you are in extreme distress!!Coming back to your home have to earn it...AND the most important trick...LEARN TO CUT LOSS!!!.

News & Blogs

2014-10-16 21:15 | Report Abuse

For those investing your hard earned money and you may have a need for it in the short and medium term...just get out and salvage whatever you can...the blood bath has just begun....this is a free advice...don't say you have not been warned...!!!

News & Blogs

2014-10-02 11:02 | Report Abuse

Hello Apini...l really love all your comments in this forum...what a lovely guy...the smart ones will get my drift...