
shirley1 | Joined since 2012-07-25

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2013-02-26 11:53 | Report Abuse

this is not an insult la, you cannot compare apple with orange la. frugal frugal.... eg. to me i think Mr Li doesn't need to wear expensive dress or watch like designer brand, you know why ? Cuz Mr Li's name or himself already a very expensive brand.. Probably he got one of the most expensive house in hk, he may hav yatch not only car.. anyway he is well known with no frills lifestyle. So, are you great in frugal... haha

come on, if you can sell ur small apartment for that price and you intend to buy a landed property with around the same price.. you kidding me la. haha unless you want to stay far far away la or haunted house or with all the imported neighborhood ... or the seller fail his math.

well, if you think share market still good .. property price will drop ? by the time the house price dropped ur apartment price also likely to drop la..

News & Blogs

2013-02-25 13:47 | Report Abuse

actually I don't understand, look to me no conclusion cos ending with a question mark again.

If i read correctly he say this counter is no good counter, but he predicted this counter may go up. Isn't that may attract some that love speculative counters ? then he may say join him if you wish how to trade cos he know how.. and it is not gamble, he knows the company mgmt well ? if he can predict, I tell you he already make a lot of money from JCY

teacher, watch this video... it is nice


2013-02-23 09:24 | Report Abuse

jus helping.. haha

actually I'm not against anyone trying to make money la, cos he claimed he is a teacher, so jus hav the view maybe not rite, on some of the things he think is rite haha

jus like some politician trying to make money too, few million USD (not RM) in their bank accounts, nothing wrong rite ! except majority feel not rite they make money this way :(


2013-02-22 17:24 | Report Abuse

hope it continue to go up next week :)

News & Blogs

2013-02-21 21:51 | Report Abuse

Money is evil, yet it is addictive.

News & Blogs

2013-02-21 08:54 | Report Abuse

Oh die .. i still hold TM. free huh ur analysis there. why never publish here one.. so bad :(

News & Blogs

2013-02-17 18:06 | Report Abuse

Let continue woof woof.. and talk nonsense. are you really positive ? haha. if not positive, ppl going to get away from you liao. haha

ok la, agree with you, to kick off investment plan we need money, either we inherited the money or start working to earn it.

guess you read anything that dealing with money, even learn from video like from entertainer or joker like Chee Wah. not scare in one day, you become a slave to money ? if you sleep and dream money chasing you , will you run faster or catch them ?

Then you try to teach ppl what is money or even teach ppl how to live... maybe some base on ur past screwed life, by doing that you claimed you are positive ? if ppl does not wish to live the way you want, are they positive ? some more teach ppl how to increase their salary but you don't even know how to do it for urself and look like give up demanding, you call that positive.. joker like Chee Wah..

Let talk bout salary since you on this subject .. use some illogical thinking haha.. I know abit..

Maybe most of the teachers not getting high pay, but I don't believe none of them did not get above 10k or 15k salary, you cannot do it and you think others may not be able to do it... so negative man. maybe you do not have master or phd is it ? why you never try to get one and then demand after so long ?

you teach in private school hor. parents pay high school fees, maybe you try this.. you very good in math rite, award winning in math rite, you say good no use one.. must prove one la, like you help the college to make sure all the students score "A" in math, or maybe always top among the colleges la, maybe in 2 to 3 years, then try ask for promotion or higher pay.. see if work. you never even try, you already make conclusion, so are you positive or not ? or you cannot do it ? Haha

Tell you a joke, there is one top marketing guy knock his boss door try luck, say "boss, I need to change my car and buy a condo at mont kiara, I help you so long and make this much and so much for you, I need help financially". The boss say "ok, the company will buy for you". Shit the marketing guy regretted never ask for bangalow, of course he dare not to ask more, but he ask his boss "why you never say I am entitle to this". The boss say "you never ask". hahaha I laugh like mad.. anyone believe this joke?

News & Blogs

2013-02-17 11:09 | Report Abuse

Teacher, let continue sunday bla bla .. from ur article i think you still a bit negative person.. haha. correct me if wrong huh..

I think we need to mix with diff type of ppl, doesn't matter they are negative or positive ppl, as long as they do nothing illegal. you are a teacher you know, how can you teach like that one ler.

don't be a fool confused by some of the motivational quotes, it does not work all the time for everyone.. those for you to talk to the "wall" one like ur FB, haha

when I was schooling or even pre-u, I'm always at good class one you know, like A class, B class and etc.. of course we never mix with C class or D class ppl one la, cuz we think they never make it to college or uni one.. next time go sell vege in wet market la, or go be carpenter la, go construction sites work la..

OMG, what we think really come true for some of them.. some of them become main distributors in wet market, some of them become developers or sub-contractors, and those carpenters help ppl to reno house.. some of them make more more money than me :(

Now huh, sometime also got no face to see them, cuz last time look down at them or never mix with them :( cuz last time I have stupid mindset like the teacher lor..

So now, I believe what Mr Li say, just waste some money, doesn't matter la, belanja ppl lim-kopi at starbuck or coffeebean la or makan la, who knows next time need a favor from those ppl or those negative ppl, or don't know how it happen, suddenly luck landed on them..

to be continue...

News & Blogs

2013-02-14 21:22 | Report Abuse

oh oh .. I don't quite agree with the teacher. hahaha. but not R.Koyasaki huh. See.. what a coincidence his salary was talked about prior to his writing on this subject.. it is just noise la.. hahaha. i don't understand why teacher think others may or should live in his dreams too. I'm not saying he is wrong, I just disagree only.

I think he is telling some truth now, money money money... my foot la, sharing is caring for him.

believe majority place priority on their kids education, that why most of us respect those that are teaching. but sometime I think respect is something need to be earned, not because he claimed is a teacher.

obviously, this teacher is teaching at private college, I tell you huh.. it is really not cheap sending our kids to good private schools or colleges. what ? their teachers are pay low ?

Recently, since the teacher keep promoting, so i do follow some of Mr Li articles, definitely he is smart, has his own ways achieving his dreams. I do learn quite a lot from those articles, like for example;

So why is your salary still low after so long ? teacher, do you think if there is something wrong in you ? haha

don't want to be promoted ? erh.. not worth it isn't it. too stressful and cuz you are unable do what you want or carry on with ur passion.. Oh, you can't adopt to change one meh ? Or u think ur paymaster should be an idiot continue to increase ur salary to allow you to carry on with ur passion. joker la... haha

You mean once promoted, can't contribute in education anymore.. come on teacher the leader.. probably what you do is plan by those at top la.. teacher the follower. are you passion in education or passion in teaching ? tell nicely la.

FYI.. what salary or pay package you get is base on ur capabilities and contribution to a company, not base on ur passion la.. I think ur mind is jus money now la..

do you know why some get low salary or some get high salary ? guess he sure know one, cuz he is going to be a businessman soon.. haha

okok, it is just nonsense what I said :)

News & Blogs

2013-02-12 20:47 | Report Abuse

not sure if you guys noticed, the teacher said never follow the forum discussion one cuz he think is noise. once he being criticized construtively or some ppl disagree with him, he will start with some motivational quotes.. im positive im positive, jus dog barking, i ned to follow my belief ignore what others say and bla bla.

but huh surprisely noticed some of the topics he write will relate to what some forum members discussed one. now look like he become property advisor not only trading advisor. or novice in goreng property.

why now looking for a better house already, dont want to frugal staying in small house ?

cant believe he is blogging during cny somemore telling you what he is doing... prior to cny, post the video like telling ppl appreciate ur family and spend time with them during festive season.. hahaha. okok im busy body, none of my business actually.. but definitely i do not wish to be educated like a donkey. i do not find any integrity in him yet base on his writing.

so sad, tomorrow ned to start work already for most ppl..

News & Blogs

2013-02-09 14:23 | Report Abuse

haha.. noted. so if one day you become strong, will you swallow the weak. and will you against the politician ? enjoy life and happy cny to you Desmond. :)

News & Blogs

2013-02-09 09:11 | Report Abuse

for majority, including my family :( the salary may not be able catch up with the cost of living, the poor may get poorer (not easy to make a living), the rich is getting richer (so easy to get rich).

he told me this, there is a guy there bought a big bungalow there, but he never stay cuz the ex-owner bankrupt staying in the house. so that guy split and build the bungalow into four units and sell, this make him much more richer.

normally, the poor will save here save there and work hard for money, the rich will make their money work hard for them, their house become bigger and bigger till look like a castle.

well, too bad it has become a fact of life, guess that why quite a number of ppl is here trying to make second income in share market, and wish everyone will make more money and achieve their dream in the coming year.. happy and prosperous Chinese New Year :)

News & Blogs

2013-02-08 22:57 | Report Abuse

a couple that earning 7200 also headache to get a house they wanted !!

if work and stay in city, in one day, not many ppl can afford landed property anymore. notice most ppl are working until retire jus to pay for the house and cars. indirectly they are working for the banks. guess banks will be making more and more money.

when i was in hong kong, the property is even much more expensive and a guy there told me, not easy to survive in hong kong, then he told me this,

"it is not easy to make a living, but you want to get rich it is easy."

very contradicting statement he made, but if you try to understand it, it will make sense.

News & Blogs

2013-02-08 18:36 | Report Abuse

Wishing everyone a happy and prosperous chinese new year. Gong Xi Fa Cai.

News & Blogs

2013-02-07 15:37 | Report Abuse

a person can spend more than half month salary just for ang pow not make good enuf ? bullshit !! no need to take care of family huh, and you don't look like the type don't care family one and take care others first... Hahaha .. think all ppl are 3 years old kids meh... let guess how much is the teacher salary now, some more complain teacher salary low... Hahaha

Never mind la, red or green also kongsi raya la !! at least advise the turtle keep enuf to pay the teacher fees..

News & Blogs

2013-02-07 13:36 | Report Abuse

Nonsense!! red in klse mean market drop. not decorating for cny.

So what is so "cham" on you now? most things you can afford.

better ask ur turtle be careful hor, if pm annouce ge during cny.. kena stuck and no money to pay you fees.

better wear red underwear outside since so busy. happy snake year to you.

News & Blogs

2013-02-06 22:15 | Report Abuse

Make up of 40% bond 30% share market 30% others

Share market - only hold 50% cash, 50% still in market and no plan to sell yet, now mainly Maybank, kfima, Cbi, ytl, ytlpwb, TM and huayang.

Am I high risk, medium risk or low risk ? anyone ?

News & Blogs

2013-02-06 07:45 | Report Abuse

Personally, i dont like penny stock cuz kena burn before .. Serious, I really wish to learn something from this guy, if someone believe and teach TA why cannot use TA to trade and so naive on penny stock one, ok fine assume should consider FA, why no gut to hold stock during bad time one ? ok fine, assume no enuf capital, why stock expert got no money one yet want to tell ppl the ways to become millionaire ?

teacher, just publish some of ur trading proof like trans slip, that one of the best marketing tool. .. probably a lot ppl will shut up, and maybe will join ur stock watch...

Thinking that did not go thru processing, is it an idiotic thinking ? What is think think think... I'm still learning...

News & Blogs

2013-02-04 12:45 | Report Abuse

Well, to me, i still dont see if a person that always complain can claimed he is positive :)

Teacher, do you thik 3mil is too much to promote publicity for penang maybe tourism.. at the same time let celebrate cny together, even LGE say that.. haha you really a joker with creative imagination jus cuz election is close ppl cannot celebrate together meh ? teacher dont politic on cny la.. have some mature thinking la. you thik everyone like take advantage of free publicity meh. Haha.. btw how ur cny charity drive huh ? Never see u write one... soon?

News & Blogs

2013-02-03 23:08 | Report Abuse

PSY is the first to hit one billion views on youtube !! Good traffic.... if he is that famous, do you think he will demand pasar malam rate. PSY is an entertainer.. entertainer get paid for entertaining not teaching. I think PSY is smart know how entertain and demand.

Actually, what is wrong with horse dance or gangnam style huh? i tot it is another type of dance like breakdance, hip hop, flash dance, ah gogo and bla bla. is it cuz it not originated from ang-mo ? those ppl that like horse dance is stupid one meh .. probably there is one billion of them.. teacher, you dont like doesn't mean other ppl cannot like, I think you really need to think a bit la. they are not stupid, I think you are a bit stupid.. seriously..

why you upset with the rm100 and rm500 distribution, believe quite a number of unfortunate ppl will benefit too.. You like charity isn't it ? how much you collected from ur charity ? how many person can you help ? why you suspect someone got hidden agenda so you upset ? Got ppl also suspect you.. you know.. Hahaha

News & Blogs

2013-01-31 07:31 | Report Abuse

I think good nice car not always bad la, at least i know there is ppl doing this, if one is working class and in one day you reach the highest tax bracket, you will appreciate the beauty of a nice car if you have the capability and know how to nego ur pay package with ur paymaster.

well depending on the income, the car can help save a lot on ur expenses and maybe save on tax. its good the car depreciate too, then you can use the extra money to invest or for other purpose. wouldnt it be nice driving a nice car with all the benefits, and someone help you to maintain and not for status. haha

News & Blogs

2013-01-30 20:39 | Report Abuse

same old proton and kapchai story, serious ? reader like to read same story ?

talking bout cars, fyi. sometime having a nice car not necessary status crazy, some got passion for cars like hobby, some rich man like collect expensive cars not for driving on the road, put in an air cond room to enjoy themself.. expensive hobby huh.. came across these ppl ?

Also, if you entitle a company car like bmw, mercedes, audi, lexus, honda or etc. will you say no, and say l would like a kancil or kapchai ?

frankly, i like a better car..


2013-01-30 18:05 | Report Abuse

I think uncle purebull may be entitled to release some ego cuz I think he got some bullets to do that.. ego may not always be bad. Hahahaha

News & Blogs

2013-01-26 21:17 | Report Abuse

To me huh, in life doesn't matter if ur friends are negative or positive la if just starbuck or coffeebean talk nonsense.. ur friends got their own life too mah, cannot say they are wrong if they think diff..

But huh, if I want learn I would choose someone with integrity not only honesty, especially dealing with money one. Of course, some think they still can handle nothing wrong lor, but if those mind green green one, chances kena brainwash with wrong way of thinking then bye bye.. Hahaha

Have a nice weekend..

News & Blogs

2013-01-26 12:27 | Report Abuse

Berid, tot you are using ? something like the stock screener, except it is scenario base and not rules base yet :)

News & Blogs

2013-01-26 10:39 | Report Abuse

hahaha... didn't want to prove anyone wrong la, just want prove at least up to now im still right.. not easy to change human character. god bless you teacher and wish you successful.

what ? don't believe in computerised system ? he is trying to knock off his competitors hahaha

you are old la, living in this information age, need to start believe in technology ler. otherwise why ppl spending million million in technology… haha. they may be able to store knowledge ler, my guess for the time being human still need to make his own decision la, isn’t it good the software help to filter all for those counters in one day ? for example, not to keep you too busy.. haha

News & Blogs

2013-01-25 19:03 | Report Abuse

uncle purebull, i think only huh, there is chances the market go up one more time before election. know you not scare one if market come down, may be you scare other ppl scare that cause the market to come down.. jus kidding dont get mad huh..

Anyone know the black market start the bet already or not ?

News & Blogs

2013-01-25 08:02 | Report Abuse

Even though I believe human character cannot easily change, otherwise if you try you probably will lose your own identity... hahaha..

but I think attitude can change, I like this I like this... some ppl like motivational quotes, copy from GE consult..

A bad attitude is like a flat tire, if you don't change it, you'll never go anywhere.

News & Blogs

2013-01-25 07:34 | Report Abuse

all human is equal, not good to reach a verdict without trial, everyone have a kit kat take a break. be happy.

News & Blogs

2013-01-24 20:09 | Report Abuse


i don't know this teacher, maybe just a matter of principle like him. hahaha

If talk in investment or share market context, I believe you are a pro know methods and tricks in the share market. agree agree we are all here try to make money, market cap more than 1400b, something like the money is on the table, grab as much as you can… haha. but even though the money is there, so difficult to grab few mil from there, so we learn techniques or methods like FA, TA, reading ppl mind, play fear, play emotion, play tricks, read environmental factors and etc etc. look like no rules in the game one, the result is only win money or loss money. ..

Im not saying the teacher is a bad guy or conman la, believe me there is ppl in the real society using his methods and tricks for their advantage. what is wrong a human is entitle to think and ask this way ?

If not talking in investment and trading context, using the name of teacher and passion in education, someone talk like an honored man that look like know a lot of social responsibilities, this is wrong that is wrong.. that is not human this is nuisance, failed education system, promoting something like perfect human the way he is..

Frankly, I think something is wrong la, I could be wrong if someone can enlighten. Sincerely, I also wish our next generation can be educated correctly so that we can get more good graduates, including our own kids.

News & Blogs

2013-01-24 12:03 | Report Abuse

hey nice traffic to you or not... hahaha you think some forum members here stupid huh.. you see they so smart ask not to click ur blog, some of them jus let you look stupid, see how disgraceful you are.

to me, I don't mind la.. you want publicity will help.. put more keywords in ur subject title... jus a nuisance human barking.. idiot..

News & Blogs

2013-01-24 10:54 | Report Abuse

war zone with the teacher ? haha I do respect how others think. frankly, I wish to learn to how others think too, again for simple reason, I wish to learn, or are we just think without observing, reasoning, solutioning and etc..

Considering someone claimed is a teacher, passion in education, passion in charity, help others, I presume he knows what is social responsibilities. can I say that ?

if someone who is having this mentality and wanted to be a leader, why only acknowledge certain group only, apparently those he think is positive or agreeable with him only. maybe the rest is rubbish or nuisance to him ? maybe he will get rid of them or like let them get rotten la.. hahaha social responsibility so that he can do more charity works

Jus don't want to cheat myself, and really wish to learn from this guy, not sure he can explain what is think think think..

News & Blogs

2013-01-23 17:22 | Report Abuse

Don’t hantam me la if I say something wrong, this is just how I THINK only, can be logical and can be illogical.. no choice la if want to be the survivor. Teacher, a lot of thing is chicken and egg one la

What is the diff between the teacher and the zookeeper?

Anything wrong if local uni engage a speaker to give speech to the students? Why the teacher want to comment bad ?
- my guess, another angle looking at it, maybe she talk the wrong subject or influence the wrong thing not at the right place and ppl think she is nonsense. she also making living mah.. of course she cant against her paymaster, maybe she not competent enuf to handle situation.

Anything wrong if the teacher blog in i3 ?
- my guess, nothing wrong, except sometime he talk the wrong subject or influence the wrong thing not at the right place and ppl think he is nonsense.

His logical thinking really make me laugh… hahaha… idiot..

I think huh to produce more good graduates, we need more good teachers first, of course I just say only la and I think I don’t have capability or power to suggest this. Probably Im thinking to send my kids to overseas to study too..

News & Blogs

2013-01-23 16:43 | Report Abuse

let see how many will believe you teacher not making money here ?

News & Blogs

2013-01-23 16:42 | Report Abuse

Kkbee, respect your view. make money rite ?

Sorry, im just nuisance human barking here,

Frankly, I don’t mind giving him publicity if the teacher thinks this is publicity. To me, this teacher way is such an idiot way of promoting ownself and logical thinking. Maybe he can even try to talk bad about his competitors in this i3 forum if we stop reminding him. such a dishonest and disgraceful guy, anything wrong other ppl making living or promoting here too ? why attack ppl ?

News & Blogs

2013-01-23 13:02 | Report Abuse

he is someone passion in education, he is a teacher, passion in charity, know a lot in politics, someone will help you to become millionaire using some math formula.. money is not his principle...

Not free now, talk later.

News & Blogs

2013-01-23 12:34 | Report Abuse

Fyi. I dont have bad taste.

News & Blogs

2013-01-23 12:31 | Report Abuse

Pls dont stop me. i respect ur rights. Pls respect my rights

News & Blogs

2013-01-23 12:29 | Report Abuse

Sorry guys.. Im talking to teacher..

Cuz he inspired me to write

News & Blogs

2013-01-23 12:19 | Report Abuse

Wah cannot say like tat one la. after ppl say is money corruption la.. teacher got principle one. dont only talk bout money.. is the passion, principle and help others. achieving his own financial freedom without money.. hear before or not.

News & Blogs

2013-01-23 08:40 | Report Abuse

Teacher.. are we living in democratic and freedom of speech ? or should we follow the crowd jus shout change change change ... must in line with the leader one you know. otherwise they say you wrong one if questioning them. are they nuisance questioning the leader ? teach something practice something diff ? using the name of teacher to teach ppl logical thinking.

One click to you.

News & Blogs

2013-01-23 08:00 | Report Abuse

Teacher .. if recall correctly, last quarter you keep asking ppl cut lost and keep cash because of cant remember what bla bla bla...

if now you positive, make me puzzle cuz really GE is getting closer and closer.. come on tell us la... is it jus cuz you want to stay positive. you didn't take profit meh when the market was high recently ?

News & Blogs

2013-01-23 07:20 | Report Abuse

At least ppl got make some judgement, and maybe already got contingency plan in the event not as expected..

not like our this future leader, leading ppl in this way.. what is next ? either go holland or ...


2013-01-22 17:36 | Report Abuse

My speculation reading his articles.. he think the market is not over yet.. but no gut to say.


2013-01-22 17:32 | Report Abuse

the best for talking nonsense..


2013-01-22 17:26 | Report Abuse

Mr cpteh is the best.. Good for reading too.

News & Blogs

2013-01-22 13:53 | Report Abuse

Need to rush for lunch .. talk next time.

News & Blogs

2013-01-22 13:47 | Report Abuse

I'm not a teacher .. Jus nuisance human