
supersaiyan3 | Joined since 2014-11-12

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2018-09-13 23:11 | Report Abuse

Just hope that you don't hide or change your name later....

News & Blogs

2018-09-09 23:21 | Report Abuse

Right issue? Actually there is a possibility.

News & Blogs

2018-09-09 23:20 | Report Abuse

Actually a lot of us knows what happened exactly, and we all know why the directors are selling. But since it has to remain a secret at least from the surface, so a lot of the people are reluctant to talk about it.

I am an outsider so I had actually told you what had happened! But so many are ignorant. Nevermind then. Its your money.

Next quarter result will be worse. After that, maybe there is a chance to be profitable again.

News & Blogs

2018-09-06 23:02 | Report Abuse

You got a point....but who is going to buy your furniture, that matters....

News & Blogs

2018-09-03 23:23 | Report Abuse

Well, well written!

But, whether LH has enough financial strength to accomplish is questionable. (Years ago i was wrong about QL, maybe i am wrong again.)

See the director sold more warrant, (i already told you the last shock) maybe another shock has just happened.

Yes, the feed price is getting lower and the egg prices etc is getting higher.

News & Blogs

2018-08-31 10:28 | Report Abuse

When losing money, everybody starts to blame others.

News & Blogs

2018-08-31 10:20 | Report Abuse

Sot Jor!


2018-08-29 10:05 | Report Abuse

QL reaction very fast one, haha!! Lol


2018-08-29 09:50 | Report Abuse

AlanNga, you should mention bursa has public reprimand their directors last year also....


2018-08-29 09:35 | Report Abuse

Now the dust is settled, can buy lah....


2018-08-28 16:51 | Report Abuse

Back to be rational.

Today is LH's AGM, shareholders likely to be told what really happened. Close door of course. And shareholders must also be advised not to share the information.

As I said, my guess is likely to be huge write off next QR. I am also guessing LH will close STF and start LH 100% owned farm in Sabah.

Just guessing....


2018-08-28 16:46 | Report Abuse

Looking at the comments, haiya!!??

The meaning of the word "culled" means that dig a big big hole, kill the chicken, then bury all the chicken in the big big hole. Really big big hole, understand?

I understand today is the AGM, if you didn't go, don't blame people "insider trading" lah, "trap" lah, "directors collecting at low price" lah, you can continue to dream loh.

Just passing by....


2018-08-28 09:10 | Report Abuse

If this QR +2m, next will be much worse.

The expected date of entry could be 1 Dec 2018.


2018-08-27 01:00 | Report Abuse

The above is a bit overestimated.

Let's be conservative!

300,000 eggs a day (let's assume every hen lays everyday) x 50% shareholding x RM25 for the price of a pullet (let's assume you actually can buy pullet)

Actually that's not very much.

But....what about cost of the fitting and structures.

Probably they can't use it/don't want to use it anymore.

How much is 7 ECH? plus the land etc.....

Maybe they would want to write it go.....just my guess.....STF has always been trouble, why don't bankrupt the old company and rebuild a 100% ownership one. Well, just my guess.


2018-08-27 00:41 | Report Abuse

How much is 70,000 x 7 x RM50????


2018-08-27 00:40 | Report Abuse

Peter Lynch talks about study company and their competitors, sometimes he finds the competitors are much stronger.

First you got to know the incident. Then analyse. Then you know how QL is. (It affects almost EVERY OTHER PLAYER in the industry, once market demand restores, QL is there to take advantage of it.)

OTB, alalala!!

Kcchongnz, 見微知著!棒棒的!

News & Blogs

2018-08-23 23:35 | Report Abuse

I didn't mean to scare you off. But when I know that I immediately sold all. 70,000 chickens x 7 =490,000 laying hens. All culled. Guess how much is that?

News & Blogs

2018-08-22 00:11 | Report Abuse







News & Blogs

2018-08-21 23:39 | Report Abuse




2018-08-21 15:57 | Report Abuse

Wow, is Herbert gone? Lol

One stock blowed his cover, who knows got targeted by uncle K? Lol

Anyway, finally i bought little bit this morning.

Then, somehow i called one of the employee. (i wanted to know the real cause of death of the chicken, so i called to ask what are the symptoms of the sick chicken, but guess nobody likes to know, not even the authority, kind of sad!! Really!!)

Then, he told me 7 houses, 70,000 hen each, all culled, by themselves, not the authority.

Then i ask where are the eggs in the market coming from?

He says imported.

He says "supermarket dia telur laku kan!"

Immediately i sold all.

In short, short term very bad, long term quite a good opportunity.

News & Blogs

2018-08-20 21:46 | Report Abuse

Well, its all public information, the government keeps the public well informed on this matter, its no secret at all!

We all live in the real world, the forum, the internet, never enough.

News & Blogs

2018-08-20 21:38 | Report Abuse



News & Blogs

2018-08-20 21:28 | Report Abuse


News & Blogs

2018-08-20 10:53 | Report Abuse

You are safe from being caught because nobody believes you.

News & Blogs

2018-08-13 23:50 | Report Abuse












News & Blogs

2018-08-12 10:57 | Report Abuse

The author seems to want to focus on the real thing, so I say as below:

1. Expenses is increasing at a faster pace than revenue.

2. The world has changed (to be more honest), but TF hasn't.

3. While most subsidiaries still unprofitable, Airasia wants to venture into building airports again. I believe selling most of that businesses and focus in principal activity is the right move. Airasia was in the right direction (since 8501) for about two years and now going in multiple direction again.

4. Now is August 2018, the special dividend of RM0.82 to RM1.02 supposed to be distributed this month, however it is unlikely to be materialized. (A lot of) people has been waiting for close to three years.

5. Efficiency is a comparative thing, and also a continuous process. Airasia is slowing down....The moment you stop to be creative, your share price stop too....


2018-08-11 10:14 | Report Abuse

Jhau65, STF got chicken dead also.

News & Blogs

2018-08-10 00:35 | Report Abuse



News & Blogs

2018-08-08 20:29 | Report Abuse

Ex-PM will say, indirectly doesn't count. Haha!


2018-08-07 00:49 | Report Abuse

A few more thoughts:

Bird flu doesn't usually happen in hot climate. We should worry about mutation of the virus.

Basically bird flu is, when the birds catch a cold. While human flu does kill, bird flu can kill up to 70% in a short period of time, simply because chicken in modern farming has very little immunity.

Now there are road blocks disinfecting passing cars, culling chicken etc. I do think they need to get TAMI FLU ready.


2018-08-07 00:41 | Report Abuse

Well, looking at the comments, some say the bird flu not confirm, some say its happening in kundasang, really don't know what to say....OMG!!

I had a better look at the report. I don't really have any experience in this. The minister holds up the report in the news picture, I guess not many people interested......(probably because when an investor is old enough to get interested, eyes blur blur already)

FYI, the KEY to your fellow LH faith is how serious is the outbreak. If it is severe, then the cull zone will expand and likely LH will be affected.

The report shows only 7 samples drawn from the infected farm. The minister said 939 samples taken. All 7 samples are ND positive, and points towards AI also.

Initially, the impression given by the minister was 1/939 case. But now look at the report it is at least 2/7 in my opinion. So again, i think its a serious outbreak.

Just passing by, let's hope that no news is good news.

News & Blogs

2018-08-05 16:21 | Report Abuse

Calvin882 and Up_down seems to be smarter.

Again, LH's farm is located at Tamparuli, which is a sub-district of Tuaran. It has always been the same incident! Since the agricultural minister has declared no bird flu before at press conference about 3 weeks ago, he wants to cover up his earlier mistake, so he said its a routine checkup when he announces bird flu is detected. (probably for the same reason, he didn't mentioned tamparuli but tuaran when he made the announcement).

Junz is still new and young so probably he should be given more chance to perform. At least he didn't cover up the incident.

Anyway, Lay Hong is located within 5km of Foh Lim. So Foh Lim now no more eggs to sell (most chickens dead anyway). The rule says cull all within 1km radius when case confirmed. Another company, EP is right next door so probably all chicken to be culled too.

The next question is, whether the culling zone will expand to 3 or 5km radius.

From the government side story, the pathogen appears to be a weak one, only 1 or 2 (minister say 1, some others say 2) sample found to be AI-positive (while there is high mortality). For the moment, no news of which strain it is (H?N? I mean, as we know H5N1 is deadly, while others are milder), perhaps until further testing. If it is a strong pathogen, likely more AI positive cases to be found, and the culling zone will expand to 5km radius, therefore byebye STF also.

All of the above are general knowledge, anyone should know if you do enough research. Below is my guess.

About 4 weeks ago, there were whatapp messages spreading around, saying a farm at Tamparuli has bird flu, many chicken dead! Later the minister says it is ND (New Castle Disease 雞瘟) instead and not bird flu. One of the pegawai even went on to report police when there were more people saying its bird flu. Therefore, it is highly likely that when it initially happens, someone with experience and expertise has already know its bird flu and tell others. So, my guess is, it is a severe outbreak, probably the government will kawtim LH (expand to 5km radius culling zone) too. (I hope its not a severe one, and i hope that the test is wrong, after all only one or two samples found to be positive, however one should act base on facts rather than emotion).

There appears to be compensation (maybe 50%) from the government, but usually its underfunded. Other side-effects includes market taken over by competitors, etc. If it really happens to the farm, probably in the future not suitable for farming also, difficult to restart.

Again, LH's story has nothing to do with me, just passing by.


2018-08-05 16:20 | Report Abuse

Calvin882 and Up_down seems to be smarter.

Again, LH's farm is located at Tamparuli, which is a sub-district of Tuaran. It has always been the same incident! Since the agricultural minister has declared no bird flu before at press conference about 3 weeks ago, he wants to cover up his earlier mistake, so he said its a routine checkup when he announces bird flu is detected. (probably for the same reason, he didn't mentioned tamparuli but tuaran when he made the announcement).

Junz is still new and young so probably he should be given more chance to perform. At least he didn't cover up the incident.

Anyway, Lay Hong is located within 5km of Foh Lim. So Foh Lim now no more eggs to sell (most chickens dead anyway). The rule says cull all within 1km radius when case confirmed. Another company, EP is right next door so probably all chicken to be culled too.

The next question is, whether the culling zone will expand to 3 or 5km radius.

From the government side story, the pathogen appears to be a weak one, only 1 or 2 (minister say 1, some others say 2) sample found to be AI-positive (while there is high mortality). For the moment, no news of which strain it is (H?N? I mean, as we know H5N1 is deadly, while others are milder), perhaps until further testing. If it is a strong pathogen, likely more AI positive cases to be found, and the culling zone will expand to 5km radius, therefore byebye STF also.

All of the above are general knowledge, anyone should know if you do enough research. Below is my guess.

About 4 weeks ago, there were whatapp messages spreading around, saying a farm at Tamparuli has bird flu, many chicken dead! Later the minister says it is ND (New Castle Disease 雞瘟) instead and not bird flu. One of the pegawai even went on to report police when there were more people saying its bird flu. Therefore, it is highly likely that when it initially happens, someone with experience and expertise has already know its bird flu and tell others. So, my guess is, it is a severe outbreak, probably the government will kawtim LH (expand to 5km radius culling zone) too. (I hope its not a severe one, and i hope that the test is wrong, after all only one or two samples found to be positive, however one should act base on facts rather than emotion).

There appears to be compensation (maybe 50%) from the government, but usually its underfunded. Other side-effects includes market taken over by competitors, etc. If it really happens to the farm, probably in the future not suitable for farming also, difficult to restart.

Again, LH's story has nothing to do with me, just passing by.


2018-08-04 00:49 | Report Abuse

Fact 1: There has been whatapp message saying possible AI outbreak in Tamparuli.

Fact 2: Then Sabah Minister of Agriculture said its not AI but ND. It signaled the area of the outbreak however(an area where LH's farm is).

Fact 3: Now Minister of Agriculture announces there is one AI case. Only one news source says they got the sample from a routine checkup. Others doesn't specify.

But I guess its more likely the minister wants to confuse the public, in fact it should be just one of the sample taken earlier (due to the rumour), showed AI-positive. (press release earlier did say he ordered to check sample).

Fact 4: Tamparuli is one of the sub-district of Tuaran. The minister orders to declare whole of Tuaran as AI zone.

The infected farm should be the one with the open house system, got infected through migratory birds.

We are talking about three groups of farms in that suspected outbreak area. I couldn't identify exactly which is which from google map but i believe LH is within 5km from the infected farm but outside of 1km.

(that makes sense as the minister wants to cull all nearby farms' chicken and include LH's farm as an observation candidate (that's why he says 5km).

Its none of my business so the language is a bit rough.

News & Blogs

2018-08-03 00:54 | Report Abuse





bluebiznet, Chinese doesn't hate China, Chinese doesn't like Communist, hate thief and injustice.

News & Blogs

2018-08-03 00:27 | Report Abuse


News & Blogs

2018-08-03 00:23 | Report Abuse

1. Is KYY friend or enemy? Probably enemy more than friend. As everyone can see, his recent picks not really good. No more 5 baggers for a long long time ahead.

2. Will JAKS make money for the shareholders? Probably no. You can see the action of the management, doesn't respect largest shareholder at all.

News & Blogs

2018-08-03 00:00 | Report Abuse


News & Blogs

2018-08-02 23:59 | Report Abuse


News & Blogs

2018-08-01 22:48 | Report Abuse



News & Blogs

2018-08-01 22:43 | Report Abuse



News & Blogs

2018-08-01 22:31 | Report Abuse

I sold my airasia today. 98% net cash lah.

News & Blogs

2018-07-31 19:43 | Report Abuse

Totally agree with you.

You may make some money but just doesn't worth the risk.

News & Blogs

2018-07-31 19:25 | Report Abuse

KYY starts selling, if you want to catch it, good luck!

This is game over already.

News & Blogs

2018-07-31 19:23 | Report Abuse

valuelurker said what i have to say, the "accounting profit" are paid by the company itself. "Construction losses" to be recognised later.

News & Blogs

2018-07-26 22:57 | Report Abuse


News & Blogs

2018-07-19 04:50 | Report Abuse




News & Blogs

2018-07-13 23:12 | Report Abuse



News & Blogs

2018-07-10 23:18 | Report Abuse

