
valuelurker | Joined since 2014-02-28

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2017-01-19 22:44 | Report Abuse

Diam la noobhai go to digistar go pump it up to 30c la noobhai conman syndicate


2017-01-19 22:40 | Report Abuse

Got caught with your panties go talk about your past glories wor, what press metal what rm2 lol look at your micro cap sub 50mil returns la noob

See you tomorrow at digistar 30c im waiting noob


2017-01-19 22:38 | Report Abuse

Come la you and Venfx and who else your bro so noob cheat retailers ah lol wanna play go digistar tomorrow waiting for you to pump 30c lets see you keep your word conman hahaha so fun catching frauds


2017-01-19 22:35 | Report Abuse

Noobhai go back to digistar and pump it to 30c la waiting for your pump la one week already conman

Pmetal when it was rm2 last year? so 100% returns one year and then? I made 25% returns in 3 weeks noobhai


2017-01-19 22:18 | Report Abuse

Conman you rm2 youj say u promote? why dont u say u recommended public bank when it first ipo noobhai

Where's your 30c, waiting for your flash pump la, conman


2017-01-19 21:59 | Report Abuse

Noobhai moneykj one week already where your 30c...everyday drop la noobhai 80mil market cap with insider helping you to 'show' buybacks also cant push ah? go back to your mother's hole la dont cheat aunty uncle what 'tips tips' come la pump it up we're waiting noob

and your pmetal rm2 you promote? I advise you to buy back la looking at your crap returns know who can pick a stock that has risen 100% in 1 year, stayed stagnant and then in 3 weeks goes up 25%? Definitely not you, noob

You and your wannabe syndicate so damn noob have to go a forum to lure retailers


2017-01-19 21:48 | Report Abuse

Told you and your noobhai venfx to go subscribe to OTB course, dont want instead want to go beg and then now everyday promote your stock lol last year CRC HRC no more ah?

Nia seng come and play with the big boys la, aunty uncle money let them keep noobhais


2017-01-19 21:46 | Report Abuse

haha moneykj you and venfx what kind of small timer syndicate small counter market cap 50mil also need to cheat retailers soooo nooooooob

btw still waiting your digistar 30c...dont be chickenshit small timer wannabe syndicate flash pump 5 mins end story i wanna see how long and how high you dare to push noooooob

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2017-01-19 21:05 | Report Abuse

Another noobhai want to trap people ah whats your average price

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2017-01-19 20:17 | Report Abuse

I dont mean to sound like an asshole but...cashflows pattern more than badminton lel use what DCF


2017-01-19 20:09 | Report Abuse

44% for 248mil - valuing the entire company at 590mil

Current market cap is 510mil


2017-01-19 14:22 | Report Abuse

Sometimes you guys ahhh, need to hold your hands only can...

What I meant was, if a bloody loss making Silk highway also can be bought for RM380mil whose original cost recognised in the books is RM160mil.........

Then what do you think SPE (equity 850mil) and the new 6bn (assume 75:25 debt to equity, remember Ekovests' management are awesome and will borrow to fund it god bless them) tolled highway will be worth???

Geezus I think I've been doing this wrong. I should go condemn Ekovest and use reverse psychology so you guys buy instead LEL

The only reason its still hovering at this range is because ahem ahem idiot haris is exiting and capping the price

Why? Well he's connected, maybe he's found a place where he can compound it at a higher rate...or maybe he needs to buy votes for the next GE he he, none of which concerns us.

Remove him, and its clean sailing

Long have I scoured and I can tell you with absolute certainty that there is no other stock that is as sure a thing as this, that will give you the kind of returns % / risk over time

This is how true wealth creation is created. And many years from now, you will look back on this moment and smile, and tell yourself youve made the best decision in your life

Man im good


2017-01-19 10:09 | Report Abuse

Smells like another ifcamsc / tek seng in the making good luck you guys are going to need it


2017-01-19 09:21 | Report Abuse

My favourite place in the world is Airasia forum


2017-01-19 09:14 | Report Abuse

For those of you thinking, not every highway is LDP, highways also can lose money oneee...

Just look at loss-making SILK and the sucker PNB

Still wait?


2017-01-18 20:50 | Report Abuse

^ I understand your pain, so I'll tell you this:

I learned from a very wise man when I was young that "if you cannot beat them, join them"

And I'll just add - "or be left behind"


2017-01-18 19:25 | Report Abuse

Profits shouldnt be used to value this motherlode...the construction orderbook of which the main bulk is from the highways are 'self-awarded' ie the profits aren't 'real'. What will happen instead is the 'profits' will be used to 'offset' the equity portion.....thereby increasing the already obscene highways IRR...

Your landed RM2mil property rented out at RM3k per month will give RM36k per year or 1.8% returns, while FD would give you interest rate c. 3.6% or RM72k per year.

In other words you need only half the landed properties value or only RM1mil to get RM36k returns. But is that house worth RM1mil? Fuk no lol

Seriously the ultra high-net worth individuals on this website, go direct to Ekovest and speak with them they would know and/or get you haris' contact, and then you buy chunks off of him. Negotiate for a discount to market price of course (but dont tell us how much he he)

10mil * 20 individuals. If one 10mil isnt enough, then NGOR YIU DA SAP KOR! la like Ip Man and get TEN!

There are few places where you can invest that amount with the level of risk(less) potential returns that Ekovest can provide

Then we all together flyyyyyy to the moon


2017-01-18 18:37 | Report Abuse

Mr Tan Poey Seng, I hope you're reading this...

I just want to say, lei hou yau yeng ahhhh!

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2017-01-18 14:59 | Report Abuse

Wait ah let me two three four and five! Five old men stroking themselves talking about the good ol' past lel

plpmanmy ask your master old man koon to set up the stock competition and tell him rm200k first prize will only attract monkeys, small timer micro sub-50mil penny stocks where liquidating will mean telling people to buy, when he's selling he he he

And then you shall see the pros come out to play


2017-01-18 14:44 | Report Abuse

Another 6bn tolled highway. All interconnecting to form an ecosystem. It is literally an impenetrable moat. With a very, very long and sure road ahead (pun intended). It is the best use of debt - borrowing at 4% and compounding at a rate that will make Buffet look like an average investor. Opportunities like this come once in your bloody lifetime. Still wait ah? Go borrow 1mil and break the 2.61/2,62 and tell haris to go flykite laaaa


2017-01-18 12:12 | Report Abuse

Hello dissenters I applaud your motion and the will to fight back... It is my sincere hope you all succeed and create a media ruckus by the way you only need 100 shares so please sell down (not buy!) and do it before the 4th Qtr results are out which will be as usual a huuuuuge loss (because where else to impair/write-off for the year-end results etc etc) better sell TP 0.635


2017-01-18 10:20 | Report Abuse

Up a bit jump already. Go find 800k sapu the 2.62 la break it. Then u can coast into the sunset


2017-01-18 10:13 | Report Abuse

Come on guys I need my daily dose of entertainment


2017-01-17 16:22 | Report Abuse

^ these two above should learn to read...thats what I just said, he's an idiot

The prospectus says total investment in Duke 1 & 2 is c. 700mil. Hold for a couple of years, flip at 2.8bn to EPF

SPE equity portion is 850mil.

But the Ekovest directors, god bless their beautiful souls decided to take a term loan to cover the equity portion and return c. 200mil of the DUKE 1 & 2 proceeds to shareholders (the best kind of management borrows money to give dividends, because screw banks hehe), with the interest during construction covered by the government (interest free), and the rest through bonds. Now assuming it is completed in 3.5 years time, and then flipped again at the same rate...well blimey we have a homerun dont we

For the old who want capital protection plus a minimum of approx. 15% CAGR in 5 years (RM4bil** is the minimum base-case valuation in 5 years when SPE is completed - and no, there's no 'art' in my valuations, thats for noobs), and if they could only choose one, this is the counter. In between there will be fluctuations, but as I always say, just go to sleep and wake up 5 years later and sell it if you need money to buy your son or daughter a nice home or something lol

**2.8bn * 1.10^5 * 60% + SPE

Now if only I had RM200m lying around to buy hussein's 10%......

Remember to give back what you receive


2017-01-17 15:44 | Report Abuse

The idiot hussein must be selling again


2017-01-17 11:12 | Report Abuse

Come on guys I came here for a laugh and its so far been disappointing.....

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2017-01-15 23:23 | Report Abuse

This poster sounds like plpmanmy

U wanna know how low is low? When puncak was hovering between 89-91c for months, and a 30 dec 2016 buy call was made, and within 2 weeks it youre just another one of those wannabes with 5 posts lol

And to say puncak is heading to rm1 when its now 97c is like saying 1 + 1 = 2 lol just goes to show youre clueless

I suggest you stick to earnings-based export counters old man and leave the real valuations and market timing to the pros


2017-01-13 14:18 | Report Abuse

You bought 0.20 trying to unload is it no wonder dont say so much la

Next few weeks mother 'may' go up, so clueless sheep will chase the already currently negative-premium warrant WA, and then...and then the mother will drop la once the local small-timer syndicates (read: latest digistar article) who cant play with the real big boys have cleared

Dont say the pro never warned you


2017-01-13 11:09 | Report Abuse

Well this is embarrassing...


2017-01-13 11:07 |

Post removed.Why?


2017-01-12 10:49 | Report Abuse

Im expecting panicky wuss comments soon, come on dont disappoint


2017-01-11 17:13 | Report Abuse

Up a bit already jump like no tomorrow

You guys are embarrassing

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2017-01-11 10:26 | Report Abuse

Old man, you mask it behind the 'Magic Formula' but come on who are you trying to blindside, old clueless uncles and aunties again? As I said earlier, you are taking a bet on one and only one direction...its pure export theme first (and we all know its going to be played/is currently being played - how else to unlock the intrinsic value), then only Magic Formula

Of course, on the balance of probabilities (Lord Denning god bless his soul), it would be the correct play since US are raising rates etc etc but history has shown, things can change...

In the mean time, try not to count your eggs before they hatch, old man, you dont see me trumpeting my returns do you, and half of the ideas havent even materialised


2017-01-09 20:18 | Report Abuse

Who's catching knives tomorrow.......


2017-01-09 10:47 | Report Abuse

Old man icon, I know you come here to justify your decision to buy (or not) into Ekovest.

And since im feeling generous today, Ill show you how its done

Nobody is going to value it using earnings, those that are well they're called idiots (read: all the self proclaimed 'sifus')

The Exit event calls for a specific IRR having a lower and upper range, assuming conservatism, lets value duke 1&2 at 2.5bn

Now the only metrics you need to worry is whether DUKE 1 & 2 can actually achieve that valuation by the Exit event...

For that, one should use a readily available market mechanism ie LITRAK. Market cap c. 3bn, with a net profit of c. 200mil or a P/E ratio of approx. 15 times, or a yield of approx 6.7%

For DUKE 1&2 to be worth 2.5bn (market cap.) and a PE of 15, it has to achieve a net profit of approx 170mil by the exit deadline. Now all you need to do is go and look at Duke 1's numbers, make some projections on Duke 2's contributions and wala! you have a valuation figure (remember, DUKE 1 & 2 has 50+ years concession, while Litrak has much much less, and well if the figures aren't quite pretty enough, there's always toll increases...)

And this is all before the SPE is even valued, and that is actually where the motherlode is, if you actually go through the terms, how the borrowing is structured, and what the management has done to maximise value.....

So, welcome old man icon into the club, relax there's still lots of meat left

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2017-01-04 10:39 |

Post removed.Why?

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