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5,349 comment(s). Last comment by King Kong73 2013-05-06 07:03


112 posts

Posted by akusyok > 2013-03-31 22:16 | Report Abuse

..i tel u la gumbo... my cousin biasiswa penuh Petronas...(Penyokong kuat PAS)... pun kerja kat Australia...lebih pentingkan masa depan family dia sahaja..


882 posts

Posted by gumbo > 2013-03-31 22:22 | Report Abuse

Good for your cousin....lol


112 posts

Posted by akusyok > 2013-03-31 22:23 | Report Abuse

,,,baru aku tau nape gumbo begitukan bencikan BN.... sbbb/Punca tak dapat biasiswa......?


112 posts

Posted by akusyok > 2013-03-31 22:24 | Report Abuse

tu salah satu sbb utama ke Gumbo?...harapnya bukan


882 posts

Posted by gumbo > 2013-03-31 22:24 | Report Abuse

Wrong I love BN because they are corrupted!!


112 posts

Posted by akusyok > 2013-03-31 22:26 | Report Abuse

ok cau dulu Gumbo...


882 posts

Posted by gumbo > 2013-03-31 22:26 | Report Abuse

You see corruption bring a lot of money to a lot of ppl...!it helps people especially those lowly paid civil servant....


882 posts

Posted by gumbo > 2013-03-31 22:27 | Report Abuse

Ehhh Akusyok you tak syok Ke I love BN.....ayayayaya....Susah to please ppl these days...


882 posts

Posted by gumbo > 2013-03-31 22:28 | Report Abuse

Where is my rm3k dei.....


112 posts

Posted by akusyok > 2013-03-31 22:31 | Report Abuse

aku ada meeting pepagi esok la... kena tido awal...kali ni bebetul.. cau dulu.. cau cin cau


882 posts

Posted by gumbo > 2013-03-31 22:32 | Report Abuse

Ok bye....jangan lupa my rm3k....cau


2,643 posts

Posted by alenac > 2013-03-31 22:47 | Report Abuse

Instituionalized Racism of UMNO

"It is heart-warming really, to read those words coming from a Malay - that he/she is feeling uneasy about the institutionalised racism that has been plaguing our nation for generations now. However, the more worrying and relevant question now is where we are heading towards as a broken nation made up of a multi-racial people that is consistently threatening to burn and kill each other (metaphorically)? What is a Bangsa Malaysia? Can it be achieved only by eradicating every aspect of other differing cultures and having everyone speaking only a common tongue and nothing else? For 55 years, the leaders of this nation think so."



882 posts

Posted by gumbo > 2013-04-01 00:32 | Report Abuse

Moohidin moohidin.... You are right...we should choose A responsible govt that will protect us........

protect from death in police detention
Protect In upholding rule of law
Protect in reducing real crime
Protect against real sedition.....Perkasa, Ridhuan Tee, Zul Nordin
Protect against misusing fund and corruption....

I will back this govt again if this Improvement and WILL tto change can be shown now....


882 posts

Posted by gumbo > 2013-04-01 00:53 | Report Abuse

Don't forget to tell moohidin if you see this guy...wow this guy a datuk seri took a photo with some Kiram wearing dragon Chinese martial art uniform??



2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-01 00:59 | Report Abuse

I follow up on brother alenac posting and I found this. Perhaps, the non-Malays should read this a number of times to understand better...



2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-01 01:04 | Report Abuse

How not to let you eat egg when you've ordered it?
9:56AM Mar 31, 2013

YOURSAY 'If you have truly served the rakyat and the rakyat want you, there is no need to beg them to ensure you don't eat egg.'

Please don't make us 'eat egg', S'gor MCA tells voters

your sayFerdtan: There goes the confidence of MCA in Selangor when its chief Donald Lim Siang Chai, instead of motivating his party workers, appealed to the Selangoreans not to end MCA's presence in the state.

This looks like he is begging for mercy. Lim, whatever your strategy of playing on the emotions of the people especially the Chinese to save MCA, it won't work.

You see, Chinese in the past do have feelings for MCA. They were seen as protector of Chinese rights and Chinese education. So what happened along the way?

Most, if not all, MCA leaders are only interested in enriching themselves, looting the country's till like nobody business along with other BN partners.

The love of the Chinese for MCA has now turned to hatred. This is an unavoidable divorce that we need to have to end the relation once and for all. There is no turning back. We have to move on.

MCA has become irreverent. Your appeal, like a rejected spouse promising to change for the better, no longer touches the heart of the people. Our hearts are numb, much like many long-suffering wives.

Slumdog: Selangor MCA chief Donald Lim has been humbled to the extent that has to beg for votes.

He knows his party has delivered and achieved nothing in Selangor or any of the other states. A vote for MCA, Gerakan, MIC and any other component BN party is a direct vote for an Umno-led government after GE13.

God help us if they win. Do take this opportunity to wipe them out of the Malaysian political landscape for good.

We are all painfully aware of how Umno has wrecked this country in the last 55 years. Do we want another five years of this decadent and immoral Umno-led government to continue to plunder and destroy this country?

So on election day, all those fence sitters, please think very carefully before you cast your vote.

Heavywater: The writings is on the wall. MCA will eat 'egg' in Selangor and hopefully all over Malaysia too.

The question is not about your services which the opposition can also do, but the manner in which MCA leaders ‘kowtow' to Umno - Chua Soi Lek, Liow Tiong Lai, Ng Yen Yen, Kong Cho Ha and the rest of your jokers.

Their servitude to Umno and not been able to take a strong stand is the downfall of MCA. Like the Lynas case, initially Chua is against it but somewhere down the line, he commented that Lynas is Kuantan's problem.

Anonymous #19098644: If you have truly served the rakyat and the rakyat want you, there is no need to beg them to ensure you don't eat egg.

It is because MCA has become the ‘hamba' (slave) of Umno that it must at this critical stage plead for sympathy. Even the MCA members don't want to vote for the BN and you expect the rakyat to vote for you ?

Lim Chong Keong: How not to let you eat egg when you ordered egg?

Your only Selangor MP - Ong Tee Keat in Pandan - being the only MCA leader whom the people can accept, you have instead discarded as your president and you do even want him to be your party candidate, how not to let you eat egg?

Don't try to plead for sympathy votes when you did this to yourself. And what service did you do in Selangor when all MCA did was shout Talam, Talam and more Talam, which was explained and clarified time and again.

Kee Thuan Chye: What a thing for an MCA leader to say. It almost sounds like begging! It clearly shows that MCA lacks confidence.

How is this going to raise the morale of its members? Before the war has started, the general (or is it colonel, in this case?) has already asked for leniency in battle.

For this alone, the MCA deserves to eat egg. It has no balls in standing up to Umno, now it shows it has no balls going into the elections.

Anonymous #02382443: No need to ask or beg. Please do some soul-searching and tell us, why we should vote for you.

The reason advanced by you is only your own conjecture of having worked hard for the rakyat since 2008.

Gen2: Recently there were TV advertisements that say successful leaders should not be cast aside. Then we have PM saying people can make mistakes, don't cast us out because of our mistakes.

Now this MCA leader say don't make him eat eggs. The trend seems to be that BN now thinks the opposition has a good chance of winning.

The longer PM Najib Razak delays the GE, the bigger the momentum the opposition will get.

MCA reduced to begging for its survival

View comments (18)

...go here & read the comments please..



2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-01 01:17 | Report Abuse

The one who started it all......



2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-01 01:20 | Report Abuse

siapa bayar????



2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-01 01:23 | Report Abuse




2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-01 01:28 | Report Abuse

10,000 hadiri Ceramah bersama DS Anwar Ibrahim di Alor Setar



2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-01 01:34 | Report Abuse

Sebentar tadi #Penerangan isu terkini di Lahad Datu bersama Jeneral Panglima (B) ATM Laut&Darat di Stadium Melawati,Shah Alam Selangor.



2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-01 01:37 | Report Abuse

#Jelajah Negara Berkebajikan malam tadi. Lokasi Dataran Serting, Negeri Sembilan.



2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-01 02:05 | Report Abuse

Pembaca berita TV3 kata pelacur di Kelantan pakai tudung. Maknanya pelacur lebih baik daripada pembaca berita TV3 yang dah lama dok bertelanjang...



2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-01 02:06 | Report Abuse

We cannot have GE13 because Najib wants to do a bit of shopping at the Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace Exhibition.

Wong Chun Wai came up with a few reasons why Najib is putting off calling for GE13. And of the four reasons, one was ... so that the PM can buy more toys (hopefully those toys he buys actually work lah).


..now the pic says otherwsie?



2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-01 02:11 | Report Abuse




558 posts

Posted by Ranger > 2013-04-01 08:55 | Report Abuse

Why u buggers so kan cheong as to have the GE13? The day will sure to come. So eager to take over Putrajaya ke? Or worried of losing Penang, Kelantan n Kedah?


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-01 09:11 | Report Abuse


.....lihat gambar



130 posts

Posted by cobra125 > 2013-04-01 09:16 | Report Abuse

yet, the same stupid idiot come in again to talk kok???? The most stupid idiot to believe BN/UMNO????



130 posts

Posted by cobra125 > 2013-04-01 09:17 | Report Abuse

Wonder why in Malaysia do we have such idiots around????? Maybe they belong to the zoo????


2,643 posts

Posted by alenac > 2013-04-01 09:42 | Report Abuse

So another mamak guy is behind the Sulu Sultan. Sitting so close to Najib. I think RCI now should be appropriate.


2,643 posts

Posted by alenac > 2013-04-01 09:53 | Report Abuse

The devil whom you know accused others of selling Malaysia, whilst he was the biggest salesman malaysian has ever known. He sold anything even the rakyat's rights.



558 posts

Posted by Ranger > 2013-04-01 10:36 | Report Abuse

Posted by cobra125 > Apr 1, 2013 09:16 AM | Report Abuse

yet, the same stupid idiot come in again to talk kok???? The most stupid idiot to believe BN/UMNO????


Your dad's kok I supposed, is that what u meant, COBRA belit?


558 posts

Posted by Ranger > 2013-04-01 10:38 | Report Abuse

Cobra, u always like to talk kok huh? Probably your kok stinks and smelly bcoz your dirty kok belum potong ma. Is that so???? hahahaha


558 posts

Posted by Ranger > 2013-04-01 10:41 | Report Abuse

Cob, kau ni isi neraka lah...hell is waiting for u...


558 posts

Posted by Ranger > 2013-04-01 10:50 | Report Abuse

Penyokong2 PAS and PKR, mengapa kalian mesti bersekongkong dgn DAP? Kalian semua mengadaikan negara kepada orang2 racist ni. DAP adalah racist. Anda tengok sendiri Pulau Pinang. Apa sudah jadi? Mereka halau orang2 Melayu di Pulau Pinang dgn menaik melambungkan harga hartanah. Mereka "curi" tanah Kelantan dari rakyat Kelantan. Bukak lah mata and hati kamu wahai orang2 PAS and Melayu PKR.


362 posts

Posted by tc2012 > 2013-04-01 11:04 | Report Abuse

what the hack !!! malaysia is going to be the hell.all of us to going to be in hell.
ABU can only save us from hell


2,643 posts

Posted by alenac > 2013-04-01 11:14 | Report Abuse

tc2012, yes hell on earth.


882 posts

Posted by gumbo > 2013-04-01 12:02 | Report Abuse

If call wednesday, and he goes for umrah, firstly the caretaker government is exposing Malaysia further, especially Lahad Datu case still not resolve and the govt is dissolve and the PM will not b around....sound right?


2,643 posts

Posted by alenac > 2013-04-01 12:08 | Report Abuse

Where got MCA serious about corruption, if can they also steal, records of past presidents are proof of that. After all big bro UMNO also does the same thing.



869 posts

Posted by soojinhou > 2013-04-01 12:12 | Report Abuse

"Mereka halau orang2 Melayu di Pulau Pinang dgn menaik melambungkan harga hartanah."

That's called market forces, peabrain. Penang under DAP has done so well that everyone wants a piece of the action. Only a dumbshit like you will associate real estate appreciation with racism.


882 posts

Posted by gumbo > 2013-04-01 12:14 | Report Abuse

EC is the most trusted and independent as they claim....but the EC chaimeh says didn't receive complaint and now Nurul shows the receipt. Apa macam.....simple transaction also cannot do right how to handle a GE lah??


882 posts

Posted by gumbo > 2013-04-01 12:14 | Report Abuse

Forgot the link here goes....



362 posts

Posted by tc2012 > 2013-04-01 12:26 | Report Abuse

this is mamakkutty principal.Anything wrong , just point finger at others

Posted by MohdFirdaus > 2013-04-01 13:27 | Report Abuse

Posted by Ranger > Apr 1, 2013 10:50 AM | Report Abuse

Penyokong2 PAS and PKR, mengapa kalian mesti bersekongkong dgn DAP? Kalian semua mengadaikan negara kepada orang2 racist ni. DAP adalah racist. Anda tengok sendiri Pulau Pinang. Apa sudah jadi? Mereka halau orang2 Melayu di Pulau Pinang dgn menaik melambungkan harga hartanah. Mereka "curi" tanah Kelantan dari rakyat Kelantan. Bukak lah mata and hati kamu wahai orang2 PAS and Melayu PKR.

Ranger, you are a real Racist? As as Malay myself I am really disappointed to see Ranger calling all Malay supporters of PAS & PKR to abandon DAP, Ranger,you think all the Malays are like you Ranger? You think the Malays are as stupid as you? Ranger, I can safely say that you make the Malays look stupid and I am Malay is really disappointed with you Ranger another Malay as you bring shame to our Malay race. Ranger, you are a Racist indeed, so please don't call others as racist when you are one?

Ranger, what's wrong with the PAS, PKR & DAP co-operating to get rid of BN/UMNO? Ranger, can't a Malay be friendly with a non-Malay? Ranger, you are really a Racist indeed? Enough said as I am really disappointed with you Ranger?


100 posts

Posted by mansor80 > 2013-04-01 13:30 | Report Abuse

Hidup 3X DAP... Hancur3X UMNO...
nak sgt racist amik ko...tu pun x paham kah


Posted by MohdFirdaus > 2013-04-01 13:32 | Report Abuse

Ranger, I presume that you are a paid UMNO Cybertrooper trying to poison the minds of all right thinking Malaysians irrespective of race, colour & religion? You are a real shame to your parents who had taken great care to bring you up but I am sure they are really disappointed with you Ranger? I leave you with your poisonous thoughts?

Enough said by me, bye!!! Be good Ranger?

Posted by MohdFirdaus > 2013-04-01 13:35 | Report Abuse

Abang mansor80, I 100% support your statement. Good to see a fair minded & real thinking Malay. I am proud of you abang mansor80. Bye abang, salam.


4,726 posts

Posted by necro > 2013-04-01 13:37 | Report Abuse

Butolah korang...
Konek kecik nak cakap pasal pilihanraya pasal keadilan pasal siapa berhak perintah negara...bagus sgt pergi bertanding...
Xhabis2 menyalak...
Bapak korang ke bertanding pilihanraya ni?
Bullshit dunno investment portal n politic portal kaa?


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-01 13:55 | Report Abuse

Posted by gumbo > Apr 1, 2013 12:14 PM | Report Abuse

Forgot the link here goes....



Nurul: EC has lost all credibility
G Vinod
| April 1, 2013

The PKR vice-president says EC chairman Abdul Aziz Yusoff is lying when he said Nurul did not consult the electoral body on dubious voters in her area before filing court action.

KUALA LUMPUR: The Election Commission (EC) has lost whatever credibility it had left, said PKR vice president Nurul Izzah Anwar.

She was referring to a report by Mingguan Malaysia yesterday, quoting EC chairman Abdul Aziz Yusoff as saying that Nurul Izzah had not consulted the electoral body on the existence of dubious voters in Lembah Pantai before taking court action.

Last week, Nurul Izzah, who is the Lembah Pantai MP, filed a suit against EC for allegedly failing to clean up the electoral at her parliamentary constituency.

She filed the suit to compel the EC’s chief registrar to clean up the electoral roll under Section 25 (2) (G) of the Elections Act.

On Abdul Aziz’s accusation, Nurul said that she had sent a letter to the EC on March 4, informing the electoral body on the existence of dubious voters in her area.

“And on March 6, EC secretary Kamaruddin Baria replied to our letter, saying they are checking the matter. So what is there to say that we didn’t consult them prior to the suit?” she asked.

She added that it also showed that the EC is not serious about cleaning up the electoral from dubious voters.

“Abdul Aziz should clean on the matter. What he said yesterday was close to lying,” said Nurul.

On another matter, Nurul urged the police and Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein to take action against those who trigger political violence in the country.

She also said that her staff and volunteers were harassed umpteen times since 2012 and on every occasion had lodged a police report.

“We even gave evidence on many of the cases. So please take some action,” said Nurul.

She also said it was disappointing that only Deputy Higher Education Minister Saifuddin Abdullah had condemned political violence from Umno’s side, to date.

“I urge Hishammuddin to do what he can do to curb political violence instead of giving foolish statements,” said Nurul Izzah.

Last week, Hishammuddin was reported as saying that people should expect more violence ahead of general election.

He also urged both sides of the political to exercise caution.


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