I am running my own business which is doing fine although I need to work on week-ends. My comments do not necessarily reflect that I can be a successful trader. I am happy with the current situation, using my time to expand my business. However I do not agree with Uncle Koon remarks about being an “Armchair Critic " I believe all corporations started from scratch based on their ambitions and visions, to make their dreams become reality. They aim to reap positive results from their businesses. Some will continue to build up their empire and keep on chasing their ultimate dreams and some will give up. For those who continue to pursue their passion and committed to their goals, they will be greatly rewarded. And with their hard work and never say die attitude, their companies will eventually get listed in the stock exchange. Then my point here is : These are the real " SUPER INVESTORS " . These are the best of all investors. They have to WORK for it! Their hard work bear fruits. We can't have ignore the FACT that every stock in the world is born from these great businessman who successfully build up their empires from working out their plans for years with perfect execution and not from just trading and punting. Even Uncle Koon is investing in the stocks that are created by these people I mentioned above. Now you are a trader. You buy and sell to make profits. The stock owners are the Super Investors. They are more superior to you, a fact that you have to put up with even in your dreams. They are the one will dictate your fate. If they fail and do not work hard on their plans, even a slight wrong move will cause great losses in your trade. Probably you will never recover your money. You will be dreaming again if because you didn't believe that all of us will never be successful without choosing the right people and the company. I will stick to my words that you do not fully understand my comments. That’s why as I have mentioned, we are all traders and not Super Investors. Therefore nobody is a Super investor, unless you are the one who created the Stocks (company). If they failed, the trader will lose, no matter who you are! For me I don't dream, I don't hope, I never worry, Because I invest in the company that employs people who work hard , are passionate , honest, transparent, and with unquestionable integrity. I believe one of your Stocks that you mentioned does not have this criteria. Perhaps you would like to agree with me that when a company does not perform, aswitch to others (thousands of them) which are still undervalued. We will never be able to change the Super Investors' character and mindset, they will never tell the truth. You can only see and trust the results from time to time. Only a wise trader will smell it.
My dear all i3 forum members, this my own opinion and not meant to offend or ridicule anyone. It is from my own experience and I am still learning from all my corporate friends, I aspire to be a wiser trader soon. Thank you.
Happy investing :)
Posted by Koon Yew Yin > Feb 16, 2014 11:40 PM | Report Abuse
Christine, what business are you doing? What kind of business that requires your attention even on week ends? You seem to know so much about share investment, why don't you stop doing business and invest in shares?
In share investment you are not required to work on week ends, you will not have bad debts, you will have no management and tax problem problem. Moreover, you do not need to deal with people especially the hard nuts.
Christine Goh I totally agreed & in supportive on all aspects of yr presentation facts being raised on why most of us cannot become a super investor as a result of the various shortcomings.
Despite yr young age & limited experiences, u r equipped with maturity of thoughs & brave to comment & present realistic facts in today's challenging & cruel financial market activities.
Yr presentation is truly remarkable & a masterpiece. Well done Christine 5☆☆☆☆☆rating. We ♥ you.
A super investor? Hack! thats wishful thinking. Most of us are just part time speculators. We do not have the resources to make an educated informed decision.
We are are not loaded with $$$$ to move the market. We need to work to fulfil Maslow's hierarchy of needs. The meagre savings we eeked out from it goes to punting the stock market hoping lady luck will keep smiling on us.
It nice to learn how to be a super investor. That is learning, but being one is altogether a different story. We are frequently the last to receive the valuable tip, hence the last to buy during or just before the peak. Yes, experiencing the buyer's remorse. We are the last to receive the news to sell, converting the trade into an investment.
It never easy to find the upside in an upside down world. There is ambivalence and procrastination even if the info is real. Unfortunately we have the empty empathy gap. We are subjected to numerous behavioural emotions usually making poor decisions.
In a crisis, there is an opportunity to catch the fallen knives. Unfortunately timing the falling knives can be hazardous.
We all know what we want and where to get it, unfortunately we may not know how to go there or whats it like. We may be in denial even when we missed the way. This delusion of competency is universal in many of us.
This discussion of super investor seems like a course in Financial astrology.
I dont seems to understand that why there are so many ppl that talks about things like "stocks investing is a big fish eat small fish world', 'once institutions sell their position, you go down with it' or 'I am not loaded enough with $$$ to move the market'.
These are the mentality that prevent one to become a super investor. Let's get this straight, you invest because a particular stock has a sound and solid business behind it, the share price appears to be undervalued, there is a reasonable margin of safety and the odds of losing money is relatively low. With this in mind, you don't need to worry what the majority shareholders are doing, and you dont need $$$ to move the market because you dont need it.
You are RIGHT not because everyone agrees with you nor because everyone disagree with you, you are RIGHT because your reasoning is right, because your facts are right! That is what all that matters.
Get real, investing is not witchcraft or something superficial, it is not about guessing what others are doing. Go read some books about some famous investors, read their quotes, their thinking etc. It is like romance, it is better to go and understand that person like what does he/she likes, he/her goals and view of life etc than reading 100 books about horoscope or fengshui.
Christine there is Superinvestor, even in malaysia. I have met a group of them (I am not one of them. They made money faster than uncle koon.
uncle koon has a unique model. He is slow (example : jayatiasa), but he is very concentrated, betting real big money on few stocks. When those stocks performed, he make it real big. I will attribute his success to that,mostly.
The debate about Superinvestor vs entrepreneur is totally irrelevant. Nobody doubt the success of entrepreneurs, but super investors DO exist, and they can be 20 times better than entrepreneurs
Based on my experience so far, Superinvestor need not be right about every investment they made. However, There are two conditions that must be fulfilled :
(1) Mmanage your downside. This is NOT done by Stop Loss Order (I think is a total nonsense). Instead it is done by avoiding investing in crap stocks with high gearing, speculative, etc AND
(2) Multi bagging. Throughout your whole life, as long as you can Multi bag four to five times a relatively reasonable position (let's say 15% to 20% of your portfolio), you are a multimillionaire and can retire early and live on fixed deposit. actually uncle koon displayed certain characteristic of that. Not every stock he invested is successful (xingquan ? Ha ha ha laugh die me) but his success are due to Multi bagging kusum, sop, etc.
Combine the above two, you can be ONE TYPE of Superinvestor (there are many types)
Xq stock can laugh me till my grave....he attend agm begging for free warrant. Aiyo, admit the mistake dump the rubbish n move on buy oil n gas la, so ego. Anyway, breakfast. Wakakaka. u only leave behind bluechip or well managed stocks wwith high growth....
So, according to what I said above, Superinvestor relied on multibagging. The question is "does multibagger exist in malaysia ?" (Multibagger is what you called "Great Company" in your article, which you claimed don't exist in malaysia)
You will be surprised, the answer is a resounding YES.
Dksh, uzma, kulim, BIMB, etc and even a stupid name I have never heard before (due to my own ignorance) called country view delivered closed to 200% return within three years.
In other words, multibagger are everywhere in malaysia !!! As such, it dispel the myths that there is no Superinvestor in malaysia (apart from entrepreneur as per your believe)
So an engineer wont fall into most undervalued stock, but instead he buy dsonic from 3, aftersplitting 1 into 5, above 3 again. Within 1 yr. So intelligent fool, as jessie livermore put it, would buy a undervalued stock. that is how 23m bcome 150m in less than 2 yrs
I don't know whether uncle koon realized it or not, the reason he is so successful in stock is to a certain degree attributable to his engineering education
One worrying thing I picked up from Christine post is she is going trader. Based on my experience, nobody has ever made it big in trading (even OTB also did his fundanent analysis)
Only traders will rush in and buy at outrageous valuation (chart readings mah). Without traders, it would be very much difficult for investors like me to cash out
Having said so, I am not totally shut my mind to technical analysis. Since joining i3, I have seen OTB and Alex Lu (Nexttrade) made some pretty well timed calls based on technicals. I would like to humbly learn from them, one day, if there is a chance
I believe the first 10 years of anyone involved in the stock market is the learning curve and he/she will probably get burnt and lose money. This commentary by both Koon and Christine has some gems and truths which are very valuable to any Investor to understand and learn more about the risks, pitfalls and benefits in the stock market.
I wish you all the best in your investments.
yes, 10 yrs is the min requirement for anyone to have a fair skill in stock mkt game. 10yrs in school don't get u anywhere yet. maybe form 2, form 3 standard. to be a master in stock mkt game. min 20yrs. don't fark me. its true. newbies would b very disappointed to hear this.
You can never avoid risks in investment, you can minimize the risks by selecting businesses where the management focus on managing the capital expenditures for sustainable earning growth, improve productivity, controlling operating costs & working capital and deliver a stable DPS.
Christine Goh & i3 member , maybe some of u are not comfort with mr koon style of teaching, he is showing his way of investment especially his mindset that how he make big money in stock market. If u can master it, u must be a millionaire & financial freedom as many people dreamed. Maybe he is a little bit boastful :) , but be frankly, I will be more boastful if i have profit track record like him. Beside that, have u been found another multi millionaire that are willing spending a lot of time sharing with us ? teaching us how to win in stock market ? yes, there are many GURU(maybe not millionaire) outside there willing teach u, but that cost u few thousand per course. if u continue losing money in stock , it will be most expensive course u attend.
don't give any excuse that to comfort yourself bcos of losing money in stock market. If u continuously losing money bcos u are not smart enough & not willing find out what mistake u have been done, every success investor must done mistake before, but how they act & think after the mistake is the keypoint of success. They are winning bcos of their mindset are leading them to winning. If u haven’t make a good profit in past few year in bull market, u must review your investment style & strategy .
don’t complaint the share u choose didn’t rise or maybe u already buy at high prices becos of herd instinct. Are u buy Gtronic, MKH, Tambun , Hua yang, Hap seng , L&G , DKSH ,TDM & other good share before election last year? or u just buy after widely publicized or already priced in. I bought them early 2013 & now double of my investment .
Don’t invest if u fear about other people manipulation , currency, bond , futures, stock market, commodity goods, property , even though our mind, all this are manipulate by other powerful people. The key point is how to recognize it & become your edge . in 2012 , I told my friends don’t buy gold bcos are manipulated by big player (FED of USA). Now they are stuck in.
Finally, I wish to thanks Mr koon & other i3 member , gave me the opportunity to learn & become successful investor. Wish u all healthy , happiness & all the best :).
Optimus7. Agreed with with you for the learning curve. It actually takes 12 Years for me to learn in the market. Just managed to get some peanut in that period. I can only see my capital started doubling from 2 years ago. I could be a slow learner. Part time job ma.
updown. u know its like turbo charge. once rpm hit a certain level, it zoommmmmmmmmmm. so congratulation! u r very close to turbo activation. imagine u just started and have to go thru it 10yrs just to get the feel.
Yeah. turbo charge. It's the 'feel' making a difference after going through long period of time. The feel of using bankers money to place a bet in the market is great.
once u master it. u don need to use your own money to make money. you use other ppls money to make money. that is the super investor la. my definition.
Hi icon8888, since you are directing your comment at me, let me respond to you. Just note that I am not arguing about what you have said. It is not important now that we have different interpretations of a super investor, a super trader or whatever it is. Uncle Koon created this tread , and we are now being dragged into the hole dug by him. Now that he has not responded to our questions, probably it means he has nothing more to offer or advise about his " noble intentions ", but go else where in i3 to voice his opinions.
Thanks for your kind concern about me becoming a trader. I will take care of myself as life goes on. Whether we consider anyone a success or failure is not important. To me is to go on and focus on my own business. I rather mind my own business now and not waste my time on this topic any more. I will continue to share my views in his blog if time permits .
I found out that you indeed a good man and have righteousness heart in nature I hope you can contribute more on i3 forum in the future. Hope you will accept my sincere advise not to be be too harsh in your posing and focus to help more in i3.
Optimus7. Thanks. With your few words response, I can feel that you have achieved high returns from your investment. I achieved my breakthrough by focusing my resource. There were few times I had invested one counter alone representing more than 50% of my portfolio. It is risky but worth for the returns.
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good one.