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193 comment(s). Last comment by Fam Jenny 2019-09-12 17:51

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2019-09-07 16:44 | Report Abuse

Valid point.......MUST BE WORK OF BIG BAD W.I.S.S......

......too many cooks , spoil the broth

and economy

Less ppl in charge is more productive and cost effective


31,556 posts

Posted by stockraider > 2019-09-07 16:51 | Report Abuse


Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2019-09-07 16:57 | Report Abuse

Fail to compete because of refusal to

1. support diversity by embracing pluralism, and

2. ensure getting only the people who are not lazy but worthy to deserving positions which are the key to performance


31,556 posts

Posted by stockraider > 2019-09-07 17:02 | Report Abuse

They in better live when go heaven mah....!!

Posted by EngineeringProfit > Sep 7, 2019 4:57 PM | Report Abuse

Fail to compete because of refusal to

1. support diversity by embracing pluralism, and

2. ensure getting only the people who are not lazy but worthy to deserving positions which are the key to performance


5,068 posts

Posted by davidkkw79 > 2019-09-07 18:06 | Report Abuse

This country will be game over, if all politicians leaders keep playing racist theme but not focusing into how to improve productivity & efficiency of country.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2019-09-07 18:39 | Report Abuse

Sarawak will take lead towards unity.....

....embracing pluralism

and finally absolute deservingness

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2019-09-07 18:46 | Report Abuse

Sarawak will take lead ..... setting example

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2019-09-07 21:15 | Report Abuse

Let's love one another regardless of race as we all are the creation of God through Adam n Eve.We should enhance our communciation by acknowleging each other as humans who are allowed by God to live here without any prejudice.

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2019-09-07 22:18 | Report Abuse

When I encounter poorer people whether she is a malay,chinese or indian,my heart feels sorry for her n will try to render some help to improve her livihood by recommending some social agencies so that she can get some monthly monetary assistance to ease her difficulties.
I think it is the least I can do for these unfortunate ones,they deserve better lives as humans.
Hope you all will do likewise to create a better soceity with abundant peace n harmony without bitterness.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2019-09-07 22:28 | Report Abuse

Posted by Fam Jenny > Sep 7, 2019 10:18 PM | Report Abuse

When I encounter poorer people whether she is a malay,chinese or indian,my heart feels sorry for her n will try to render some help to improve her livihood by recommending some social agencies so that she can get some monthly monetary assistance to ease her difficulties.
I think it is the least I can do for these unfortunate ones,they deserve better lives as humans.
Hope you all will do likewise to create a better soceity with abundant peace n harmony without bitterness.


This is the correct and noble spirit

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2019-09-07 22:31 | Report Abuse

Posted by Fam Jenny > Sep 7, 2019 9:15 PM | Report Abuse

Let's love one another regardless of race as we all are the creation of God through Adam n Eve.We should enhance our communciation by acknowleging each other as humans who are allowed by God to live here without any prejudice.


The love capacity is the hallmark of a great man.......

......small man can only love himself

not to small man loves his ingroup

great man has a loving heart for all

Jokowi is exemplary

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2019-09-07 22:54 | Report Abuse

Malas Oh Malas

Menteri Oh Menteri,
Kenapa engkau lembab?

Macam-mana aku tak lembab,
Idea tak mahu timbul,
Idea tak mahu timbul.

Idea oh idea
Kenapa engkau tak timbul?

Macam-mana aku nak timbul,
Fikiran sempit sangat,
Fikiran sempit sangat.

Fikiran oh fikiran,
Kenapa engkau sempit?

Macam mana aku tak sempit,
Pendidikan tak luaskan aku,
Pendidikan tak luaskan aku.

Pendidikan oh Pendidikan,
Kenapa tak luaskan fikiran?

Macam-mana aku nak luaskan,
phD pun takde guna,
phD pun takde guna,

phD oh phD,
Kenapa engkau takde guna?

Macam-mana aku tak begitu,
Masuk uni back door,
Masuk uni back door,

Uni oh Uni
Kenapa engkau ada back door?

Macam-mana aku tak buka back door
Syarat kemasukan tak capai,
Syarat kemasukan tak capai,

Syarat oh Syarat,
Kenapa engkau tak capai?

Macam-mana tercapai,
Pelajar sanagt malas,
Pelajar sangat malas

Pelajar oh Pelajat,
Kenapa engkau malas?

Macam-mana aku tak malas,
Soalan selalu terbocor
Soalan selalu terbocor

Soalan oh Soalan,
Kenapa ada soalan terbocor?

Macam-mana aku tak terbocor,
Budak minta aku,
Budak minta aku.

Budak oh Budak,
Kenapa panggil soalan bocor?

Macam-mana aku tak minta,
Mak nak hukum aku,
Mak.nak hukum aku.

Mak oh Mak,
Kenapa nak hukum budak?

Macam-mana aku tak hikum budak?,
Memang kuasa aku,
Memang kuasa aku.


26,108 posts

Posted by speakup > 2019-09-07 22:57 | Report Abuse

take away the TONGKAT, and they will become stronger!

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2019-09-07 22:59 | Report Abuse

Animals are created to co-live with humans so they too have their rights to live on earth n no one can destroy their existence.

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2019-09-07 23:13 | Report Abuse

I met a young malay lady who was deserted by her husband n with six children to take care of.She was very brave with her life n struggled hard for a living for her family by selling curry puffs in the internet.She told me she sometimes slept for two hours if she received big orders.She is a good,malay mother whom we can be proud.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2019-09-08 06:45 | Report Abuse

She is more than hard working.....

.......hard life

PM must apologize to her. She is not lazy

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2019-09-08 07:34 | Report Abuse

After hearing her personal trials,I was almost in tears n only could console her in choking voice,I said,'All your children will respect you the most when they grow up as you a great mother to them.'

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2019-09-08 08:17 | Report Abuse

How she got herself into such a mess?

Live by design, not by default.

Both quality of life and richness in life are the functions of the mind.

Fam Jenny

7,724 posts

Posted by Fam Jenny > 2019-09-08 09:16 | Report Abuse

We must have a lĂ w to charge the man for desertion of wife n children n make him pay for maintenance automatically.He went for another woman n had another two children now n escaped scout free,causing social problems for others to bear the consequences.

Posted by EatCoconutCanWin > 2019-09-08 09:23 | Report Abuse

rukun negara :
-kepercayaan kepada tuhan.
malay not lazy ok, they pray hard.


582 posts

Posted by Undi_PAS > 2019-09-08 09:29 |

Post removed.Why?

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2019-09-08 09:31 | Report Abuse

Without WISCHIP, related bodies which hold the registry could have taken all the necessary actions.....

.......But WISCHIP has no will......just habitually shedding croc's tears


31,556 posts

Posted by stockraider > 2019-09-08 12:22 | Report Abuse

The malays need to wake up loh...!!


Posted by EngineeringProfit at Sep 8, 2019 8:22 AM | Report Abuse
You are impressed hearing them sheltering and got inspired by big time international outlaw

You get emotional seeing them shedding crocodile's tears and calling you lazy

You feel secured trusting them planning for your kids' sports and burying their future in certain sports

You wonder why all perfect-on-paper economic policies fail to eradicate poverty when big bro China has just succeeded recent years

You wonder why foreign investors are just gambling in bursa but not interested to stay for long-term investment

You wonder why Singapore dollar has increased value to be on par with Aussie, and Thai baht too, but ringgit hits the bottom

THINK OF W.I.S.C.H.I.P (Wolves In Sheep's Clothing Holding Important Positions)

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2019-09-08 12:32 | Report Abuse

Can't......................when intoxicated ...............

Karl Marx said “Religion is the opium of the people” ?


4,304 posts

Posted by Up_down > 2019-09-08 14:36 | Report Abuse

How can Malay wake up with so much pamper from the government and sweet talks of politicians? Be prepared to face the reality until the then our neighbor countries would all overtake us.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2019-09-08 14:40 | Report Abuse

Not until all WISCHIP are being removed............


31,556 posts

Posted by stockraider > 2019-09-08 14:56 | Report Abuse

Silly Mahathir has spoken again. The 94-year-old Prime Minister of Malaysia has again mocked and insulted his own community – ethnic Malays – for being lazy (*yawn*). Yes, it’s quite silly repeating the mantra again and again about a disease which he knew how to cure but refuses to prescribe. If he cures the disease, the Malays will be too smart for him to control.

Sharing some of his historical observations, Mr. Mahathir wrote on his blog that when the British colonist opened rubber estates and tin mines, no Malay was interested to work there. The local Malays had chosen instead to continue being rice farmers and fishermen, while a small number worked in the civil service as clerks. They were proud of earning a fixed salary and pension.

The premier said that the Malays looked down on jobs in the mining and plantation sectors as it required hard labour and were considered dangerous, dirty and difficult. As a result, the British had no choice but to bring in workers from China and India. The Malays were relief and happy that the 3Ds jobs – dangerous, dirty and difficult – were undertaken by foreigners.

Mahathir Mohamad - Thinking 2

The hiring of Chinese and Hindus saw a sudden booming of business in the cities. Mahathir recalled – “Due to their attitude, there were not many Malays living in the city. At that time the cities were developed and filled with Chinese grocery shops and all kinds of handyman. There was no Malay working as hard labour, let alone Malay businessmen. There were only a few Indian restaurants and spice shops.”

PM Mahathir’s remark is an indirect confession that without the Chinese and Indians, Malaysia’s landscape today might be very different. The country might look like the state of Kelantan at worst, or Brunei at best. But we know oil-rich Brunei has only 500,000 mouths to feed while Malaysia has more than 16-million Malays. So it’s an overstatement to say Malaysia could be like Brunei.

Despite being called a “coolie”, the ethnic Chinese were willing to take on 3Ds jobs. Even Chinese women worked as maids or nannies in the households of Malay nobles during the British era, says Mahathir. In his message to fellow Malays, the world’s oldest prime minister said the Chinese would normally migrate to any country if they find opportunities to make a living.

Chinese Women Work in Tin Mine - Malaya

He also revealed that in his younger days in Alor Star during the British rule, there was a desire to see Malays doing business and thus Pekan Rabu was built to enable villagers to sell some bananas, other fruits and baskets made by them. However, Mahathir said – “Their business did not become big. They traded part time. They did not have the desire to expand their business, just to eke out a living, that’s it.”

Mahathir slammed the Malays for not only being choosy in their jobs, but also not bothered at all by the wealth and progress made by the foreigners. He wrote – “Their belief was that their state remains under their ownership. That was what I saw … but their thinking was wrong. Because they were not willing to work hard, to do business seriously, they remained poor.”

“The gap between them and other races that worked hard and did business became wider. What happened was the rich became richer and the poor Malays became poorer. By right the Malays should realise what is happening to them. Unfortunately, they have not realised. Even until now Malays have not woken up. They still refuse to work,” – complained Mahathir.


26,108 posts

Posted by speakup > 2019-09-08 14:59 | Report Abuse

why need to work?? kan ada BSH/BR1M. NO NEED WORK, FREE MONEY ADA


31,556 posts

Posted by stockraider > 2019-09-08 15:02 |

Post removed.Why?


31,556 posts

Posted by stockraider > 2019-09-08 15:05 | Report Abuse

Worse, when they earned some profits, they refused to pay their creditors or suppliers. They would celebrate with a bigger car and a nicer office or sexier furniture. They buy more debts and liabilities. Naturally, their credit terms would be terminated and any new product purchases have to be paid upfront. Their business would eventually go bust because they can’t roll over their business.

More importantly, not only certain groups of Malays are filled with anger and envy towards the Chinese for their successes, they also feel jealous of fellow Malays’ achievement in business. Spiteful jealousy exists within the Malay community for as long as one can remember, as admitted by former Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi in 2015.

Instead of helping each other to build a formidable network of supply chain and ecosystem like the ethnic Chinese, most short-sighted Malays would rather destroy fellow Malay business rivals – cutting off the nose to spite the face. Lack of competition breeds complacency and inefficiency. More players will create awareness of new products and increase consumers’ consumption.

Boycott Non-Muslim Products - Giant Hypermarket
So when Mahathir said the Malay community is a big number of poor people, but cannot compete with a small number of rich people, he was saying the majority ethnic Malays have chosen the easy way out to become consumers while the hardworking minority Chinese become the producers and suppliers. There’s one thing that the premier didn’t tell the Malays.

The Chinese can certainly profit from poor Malays. But they can profit even more if the Malays are rich or business-savvy. How? The current Chinese-Malay situation is like the relationship between China and Malaysia. But a very rich and business-savvy Malay community will create a relationship like China-US (before the trade war started).

Hence, it’s not true that the minority Chinese hate to see the Malays become successful. When the Malays become rich, they create a huge pool of customers with incredible buying power. Can you imagine the type of economic impact when 16-million rich Malays like the American consumers splash money for products at Chinese shops?

Pavilion Kuala Lumpur Shopping Mall
Do you think the Malays will still shout about boycotting non-Muslim products when they’re as rich as the Americans or Singaporeans? They would have created their own ecosystem by then. But first, the Malays need to get out of the cocoon of demanding handouts from the government and start working hard like a coolie. There’s no shortcut to success except hard work.

Dr. Mahathir’s prescription to fix the Malay’s laziness is not to help them at all. But that would mean a political suicide for the old man. After 62 years, the Malays are too addicted to special rights, privileges and handouts. That’s why the premier can only moan, whine and bitch about Malays being lazy and choosy of jobs. He can never give the medicine to cure the disease.

However, get ready for any new surprise from the cunning old fox. His grumbling drama could be his evil plan to justify giving more handouts or crutches to the Malays to win their support. There could be a plan to introduce a newer NEP (New Economic Policy), the discrimination and racist policy which officially ended in 1991 but restructured as NDP (national development policy).


4,304 posts

Posted by Up_down > 2019-09-08 15:11 | Report Abuse

Dr M has been repeatedly claimed Malay laziness. How many times he has mentioned this topic for few decades? It doesn't change the reality. Why talk again and again? He merely wanted to satisfy his high egoism for claiming Malay laziness. He should have brought Malay up with real action (reform) and proper policies.


31,556 posts

Posted by stockraider > 2019-09-08 15:13 | Report Abuse

Mahathir make them no initiative with tongkat mah...!!

Posted by Up_down > Sep 8, 2019 3:11 PM | Report Abuse

Dr M has been repeatedly claimed Malay laziness. How many times he has mentioned this topic for few decades? It doesn't change the reality. Why talk again and again? He merely wanted to satisfy his high egoism for claiming Malay laziness. He should have brought Malay up with real action (reform) and proper policies


4,304 posts

Posted by Up_down > 2019-09-08 15:17 | Report Abuse

He has the power to reset our policies and system now. The best time to bring up Malay. Why delay delay and keep talking nonsense of laziness. I think he is lazy of introducing new policies as it may trigger political unstability and his power of being PM.


31,556 posts

Posted by stockraider > 2019-09-08 15:22 | Report Abuse

I suspect mahathir think the malays cannot take bitter medicine, so in order maintain his dominance he needs to play the race and religion game to maintain power loh....!!

Not easy to reset...bcos they are too use to easy way mah...!!

Posted by Up_down > Sep 8, 2019 3:17 PM | Report Abuse

He has the power to reset our policies and system now. The best time to bring up Malay. Why delay delay and keep talking nonsense of laziness. I think he is lazy of introducing new policies as it may trigger political unstability and his power of being PM.


3,256 posts

Posted by chinaman > 2019-09-08 15:23 | Report Abuse

Malaysia's New Economic Policy (NEP) was announced in 1970 as part of a package of measures introduced after the political crisis of May 1969. It sought to 'eradicate poverty' and 'restructure society to eliminate the identification of race with economic function' in order to create the conditions for national unity. After 49 years, Malay still poor ma, so must extend further 1000 years. wakaka


31,556 posts

Posted by stockraider > 2019-09-08 15:27 | Report Abuse

If majority malay are really poor, then just introduce policy to eradicate poverty loh...!!

Why introduce policy that favor rich malay can hijack at make them richer loh ??....!!

Posted by chinaman > Sep 8, 2019 3:23 PM | Report Abuse

Malaysia's New Economic Policy (NEP) was announced in 1970 as part of a package of measures introduced after the political crisis of May 1969. It sought to 'eradicate poverty' and 'restructure society to eliminate the identification of race with economic function' in order to create the conditions for national unity. After 49 years, Malay still poor ma, so must extend further 1000 years. wakaka


4,304 posts

Posted by Up_down > 2019-09-08 15:28 | Report Abuse

No other alternative. It's the only way as a result of his easy way policies introduced in the past. He has power to reset. If he doesn't do it then who is able to it in next 5 years? He knows economy Malaysia would trending downward if he do nothing. what for being in power for self consumption?

Posted by stockraider > Sep 8, 2019 3:22 PM | Report Abuse

I suspect mahathir think the malays cannot take bitter medicine, so in order maintain his dominance he needs to play the race and religion game to maintain power loh....!!

Not easy to reset...bcos they are too use to easy way mah...!!


26,108 posts

Posted by speakup > 2019-09-08 15:30 | Report Abuse

last time when speakup small, speakup love to go Ramadan Bazaar. then one year at the Ramadan Bazaar, a malay trader scolded speakup for wanting to buy some kuih. the malay trader said he make the kuih for malays buka puasa one. ever since that day, after that scolding, speakup never go to Ramadan Bazaar anymore.


31,556 posts

Posted by stockraider > 2019-09-08 15:31 |

Post removed.Why?


3,256 posts

Posted by chinaman > 2019-09-08 15:33 | Report Abuse

NEP never really intended to help poor Malay but to enrich few Umnoputra elites only. But, majority Malay are too lembu to believe on it. wakaka


4,304 posts

Posted by Up_down > 2019-09-08 15:59 | Report Abuse

Indonesia is planning to move capital to Kalimantan. It's quite good to their economy as massive developments will be focusing rural areas. Indon will no longer interested in Malaysia. Philippines are interested in more developed countries. Vietnamese labor are shying away from Malaysia. Myanmar and Cambodia are not Islam. It's only Bangladesh workers well suit our Malaysia for the time being. Our country may transform into a major labor export country after 15 years.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2019-09-08 16:08 | Report Abuse

Posted by stockraider > Sep 8, 2019 3:13 PM | Report Abuse

Mahathir make them no initiative with tongkat mah...!!


himself to be blamed


4,304 posts

Posted by Up_down > 2019-09-08 16:09 | Report Abuse

Foreign Funds has exited in massive scale since 2014. No sign of stopping. They won't come back when they see Malaysia economy dooming. KLSE is going to become hopeless in future. Better prepare to invest overseas market.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2019-09-08 16:09 | Report Abuse

Posted by Up_down > Sep 8, 2019 3:59 PM | Report Abuse

Indonesia is planning to move capital to Kalimantan. It's quite good to their economy as massive developments will be focusing rural areas. Indon will no longer interested in Malaysia. Philippines are interested in more developed countries. Vietnamese labor are shying away from Malaysia. Myanmar and Cambodia are not Islam. It's only Bangladesh workers well suit our Malaysia for the time being. Our country may transform into a major labor export country after 15 years.


Jokowi is the best regional leader and stateman

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2019-09-08 16:11 | Report Abuse

Posted by Up_down > Sep 8, 2019 4:09 PM | Report Abuse

Foreign Funds has exited in massive scale since 2014. No sign of stopping. They won't come back when they see Malaysia economy dooming. KLSE is going to become hopeless in future. Better prepare to invest overseas market.


Doomsday is predicted in ancient text............................

...................when WISCHIP are being respected, saluted and regarded as inspirational


4,304 posts

Posted by Up_down > 2019-09-08 16:49 | Report Abuse

Dr. M dares not to take anymore risks at his age. It’s still not too bad being a mediocre country but nice time won’t last for long if our leaders don’t have any ball to take the challenge. We can’t stay laybacks from young until old and expect good life without much efforts...Dream dream dream...lolz

Posted by EngineeringProfit > Sep 8, 2019 4:09 PM | Report Abuse

Jokowi is the best regional leader and stateman

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2019-09-08 16:52 | Report Abuse

Yet, he is the most humble world class leader too.............

...................truly down-to-earth

Unlike some B.S. ones

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2019-09-08 18:30 | Report Abuse

Too B.S. to learn from immediate neighbours....

.....Singapore has excellent governing and education models

Indonesia has a humble and excellemt leader with his people in mind

Thailand is an excellent tourism nation- very rich and vibrant in culture; people with good manners


280 posts

Posted by densim > 2019-09-08 18:49 | Report Abuse

same old story to justify more NEP benefits...

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2019-09-08 18:52 | Report Abuse

Continue doing the same......getting same results....shedding same croc's tears

B.S. or senile or insane.....

......or samurai bond?

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