Choivo capital has below to say about lease income:
In 2007, they secured an order of 130 Airbus A320’s for delivery up to 2012, planes worth easily 10-20 times the value of the company then.
They then increased this amount to 200 Airbus A320’s by 2008.
In 2011, they ordered another 200 of them, and from this order, becomes Airbus’s single largest customer.
In 2012, they placed orders for another 100 of them, and in 2016, they did it again by ordering another 100.
By placing such huge orders, they were also able to obtain discounts of 30% or more off the list price, and get the planes customized to suit their needs exactly.
In addition, as their initial orders were made just after the financial crisis, and before the boom in low cost airlines (A trend that was sparked by Airasia) in Asia, they were able to buy large amount of planes at a discount from the already low prices that were at the low end of the cycle.
This allowed Airasia Group to charge its Joint Ventures and Associates leasing fees for using their planes (The company AAC was created in 2013 to manage this) and it also enabled them to be in a business to of selling planes and slots to airplane leasing companies when the airline boom started.
In just a few years, this would go from a cost cutting measure, to a highly profitable venture and one of the key reason for Airasia’s profitability. Aircraft Operating Lease Income
With the purchase of these huge purchase planes to fund their regional ambitions, as stated previously, Airasia, the Group Company now had a new income stream that would grow far more profitable than expected.
It would not be unreasonable to say that by 2016, this has grown to be their second largest revenue and largest profit contributor.
Without it, the Airasia Group would be lossmaking.
Externally, this also caused huge headaches with accusations by GMT Research that Airasia was only profitable due to the leasing of these planes resulting in profit transfers from unprofitable regional Joint Ventures, to the group holding.
Internally, i’m sure the other joint venture or associate partners did not feel comfortable about this as well, as it could be seen as Airasia Berhad milking the associates for all its worth.
This culminated in the sale of the planes and the leasing business
28 Feb 2018 (Completed 31 Dec 2018) – BBAM Limited Partnership / FLY RM 9,775.6 million and RM 262.3 million (82 Aircraft and 14 Engines) 24 Aug 2018 (Completed 8 August 2019) – Castlelake L.P. USD 739.5 million (RM 3,559.5 million) (25 Aircraft) 25 July 2019 (Completed 31 December 2019) – Castlelake L.P. (RM 1,240 million) (14 Airbus A320-200) Resulting in net gains of RM 298.8 million and RM 101.54 million, but a net loss in profit of around RM 643 million p.a until the new planes come in.
What a poorly written blog post that is filled with bias right from the start till the end reflecting only on one side of the story which every AirAsia investor knows. It even begins with "Basically AA is PN17 Company with total equity of negative RM 5.022 billion." The author even made statements you can neither prove nor disprove such as "Someone said once AA start to fly it will earn Billion per year. Is that so and do you know how AA earned its billion?"
Honest opinion to the writer of this blog post, your blog post is terrible. Please stop writing if you are writing blog posts of this quality. Not mentioning that it is pretty obvious that you are pushing an agenda here.
Good morning i3lurker, There is no stupeeed people only evil shark and stupeeeed followers ready to be conned by the evil shark like follow the tide' Suiyee Sucker Bilis to be eaten alive by sharks.
Well written article lee, you have summed things up very well, except for one more important point. A lot of the new bonds raised can be called up at any time by the banks if they view it as a lost cause. Especially the recent loan by sabah development bank of 300+ million. If aa cannot pay that interest lien on that soon, Kevin Fung will be very very stressed out haha, he will probably have to call in the chips to get back whatever they can and watch the dominos fall. As the saying goes, when a margin call comes you need to act decisively and fast and not delay. The longer you wait the worse it will get.
Everyone thinks the airline would fly when the gomen allow interstate travel or open the border. There might be a spike due to market sentiment however it will later cool down and back to the reality. Enjoy the roller coaster ride with AA.
@cheeseburger or u can buy this counter when its already reach RM4 where IBs & this guy make a very rosy prediction with ridiculous TP like what happened to topglove & suchs in glove sector..yes, go all-in when it happen if u want..its fun to lose money big time sometimes, isn't it
Hahahaha, You don't like the massage or the massager?
The massage is from AA financial report and the massager is Chao Yun fat! "God of gambler" but unfortunately/fortunately I already learned my lesson and don't gamble.
Trust is prime factor. This explain what happen to AA market price trust!!!. But in commercial world is trust good enough to enable Bank to loan you billion? Know what is Danajamin Prihatin Guarantee?
KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 5 ― AirAsia Group Bhd (AAGB) has gained gross proceeds of US$56.83 million (RM239 million) from the merger between Fly Leasing Ltd and Carlyle Aviation Partners.
In a statement today, the low-cost airline said it had acquired 3.33 million of Fly Leasing’s shares on August 30, 2018 as part of a cash-in-kind consideration for the earlier divestment of AAGB’s aircraft leasing operations undertaken by Asia Aviation Capital Ltd to entities managed by BBAM Ltd Partnership.
Group chief executive officer Tan Sri Tony Fernandes said the transaction was a much-welcomed boost to the group’s overall fundraising strategy, alluding to the group’s plans to raise up to RM2.5 billion through a combination of borrowing and equity raising.
“We have already raised RM336.5 million from two tranches of private placements earlier this year and continue to renegotiate leasing terms with all of our lessors.
"We have also disposed of 32.67 per cent of our interest in AirAsia India for US$37.68 million, ceased operations in Japan and sold a number of spare engines worth over US$130 million,” he said.
Fernandes added that the group has a number of fundraising initiatives in place to ensure sufficient liquidity.
“We are in the process of finalising a Danajamin Prihatin Guarantee Scheme loan, working on a data-backed loan of up to US$350 million and preparing for a rights issue of up to RM1.02 billion which is targeted for completion in December,” he said.
As lousy as the blog is written i beg you to write more please. One day after you post AA up 11.88%. Please write some more. Plenty of negatives about AA for you to write. You are our LIGHT. Come on. Do us a favour.
Can it be true that lenders are jealous of AA success that is why lenders do not want to lend money to AA. Seriously you expect lenders to bail out AA? Or do you expect lessors to bail out AA.
Note: The lease liabilities amounting to RM 12.9 billion includes deferred aircraft leases of approx RM 2.4 billion.
Posted by Thorman > Oct 4, 2021 7:16 PM | Report Abuse Well, shortfall is temporary. Trust is prime factor.
Ans: Trust Takes Years To Build, Seconds To Break And Forever To Repair.
You can search and see for yourself how many AA customers were disgusted by the way they were treated in claiming refund and cursing AA and Tony for not refunding them the cancelled fight ticket fare.
By the way I am not even bother to claim my refund, take it as my donation to help AA.
You meant to say its for Tony's medical fee and funeral expenses?
Posted by Sslee > Oct 5, 2021 7:36 AM | Report Abuse
Posted by Thorman > Oct 4, 2021 7:16 PM | Report Abuse Well, shortfall is temporary. Trust is prime factor.
Ans: Trust Takes Years To Build, Seconds To Break And Forever To Repair.
You can search and see for yourself how many AA customers were disgusted by the way they were treated in claiming refund and cursing AA and Tony for not refunding them the cancelled fight ticket fare.
By the way I am not even bother to claim my refund, take it as my donation to help AA.
I know for a fact that a lot of teachers stationed in East Malaysia or outstation travel to balik kampung. and they ONLY have enough money for 2 or max 3 trips per year through extreme savings from salary unless they use 1MDB method and get Jho Low involved.
In remote rural small villages people dun have money to pay you personal tuition fee. You have to grow your own vege and spray blood from own chicken to get money for flights.
Refused refunds to teachers are very pitiful.
/////You can search and see for yourself how many AA customers were disgusted by the way they were treated in claiming refund and cursing AA and Tony for not refunding them the cancelled fight ticket fare.///
When you already got the answer then tell us how AA going to earn his money to repay deferred lease payment and how long it need to clear all the deferred payments and debts.
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Posted by CynicalCyan > 2021-10-03 14:20 | Report Abuse
If you believe in it, it will be true