1 person likes this.

2,671 comment(s). Last comment by uncensored 2022-01-03 12:28


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2021-12-19 16:43 | Report Abuse

You are lying right ? Because China never deny right ?


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2021-12-19 16:45 | Report Abuse

I already post news said that Malaysia government accused China fighter invaded air space. You said China deny its then please show me a news link that saying China denied ok ?


31,556 posts

Posted by stockraider > 2021-12-19 16:45 | Report Abuse

U R lying right...China did not agreed right ?

Most important point mah!
It is international air space mah!

Did china attack msia leh ??

No mah!

Then what invasion leh ?

Posted by uncensored > Dec 19, 2021 4:43 PM | Report Abuse

You are lying right ? Because China never deny right ?


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2021-12-19 16:46 | Report Abuse

show me the news saying that China deny OK? liar ha ha ha


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2021-12-19 16:47 | Report Abuse

You are trying to lie your way out right ? Ha Ha Ha


31,556 posts

Posted by stockraider > 2021-12-19 16:47 | Report Abuse

Liar !
Show me the news china agree lah!

Posted by uncensored > Dec 19, 2021 4:46 PM | Report Abuse

show me the news saying that China deny OK? liar ha ha ha


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2021-12-19 16:48 | Report Abuse

Ha..Ha..Ha... liar


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2021-12-19 16:49 | Report Abuse

stockraider liar... a real little pink communist


31,556 posts

Posted by stockraider > 2021-12-19 16:50 | Report Abuse

Uncensored liar is a real white banana...western stooge loh!


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2021-12-19 16:50 | Report Abuse

who lost a debate now trying to talk silly things to twist his way out...Ha..Ha..Ha


31,556 posts

Posted by stockraider > 2021-12-19 16:51 | Report Abuse

He...he...he...where got lost leh ?

Show me prove lah!

Show me the news china agree lah!


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2021-12-19 16:51 | Report Abuse

stockraider how old are you aaah???


31,556 posts

Posted by stockraider > 2021-12-19 16:52 | Report Abuse

uncensored how old are you aaah???


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2021-12-19 16:53 | Report Abuse

stockraider liar... a real little pink communist


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2021-12-19 16:55 | Report Abuse

stockraider liar...show me the news saying that China deny OK? liar ha ha ha


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2021-12-19 16:56 | Report Abuse


Is China the most RACIST country in the world? by serpentza

Foreigners are no longer allowed to enter China, foreigners are being barred from supermarkets, restaurants, bars, karaoke you name it, what's the deal?
19/12/2021 4:39 PM


31,556 posts

Posted by stockraider > 2021-12-19 17:04 | Report Abuse

Rubbish lah...all foreign people are not allowed enter china in order to control covid19 mah!

Part of china strategy to control covid mah!

Like that racist ah ??

Stop manipulating & lying loh!

However those foreigner really want to go into china, they must apply for special approval loh!

Posted by uncensored > Dec 19, 2021 4:56 PM | Report Abuse


Is China the most RACIST country in the world? by serpentza

Foreigners are no longer allowed to enter China, foreigners are being barred from supermarkets, restaurants, bars, karaoke you name it, what's the deal?


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2021-12-19 17:12 | Report Abuse


CHINESE FACE is GARBAGE? by serpentza

The concept of Face is the cornerstone of modern Chinese society, but what exactly is face? And what does it have to do with the way people separate their trash?


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2021-12-19 17:15 | Report Abuse




2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2021-12-19 17:16 | Report Abuse


财经冷眼:抄底不见底,暴雷将远超2021?明年才是楼市的生死年! 从自有资本30亿到负债2万亿 ,许家印如何做到的?(20211219第693期)


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2021-12-19 17:18 | Report Abuse


What Really Happened to Jack Ma? by laowhy86

Jack Ma, or Ma Yun in Chinese, is a multi-billionaire, one of the richest people in China and the world, and also one of the most powerful people.
He is the co-founder of Alibaba, and Alibaba Express, as well as many other projects around the world.
He has also been missing for 2 months after a passive aggressive threat in state media.
Turns out, you can't get too powerful in Xi Jinping's China.


6,234 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2021-12-19 17:46 | Report Abuse


In response to the incident, the Chinese Embassy in Kuala Lumpur stated that the incident “is a routine and normal flight training of the Chinese Air Force and is not directed at any country. According to relevant international laws, Chinese military aircraft enjoy the freedom of overflight in the relevant airspace.”

The Chinese Embassy statement also stated that China and Malaysia are “friendly neighbors” and China is willing to continue to “conduct friendly bilateral consultations with Malaysia to jointly maintain regional peace and stability.”


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2021-12-19 19:26 | Report Abuse

Ha..Ha...Ha... China is Malaysia neighbour. My goodness !!!!


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2021-12-19 19:27 | Report Abuse


The FALSE Safety of China by serpentza

The CCP has successfully fooled its own citizens (and some naive foreigners) into thinking China is the safest place in the world


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2021-12-19 19:29 | Report Abuse


Extorted in China! by serpentza

His passport was taken away and he was forced to pay, come and find out how to avoid falling into a similar situation...


2,263 posts

Posted by qqq3333 > 2021-12-19 20:11 | Report Abuse

This serpenza is handsome but evil...


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2021-12-19 20:24 | Report Abuse

ha..ha...ha... qqq3333 are you looking at mirror when you said this things


2,263 posts

Posted by qqq3333 > 2021-12-19 20:27 | Report Abuse

Your hero is handsom but evil....


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2021-12-19 20:31 | Report Abuse

You are handsome ? Ha..Ha...Ha


2,263 posts

Posted by qqq3333 > 2021-12-19 20:31 | Report Abuse

Your serpenza, what can he do if he don't prostitute himself to the cold war warriors?


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2021-12-19 20:32 | Report Abuse

Ok OK I believed you


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2021-12-19 20:32 | Report Abuse

Hero maybe not la


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2021-12-19 20:32 | Report Abuse

Evil... ya because of blindly believed in CPC


2,263 posts

Posted by qqq3333 > 2021-12-19 20:34 |

Post removed.Why?


2,263 posts

Posted by qqq3333 > 2021-12-19 20:35 | Report Abuse

Now not even allowed in China become a key board warrior in front of a computer and write hate China stuffs.


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2021-12-19 20:46 | Report Abuse

质疑“法盲可以当法院院长”的立法 2005年03月30日10:55 东方法眼 高一飞

  2001年新修改的《法官法》第十二条规定,"初任法官采用严格考核的办法,按照德才兼备的标准,从通过国家统一司法考试取得资格,并且具备法官条件的人员中择优提出人选。" 也就是说担任法官应当通过全国统一的司法考试,只有法律水平比较高的人才才有资格担任。这是一个重要的进步,因为在此之前,理论上或者说从法律规定来看,任何不懂法的人都可以担任法官。但是该条又说"人民法院的院长、副院长应当从法官或者其他具备法官条件的人员中择优提出人选。"而所谓"其他具备法官条件的人员"是指法官以外的人员,由于法律没有在其他条款中加任何限制,也就可以得出结论,法院院长(都包括副院长,下同)可以是不懂法的被组织部门认为具备条件的人担任。同时修改的《检察官法》也有类似的规定,同样,担任初任检察官必须是通过司法考试的人,但是担任检察长(包括副检察长)也可以不懂法。

如果不是政法界的人或者学习法律的人,您可能不会想到,在我国不懂法可以当法院院长是有法律根据的。如果说湖南益阳市所属的地方教委规定严禁老师"奸污猥亵女生"有点滑稽可笑,(湖南省益阳市资阳区、赫山区相继出台了治理教育"三乱"的"八个严禁",其中第六条竟然是"严禁利用师生从属关系在单独找异性学生辅导、谈话时,奸污猥亵女生",令不少市民惊诧莫名。蒹葭:《禁奸污令人惊诧莫名》ttp://news.163.com/2004w03/12502/2004w03_1080176938687.html 2004-03-25 )
  因为老师强奸学生毕竟是少数;那么,人大代表提出法院院长应当从有法律专业知识的懂法的人中选拔则一点也不可笑,因为在我国不懂法可以当法院院长既符合法律规定,也是一个普遍的现象。人大代表提出此议案,外国人可能觉得可笑,在中国不可笑。今年人大会上就有人大代表提出,法院应当选拔懂法的人担任院长。在2004年10月的地方人大会上,代表提出:某些法院院长、副院长的法律素质甚至低于初任法官!针对少数基层法院院长、副院长法律素养不高的现状,广东省高级人民法院表示,以后在法院院长、副院长的选拔任用工作中,"要坚持以从法官中择优提出人选为主"。"可能有人做法官做不了,但是却做了法院院长。成为法官的管理者。"(《省人大代表建议从法律专业人士中选拔地方法院长,2004-10-24 09:02:01 南方网-南方都市报)


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2021-12-19 20:46 | Report Abuse

19/12/2021 8:38 PM

于是,法院的丑恶现象和闹的低级笑话也层出不穷。先是"三盲院长"(文盲、法盲、流氓),也就是那个已经在全国出名的山西绛县法院的院长姚晓红。此人只有小学文化、写一个只有8个字的普通句子竟有3个错别字、靠作弊转干进而又混得大专文凭的他,却得到该县人大常委会让他担任法院院长的任命,姚一手操持上百次非法拘禁他人,曾命令干警四处找人奶、抓蝈蝈为其滋补身体,当群众持续三四年举报揭发,姚多次受审查却毫发未损,以至于群众把县畜牧局的牌子挂在法院门口作讽刺(比挂上粮食局的牌子还进了一步,山西人民真幽默,呵呵。)。当姚被判了无期徒刑后,竟被保释住进高干病房。(林 涛:《三盲院长引起的思考》,《人民日报》,2000年03月29日第9版)


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2021-12-19 20:46 | Report Abuse

  然后是所谓"舞女法官",说的是一位经营舞厅的老板娘,竟然凭借关系摇身一变当上法官。此人名叫王爱茹,原是陕西富平县王寮乡南董村二队农民,长期与黑社会老大孙建来同居,无正当职业。1996年到1997年,孙建来在县城开办了"聚仙楼"舞厅,成了容留妇女卖淫和黑社会拉拢腐蚀干部的场所。 就是这样一个先在舞厅里做"小姐",在与王爱茹关系非同一般的原主管组织工作的县委副书记白兵权一手操办下,王爱茹先在离县城30公里的美原法庭任法官,2000年3月又到富平县法院执行庭任法官。 要是这位白兵权书记看得上,他自己去当个法院院长是绝对没有问题的。

  最近呢,因违纪违法被免职的黑龙江省的检察长和法院院长,来看也是两个不懂法但"级别到了"而直接担任检察长、院长的官员。先让我抄下这一大段他们的简历,让大家去找一下他们什么时候有过学习法律的经历。"徐发,黑龙江省人民检察院检察长、党组书记。1945年10月20日出生于黑龙江省肇东市,1965年12月加入中国共产党。1965年9月考入北京航空学院学习,1970年7月毕业于华东工程学院外弹道专业。1970年8月至1983年5月,在哈尔滨市伟建厂工作;1983年5月至1992年10月,任中共哈尔滨市委常委、副书记兼组织部长、纪检委书记;1992年10月至1997年11月,任中共佳木斯市委书记;1998年4月至2000年3月,任中共黑龙江省委党校党委书记;2000年4月至今任黑龙江省人民检察院检察长、党组书记。中共十五大党代表,十届全国人大代表。"看不出在担任检察长前任何学习法律或者从事法律工作的经历。黑龙江省原省高院院长徐衍东简历是:"1949年12出生,山东东平人,1968年5月参加工作,大学肄业,沈阳军事工程学院;研究生(在职),哈尔滨工业大学经济管理。1990年4月-1992年9月,任鹤岗市委书记。1992年9月-1993年1月,任省政府省长助理。1993年1月-1994年12月,任省政府省长助理、党组成员、省委政法委副书记。1994年12月-1998年1月,任黑龙江省政府省长助理、党组成员、省委政法委副书记兼省公安厅厅长、党委书记、省武警总队第一政委、党委第一书记。1998年1月起,任省法院院长、党组书记。"(《黑龙江省原检察长和原高院院长被双开》, 2005年03月16日12:11 东北网)也看不出在从事法律工作前有何法律职业经历。法官是社会正义最后一道防线的守护者,这些不懂法的守护者却一个个先倒在了防线上。
  这样的法院院长和法官,在人民群众中的形象怎么样呢。我们先不去看底层群众的真实反映,就来看看本来就不怎么善于投反对票的人大代表们怎么看。2003年,最高人民法院工作报告,获得全国人大2312票赞成,398反对,203票弃权通过,得票率为79.4%。原最高人民检察院前检察长韩杼滨在卸任前和肖扬同一天所作的最高人民检察院工作报告则只获得2104张赞成票,反对和弃权票分别为545张和264张,得票率是72.2%。(本刊记者:《人大会议低票通过两高工作报告》,,2003-03-19)。2004年的的各种人大会议报告中,得票率最低的依然是最高人民法院和最高人民检察院的工作报告,分别得到71.89%和74.62%的支持率。 (《中国高法高检报告得低票》,亚洲新闻网,。今年的票数我没有能够找到,可能是怕影响形象吧,只知道温家宝总理的政府工作报告是高票通过,但"两高"的报告是多少票数通过的,我们看不到媒体的公布。只知道2005年人大会上,在最高人民法院提交给全国人大会议审议的工作报告中,指出,全国法院有461人因严重违法违纪行为被查处。尽管这个数字比上年下降了14.15%。(《吕忠梅代表:5种人不适合当法院院长》,网鸟新闻中心 - 2005年3月10日 - 参考来源:中国青年报),而在美国联邦法院的几百年历史上,却只有7个被弹劾的法官。


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2021-12-19 20:47 | Report Abuse





2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2021-12-19 20:56 | Report Abuse


质疑“法盲可以当法院院长”的立法 2005年03月30日10:55 东方法眼 高一飞


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2021-12-19 21:33 | Report Abuse


I was a Bodyguard for a Chinese Serial Rapist by serpentza

No joke, I was at one time a bodyguard for a Chinese celebrity/rapist and now you'll get to hear the story and see the pictures...


6,234 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2021-12-20 08:25 | Report Abuse

Just a very simple logic if what serpentza said about China is true do you think he is still alive today?

Even in Malaysia. Home minister: Still no new leads on forced disappearance cases



2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2021-12-20 09:37 | Report Abuse

He is talking about his experience.


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2021-12-20 09:43 | Report Abuse

Maybe you should stay there in China for few years to find out whether did you experience the similar things. Find out whether what he said it is true or not whether in general China chinese society reluctant to aids other( a strange)that in need, kidnapping of kids, scamming....etc or what he experienced just a one of cases. Ok ? Then you tell us your experiences in China

20/12/2021 9:40 AM


2,263 posts

Posted by qqq3333 > 2021-12-20 11:37 | Report Abuse

His experience or his made up stories also u won't know..anyway one who is kicked out of China surely got reasons why he is kicked out


2,263 posts

Posted by qqq3333 > 2021-12-20 11:38 | Report Abuse

But millions of foreigners happy living in China


2,263 posts

Posted by qqq3333 > 2021-12-20 11:40 | Report Abuse

People like serpenza and laowhy, go to China, don't know what expectations he has...go to another country u are a guest in that country.....u want China to be exactly like South Africa or America then leave.....


2,263 posts

Posted by qqq3333 > 2021-12-20 11:42 | Report Abuse

People like uncensored gets attracted by laowhy serpenza says more about uncensored than about China.


31,556 posts

Posted by stockraider > 2021-12-20 11:42 | Report Abuse

Correct loh...China is a great country mah!

With peace, safety and prosperity enjoyed by all its citizen mah!


2,263 posts

Posted by qqq3333 > 2021-12-20 11:49 | Report Abuse

Xinjiang...nothing going on also can become international incident...u think they care for uighers meh? Create unemployment for Xinjiang good for who?

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