If BAT can capture Back 20% of Value add Brand ( cheap Cigs ), the revenue can easily reached RM1.0 Billion Although Cheap Cigs margin is smaller, but Volume counts----Profit will be significant Remember illegal Cigs is 55% of entire Cigs Market----Just prays MACC keeps checking Custom & Police Dept
Lets hope Vape market take-off Real Good----Cheap Cigs true potential will be only partial this Qr bcos MACC operation starts Mid Jan to Feb but Cheap Cigs stocks are still available ( maybe down 30% ) We donT know until results are out
After Vape market matured---Heat-no-Burn market will kick off ( Cut toxic chemicals by 85% ) Actually alot Chinese are using Heat no Burn Equipment ( Equipment cost RM 400-500 per piece )
There are MORE narcotic smokers than Cigs smokers now----10years ago, i heard there are 1 millions Narcotics smokers Hiding in Palm Oil plantation ( nobody wants to Talk about it esp. politicians--Why?? Cannot see Cannot enforced )--------Big Tree like BAT always attracts Wind in a Bad Way
Wake up. What else needed to put right in your face to realise BAT and Astro are sunset business? Dividend yield is only good if the profit could maintain. For these 2 stocks, who would like to bet with me over the next 10 years the chart is downward trend. I give an odds of 1 to 3
Chinese New Year Cig consumption is always Low ( i was surprised but has accepted it after 3 seasons ) As MACC has Charged 30 customs officers Last week, Cheap illegal Cigs supply is falling----BAT Luckies ( cheap Cig ) is gaining Volume ( much more next Qr )---Highly likely BAT cheap Brand will replace missing Revenue from premium Brand Next Qr....A rather Huge Market if MACC operation has broken illegal Cig supply Chain-----Next Qr Result is worth Waiting!!!!!!!!!!!!
I strongly believe it will start to reverse and going north from now on and will not break below 8 for very sure during this transition and new generation of e-cigarettes,collecting slowly this morning will increase
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Posted by BradonOoi > 2024-04-30 14:46 | Report Abuse
Yup, another dividend is coming in June