All warrants on KLSE. Please refer for your own good. Prices of the mother share of each 'Underlying' equity will reflect the reflect the warrant Exercise value (And the Hedge in some cases). Literally, you do NOT own your life, the IBs do. The Creeps.
I must congratulate brave hearted Harta supporters for doing dip buying since yesterday and early morning trade below the 18.00 ringgit as the primary trend of Harta short term is still intact and unchanged as small abberation resulting in minor pullback is not an issue for the next advance. My first target Harta to date is 21.10 ringgit for profit taking round. Medium to Long term I have a higher target to 27.50 ringgit first half 2021 on humongous earnings visibility for the 12 months or so. Investors just need to follow the upward trend which is your friend until it bends!!! Due diligence is warranted!!!
If it’s too hard to estimate the probabilities of the events or the likelihood of favourable outcomes is too low, that’s when we should take a step back and move into the next opportunity. The best poker players are able to do this very well. They bet heavily when the odds are in their favour( after doing their homework), otherwise, they don’t bet at all.
See go back to 18.50 ! Now buy glove and medic share daily movement is very big, but if u think another coming 6 months to 12 months, what share u can buy then u will steady and cool down ....
I dun understand news abt vaccine.... The news stated Korean people dies from the flu shot, no effective vaccine, USA out of control, Europe hospitals on the brink....... How on earth people interpret these vaccine news as Bad for gloves???? Real donkeys. News abt vaccine in English means got confirmed vaccine, millions took it and no side effects...covid is gone... That's vaccine news La!!
WHO new case daily make new record high today, 423,819 new case today, you can see from chart when the daily case spike new high glove counter will fly. 22/10/2020 10:51 PM
@universeck 1) Already mentioned earlier to wait till end Oct or early Nov before reenter. Let those warrants expire first. Why want to knock you head knowing IBs will press down the price?
2) The sell down in glove counters had nothing to do with vaccine availability affecting glove demand. Look at no glove Mah Sing price holding firm despite run up in the past few days. It would have crashed too if demand for glove really decimated. Reason Mah Sing did not drop is because there are no warrants expiring on the counter and no IB manipulating the price.
3) Take this opportunity to collect if price drop more tomorrow. First gen vaccine efficacy is only 50% ie 50% of the population will still get infected if exposed. Hospitals will still implement the same strict SOP and glove usage will still remain elevated till at least 2022.
4) Contra kaki stay away from gloves if you cannot invest long term. This is a long term business. Those who bough just hold on long term. The peak for glove price has yet to come.
5) Avoid CWs when you see the mother share rising steeply and the CWs in the money. You may think you spotted a good deal and other investors are dumb to buy mother share instead of warrant. Just wait till IB press down the price and you lose all money in the CW. You will know who is dumb in the end.
6) Stay away from the wannabe new glove comers. By the time they completed the factory, pandemic might be under control by 2022 and price normalising. The big 4 with low cost advantage can survive and press down the price to push the new entrants out of business. This is not the first time glove industry going through boom and bust. Only the fittest will survive and the new ones are unlikely to be around for long. Just look at the new face mask manufacturers closing down one after another. Only the old boys still remain strong. Same will happen to gloves here.
7) Harta has the lowest cost among the big 4 before the pandemic. Topglove is chasing up with automation and cost reduction but due to difference in ASP, it's hard to tell if Topglove will eventually be on par with Harta in term of cost per unit glove. Supermax will be the highest margin due to OBM but doubt it's doing enough to cut down cost.
8) Look beyond 2022 when pandemic is brough under control and price normalising. It will not come back down to pre crisis level as era of cheap labour is over and glove companies will pay more to foreign workers to avoid being accused of forced labour
9) Sri Trang is playing dirty tricks to hit Malaysian glove manufacturers. The current issue with US CBP was due to their instigation. Magma should hit them back. Sri Trang factories are likely staffed by illegals from Laos and Myanmar living in worse conditions.
Hope all make more money. Cheers! 21/10/2020 10:48 PM
Goldenharvest have you read the full report of the decease candidate ? the candidate is randomise into placebo arm during the trial is carry out. the candidate didn't get the active ingredient of the vaksin during the trial. Placebo medication is non active ingreident. and the decease pass away due to covid 19 complication
Vaccination news keep haunting glove counters. earning result could be secondary. and the reality is, glove consumption will be reduced in 2022. invest only when it has big profit taking
The Big 4 Glove companies can't even meet the demand for the next 3 YEARS. Meanwhile, hotels will remain closed for years, airlines have nowhere to go to and banks CANNOT lend.
Genting LOST RM786 million in one quarter and will continue to incur losses. Supermax GAINS RM1 billion (28 Oct QR expected) in one quarter and will continue to grow.
Maybank market cap (80b) is THREE TIMES larger than Supermax (26b) but Supermax defeats Maybank's profits. Fantastic.
- Harta only made 220 million last quarter. Supermax made 400 million last quarter. Next week, Supermax projected profits are RM1 billion but Harta's next quarter expected to do only RM500 million.
Supermax always has TWO TIMES the profits of Harta. But Harta's market cap is TWO TIMES larger than Supermax. Says something. Supermax is a growing company.
NoNonsense. Harta is head of glove when supermx was no nothing. nice talking down harta to boast your own supernx position. but rest assured if harta go down. supermx will go down in x2 speed.
The underlaying concept of warrants is it is to be used as a risk management tool to protect against fluctuations in the price of the mother share. In other words fluctuations in the mother share price will effect the price of the warrant. BUT in the last few years it seems to have gone the other way. The warrant price seems to dictate the price of the mother share!!! The banks have issued huge amounts of warrants and they are in it to make money and they have a big war chest to manipulate the price of the mother share to suit their exposure in the warrant market to ensure they make a profit. We shall see come the beginning of November when some of the CW expire to see if the share price of Harta go up or not.
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
2,693 posts
Posted by GoldenHarvest1 > 2020-10-22 01:13 | Report Abuse
Five South Korean citizens die after flu shots, triggering vaccine concerns