I have Rm570K paper profit and don't off load a single lot with 3.1 millions share onhand. The uptrend is just started and will last for quite some time to come.
i also took some profit just now. but i always have tendency to sell TOO fast. don't be a fool like me. now it's so painful for me to see YTL & YTLPOWER soaring like no tomorrow. oouch. >_<
just move on, there are plenty of undervalued stock out there. once sold all never watch back. choose another undervalued stagnant or downtrending stock. never chase high
remember buy low sell high. nobody can do it perfectly, buy at lowest and sell at highest. but at least try your best to do it correctly albeit not precise, just don't do it other way round
looking at the buy queue, there are no genuine general market interest in this share at this price, just someone specifically trying to push up the price by eating the sell queue strategically to minimize cost.
not that I hope the share price drop, I still holding quite some stakes just in case for privatization announcement.
but IF there is no reason behind this rally and IF it is fabricated, somehow not supporting by next QR result, collapse might happen at anytime
so so punya result, if bergantung ini result saja memang hardly support the rally or current price of RM1.50. But this stock is definitely still very undervalue la base on cash balance, NTA and future prospect.
price can go either ways from now, in case the price goes down can restock some more also, win win situation
btw, ada cuba buat window dressing open price tadi pagi x jadi sebab saya queue sell last sec sebelum 9am juga, cepat dia cancel haha, haha kelmarin pun gitu
My cost of YTLPower at 0.59 with 10 millions over units. Just finished disposed as the share price explosed lately. Suria, stilll in uptrend mode, still can hold.
if just base on EPS I think current price is at fair value at the best. I still hold a few stakes left here because I am positive on it's future prospects with potential EPS growth.
sustaining PE11 for long term future is not something worth investing in my opinion, I would have sold all if that is what to be expected here
Earning for Suria is fare at the moment and expected not to be better for next few quarters to come. However, the company restructuring is coming out soon and expected price will push further up.
bye bye SURIA, had a very great run with you with nice profits, perhaps will never have chance to reenter you again unless you don't get privatized like MMCCORP and price went back down in the future
increased my stakes at ASIAPAC by switching my capital from SURIA, hopefully it is a right decision in longer run
but of course I am just a negligible bilis haha, will never have millions of units
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Posted by SincereStock > 2023-07-21 16:59 | Report Abuse
sold a few at RM1.28 to lock profit ^_^