We reiterate BUY on Suria Capital with a higher DCF-derived fair value (FV) of RM2.27/share (from RM1.85/share previously) with a higher terminal growth rate of 5% (from 3%) to account for potential port tariff rate hikes with an unchanged WACC of 8%.
@tonywong8 I guess maybe end of this year? hmm... maybe got chance to reenter this counter with more affordable price after that... just maybe.. I like this counter but not current price :-(
@tonywong8 SURIA got news yesterday about Sepangar port leasing to DP world. but I am still more interested to know your tournament deadline than any SURIA's official announcement or news now hehe
Sepangar port leasing to DP World is the best arrangement for Suria. Suria retained all its goodies in his account and DP World will make extra profit for Suria, sure winning game.
been investing (in and out, profit gained) and monitoring this stock for years, not hard to see now only 1 guy / party responsible for the price upward rather than overall market interest, thanks for lifting the price up though although I didn't stayed longer
SincereStock, i am also thinking of this guy, he must be the guy behind the show and he knew what will happen to Suria in the near future. I will hold tight until the plan is realized.
hmm, so mean it is a yearly contest? so it should conclude this year's end right? please correct me if I am wrong. tbh I don't get what is the contest about actually, didn't follow and not interested. congrats that you win anyway, though you should be more happy about gaining 171% of your capital than winning that contest, but I know everyone "jia zhi guan" is not same, so just congrats for staying at top spot for that contest hehe
anyway, if I am the guy with that much of capital in hand and I knew something good is going to unfold for SURIA. I sure will try to keep the price low and collect diam2. why collect at higher price and try to make everyone think something good is going to unfold?
stock market is always a mental game, need to know the intention behind someone's act, and what's might be next
I wonder if nowadays most people invest with phone apps, it is important to invest with internet explorer if you want to see bigger picture of what is going on
SincereStock, this guy behind is not you and me, a retailers always wish to collect as low as possible. My cost for Suria is Rm1.091, and recently, i didn't bought or sold any shares. However, the guy behind the show is the game player for the company, he will buy the share to the right level and the company will make announcement for the restructuring.
me confirm small retailer la, a very stingy one, expensive a bit also don't buy liao haha you I really don't know how big la (just confirm bigger than myself), but SURIA is not a big cap company though, mid cap at most. Somemore half of the share at SABAH's gov hand, which is a quite unlikely a market game player, but who knows la, let's see la, less than 3 more weeks end year
Sabah government is the game player, Suria is in the restructuring stage which we are not able to understand the details. However, we are sure that the extension of 30 years operation concession to Suria will cater for DP World collaboration in port operation which will bring huge benefit to Suria. In addition, the land at the existing port at KK will be very valuable when property development come in.
I still waiting opportunity to come back to this counter for another good run loh! hope someone SURIA will welcome me back with open arm someday after I grew up my cash capital somewhere else now, where there are plenty of present opportunities
SincereStock, i am also hope that someone will give me shares at cheaper price after i realized profit from YTL and YTLPOWR. But, from my point of view, it is likely less chance people to sell instead they are buying. There is a guy keep buying high and no chance for us to accumulate.
Imagine, the business will end 11 years later with profit of 50 millions per annum. No way the share will move higher. Now, after extension of 30 years, the concession will end at 2064, with DP World coming in, 52 acres of land at town centre and monopoly port business for next 41 years, the company revenue and profit will definately increase gradually, the share price will not go back to previosly anymore.
I have 3.12 millions unit of share and will not sell any at this price. I keep for dividend and anticipated that profit margin will increase and so do dividend based on 35% of realized profit. Hope the company may increase % of company profit for dividend.
@tonywong8 good for you, and good reason for continuing holding the share onward.
admit I sold too early here, luckily I did well with the cash (capital & profit taken) outside as well, APM, PENERGY and recently HARBOUR. you might be right I might not have chance to revisit this counter unless I am willing to buy back at higher price, but I see no point of doing that seeing there are still many undervalued counters outside with better upside potential, better odds out there.
but if miracle do happen and this counter price's miraclely drops while fundamental in tact, I will not hesitate to reenter this counter by then. or maybe when fundamental is clearly shown to be greatly improved in the form of consistent EPS, maybe I will consider to buy back at slightly higher premium considering the counter is still *clearly & obviously* to be still deeply undervalued
for me personally, PE 10 is gauge for fair value in most counter, while NTA is another gauge at equal value to be deemed as fair. so in term of NTA yes this counter is still undervalued. but at the same time there are plenty of other counters with great NTA discount and consistent EPS that contributes to much lower PE
I do also understand that this counter EPS has potential to grow, but that still very vague for me despite with your convincing arguements @tonywong8. so lets see how things unfold in future, gd luck
anyway, I am still dubious with the lack of volume rally from around Rm1 to Rm2, as compare to this company's previous history of rally especially before year 2022 which is usually facing stronger seller resistance resulting more significant volume. investors seems to be responding differently to price rally last year 2023
This was my stocks pick at the end of 2022. I was expected huge growth in Singapore power business and it really turn out as expected. I made a lot of money from YTLPOWR and YTL and then, i bought 1 millions unit of Mcement at average price of 3.69. Hopefully, the price will go up further to 6.00 in the near turn. For Suria, i expected there will be good news announcement in the near future and price will go further north. The company is a growing stock for next few years and the capital volume is small, the stock can be easily corner. May be there is no much shares in the market now and can be easily speculated from my visualized of the traded volume.
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Posted by fairyz > 2023-11-08 01:28 | Report Abuse
wow what a run
privatisation finally coming? or it's the tarif review?