1. the graph currently are showing down. I am looking for an up signal to ride the next wave. 2. currently holding lots of mother and warrants. Both average just above the current market price. =( 3. last few days, tempted and bought in again. And also subscribe to RI + buy additional excess RI 4. If I can get excess RI, my average will lower than current market price. Will sell some to reduce my cost... 5. Why? Base on some fundamental of KNM recent activities, and current oil price to near future, KNM seem "to be" have a good future in near term. 6. Next week, hmmmm. just my guts' feeling from the graph, might have a minimum progressive uptrend. Why? no more RI to lower down the price, just waiting for KNM to acquire new projects, QR (profit or not), or oil price. 7. All the above are my crazy nut case, idiotic method, and medium investment.
So, you have decide whether ... "to buy or not to buy, that is the question" "to sell or not to sell, that is another question"
JAL, yes MACD, good for medium to long term investment, not for contra. you might want to use Bollinger Band, BB%, BB width, Stochastic and monitor on the volume+price movement. I based the graph as mentioned, and additional indicators. To see the chart, save to you pc and open with a graphic viewer. It is a PNG file.
Normally after right issue, share price will drop. But nevermind we could wait for next right issue proposal which I guess will be propose around period: mar 16- sep 16.
Bennylau77, I noticed 4 indicators is about time to go up. #1, the Red FVE(13), just crossed the 0 #4, " /\ " more on up #7, stochastic, Brown, curved up, red+blue, just crossed #8,volume+price, about time to cross the moving average(blue)
The above are just my tiring eyes observation. I am wrong all the time. You decide whether it is up or down or sideways.
people are going to be so wrong and so regret if they think crude oil is going to drop...infact it is going to start skyrocketing anytime soon..wakakakaka
bennylau77, it is still down. no sign of life yet. Still waiting for the heart beat " /\_ "(4th chart). presently, "\/_____" The top chart, showing distribution. Price, below Bollinge's MA, no good.
Boss have just accumulate,,,wait when price up boss dispose then only sell...But, be ready for small drop in between (small money no out, big money cannot come in). Buy on dips.
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
78 posts
Posted by Forever > 2015-04-04 10:04 | Report Abuse