adang is a cash rich company, order in hard able to sustain the profit contribution from the contruction sector for more than 2 year, so it is nothing wrong if she is more selective than other construction companies in getting contract. why should gadang need to work on contract that generate low profit margin or no profit at all, if you are a businessman than you know what I am talking about.
Wow, good guess you still remember this point. I purpose not mentioning, later ppl will panic buy again! The only sad thing is ppl think gadang property stock, avoiding it all cost. But looking into AR, you will understand more. And you will discover next years some bonuses already lining down for us. They are good!
When a fund mgr cover this beginning of year, then CFO lenglui said 75m achievable, then she price shoot above rm2! Then slowly die down after MKT sentiments no good. Nothing has changed! Gadang still as it is and moving within all ppl expectations. So it is just time it move back rm2, and even. More next yr.
Wow, see who bust taking credit again! I discover this stock even way before your time loh. I bought the Chinese magazine 资汇and they cover gadang loh. Tht time I alr3ady strted accumulating gadang. Kok onn seems to be honest bizman . Laying down his plans and executing professionally.
1.10 is after the magazine cover them. I buy slightly below RM1 loh.
You sure RM2 before she open mouth? You know who is the fund mgr tht highlight this not? I was personally at tht place when this lenglui talking to us loh! The next day this big mouth fund mgr can't keep secret loh. Openly discuss it making it shoot up! Luckily I still can slowly accumulate now.
Don't quarrel over this Gadang Gajah lah. Tell you what? Gadang was recommended to me by Iskandar OSK Top Boss at 80 cents. I bought a house near Capital City 21 near Kempas. I used to pass by Capital City 21 hoping to see Capital City 21 being built.
With the glut of Condos in Iskandar I think it will turn into a white elephant soon. So just be careful now. Or else you guys will be hugging a Gajah (Gadang) Putih.
Also, this Chinese magazine good loh, it repeatedly mentioned VS. And I alredi notice beginning of the year it is sure winner Liao. Then OTB cover and put it into his portfolio. So it is easy for me Liao, ji bai Hor seh Liao loh. So I sapu VS tht time after reading this magazine!
Calvin bro....shhhhhh. Don't talk anything bad of gadang! Not also on capital 21. Later u kema cyber attacking from icon gang, with tons of vulgar languages from tkp1, duit, kopipeng and many many others! Please, protect yourself! Tell me you are wrong and sorry now! Capital 21 not white elephant, please tell them! And apology again! Fast! Fast!
Capital21 according to this icon a super duper perfect projects! How dare you said white elephant jobs????? Omg! Apology to icon now! He can't be wrong after all his research! Look at how long and neggy those research are! With tons of details! You telling us white elephant now? Putrajaya baru ada mah! Go back your Singapore Calvin bro!
Hello icon8888 where are you???? Pls copy paste here the links! Prooft Calvin wrong leh! He said your gadang white elephant woh. Maybe that's a compliment???
Don't quarrel over this Gadang Gajah lah. Tell you what? Gadang was recommended to me by Iskandar OSK Top Boss at 80 cents. I bought a house near Capital City 21 near Kempas. I used to pass by Capital City 21 hoping to see Capital City 21 being built.
With the glut of Condos in Iskandar I think it will turn into a white elephant soon. So just be careful now. Or else you guys will be hugging a Gajah (Gadang) Putih.
Calvin bro! Please do so! He eager wanna know more before come up with another articles to attack you! Don't be so honest lah! Just tell him you are busy accumulating also mah!then he take you buddy buddy. You must agree with him all his stock picks perfect and no risk! Later will kenancyber attacking by his gang like me mah! Veteran like you don't deserve that!
Get your bullett proof suit ready for! White elephant! Hahahahahahahanaah
Jz to tell you....... Calvin dont simply abuse people and create enemy here.... he has many frens over here although we might not SUKA all his stock picks. He knows how to respect people and he is a great salesman...........
Icon8888 will never harsh to Calvin I can BET simply becoz all of us talk nicely and sometime tease each other...... not like you act expert but no substance.
Yes, since I own a house nearby I really hope Capital City 21 succeed. It is touted to be "The 7 Wonders" of Iskandar. If so it will really lift up the value of my property just 3 minutes drive away.
Where is icon8888??? Calling icon! Your white elephant projects need explanation! Come prepare your elephant guns to kill Calvin and the white elephant u promoted
how can we not frustrated? our gadang pe around 7 (RM1.44) but average for construction sector is around 14 (RM2.88), coming result expected good, but price is zzzz.......... whereas others already roaring like tiger. sigh.......
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1,445 posts
Posted by apini > 2015-07-22 23:14 | Report Abuse
adang is a cash rich company, order in hard able to sustain the profit contribution from the contruction sector for more than 2 year, so it is nothing wrong if she is more selective than other construction companies in getting contract. why should gadang need to work on contract that generate low profit margin or no profit at all, if you are a businessman than you know what I am talking about.