Hahaha... finally prominent investor true colour come out. He encourage companies to perform creative accounting to report more profit. This kind of people without moral. Use charity to cover his sin. http://koonyewyin.com/2016/10/31/companies-must-avoid-reporting-bumpy-quarterly-profit/
Calvin, remember if you curse those who do not deserved to be cursed then the curse will fall back on you. Like vice if you bless those who do not deserved to be blesed, the blessing will come back. I bless you Calvin Tan in name of our LORD.
By way today I have invest GKent & Mycon. NOT interest on your recommendation. Thank you for letting me know.
____________________________________________________________ Posted by calvintaneng > Oct 31, 2016 06:53 PM | Report Abuse
Now you better don't miss DRB & MRCB. The 2 Superstar stocks for GE14 coming soon. God bless you
Drbh drpped 10cents? Quite chun ma calvin, so accurate those people who bought at 1.48 now suffering, no difference than kyy except kyy recommended profitable companies but calcin recommend dodgy companies with huge losses like drb , joke of the day
after reading kyy article , i suddenly feel very hopeful, a feeling that we are making a right decision did not panic sell gadang . I am very confident the price will recover soon I suddenly feel very bad condemn calvin so much. I think you also shouldn't scold him a kiasu, lansi Singaporean now. in fact we must be thankful to him being with us and talking with to us during these few difficult days when gadang price had dropped so much causes many panic sellings.
kok onn can play with the account but he did not , he is an honest man he is very confident with his company performance the coming days are good for gadang it is safe to put our money with him
when you feel no more anger , you enemy look less disgusting feel very hopeful , a lot of friends here everybody so nice..... it is the time your fortune is coming
for those who want o sell gadang , tomorrow is a good day to sell but do not sell less than 2.90 best still don't sell , let the profit runs
dumb dumb hold lah...been holding since august 2015. Prompted to buy when i was stuck in daily traffic jam from surian to kota damansara. Whole stretch of gadang cranes and construction for MRT. Very neat work now, Gadang definitely in for serious business.
Agree with stockistlearner though, i believe we have been taken for a ride, but more goreng action later..if dare hold will see thru all, at your own risk that is. good luck
MRT going to complete soon. After complete no more work for Gadang?
Posted by kongxkong > Oct 31, 2016 10:07 PM | Report Abuse dumb dumb hold lah...been holding since august 2015. Prompted to buy when i was stuck in daily traffic jam from surian to kota damansara. Whole stretch of gadang cranes and construction for MRT. Very neat work now, Gadang definitely in for serious business.
just matched my buy today.. never expect to be matched so soon.. anyway, this has average up my cost again.. but is good time to top up now for their dividend and other proposals.. hope this counter can challenge 3 again very soon..
If gadang drop back 40% and it volume becomes very small i might consider to buy it. Right now chase high need to pay bills( i want gadang pays me =))!
The only way to be winner in malaysia stock market if and only if you are cash rich(really extra cash) and you dont mind to put your cash for long term and dont mind to cut while you found a better stock to invest. (Still extra cash)
Once you cash in stock wont affect your life your mind. Then you already on the winner path. Cheers
Morning, i think if anyone is interested in buying this counter better wait till wednesday. Assuming some people got margin call last Friday, they will need to top up their account by wednesday. If they failed, the bank will force sell their shares.. So better wait i think.. Good luck
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
330 posts
Posted by WB2F > 2016-10-31 18:50 | Report Abuse
Anyway just to put the matter right. Currently I did not have any Gadang shares. I sold all 28 Oct 2016. Made very little little realised profit.