Remarkable set of result esp from the service segment which is a very stable source of income and the high voltage segment which is expected to contribute more in d near future as higher project executed. Not to forget mrt2 and lrt3 projects have not been executed yet
Profit contribution from High Voltage System segment was started kicking in last quarter. Expecting this trend would continue with the support of higher execution for contract RM 260 million.
The only listed local company that manufatures and provides maintenance to lifts/escalators with 10% market share. QL bosses are the largest shareholders. It had won all MRT1, 2 and LRT3 contracts. It should also benefit from ECRL, HSR and bandar malaysia revival. Land will be scarcer in d future and high rise is d trend. So lifts and escalators will be on demand from time to time. Maintenance of lifts and escalators will provide steady cash flow. A few years back they maintained about 1500 of lifts/escalators. Now they are maintaining close to 3000 units. Imagine in a few years down the road. It is a steady and growing company with steady dividend payout of close to 5% yield. As the profit grows with other segments like power substation, the share price will appreciate too. A company that worth to invest
Bursa trading volume at fresh high above 11b units KUALA LUMPUR: Trading volume on Bursa Malaysia surged to a fresh record high above 11 billion units on Monday as punters and traders chased oil and gas stocks following
Commandable result. Next quarter will be affected by MCO no doubt. However, management is quite optimistic of achieving satisfactory performance in 2020. MRT 2 is progressing well. Installation of escalators and elevators should commence this year. Service segment will continue to contribute as it is an essential service to maintain lifts during MCO period
Bonus share issue declared plus free warrant. The company is also growing in their business and income base, esp from servicing segment when more and more elevator/escalators are retained for service. QL founder is the largest shareholder in Eita. Hopefully, this company will also grow in value like QL
Apparently someone knew about bonus share and warrant and bought the last few days... 3 share given 1 warrant only. At current price of 1.60. Easy choice. Sell share better
Solid quarterly financial result during current economy downturn. Not to forget that MRT2 dan LRT3 projects are still not yet executed. These will improve the group's future earning when they are executed. I believe next yr they will won some of the megaprojects like ERCL, it is the only listed local company that manufacture lift/escalator. The government will need2get these megaprojects started to boost the economy during downturn. 3 cent dividend was declared and total 6 cent per year, very good company indeed
Euro is a loss making company. Its share prise rose from a few cents to current rm 3.80 after declaring 1 to 2 bonus. Eita is a solid company with good earning and dividend payout of 6 cents per year, and it is controlled by reputable shareholder, which is the founder of QL. Now it declares 1 to 1 bonus, followed by 3 to 1 warrant. At current price, it is a no brainer compared to Euro. Very undervalued indeed
Eita is a very good company indeed. Bought at 1.28 and sold at 1.85. I expect to sell at 1.80 within the next 2 years, cant believe make it in 2 months with 1.85 profit taken.
This company is undervalued. But would like to start accumulating again at 1.50 or lower
EURO is valued at rm 5 before the bonus of 1 to 2 based on current share price. In term of profit, consistency and dividend, Eita is way better than euro and eita is now valued at rm 1.9. Compared to rm 5 of euro, it is way undervalued. It is also growing with around 1500+ lits/escalators maintanence during IPO a decade ago, to over 3000+ units being maintained now. The service and maintenance segment is a cash cow
Will need time for Bursa approval on bonus issue etc. After that EGM again need time to fix ex date. Need to wait patiently. Meanwhile it is just the dividen 3 sens.
EITA - Notice of Bonus Entitlement EITA - Notice of Bonus EntitlementILC-15012021-000071) Bonus issue of shares up to 130,000,000 new ordinary shares in EITAResources Berhad ("EITA") ("EITA Share(s)") ("Bonus Share(s)") on the basis of1 Bonus Share for every 1 existing EITA Share held as at 5:00p.m. on 29 January2021 ("Entitlement Date") ("Bonus Issue of Shares") 2) Bonus issue of up to86,666,666 free warrants in EITA Resources Berhad ("EITA") ("Warrant(s)") onthe basis of 1 Warrant for every 3 ordinary shares in EITA held as at 5:00p.m.on 29 January 2021 ("Entitlement Date") after the Bonus Issue of Shares ("BonusIssue of Warrants") Kindly be advised of the following : 1) The aboveCompany?s securities will be traded and quoted ?EX-BONUS ISSUE? as from: 27Jan 2021 2) The last date of lodgment : 29 Jan 2021 3) Retention Money:Where securities are not delivered in time for registration by the seller, thenthe brokers concerned:- a) Selling Broker to deduct <1/2>, ofSelling Price against the Selling Client b) Buying Broker to deduct<50%>, of Purchase Price against the Buying Client c) Between Brokerand Broker, the deduction of <1/2>, of the Transacted Price is applicable.Remarks 1: Bursa Malaysia Securities Bhd would like to clarify that on thebasis of settlement taking place after 29 January 2021 with bonus issue of EITAshares, any shareholder who is entitled to receive EITA bonus issue shares, maysell any or all of his EITA shares arising from the bonus issue beginning theEx-Date (27 January 2021). For example, if Mr X purchases 100 EITA shares oncum basis on 26 January 2021, Mr X should receive 100 shares on 26 January2021. As a result of the bonus issue, a total of 200 EITA shares will becredited into Mr X's CDS account on the night of 29 January 2021 being the BookClosing Date. Therefore, Mr X can sell the bonus issue shares of 200 on orafter the Ex-Date ie from 27 January 2021 onwards." Remarks 2 : The BonusShares will be listed and quoted on the Main Market of Bursa MalaysiaSecurities Berhad ("Bursa Securities") on 2 February 2021, being the nextmarket day after the Entitlement Date. EITA's share registrar is expected toissue and despatch the notices of allotment for the Bonus Shares to theentitled shareholders whose names appear in the Record of Depositors of EITA onthe Entitlement Date within 4 market days after the date the Bonus Shares arelisted and quoted on the Main Market of Bursa Securities. Remarks 3 : TheWarrants will be listed and quoted on the Main Market of Bursa MalaysiaSecurities Berhad ("Bursa Securities") within 2 market days after thesubmission of the quotation application for the Warrants to Bursa Securities.The Warrants will be credited into the central depository system accounts ofthe entitled shareholders of the Company ("Entitled Shareholders") and noticesof allotment will be issued and despatched to the Entitled Shareholders at theaddress as per the Record of Depositors of the Company within 8 market daysfrom the Entitlement Date.MANAGER, REF. DATA MANAGEMENTYou are advised to read the entire contents of the announcement or attachment.To read the entire contents of the announcement or attachment, please accessthe Bursa website at
Fundamental wise, eita is way better than euro. Euro after ex is rm 5 now, meaning before ex is rm 15. This is no brainer. Eita should be valued higher than euro
Euro rose 60% after announcement of the bonus date and still rising after ex date. Now euro still worth rm 5.76. Meaning before ex date it is valued at rm 5.76x3= around rm 17 (before 1 to 2 bonus). Eita is a much much better company than euro and now only rm 2.5. If it follow euro pattern, then before ex date it should worth at least rm 3.50. After ex date, u get extra bonus and free warrant. Nobody will know if it will continue2 rise after ex date like euro
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
230 posts
Posted by bclim_83 > 2019-08-27 20:03 | Report Abuse
Remarkable set of result esp from the service segment which is a very stable source of income and the high voltage segment which is expected to contribute more in d near future as higher project executed. Not to forget mrt2 and lrt3 projects have not been executed yet