The dumping not yet over. Very easy to know this. Before closing, the seller bought back to close higher so that tomorrow he can resume selling at a better price. I can smell this dumper’s game. Haha.
Managed to add 200k@0.385. I truly believe the bottom is yet to be reached. Slowly collect.
The stage is being set for a big rally. My 2 cents. MACD looks great. Fundamental is also strong. Good prospect. RM 7.5 billion for Jendela. Epf owns 6.85% of this company.
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
2,590 posts
Posted by abang_misai > 2020-11-04 20:58 | Report Abuse
The dumping not yet over. Very easy to know this. Before closing, the seller bought back to close higher so that tomorrow he can resume selling at a better price. I can smell this dumper’s game. Haha.
Managed to add 200k@0.385. I truly believe the bottom is yet to be reached. Slowly collect.