Posted by Speedy Boy > 2018-09-29 12:52 | Report Abuse

This week should have been a good week until the old bugger start his usually rants about US, China and of course a little dash of anti jews! Haix, remind us how it was back in the 90s! Mahathir should wake up, that the world has forgotten about the jews for some time! Nowadays anti CCP is a very hot trend! Anway, by next week, Mahathir ranting will be ranting on 3rd national car and we should be prepared to listen to his cursing and sulking and rolling on the floor like toddle! Given only 19 more months to go, i think this transit PM should shorten his stay to few more weeks! Tak boleh tahan! But i guess the excitement will be on Anwar Ibrahim return! Today is the nomination day for him and two weeks later we should know if he is ready to take the throne! Khairy is right, Mahathir should allow Anwar to be PM because this is something that we have heard of since 2 decade ago! Let Anwar be PM, rakyat will decide whether he is good or not! Beside if Anwar is lousy, it only makes Azmin more appealing! And if Azmin too prove to be lousy, Khairy may stood a chance to reclaim BN victory! For me, the fight for GE16 belongs to Azmin Vs Khairy! Overall, i don't see much uncertainty by next week! The 10% tarrif already accepted by markets! With dollar keep strengthening, it only makes China laughing at such tariff! However, other countries will definitely see improvement in US investment! As for bursa, foreign funds should return in big way!

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1 comment(s). Last comment by Speedy Boy 2018-09-29 13:00

Speedy Boy

888 posts

Posted by Speedy Boy > 2018-09-29 13:00 | Report Abuse

Foreign funds should be more confident with Pakatan government! However consistency in reform, governance and economy! Foreign funds are looking for good reason to come back in big way! The uncertainty no longer an issue! After 5 months, everything is back to normal, no chaos and no racial disintegration! The only person that can throw problem in to his government is Mahathir! It's open secret what Mahathir is planning! As a person of 93 year old, Mahathir should let rakyat decide what is best! Rakyat change the government of the day and certainly rakyat can bring down Pakatan too! It's not up to Mahathir alone to decide! Beside, he represent a minority party in Pakatan! PKR and DAP has bigger say in charting new course for Malaysia! And i believe Pakatan is more than capable than what Mahathir think!

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