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Last Price
Today's Change
-0.005 (1.47%)
Day's Change
0.335 - 0.345
Trading Volume
Market Cap
991 Million
2,959 Million
Latest Quarter
30-Sep-2024 [#1]
Announcement Date
Next Quarter
Est. Ann. Date
Est. Ann. Due Date
QoQ | YoY
61.68% | -906.29%
Revenue | NP to SH
1,144,350.000 | -150,894.000
38.67 Cent | 0.87
EPS | P/E | EY
-5.10 Cent | -6.57 | -15.22%
DPS | DY | Payout %
0.00 Cent | 0.00% | 0.00%
0.77 | 0.44
QoQ | YoY
-22.72% | -39.78%
NP Margin | ROE
-12.52% | -6.62%
F.Y. | Ann. Date
30-Sep-2024 | 27-Nov-2024
Latest Audited Result
Announcement Date
Next Audited Result
Est. Ann. Date
Est. Ann. Due Date
Revenue | NP to SH
1,145,809.000 | -122,953.000
38.72 Cent | 0.87
EPS | P/E | EY
-4.15 Cent | -8.06 | -12.40%
DPS | DY | Payout %
0.00 Cent | 0.00% | 0.00%
0.77 | 0.43
NP Margin | ROE
-10.32% | -5.38%
F.Y. | Ann. Date
30-Jun-2024 | 30-Aug-2024
Revenue | NP to SH
1,081,756.000 | -99,432.000
36.55 Cent | 0.92
EPS | P/E | EY
-3.36 Cent | -9.97 | -10.03%
DPS | DY | Payout %
QoQ | YoY
19.13% | -906.29%
NP Margin | ROE
-8.29% | -4.36%
F.Y. | Ann. Date
30-Sep-2024 | 27-Nov-2024
Date | Financial Result | Financial Ratio | Per Share Item | Performance | Valuation (End of Quarter) | Valuation (Ann. Date) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
F.Y. | Ann. Date | Quarter | # | Revenue | PBT | NP | NP to SH | Div | Net Worth | Div Payout % | NP Margin | ROE | NOSH | RPS | Adj. RPS | EPS | Adj. EPS | DPS | Adj. DPS | NAPS | Adj. NAPS | QoQ | YoY | EOQ Date | EOQ Price | EOQ P/RPS | EOQ P/EPS | EOQ P/NAPS | EOQ EY | EOQ DY | ANN Date | ANN Price | ANN P/RPS | ANN P/EPS | ANN P/NAPS | ANN EY | ANN DY |
PBT = Profit before Tax, NP = Net Profit, NP to SH = Net Profit Attributable to Shareholder, Div = Dividend, NP Margin = Net Profit Margin, ROE = Return on Equity, NOSH = Number of Shares, RPS = Revenue per Share, EPS = Earning Per Share, DPS = Dividend Per Share, NAPS = Net Asset Per Share, EOQ = End of Quarter, ANN = Announcement, P/RPS = Price/Revenue per Share, P/EPS = Price/Earning per Share, P/NAPS = Price/Net Asset per Share, EY = Earning Yield, DY = Dividend Yield.
NOSH is estimated based on the NP to SH and EPS. Div is an estimated figure based on the DPS and NOSH. Net Worth is an estimated figure based on the NAPS and NOSH.
Div Payout %, NP Margin, ROE, DY, QoQ ⃤ & YoY ⃤ figures in Percentage; RPS, EPS & DPS's figures in Cent; and NAPS's figures in Dollar.
All figures in '000 unless specified.
another catalyst...
7财团竞逐隆新高铁项目 高铁机构近期公布候选名单
1 month ago
Just abort the Merger and windup the company at NTA value>68cts to pay all investors back their money…
1 month ago
Maybe we should go to Indonesia and learn how to do a major rail line. Too many who can't make the decision.
4 weeks ago
Hi Johnchew, where r u? i want to sell my Ekovest-c58@0.005 to you, pls take it.
4 weeks ago
Mr Johnchew, totally missing already. need make police report to find him as he missing for more than 24 hrs already. xD
3 weeks ago
mana johnchew? he should happy, the share price is going up, he should shout like a mad dog
3 weeks ago
Mr Johnchew where r u? your C58 is going to expired. Ekovest 0.335 already. don't simply call buy warrant, all followers who follow u already masuk longkang
2 weeks ago
where got so much miracle, C58 con 9 L 7 firm burn la, Mr. John also dare not come out jor.
2 weeks ago
We wish to announce that EKOVEST-C58 expired at 5.00 p.m. on 31 January 2025 (“Expiry Date”).
The Closing Price of RM0.33766 was determined based on the average volume weighted average market price of EKOVEST shares for the 5 market days prior to and including the market day immediately before the Expiry Date.
As the Closing Price is lower than EKOVEST-C58's Exercise Price of RM0.40, holders of EKOVEST-C58 will not be entitled to receive any payment from us. All outstanding and unexercised EKOVEST-C58 will cease to be valid and all of our obligations in respect of the EKOVEST-C58 shall terminate absolutely.
1 week ago
Restarted my accumulation at .335, give this a chance, 6 months to merger right? 12 months to highway spin-off right? Still young, I wait with you
4 days ago
just short this share saja
1 month ago