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-0.005 (4.17%)
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0.115 - 0.115
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Ann. Date | Name | Details of Changes | Securities After Changes | |||||||
Date | Type | No. of Shares | Price | Direct (%) | Indirect (%) | Total (%) |
The Board of Directors of MCIL wishes to announce that PT Sinchew Indonesia, an 80%-owned indirect subsidiary company incorporated in Indonesia, had been placed under members' voluntary dissolution in accordance with Article 142, Number 40 of 2007 concerning limited liability company, the law of the Republic of Indonesia (the “Voluntary Dissolution”). Ms Jennifer Soelystio has been appointed as the Liquidator for the Voluntary Dissolution.
PT Sinchew Indonesia was incorporated in Indonesia on 10 August 2012, with a total issued share capital of USD1.5 million. It was previously engaged in the distribution and circulation of a Chinese language newspaper – “Harian Indonesia” in Indonesia. It had ceased all business operations and has no intention to carry on business or operations in the future.
The Voluntary Dissolution of PT Sinchew Indonesia will not have any material impact on the consolidated earnings and net assets of MCIL Group for the financial year ending 31 March 2022.
None of the directors, major shareholders of MCIL or persons connected to them, has any interest, whether direct or indirect in the Voluntary Dissolution.
This announcement is dated 25 January 2022.
2022-01-26 09:56
kenaikkan sedang berjalan dengan perlahan sedikit demi sedikit walaupun masa sedikit panjang . harapan QR lebih tinggi dari sebelumnya 25 feb ini . good luck
2022-02-17 17:13
This counter is a value play counter. Net cash alone more than market cap. Also NTA is 2.5x the current share price. It is a matter of time the boss privatize the company.
2022-02-28 11:43
Twinkle twinkle little star.... Today Asia Media is the star.
2022-07-05 15:50
Tetap solid adakah masamu semakin dekat
Jangan tunggu lama lama nanti lama lama dilupakan orang
Good Luck
2023-01-11 00:55
Volume dah mula masuk ???
Mungkin akan jadi bintang
Ini kalilah kalau boleh melepasi 220 ke bintang sinar menanti
Harap menjadi inikalilah
2023-04-26 11:11
MCI's revenue stream has been steadily improving to R$590 million in 2022 (
2023-07-27 14:35
Type Announcement
Description Members' Voluntary Winding-up of Subsidiary Company
Further to the announcement made on 8 January 2020, the Board of Directors of the Company wishes to announce that MCIL Business Incubation Sdn Bhd (“MBI”) (Registration No. 80011A), a dormant and indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, had on 30 August 2023 convened its Final Meeting to conclude the members’ voluntary winding-up.
In accordance with Section 459(3) & (5) of the Malaysian Companies Act 2016, MBI will be dissolved upon the expiration of three (3) months from the date of lodgment of the Return by the Liquidator relating to the Final Meeting on 30 August 2023 with the Companies Commission of Malaysia and the Official Receiver.
This announcement is dated 30 August 2023.
This is how Chinaman runs business. Swindling people's money.
2023-09-01 16:52
Analysis of Shareholdings
As at 26 June 2023
without aggregating the securities from different securities accounts belonging to the same registered holder)
No. Name of shareholders
Number of
shares held
% of issued
ordinary shares
1 HKSCC Nominees Limited 331,821,963 19.67
2 RHB Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd (Bank of China (Malaysia) Berhad — Pledged Securities
Account for Tiong Toh Siong Holdings Sdn Bhd)
313,000,000 18.55
3 Kinta Hijau Sdn Bhd 129,424,143 7.67
4 Tan Sri Datuk Sir TIONG Hiew King 86,359,058 5.12
5 Ezywood Options Sdn Bhd 75,617,495 4.48
6 Tiong Toh Siong Holdings Sdn Bhd 65,998,616 3.91
7 Teck Sing Lik Enterprise Sdn Bhd 65,319,186 3.87
8 Madigreen Sdn Bhd 52,875,120 3.13
9 Pertumbuhan Abadi Asia Sdn Bhd 26,808,729 1.59
10 Kenanga Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd (Pledged Securities Account for Mr OON Hooi Lin) 25,928,900 1.54
11 Citigroup Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd (Exempt An for Bank of Singapore Limited (Local)) 24,000,000 1.42
12 Globegate Alliance Sdn Bhd 16,750,000 0.99
13 Rimbunan Hijau (Sarawak) Sdn Bhd 15,536,696 0.92
14 Roseate Garland Sdn Bhd 13,347,090 0.79
15 Mr LEE Guan Huat 12,062,666 0.71
16 DB (Malaysia) Nominee (Tempatan) Sendirian Berhad (Exempt An for Deutsche Bank AG
Singapore (Maybank SG PWM))
11,144,189 0.66
17 Pertumbuhan Tiasa Sdn Bhd 10,230,945 0.61
18 Ms WONG Kieh Nguk 9,520,000 0.56
19 RHB Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd (Pledged Securities Account for Mr LEE Cheng Wah) 8,126,600 0.48
20 Rimbunan Hijau Southeast Asia Sdn Bhd 6,532,188 0.39
21 Mr TIONG Chiong Ong 6,274,037 0.37
22 Kenanga Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd (Pledged Securities Account for Datuk TIONG Thai King) 6,190,000 0.37
23 Mr LEE Cheng Wah 6,129,400 0.36
24 Mr BEH Ah Lek 5,580,000 0.33
25 Ms WONG Siik Ngiik 4,455,000 0.26
26 Mr LEE Guan Seong 4,250,866 0.25
27 Mr GUE Chet Kang 3,564,000 0.21
28 Hesstar Corporation Sdn Bhd 3,500,000 0.21
29 Mr FU Ah Goh @ FOO Sek Cheng 3,398,000 0.20
30 Ms TIONG Chiew 3,314,431 0.20
TOTAL 1,347,059,318 79.84
2023-12-26 04:02
most of media companies released good QR
expect the same from Mediac too
2024-02-27 08:57
TiffanixLVxHermes you bought MediaC good price. Jtiasa point also I agree a bit high now.
2024-02-29 08:47
Mediac not in good shape although QR slight better than last QR but still in red
hope for good dividend payout now
2024-03-08 08:53
Net cash 6.94 sen latest QR so MediaC still in position to give dividend like last year.
2024-03-25 12:03
Media Chinese may shrink workforce by 44% — Kenanga
2024-05-30 14:31
Cheapest Tiong Hiew King(others are JTiasa, RSawit promoted by CalvinTanEng and Subur Tiasa) link stocks.
2024-06-10 04:31
why they buy and then cancel it? why not keep it as treasury shares??
2024-07-09 22:44
人们都不订阅实体报纸了?广告投放量的下降,case study: MEDIA CHINESE INTERNATIONAL
2024-10-09 20:59
Dengan keadaan market semasa banyak saham teknologi melalui fasa kejatuhan dengan value yang terlampau tinggi disebabkan minat membeli yang sangat kuat. dan kini airasia melalui sangat sukar dengan hutang yang begitu tinggi tanpa mampu untuk bertahan dengan keadaan semasa yang tak menentu . sehingga perlu melalui pn17 yang tak bisa kita boleh menerimanya dengan hati terbuka , kejatuhan mendadak hari ini mungkin ramai yang cuba untuk menyambutnya dengan harapan boleh memperolehi ikan di dalam air keruh . dengan masa yang tak menentu ini mungkin pasaran akan menjunam dalam masa terdekat , banyak akan menjual tetapi manakah mereka akan pergi?? adakah saham palm oil ,saham media , saham emas , saham minyak atau mungkin saham pelancongan yang lebih menampakkan harapan pada masa akan datang bila pendemik semakin reda dan pintu dunia terbuka luas ramai akan keluar melancong keluar dari sarangnya mencari harapan baru . fikir fikirkanlah dengan tenang manakah arah kita akan pergi dan saham mediac adalah harapan saya dengan kedudukan skrg yang dikira sangat stabil dan punyai masa depan yang cerah berikannya sedikit masa . pelabur akan nampak dan terlihat akan kewujudannya , sama sama kita melaluinya dengan sabar dan tenang semoga rezeki datang dengan dengan restu tuhan yang lebih memahaminya.
2022-01-14 11:20