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Market Cap: 0 Million
NOSH: 140 Million
Avg Volume (4 weeks):0
Average Price Target: 0.01
Price Target Upside/Downside: +0.01

Financial Highlight

Latest Quarter | Ann. Date 31-Mar-2011 [#1]  |  30-May-2011
Next QR | Est. Ann. Date: 30-Jun-2011  |  27-Aug-2011
T4Q P/E | EY: 0.00  |  0.00%
T4Q DY | Payout %: 0.00%  |  - %
T4Q NAPS | P/NAPS: -1.0E-4  |  0.00
T4Q NP Margin | ROE: -0.37%  |  0.00%


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Business Background

H-Displays (MSC) Berhad (H-Displays) is principally engaged in research and development, manufacturing and marketing of liquid crystal displays panels, liquid crystal displays modules and investment holding. In Malaysia and the Republic of Indonesia, the Company is mainly engaged in the manufacturing of various kind of liquid crystal displays and its related products. In the Republic of Singapore, it mainly exports and trades various kind of liquid crystal displays and its related products. Its major subsidiaries include Hitech Displays Sdn. Bhd., H-Display Pte. Ltd. and Smart Good Enterprises Ltd. On May 14, 2009, the Company subscribed for the entire share capital of Powerray International Limited.
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562  372  666  913 

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