Desa perspective

China's perspective of the world.

Publish date: Mon, 10 May 2021, 03:07 PM


Eric Li gives a very good perspective on/ from  China.   Eric probably is a good spokeman for CCP / Xi perspective. 


Key takeaways............


-  China will take a more socialist path in next 30 years.

-   We are living in dangerous times more dangerous than any time in last 30 years of a conflict between East and West.

-   The best hope for peace is to build bridges, mutual respect, understanding, familiarity, 

-    China's voice, China's perspective need to be heard

-    In China the country top 100 or even top 500 richest men will not dictate polcies. This is very unlike the American system

-   For stock market people , you have to understand that for China, people and country will always come first before stock market. 

-  Even for the developed world , the best times for liberalism and western style capitalism is over 

- Capitalism have a role but capitalism per se have not solved the critical problems of the world including wealth distribution, climate change, . In the last 40 years, globalisation has increased the wealth of America but the gains going almost all to the top 1% . This means there will be more instability, and trouble ahead. 

- globalisation is good. Globalism meaning one size fits all not good. 



Additional comments by me............


- Inflation is an issue that will have to be addressed or priced into any investment decision.

- The trade/ technology war that America started will continue and surely have its costs . The costs have been swept under the carpet for now. 

-  Thucidides trap have not been solved and will not be solved so easily. 




In terms of investments...............Bursa I have Pressmetal and Lctitan, Wall Street I have GM, Oracle , Nokia, HK I have Xiaomi and JD. 


and of course plenty of cash to trade shares as and when suitable. 


Cryto currencies bitccoin etc


The rise of cryto currencies is surely a sign of the times. The result of the times, runaway capitalism, lack of alternative investments , capitalsm that is not responsible for any thng, or any body.  Its a bad omen. Cryto currencies does not solve any of humanities problems like food, energy, technologies, medicines, justice, equalities and likely to make it worse only, yet it is the most significant development of 2021 judging by the attention paid to it. Surely a sign of failure not success as a civilisation. 


Geo politics, American - China geo politics


Geo politics is best compared to a chess game. Geo politics is a chess game the world is a chess board.  Too bad Americans don't have a proper startegy . Their strategy is not a win win strategy but just as an aggressive attacker and aggressive opening with no strategy for mid game and no strategy for end game.  This pose a tremendous risk and tremendous cost to the world. 


























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In terms of investments...............Bursa I have Pressmetal and Lctitan, Wall Street I have GM, Oracle , Nokia, HK I have Xiaomi and JD.

2021-05-16 02:06


I choose P metal and Lctitan because I want to avoid chips, steel, properties, and lousy companies. Not the time to be careless.
Even KYY also choose Lctitan, pleasant surprise.

2021-05-18 01:23


good time to buy China shares. Xiaomi and JD very good,

2021-05-18 22:55


Nokia listed in NYSE also good buy.

2021-05-18 22:58

qqq3333 China;s innovation advantage. Very useful info to know.

2021-05-18 23:02


last several tumultuous weeks, having money in Xiaomi, JD and Nokia has been very good. Also GM and Oracle.

Bursa . so when to see light at end of tunnel for Bursa? tough, very tough.

2021-06-07 15:32


yes, asiatimes still produces good reads.

xinjiang genocide, wuhan lab theory,.........much more. Preparing for ww3?

2021-06-07 21:54


Hkse, wall street or Bursa? No contest, I choose overseas market

2021-06-30 13:01

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