My Trading Adventure

Moving to HKSE

Publish date: Tue, 29 May 2012, 10:34 AM
0 2,918
All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.
If I am in Sabah now, tmr is a state holiday. Yes, just another reasons, on top of the many, why I would love to go back to Sabah ... once I retired from many of the things I am doing now and my responsibilities done with. I do have small beach-apartment(vacant ... anyone travelling to KK can rent my place, ya!) ... with nice furnishing and my vacation home at the moment. It will be a nice place to retire ... I like beaches ... not bitches, ok? Haha

HKSE : Let me check my HKSE's babes ... ZJ bought at HKD9, now at HKD9.40, Qinfa bought at 1.25, now at 1.30 and my most recent babe is CNOOC, bought at 14.18 and now at 14.60. Doing good. What I missed was Geely ... eyeing at HKD2.50, missed the queue ... now at HKD2.90. Ouch.

Anyway ... I still have one more HKSE's babe to buy ... thinking ... what's next?

Due to the political risk in Malaysia, with sodomy-news as the mother of all jokes here ... KLCI could not go any much more(tho I do expect it to break new high at 1620 before the whole collapse again) ... moving myself away to HKSE is my choice. I have told my whole group last year that they should consider HKSE too but majority are too new to trading and markets ... HKSE is a totally new playground. For me, I hv been familarising myself with HKSE for the past two years.

In fact, I m thinking of sharing many of my HKSE's stocks I am looking into, but it did not attract any much interests from my tratles or my stock-watch groups. We are more familiar with KLSE ... so, it is obvious that the fear(risk) of unknown ... giving us the fright!!

Imagine the liquidity in HKSE  ... imagine those huge-cap stocks(unfortunately, 80% are owned by China's gov) ... imagine the cheap valuations(many trading in single PER, ok?). Imagine the growth stories in China. Imagine the huge population with increasing purchasing power, imagine ... Malaysia 10-20 years ago, where cars was a luxury, handphones are new gadgets ... computers only for those 'elite' ones ... imagine the technologies transfered from the western ... of coz, imagine the 'cloning' could be done ... imagine the amount of energy-power needed to run the whole country and the demands ... imagine the huge reserves which the diversification of their USD into commodity will only help to boost the prices of commodities. Imagine too .. the un-imaginable ... and imagine these glutton Chinese, punting away in ... the largest casino ... HKSE.

I am buying Jim Roger's stories about emerging markets, particularly ... China. So, I hope I am smart enough to buy more HKSE's stock this year and next(till the next collapse).

We just need to be patient to wait for correction ... we do need to know what we are buying. I am checking more on HKSE recently due to better valuations there and less political risk(no political-sex news to excite us).

So ... I will form a group ... for HKSE. Anyone interested?

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1 person likes this. Showing 7 of 8 comments


CP, I am interested, what next?

2012-05-29 10:50


cp, am interested too also. next step?

2012-05-29 10:54



i was thinking only for my group. ok, perhaps I will consider sharing with many too.

i m never selfish in sharing knowledge, no worry but I m 'afraid' I will attract punters/gamblers ... making noises in my group and I will have hard time kicking them out of my group(s).

I do not want 'the blind leading the blind' too.

So, let me consider first. If the response from my group is good, I m sorry that I will close it for them. It is easier to 'deal' with them as they knew me personally or at least been supporting me for months now.

Thanks for you interest.


2012-05-29 11:06


cp, np gd luck, maybe will join ur group one day :)

2012-05-29 11:17

faisal jaafar

Cp I am just entering klse about a year now and learning a lot especially from your postings. I m doing well and never lost any counter I entered. Will join your HKSE later. Thanks and good luck.

2012-05-29 11:41


Hi Faisal

Ghee ... that is good. Keep that good habits. It is not easy to find those patient and learning investors/traders in markets. Most of them do the talk-talk ... making markets like a pasar-malam. Haha.

snsee, alntm and faisal ... do e-mail me so that i could put in KIV list, if i ever started a group for HKSE.

Ok ... all the best in trading.


2012-05-29 12:22

Namoyaki Takarajima

CP TEH! HKSE, I'm in. Thanks for your offer.
P.S: i like Sabah too. Nice People Nice Place.

2012-05-29 15:16

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