My Trading Adventure

Bull or bull-sh*t?

Publish date: Wed, 20 Jun 2012, 03:32 PM
0 2,918
All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.
One could not help but ... thinking we are in BULL market and jumping in, back to market again. The word " I told you so" coming out ... especially those grabbing BIMB ... I told you so, it will go much higher ... to 2.40 .. nooo ... sell at around RM3? Craziness? That is market ... emotions in play, no logic. Dont you dare to ask them to sell their darling "BIMB" and you might be seen as a bull-shit person trying to stop them from getting rich, eventho you have good intention!!

Qinfa : Touched a low of 1.07 before shooting higher to 1.20 now. Not for those with heart problems?!

cohort-7 : I have two new enquiries ... so, I do think so I could get enough number to start a new class next month?

e-learning/stockwatch : I have six new enquiries for e-learning/stock-watch and one registered for the coming July e-learning batch. Will reply these enquiries tonight.

tuition : I received two enquiries for Maths tuition. I do not place ads for Math tuition as I am sort of 'known' to be good in teaching Math. But, for trading ... it is more difficult as I m not known. Yeah, I m just a novice. I could understand that. Well, I hv been teaching Maths for 20+ years now, but in trading ... I m sharing for less than a year. I have 6 cohorts now. That is a good account. One day, when I m sort of known, many more will join my trading group, save thousands of dollars with those trading courses and software ...and making the motto "Now everyone can trade". Yes, I am small AirAsia in the making ... with charges merely a small fractions of what offered 'outside'. I do not have high capex(no ads ... no one to smile to you, hard-knock way of learning trading)

Testimonials : I think I need to prepare a standard questionaire to my tratles and asking them to answer!! Then, I could post it here ... hmm ... like those seen in papers,advertisements ... haha ... it carrys weighs?

3.15 pm : Bull is running ... we are seeing 1600 now ... yeah ... new high ... new world. New beginning ... this time I will be right ... and rich. Haha ... buy-buy ... check the forums, should be very noisy now too.

Time to take a nap ... watched football this morning!

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1 person likes this. Showing 16 of 16 comments


Teh, good call. I sold most of my holdings (90%) today with a reasonable return....going to take a rest before entering again.... definitely when the market is more attractive then.

2012-06-20 16:22

Nancy Yap

index cross 1600

2012-06-20 16:24

kl foong

Hope the index can sustain above 1600 at the close.

2012-06-20 16:29


Yes, Nancy but it doesn't reflect the current economy situation. The economy outlook is still weak, many companies are not performing. Gov just creating a fake "good feel factor" only....

2012-06-20 16:34


but then, smart people will still be able to make money from the share market from time to time...

2012-06-20 16:36

Nancy Yap

ya, as long as we make some pocket money fr the market.
which are the 10% left in your profolio?

2012-06-20 16:39


When you be listed, Mr Teh? Sort of maybe invest in this growth stock of yours now before your share flies in a few years time.

2012-06-20 16:41


You are right Nancy :-)

2012-06-20 16:50

Nancy Yap

That's for the day, phew.. get some high price of BIMB and hopefully my long kept Smartag will fly...

2012-06-20 16:55


Smartag will fly high due to the custom contract...patience is the key. Good Luck.

2012-06-20 16:59


may be we can stay in market until FGVH listing next week.. after that market will crash..(just my prediction). Now market supported by Goverment fund.. overal marker not good as we read from news paper.. How ever we try to make pocket money as much as we can b4 market crash..

2012-06-20 17:06


Friday must exit from market lohh. Never keep anything during weekend. Unless u are mid or long term investor.

2012-06-20 17:16


Mr Teh, I would like to join e-learning class. It is available?

2012-06-21 08:31


Any one know Mr Teh email add?

2012-06-21 08:32


chieng,it is

2012-06-21 08:57


When I started investing many year ago,like you I go through books and analyst report but sad to say many went wrong
the best is still do not buy on news .go for blue chips Companies that has consistent profitability .years back I followed Analyst recommendationd and bought , 8 out of 10 not performing

When markets are on uptrend , all experts tend to be right and you tend to see more experts giving talks ,as if the markets will never come down
Then, it crashed suddenly and all experts gone wrong ,you will not see any talks for a while

2012-06-25 10:20

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