My Trading Adventure

Tratles' Gatherings

Publish date: Sat, 30 Jun 2012, 09:24 AM
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All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.
Last night, we gathered again ... guys-night-out. Haha

I do have a great time with those guys ... they are in our tratle's group. There is about 70 of us in the group now. If I have to tag all, then I certainly need to prepare for a larger place, and chit-chatting will not be easy. I might need a mic next time. haha

Anyway, there were 7 of us ... more 'elder' ones while all those young tratles have their own outings/plans. Subang Jaya(AC) is becoming our meeting place ... for sure, we will be having more gatherings!!

I will like to use these gathering to know each and everyone of them. We see each other in facebook, we chat and analyse some stocks together, we talk about fundamentals of stocks, sectors ... it is an uncle-kinda of kopi-tiam market chat. Yes, if the topic is about stock markets, I could sit there for hours ... till midnight, sharing about markets!!

Last night, I will want to find out how each and every one of us plunged into markets. Some really have 10-20-30 years in markets!! Wow ... my 4-years experiences in market really 'short' ... and there are many things I do not know about previous years of trading markets. There are counters de-listed or re-named. The 1998-crisis ... where many many lost lots of money, capitals ... and themselves. Seriously, 2008-crisis I experienced could not be seen as 'huge' enough ... shall we wait for another larger crisis, such as collapse of EURO or USD .... and seeing KLCI going below 1,000 again? That will be interesting ...

One thing I do gathered ... is that there is NO PLATFORM for newbies ... NO GUIDANCE much for novices .... moving into markets as investors or traders. I will want to work into that direction : Providing a platform to HELP newbies/novices ... and guide them. I am just a single individual, so I can't do much ... but with a strong group I am 'collecting', we could support many youngsters ... newbies ... and novices.  SHARING and SUPPORTING is very important when we are in markets. And forming this tratle-group, I am glad that we could be helping each other, leveraging on each other expertise.

What do I need to do next? That is in my mind ... I need to PLAN ... and JUST DO IT.

I do welcome more newbies to my group, and see how we could share experiences. I will want to see how many I could reach out to ... and those out of Klang Valley, I will try to provide a learning platform through my e-learning(a lot of things to improve here).

Learning is a process ... through these gatherings, I hope we could get to know each other a little better, base on trust to help each other. It is also my hope to see ... many more youngsters learning from these veterans. NOTHING could replace experiences. Not those mugging of books ... not those articles you read online. Certainly not broker reports. Not those so-called stock-tips. It is all about LEARNING to increase our knowldge .. and through DOING IT(trading), we gain experiences. That is in-valuable.

Thanks for the drinks. You guys are great to me. Keep the unit together, ya.

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Hi Teh, can add me in your list.... Email me please at

2012-07-01 02:06

Namoyaki Takarajima

dear cp teh! good deed. please proceed your PLAN. it's a good and positive plan really.

gathering with Baby Boomers! nice one, it's nice to have a mixed of Baby Boomers with Gen X, X+Y, Y+Z and Z, and you will be surprised to discover that the Gen Z is superb in term of keeping the records and rational data and they are able to give an overall conclusion on what had happened today. the Gen Z is our kids/grand children now.

i bet those Baby Boomers definitely will tell you on who control the markets? Who change what company and why, who are the policy makers and lots more however, do not trade with emotions remember. :) Well, during their time the remisier is King in share markets and but no more now.

personally, i gave my highest salutation to those in the 65 to 80 years of age now who ventured to an online share markets with their tablets and laptops! experienced myself watching my very own father in law and mother in law talking about share markets technical analysis chart in front of their laptops. wow! it's amazing!

all time sifu of they are, since the very beginning; fill in the form to buy share through their creepy remisier. Imagine how hard if we are in their situations compared to how we trade now. my highest salutation to them. RESPECT!

good advise from them is definitely not to be ignored.

cp teh, all the best to your good deed to help people. we wish you good luck and all time best. our pray come along with the highest hope together with the highest love above all.

thank You.

salam hormat.

2012-07-01 13:53

kl foong

Well done, CP TEH and keep up with it.
How i wish someone from Penang can arrange a gathering like that.

2012-07-01 16:43

Namoyaki Takarajima


2012-07-04 07:24

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