Publish date: Sun, 16 Sep 2012, 10:11 AM
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All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.
I do have few enquiries regarding my groups.

Tratles : This a group who personally coming for my ah-pek style(and only costing a small fraction) trading classes. It is at Saturday 2.30pm. Yesterday I had a session with my cohort-7. I am opening cohort-8(in end Oct/begin Nov) and will close once the it is full. It is on first-come first serve basis. If you wish to start in Jan/Feb, then that will be my cohort-9.

tratles-stock-analysis : We do break into two huge group to analyse stocks on alternate saturdays, with e-meetings with members on Wed night.

e-tratles : This is a group who prefer to learn from home(I will advise those who is staying in Klang Valley to come personally) and one may learn at their own time. Without discipline, and understanding ... it will be 'difficult'. Currently I have set up an e-meeting for my e-tratles where they could ask questions personally. I do use facebook to communicate.

stock-watch : This is a group to check what I buy-sell, watching and stalking. I am too busy to analyse anyone's stock. So, basically ... it is a check at what levels I am buying some stocks. It is not a learning page.

fkli : This is still a closed group with only few of my tratles involving. We are learning and I do not want many to be exposed with these risky instruments. In future, once I am more familiar(and profit well) from it, I will slowly open to those who wish to learn.

New groups in making

stock-analysis : This will be for those who can come personally to get their stocks analysed. I am planning it to be on Saturday morning(9am to 11am)

e-stock-analysis : This will be opened to readers and those interested to get their stocks analysed. It is still not a learning page, but mere to plan a trade for a person who could not see me personally. I do have few enquiries for this one so far.

HKSE : As I am much involve in HKSE now and HKSE is much cheaper than KLSE(also minus the election risk) ... PER for HKSE is below 10, KLSE's PER around 15 ... I will create a group for my tratles as many are interested. If the response is good, I will have a e-group for HKSE's stocks discussion!!

So, I think I have been trying to reach out to many. I am simply just a teacher who believe that learning is by sharing. If that so, WHY so many so-called sifu(self proclaimed, many of them) charging thousands? Because financial knowledge is expensive? May be.

e-mail (cpteh@yahoo.com) if you wish to join any my groups. I am still trying my best to reply to many. Do let me know if I did not reply to you. Only those wish to learn should write in.

note : Many of my tratles agree that one could not learn in 3-4 days courses. Also, they are logical enough to understand that you need someone dedicated to teaching and love his job to teach you well. Addition to it, you need a REAL trader ... taking trades in daily, weekly basis to understand the current development and how markets work. If u need theories, notes etc etc ... u could go to google, investopedia or many more TA sites. Markets do not work as many 'promoters' telling you. I do not believe the so-called surewin trading softwares/systems.

It takes more than that ... welcome to KLSE, largest legalised casino in Malaysia.


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3 people like this. Showing 3 of 3 comments


hahaha..the beauty of it is that you can play fom home...

2012-09-16 12:34

Edwin Toh

Keep up the good work and train more investor :)

2012-09-16 13:36


I am still learning to read stock chart and to analyse stock fundamental data.
hope can learn from you with your shared stock analysis info

2012-09-17 00:09

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