My Trading Adventure

Blog for living?

Publish date: Tue, 21 May 2013, 03:41 PM
0 2,918
All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.
It has been some time I did not blog ... it is an emotional month ... it is MAY. So, basically .. I believe I am losing the flow of writing ... it is not everyone's cuppa to blog, or to write about what is in their mind, trying to be as candid ... and pointing to his emotions. It is not our culture ... MALAYSIANs culture, to wash our laundry openly. It is not a Chinese culture either ... to tell others about our opinions or thoughts. Certainly it is a no-no for a so-called 40+ man to express his emotions ... his daily-moves ... his dairy ... openly and being judged, ridiculed or ... criticised by some(tho few) junks, who have no lives but to check on others.

Anyway ... it is good to be back ... or am I? Hmm ... how is my feeling now? Great ... as I have done about 20 trades, all with profits and the group profitted well due to this kinda-bull-rally. Selected stocks only, actually.

But ... I prefer to blog about everything ... my kids ... my family ... my works ... my thoughts ... my reading ... politics and stocks ... anything that comes to mind whenever I like and whatever I like. Do I have the 'freedom', Zahid? Or ... if I shown any un-happiness about gov-policies, should I migrate too?

Ok ... I have been active in facebook, prefer to hide there ... rather than blogging here, knowing that my blog still linked to i3? Perhaps .. I could create another blog, hide my writings there ... and only followed by few positive ones. Luckily, I do still have many appreciative ones in my group ... that great feelings of being accepted. Without that, we will feel de-motivated ... to do anything for the pleasure of doing ...

How about those bloggers who write for a living rather than pleasure? These are bloggers who write to have some monetary gains ... nothing wrong with that, as their 'job' is to blog ... where the income generated from?

I do wish I am 'paid' to write a blog ... telling grandma stories ... travelling, taking pictures ... and share with 'followers' ... then, I am paid for that. Great job.

Anyway ... till we could be 'free' and 'motivated' to do things for free ...

time for classes again ...

note : will reply some e-mail tonight.

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Haha old jerk call ppl junk liao.. ok la today tahan you la, since you so emotional on so many things.. mentor wor, dont be emotional trader wor.. haha

2013-05-21 18:16

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