My Trading Adventure

Ten Good Financial Habits

Publish date: Wed, 29 May 2013, 03:03 PM
0 2,918
All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.
Taken from Chapter 3 (of George Leong's book)

Ten Habits of the rich

1. Love to dream

2. Love to think

3. Always set a higher standard

4. Be Proactive

5. Take 100% responsibility

6. Delayed Gratification

7. Do what you love

8. Acting with honesty

9. Be 100% committed

10. Ability to turn failure into success

To start young is very important ... to learn about personal finances, from nothing to something you could comprehend ... making financial decisions. It is a MUST learn subject in schools ... or at least at college level, BUT ... unfortunately, majority teachers themselves do not have good financial mindset(otherwise, they won't stick being a teacher, right?)

For that, I wish to help my colleagues-freinds ... so, I am setting up a 'forum' for us to share about their financial goals ... their aspirations ... they financial situations and how they could improve their finances ... managing it well.

EARN .... SAVE ... INVEST ... and continue to do that for 10-15 years .... many of them would be doing well. Imagine, giving free financial advices ... and free ideas on how they could OPEN their financial mindset.

Check point : Am I having some of the pointers there?

1. Dream ... yes, I do have dreams ... so, 7/10

2. Think ... yes, I am always thinking of something ... so, /10

3. Higher standard ... hmm .. not really. Prefer to go at my slow pace. I am still a novice after 5.5 yrs in stock-markets ... so, 4/10

4. Be proactive ... ok, I will always initiate things close to my heart and having purposes to be proactive ... so, 8/10

5. Responsibilities ... well, I never really blame anyone for my failures, mistakes ... so, 9/10

6. Delayed gratification ... being frugal ... yes, towards myself but willing to spend on my wife/kids ... so, 8/10

7. Love ... a stroooong yes ... so, 9/10

8. Acting with honesty ... generally, I am a honest person ... so, 8/10

9. Commitment ... most of the time, just need to re-focus ... so, 8/10

10. Failure to success ... well, many trials ... many mistakes ... failures .. still confident I will prevail ... so, 7/10

KLCI rebound ...

MahSing-wb : Many jumped in when I bought yesterday at 0.78 ... sold at 0.875(half). One person told me he bought 30k units. Wow.

KSL-wa : Bought at 0.81 ... sold 0.90 this morning all my remaining 10k units. I bought 20k units but sold half at 0.89 levels before it corrected to my cost price ...

WCT-wc : 4th time lucky with her ... traded since 0.45 levels, bought 0.625 yesterday and sold 0.69. It is at 0.70 now ... many jumped in too. Great trade.

Pantech-wa : Sold too ... this is smaller profits ... for 5%.

Ivory : Sold ... for 5% profits too.

KimLun : There are still about 6 of them(those who told me la, many quietly bought) holding on to KimLun which we bought at 1.90 levels. Someone told me she sold 2.25 today.

HuaYang : I am not sure if anyone still hold ... as I flashed a buy at 2.25 levels ... it flew to go above 2.20 ... today is a red. Time to take profits.

Daya : Given a buy at 0.20-0.22 levels ... at 0.28 now. Don't know if anyone still holding, many bought.

Salcon : Given when it breakout 0.58 levels, time to sell for profits.

Padini : Given at 1.84 levels to buy ... at 2.15 levels now. So, time to take profits too.

Many more given in my stock-watch page ... bullish market, easier to trade. Done more than 20trades ... all profit so far. Good month.

So, if wish to join my stock-watch group ... do e-mail me at

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2 people like this. Showing 31 of 31 comments


Great selection of stocks.

2013-05-29 16:18


i dont mean the stock selection huh... anyone got a bit want to vomit or not ?

2013-05-29 16:45


yeah ! i hit jackpok kcloh ! whenever your CPTeh starts blogging, your dear will surely show up, lol

2013-05-29 16:47


i read the time got a bit geli geli one, then go and check my CBI.. down,, shit!!

2013-05-29 16:59


Quoted "unfortunately, majority teachers themselves do not have good financial mindset(otherwise, they won't stick being a teacher, right?)" I do agree that some teachers do not have good financial mindset. But they are keeping creating the smart man power and talents in the world. That's the best return to the country. Without teachers, we wouldn't have so many talents and smart people in the world that contribute to the world's economy. Being a teacher doesn't meant they are not smart, they are fit to the no. 7 and 9 rules. Just a little comment on teacher's position. No matter how, you are still good in investment.

2013-05-29 17:02


his self appraised standard he put 4/10 .. fail ler.. no wonder some students also same standard ... :(

2013-05-29 17:05

KC Loh

what animal is jackpok?

2013-05-29 17:06


lol, picking on typo error again. hey ur girl girl here today

u see u see, she definitely shows up whenever CPTeh showing up

2013-05-29 17:08

KC Loh

ain't no muckin' with her!!

2013-05-29 17:09


passerby, typo error ? haha

2013-05-29 17:15


he is a math teacher !! what is 4 ?

2013-05-29 17:16



2013-05-29 17:17


dunt worry guys.. im not angry with anyone in the forum, except this teacher, call ppl dog & junk .. sorry man i cant change my character too... haha

2013-05-29 18:43


abt habit no 5, can hit n run?

2013-05-29 18:49


Human habit. First hit and run, after reccall the Sweet Memory, for sure think about it, then will give oneself all sorf of reasons and excuses. Finally come back to 'hit' and end result kena trap and die seeee.....hehehhe
Like our friend loh, whereever my honey is,..... l will be there. .. hahaahah
A joke to close a shining day

2013-05-29 19:02


1. Love to dream
- i dont like to dream

2. Love to think
- i like to think

3. Always set a higher standard
- i believe in standard

4. Be Proactive
- i sometime proactive and i sometime reactive

5. Take 100% responsibility
- none of my business, i dont care
- only take responsibility what i do, if i wish to help ppl, i dont expect return or credit

6. Delayed Gratification
- life is short, learn to enjoy if can afford

7. Do what you love
- my family come first

8. Acting with honesty
- i dont act, i believe facts and results

9. Be 100% committed
- committed ? i prefer to work smart now.

2013-05-29 19:02


Tonight ahhhh ahhhhh.. we are young.. by Fun

2013-05-29 19:05


What is u TEN?

2013-05-29 19:06


success and failure is subjective.. teacher think he is success, i think he is failure.. because diff standard .. hahaha

2013-05-29 19:16

KC Loh


2013-05-29 19:35


10. Ability to turn failure into success

2013-05-29 19:36


i fail then i success, i fail and i success at the same time.. teacher talk nonsense.

2013-05-29 19:40


who is this cp teh ah? god of malaysia share market isit (ku shen)? make a lot money so he got a lot student? i wana join

2013-05-29 22:43


Aiyo.. teacher u really want our younger generation to be educated like that meh...

even if you have the type of heart, don't talk like tat in public... it really make you look like a real jerk.. pls la don't insult ppl la like whoever want to get rich pls email me... I tell you my story and you get rich ..

2013-05-29 22:52


wah teacher.. how much to join this club ah? can make a lot money? look like your record really make a lot money oh.. so profit

2013-05-29 22:56


but the teacher don't seem to have that type of heart, he feel the society still got junk need clean by alam flora.. as long as you disagree with him, he think share market is college meh everyone will listen to you ah Sir..

2013-05-29 23:01


Teacher since so desperate helping ppl become rich, talk to ur college principal no more math class change to trading class so that you teach more ppl become rich.. start young mah..

2013-05-29 23:09


old jerk pls la.. do business in ethical way la, you really think some ppl think you are great man if keep silent .. don't be foolish la, don't lie to urself la, dont live in dream la, some smart punters just want to know the counters ur newbie elite group trading la, so that can ride on the momentum la..

don't treat and teach the students like idiots with no brain one, like I'm honest man and sincerely want to help ppl become rich.. a lot con man in our society talk like tat one la.

remember you write from heart one you know.. don't later say oh.. typo error, oh... I don't mean that, oh.. I made mistakes, ppl need a lot failures so you can success.. jerk !

2013-05-30 08:10


auntie 4d, early in the morning dropping by to say gd morning to CPTeh ? :)

really got heart lor....

2013-05-30 08:16


Haha.. got a bit free time lor.. caught in jam.. think think beh tahan .. Mah write la..

2013-05-30 08:23


i really beh tahan this guy teach our younger generation like that one.. okok lady and gentlement.. for a moment clear your mind ..

Teacher, think of you are the star in this story.. think of ur lovely kids.. growing up happily, and attending college, unfortunely one day due to some sickness you are laying in the bed going to die, and worrying about ur lovely kids, then ur kid tell you .. he say "daddy.. you take more rest, dont worry so much, i met one kind uncle in the cyberspace, he is very kind, going to teach me how to make money and i can become rich". will you die peacefully ?

okok i bullshit here and talk nonsense :)

2013-05-30 22:28

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