My Trading Adventure

Saturday blah-blah

Publish date: Sat, 17 Aug 2013, 01:25 PM
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All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.
It is Saturday ... I do have two classes in the morning, then ... a short break for lunch, before seeing my new tratles of cohort-10, for the last trading session. I have been with them for a month now. Will check later if any of them taking any good trades.

Many have came to join my simple tratles-trading classes ... many have left the group for another groups, or be at their own ... some may not trade anymore, but many old-timers still with the group where we discuss stock-trading in weekly basis, with a monthly meeting for members.

Anyway ... I do have intention to continue teaching trading as long as I am still needed, the demand is still there ... with my un-conventional ways of teaching trading, using basic charting. Yeah ... I am not those strong believer in charts but charts help in our planning of trades.

Anyway, I will continue to learn trading as there are many other ways of trading in KLSE. Investing is another idea ... for longer time frame, accumulating bullets while we can .... waiting for the sharp dives in stocks or markets. It will come ...

Actually, I have wanted to post in but it is down. Will get that up again, and will continue with some posts on some 'hot' stocks such as KPJ or Instaco? A total different chart.

KSL : There is a write up on her in The Star(by the way, Star is no longer shining as the boycott works, somehow ... the profits down substantially). KSL moving to Klang ... ? Worth checking on her ...

Property counters have been doing well after election ... and many have moved with strong uptrend. Recently, many are retracing ... the fear of property-bubble bursting? Is there a bubble in the first place? Well ... you see, a person earning RM5k could not afford a RM500k house, ok? But, the prices of houses has escalated tremendously ... it is like there are so many rich/well-to-do family in our country!! How could that be? So ... underlying the hike in property prices, many start to believe that there is a bubble in the making. Read The Edge(last week edition) ... one of a good write up about how a person with salary RM5k(majority of us are below that level, ok? Have mercy on us!!), owning a RM500k house is NOT easy ... with RM2200+ going for the housing loans ... and driving a MyVi?

Err ... Malaysian ... staying in RM500k house, with salary RM5k driving a MyVi? C'mon ... give me a break ... our young lecturers earning less than RM3k are driving Toyota, Nissan, Honda and such!! Even if those buying Proton ... they will be driving Persona? So ... please understand that majority of Malaysians salary is BELOW RM5k ... but they are driving a car MORE expensive than MyVi? Hmm ... MyVi will be my next car ... in 5-years time if my Saga fails me, one day.

Car Loans

Well, thanks to our generous governments ... and kind financial institutions, we could afford a car more than 25% of our salary!! Just take 9 years loan ... and low(or no) down-payment ... now, everyone can drive!!

When I first came back to KL, thinking of buying a car is a difficult issue ... financially speaking. But it is a MUST due to terrible transportation systems in our country. And it is not cheap to drive a car ... besides the RM600 per month instalments, the petrol ... tolls ... wear-n-tear maintenance ... parking ... saman ... it is certainly a large expenses in our monthly budget. How many percent are you paying for your car instalments ... of your income?

Assuming I am having RM5k salary(less than that ... and after EPF and tax, it is only around RM4k, ok?) ... RM600 car loans(for 7 years) sounds A LOT. That is around 15% of my salary ... and I remembered it was about 12% of my income back then. Today, I still have 4years to service my car-loan ... tho the fixed RM600 is a small percentage of my current income as our income increases.

I think our car-loan should be below 8% of our income. That is ... if we are earning RM5k per month, we could only afford a RM400 car instalment. Nothing more than that ... a fancy car is a no-no. A car to be used for transportation purposes. Well ... again, thanks to our lenient loan-systems, everyone could afford to take more loans!!

While those financial savvy individuals(living frugally) understand that car is just a vehicle to bring us from point A to B, there are still many(especially those young ones) willingly stretch their loans into 9 years ... and paying about 20% of their salary/income into car-loans.

EPL starting tonight, with Liverpool vs Stock ... I mean, Stoke. Well, will watch the game after so long didn't watch a game, but if they even lose to Stoke tonight, I will not waste my time watching the whole EPL.

Waiting for my tratles now ... resting.

Have a nice weekend.


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hahaha... the following lines caught my eyes

Many have came to join my simple tratles-trading classes ... many have left the group for another groups, or be at their own ... some may not trade anymore, but many old-timers still with the group where we discuss stock-trading in weekly basis, with a monthly meeting for members.

Anyway ... I do have intention to continue teaching trading as long as I am still needed, the demand is still there ... with my un-conventional ways of teaching trading, using basic charting. Yeah ... I am not those strong believer in charts but charts help in our planning of trades.

Lets analysis the lines...
1. many came & left your cohort group... why they left in first after learning? a short few weeks learning wont make them a better trader... so my question is WHY they left? Because they are not longer find your teaching interesting? or they found out you are just a bullshit? What about those who left your group for another?? why that happened? Because they found a better group than yours? of course they did....
2. un conventional way?? what so unconventional way you are talking about? you use chart nexus then you see all those indicators then you applied it... you see candle and so on and so on... so what is so unconventional about it? THIS IS JUST ANOTHER MARKETING to attract lambs to be slaughter... who the senior aka old timers still there?? only 1 by the name Mr Khaw.... who is biggest con man out there.... going around forum learning and come back and resell it to tratles... he called many of Mr Teh tratle to buy a stock which he is selling... I HAVE PROOF... deny it la... pls pls.....
3. NOT STRONG BELIEVER in charts??? hahahhahaa.... You plant a spy in Chris Choo forum where Chris Choo dont use charts to trade but many of his calls were superb.... then you re sell his calls to your tratles or your stock watch.... Chris Choo method had been very effective where you were amazed now you want to say NOT STRONG BELIEVER of charts... hahahaha

THIS MR TEH & HIS old timer are bunch of con man.... please please beware... I will continue to expose his wrong doings....

I beg you Mr Teh, to come out and deny all my allegation.... which I know you wont do that because I SPEAK THE TRUTH....

p/s : heard you are now collecting fund among your members... I will gather enough info then I will lodge a report in Bank Negara... I will do it...

2013-08-17 22:13


shut up cp teh, you think you so geng? teach people pula. pui... if so geng won't just sharing at here, they will find and get you instead

2013-08-18 14:41

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