My Trading Adventure

On the radar : The week at a glance

Publish date: Sun, 15 Feb 2015, 11:37 PM
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All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.

It is Sunday night ... let me review The Edge's "One the radar" ... news in a week.

1MDB settles RM2b loan : Well ... news that AK paying la. One moment, Maybank stock dive ... next moment recovered. Hmm ...

Here the the chart of Maybank (code : 1155) ... the harimau-bank. Easy to trade ... low risk and use simple indicators to trade her. I have traded Maybank 3 times recently!!

Malaysia's GDP up 6% in 2014 : So ... we are growing and growing. Why would anyone think KLCI will collapse? I don't know ... Zeti assured us many of times, aren't we trust BNM? hmm ... appoints new CEO : COO turns CEO now ... from April. Good news for Digi stock holders?

Nice up trending Digi (code 6947) chart ... supported well by 50MA(blue line) about RM6.20. Err .... this chart is after split of 10 (so, it is RM64 at the moment) and ex-dividend. Those bought during 2008 crisis-crash, and still holding is profiting well!! Great investors!!

Kellee Kam resigns as RHB Cap MD : Why he resigns? Due to the CIMB-RHB-MBSB failed pack? Hmm ... anyway, I bought MBSB and recovering well now.

MBSB (code 1171) ... whoever chased when it gapped up, something is not right with the plan as it dived ... so, as a contrarian ... I m interested AFTER the huge gap-down. Simple common sense, and I told my trading group for the whole month ... that I like most MBSB at 2.10 level (after FGV rebounded so well). If one reads about the merger news ... and over-analysed, one may not benefit from the trade. Traders should take this opportunity ... to trade. Selling around RM2.33 level ... resistance and say ... TQ. Personally, I do not like the fundamental of MBSB (potential of high NPL) but ... heck, EPF is the strong holder!! Trade ... not buy to hold.

Nik Aziz dies : This is a very sad news ... as he is one of the few politicians I highly respected. Such a humble person.

Gas Malaysia net profit down 42% : 4 cents dividend declared. Now, lets us see how is the chart after this piece of news.

There ... GasMsia (code 5209) ... dropped like it is going to go bankrupt soon ... so, time for me to trade her, after exiting Tenaga.

Kinsteel to revive Gurun plant / Perwaja to revive Kemaman plant : No comment on how they goreng these two lousy stocks. Good luck. In fact, I took AnnJoo instead .. even that, I sold her off the next day!

Boardroom tussle at Tg Offshore : Some asked me about TgOff ... but I do not like to read news about tussles. How are we going to know what is actually happening inside, and what the conclusion would be? How long these could drag on? I don't know ... so, I will not trade her.

AmBank net profit stagnant : Sideway ... downtrending ... no trade for me.

Lower power tariff weighs on Tenaga shares : Market value shrinked by RM2.6 billion on Wednesday? Simply because of an announcement? Xiao meh ... I was glad for such a news when Tenaga dropped 7% or more ... I bought hugely!!

Tenaga(code 5347) ... dropped from RM15 to RM13 plus ... now, rebounding back to RM14. When will we have such an opportunity to buy HUGELY ... ?

Daim calls for transparency on 1MDB : Well ... so how now? They even quickly erasing off any data related to it? We shall see ... anyway, our MYR is the victim of this fund.

S&P maintains Malaysia's credit rating : That is a good news, for the time being. Till then ...

Malaysia IPI : Industrial production index rose 7.4% ... yet another good news to fuel the bull-rally.

Wan Zulkliflee is new PETRONAS CEO : effective from April 1st, the April's fool day.

Expose on Jho Low : None of my business.

Anwar jailed again : Most amazing news ... don't know how ... somehow Anwar likes to poke that young guy butts ... someone the super-sperms flying ... and somehow, the judges find it logical to jail Anwar 5 years  for poking someone's hole. Defying logic in bolehland. Haha.

So ... do you notice that I do read news for trading opportunities such as Tenaga? Do you see I m trading good stocks ... no need gogogo on Sumatec or KNM? Trading Maybank and not Nextgram?

I m doing well in my trades. The score for Feb so far is 16 - 9. Making sure the losses is small, I will want to clear off most stocks when KLCI hitting 1830.

e-mail me at : if you wish to join me.

Nightsss ...

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a nice bedtime stories before zzz! good nite.

2015-02-15 23:56

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