My Trading Adventure

KK Trip's blah-blah

Publish date: Tue, 08 Dec 2015, 11:22 PM
0 2,918
All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.
Back home ... a place we called home is always a place to be. But ... when I m retired, I wish to make Sabah ... my home.

Tip of Borneo : It is worth it ... I drove up from KK for 3-4 hours and it is worth it. Actually, I have been Kudat many of times ... to buy those 'shells' for my collection (will show off some of my collections soon). Anyway .. for those never been to the Tip of Borneo, visit it ... the beach there is ... fantastic. My son said this is the best beach he loved ... second is Port-Dickson ... then only my usual Sepang's GoldCoast. Well ... kids don't lie ... but I do not like Port-Dickson. Will make a trip there again and stay there for few days!!

Kudat Pasar Ikan ... lucky to manage to catch these guys off-loading baskets of sotong-kurita ... and he is sporting enough to post for my shot. Haha ... and I joked with him "Kita kasi masuk facebook and blog". He just laughed.

wait ... I m watching crude-oil price plunging ... it went below USD38 last night .. and not USD36.70 ... so ... avoid O&G counters la.

wait ... I share the song I m listening now while blogging ...

ok ... where am I? My KK trip ...

ok ... talk about my charity-drive. From my trading group, I managed to collect a total of RM4k plus ... and used RM3.1k for items (blankets, towels, mandi-items ... rice, cooking oil, milo and such) ... for 30 poor kids in Pukak (Kiulu, Sabah).

I have to take two trips to send this Good Shepard Church(sister Sharon) and they will send the items to the home ... at Kiulu.

I have not complete my task ... I still have to get mattress for them but the sister needs to confirm with the 'home' as it is holiday time .. kids walked home to their kampong.

kakak 1

kakak 2

These two kakak work in the church .. and the kakak-1 knew the kids-hostel well ...

I will visit the kids personally next year when I m going in Apr-May for my Mt Kinabalu climb (contact me if you wish to join me!!).

Here .. I wish to thank many who have supported me emotionally for my cause. It is good cause .. they said. But ... I do things ... from heart. So ... it is for my own self-satisfaction. But, I sincerely thanked those contributed and ... for those encouraging me to keep up (I will).

wait ... I share another nice song(Indon)

On the 2nd day ... I drove to Kundasang, stayed there a night at Perkasa-Hotel. Visited the Desa@Kundasang ... nothing much and nowadays, it is very much commercialised. Wont visit Desa next time ... went to Tompohon Gate ... well, it re-opened the second day(limiting to 100 climbers per day now) after the earthquake.

I have climbed Mt Kina for 5 times ... up to the peak twice(gold cert) and Laban Rata 3 times (silver cert). By the way, I m not a cert collector ... so, I don't know if those cert still around. Haha ... I lost my Uni-degree cert too, fyi. Heck ... funny, human collecting certs not experiences.

It is 11pm now .. oil rebounds ... DOW down 190 points. Not much upside in KLCI but hoping it dives ... for us to go shopping.

Time to take a rest tho I wish to write more ... blah-blah more of stories.

Night ...


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1 person likes this. Showing 7 of 7 comments


Post removed.Why?

2015-12-09 01:11


If u don't like his post , just ignore it, why still want comment so much... every people have right as long as he/she not offended people, guys please respect people than only people will respect u...

2015-12-09 08:55


Post removed.Why?

2015-12-09 09:07


talk trash la......this is market blog okay =.=''
headline - market blogs

Posted by michaello7798 > Dec 9, 2015 08:55 AM | Report Abuse

If u don't like his post , just ignore it, why still want comment so much... every people have right as long as he/she not offended people, guys please respect people than only people will respect u...

2015-12-09 09:23

Kevin Wong

I support all sincere and honest charity work, much sacrifice and kindness of you...MR T!

2015-12-09 11:10


do u know why i spend about 10 minute reading the trash? i couldn't sleep. after tried all ways to make me sleepy to no avail. i search for his trash blog. hmm. i m going to sleep now.

2015-12-10 03:30



2015-12-10 03:30

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