My Trading Adventure

Investment strategies by Ho Kok Mun

Publish date: Sat, 09 Jul 2016, 04:40 PM
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All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.

It is Saturday noon ... 3.45pm. I do not have any tuition classes due to Raya-off ... used to be classes from morning till noon.

So ... I m going to read a book by Ho Kok Mun.

This is one of the first investment book I bought back in 2008. But, I was too newbie and know how to apply the theories.

Note : I will contact the author and 'interview' him ... hope he will 'entertain' me. By the way, I do not earn anything from promoting his book. It is a good book for FALLING MARKETS.

Let me share his page-74 ... regarding technical-analysis. Bear in mind that he is a full fundamentalist and I respected him for that.

HKM (page 74) : If TA really works, those who practiced it would become wealthy beyond their wildest dreams quite easily, and yet none of them have, at least not right now. In short, I m not a fan of TA.

I agreed with him. Think of few so-called TA-sifu out there ... think about thousands of people paying thousands to these trading-course ... teaching EW or FR ... or MACD. IF they are THAT good, they would be trading FCPO (hugely) and move into high leveraged instruments such as trading futures or commodities.

It is funny, right? Ever wonder WHY they are still standing there telling us about what the entry price of XYZ due to the BUY signals triggered? Is it THAT simple? Don't be naïve ... get real.

So ... I agreed with Mr Ho. If it is that simple, no need stand there talk-promote-persuade at nights ... asking them to buy the software, right? I was always wondering ... till I started to know the real stories behind.

So ... not TA to get rich. Then ... what? FA?

During bearish market and as we are nearing to sharp-correction, FUNDAMENTALS and PLANS are very vital and important. If you are using charts, I BELIEVE you know how to do a trading plan, exit point etc etc. Yes ... moving back to FA ... after markets recovered, TA will be my choice. Increase my #4 : Knowledge and Experiences ... as my preparations.

HKM : Picking stocks is more of an art than a science. No right or wrong about it.

Personally, I agreed with him in many points.

Ok .. time to read and rest.

buy the book. period.


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1 person likes this. Showing 36 of 36 comments


CPteh. Reading would certainly enrich your knowledge. You would have more ideas on how to strategies your investment. Bear in mind, putting your knowledge into action is another issues. It could be a disaster when you are clouded too many theories in your mind. If you keep reading investment books without applying the theories in your real life, it doesn't help much. You know (talk coc ) but you don't really know how it actually works for you. Keeping a balance between reading and action can't be ignored. Stretching yourself in doing your homework is more important. You would know what to do to keep improving yourself.

2016-07-09 17:29


That should b the very basic way to start with...and i see many newbies are doing alright even after a short period of 2-3 years...if u do yr homework consistently...even with a winning rate of 60-70% u shall be able to see some better results. I believe it will certainly do better yr current casino way big or small bets

2016-07-09 17:51


Even for a hari hari trade guy like hng33 who buy n sell for few cents gain,appeared to be a 100% chartist at first glance but if u follow him more closely u will see he equipped himself with FA n good understandings of the co he trades...not buta buta hentam like u....thats y he could earn enough money to buy chicken rice everyday n consistently....

2016-07-09 17:58


Murali sifu. Exactly. What he is doing now nothing more than betting in casino. Be a proffesional in casino also got to learning a lot of skills probability, counting card..... wakaka

2016-07-09 18:01


Wow, so meriah on CpTeh thread here.
Up_down gor, Mind to enlight me on counting card before i go casino ?

2016-07-09 18:04

murali least now he seems to wake up a bit...hopefully he can start to pick up again..

2016-07-09 18:04


murali (moo rally) , a really respectable wacther in i3 .

2016-07-09 18:07


VenFx. I am not a pro in casino so I know nut in counting card. I know (talk coc) only la. lol

2016-07-09 18:07


I rather called myself a very free kepochi in i3

2016-07-09 18:08


Cpteh. Lemon Juice has offered you an excellent idea on how you start to do your home work. You better learning by heart

2016-07-09 18:09


Hahaha, Up_down bro & murali both are very caring friend who willing to supply different view relentlesly to i3 members here.
I know u guys for the good deeds :)

2016-07-09 18:11


People with bad mouths not necessary with bad hearts...

2016-07-09 18:12


People claimed got noble intention may not hv real noble intentions...

2016-07-09 18:13


VenFx. We prefer people would turn a deaf ear to our advice too. lol

2016-07-09 18:16


Don't worry wor, i3 readers are getting smarter now.
We all safeguard from scam & con , because we have murali here :)

2016-07-09 18:18


Up_down gor ,,, genuinely advice will be rendered .
Human heart ain't steel rite ?

2016-07-09 18:21


Wah murali becomes superman to rescue the thing i feel good to kepochi in i3 is that we still hv many good people here who are willing to share n teach ...

2016-07-09 18:21


I m not good in Fa Ta mkt intelligence but can always dig something to learn fm sifu sifu here foc...really feel grateful to hv such a good platform for investors

2016-07-09 18:23


I could b wrong..though cpteh is a maths teacher but i see him hardly touch abt FA,balance sheet n pnl stuffs...i guess he doesnt like it n that could b the reason he is shy away fm this area all this while....

2016-07-09 18:27


VenFx. We have learned a lot from many sifus here. But some people prefer (sub-consciously) to take long route in learning and don't want to pick up good points addressed by others.

2016-07-09 18:28


Some may not know (for the time being),eventually they will truly know murali's advices not to be ignored .

2016-07-09 18:28


Bro venfx whenever u want eat roti canai just give me a ring....

2016-07-09 18:31


Peopples has different background and personality .
In order to learn. we got to throw some .
White paper are easy to learn from other.

Black paper will make u clon him, sometimes both lose lose .

2016-07-09 18:32


Really ? see murali always nice to i3 members .

2016-07-09 18:33


Gtg , murali & up_down bro.
Feeling gratefully to chat with u guys here :)

2016-07-09 18:35


Aramaitee to CpTeh also.

2016-07-09 18:38


Nice to chat with you too. VenFx.

2016-07-09 18:38

Jonathan Keung

come across this article. stocks and FCPo are different ball game. in commodities there is no bottom ( if market is bearish ) whatever charts will no do you anything good. sentiment and speculative selling ( momentum) will overwhelm the do call support level. stock prices have thier own intrinsic value or support. this is my personal take on the above subject. chart is good when the market is range bound not in times of uncertainties or bluish undertone. stock picking also relies on timing and market news.

2016-07-09 18:44


Cpteh. You can certainly pick up many good points from sifu Raider through reading his forum especially building a proper mindset in margin of safety in investing. Who know these knowledge can become a good selling points for offering tuition to newbies in future. Lol

2016-07-09 22:51


Mr Cpteh, so should we focus more on FA instead of TA?

2016-07-09 23:21

Ahbeng Beng

Too much bashing on TA. Actually TA got many skills is useful de... key thing is, know when to use what technique, be it FA or TA. Easy say, hard to do, even got experience also can go wrong.

2016-07-10 01:17


how to be a successful investor and some thing Ho Kok Mun didn't tell................

you must be a daredevil and buy in sufficient quantities to make a difference
you must be a bull dog , bite into it and don't let go
and you must be extremely lucky....

go do some charities first.

2016-07-10 02:33


and I forgot to mention

.....go get a margin account.

2016-07-10 03:00


who go and flag my posts above?

You don't believe me?

They call it beta and alpha returns.

If you want alpha returns......this is what you need.....

you must be a daredevil and buy in sufficient quantities to make a difference
you must be a bull dog , bite into it and don't let go
and you must be extremely lucky....

go do some charities first.

and I forgot to mention

.....go get a margin account.

2016-07-10 12:44


if you want alpha returns, stay focused, go all in....

and pray for luck.

2016-07-10 12:46


You want the alpha returns, you have to take the risks

What can be more natural than that?

Problem is from small, people learn to be very risk adverse ....yet they want the returns.

Where got like that one?

2016-07-10 14:38

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