My Trading Adventure

Retirement plan ... in progress

Publish date: Sun, 18 Sep 2016, 09:51 AM
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All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.

My post on my FB yesterday ... when I was asked what I want to do after I retired.

Retirement plans ... my dream.

1. I like biking
2. I like to take pictures.
3. I like to blog
4. I like to do some charities
5. I love Malaysia

So ... after retired, I will be travelling around whole Malaysia on my bike ... taking pictures of charitable-homes and promote them in my facebook and blog. I will create an organisation for that and do crowd-funding.

These are my retirement plans ... we need to do what we love and close to our heart.


I want to elaborate ... add in also that "I like listening to songs".

Once I m retired ... I will be focusing in doing things close to my heart ... that doesn't mean what I m doing right now is not important ... it is a process.

BIKING : I m still riding bike (my kapcai) ... and will be getting a new bike once I retired. It could be a simple kap-cai or a good big bike. It doesn't matter to me as it does not define me! Importantly, I manage to travel on the bike ... from places to places, to carry out my tasks and mission. Well ... I won't mind a Vulcan, tho. Hehe.

Yes ... I would love to ride my bike ... round the whole country, and in touch with most of my trading-members (by the my whole stock-watch group would be free) ... thank them personally for their supports all these years and spread with them my doings (into charity) and gather some supports from them too.

MALAYSIA : I will only travel the whole country ... yes, Malaysia only. I love my country very much .. irrespective of political or religious differences ... charitable organisations SHOULD be independent. I will make such the organisation I m going to create would be one! And yes, to help Malaysians ...!!

CHARITY : We do have many charitable homes which need to be attended to. And I have visited 10-20 of them ... in my 6 yrs being in KL. Some I would organise the donation drives by myself, some I would just follow those organised by others ... it doesn't matter to me again. It is the objective, the mission that matters. Depending on the FUNDS I have ... if I gained hugely from the market-crash and managed to gather funds from supporters too ... I will create my own organisation with the main function of integrating MANY existing homes(I knew what missing and needed to be done). But ... if my funds much smaller ... I will do it in smaller scales. It doesn't matter to me, see?

Happiness is doing what close to heart ... in small scales .. or large, it doesn't matter.

PHOTOGRAPHY : As I do like to take pictures (not selfie, not food ... ), I will be taking lots of photos of those charitable-homes and inmates. I will promote them ... will like to create awareness ... thru lenses.

Yes, I will learn photography ... get some equipment and enjoy those creation on mine! That would be my hobby-in-making ... and I have bought a basic DSLR (digital) camera to play with.

I know I will enjoy ... biking to places, take pictures of those charitable homes ... and blog about it!!

BLOG : Yes ... perhaps change this blog into charity-blog ... and link with more charitable homes, employ someone to updates and create blogs for all the homes I m visiting!! This is still in "fairy-land" at the back of my mind ... but, hey, I like blogging ... and you could see that I will blog about things I like! Isn't that LIFE? haha

Alright ... adding in SONGS ... I like that too. I will be listening to songs while riding the bike, while working on blogs ... while on the move!! I need earphone, headphone, mp3 player, disc-player etc etc. haha.

QUESTION : If you are retired, what have you been doing? Are you doing something you like ... and enjoy? Something significant? If not ... would you like to JOIN ME?

For those around my age (near 50), what are your plans when retiring in years to come? Would you like what I m planning to do? Would you like to JOIN ME?

I will ask this question again ... when I retired.

Time to move again ... Have a nice Sunday.


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1 person likes this. Showing 5 of 5 comments


Retire broke?

2016-09-18 10:43


those are also my wishes..hope to start is many said....let go is easier than said..try harder

2016-09-18 11:46

Hiu Chee Keong

I am supposed to retire this year, but bcos there is possible economy going bad next year or two, the chance of getting retrenchment is very high, so i decide to stay since ithe chance of hitting retrenchment compensation is much higjer than hitting a lottery, no harm wait for another year :D

2016-09-18 11:46


relax.. it is Sunday...

2016-09-18 11:52


Why still want to make more money than necessary?
Treat market as pass time.
Get some thrill, not sleepless night whenever DJ down by 300 points.
買股是為了增加生活情趣, 不是終日提心吊胆

2016-09-18 12:09

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