一般上大股東賣股, 給人的一般影響都是對公司前景沒有信心。這次off Market disposal 9.1 million 的股份, 是否又代表了SAM前景不樂觀呢?
Disposal Quantity: 9,100,000 Units
Disposal Unit: SPE
SPE Wholly own by SAM singapore
ACCURON Wholly Own by Termasek
Termasek deemed Interest changes
from: 5,7841,241Unit(68.51%)
To: 48,741,241 Units (56.46%)
Disposal Type: Off Market
投資者不用過度緊張, 有幾件事請要理清,
9.1m是總股數的9.48%,如果是賣給單一投資者/機構, 那該股東將成為大股東, 按交易所的規定超過5%的大股東必須對股東回報,必須有Annoucement。
既然對散戶既得利益沒有影響, 那影響的是什麼?
有跟進SAM的投資者應該不會忘了對SAM而言大家一直以來的一個隱憂就是2017年9月ICULS到期轉換, TERMASEK 的持股會達到106.055m股, 是到時總股數135.167m股的78.46%, 超過了BURSA最低公眾持股25%的最低要求, 到時會面臨下市的下場。
現在買了9.1m之後, 就算2017年轉換后TERMASEK總持股只有71.73%, 公眾持股任然有28.27%, 達到了交易所的最低需求。
也就是說, 一直以來大家擔心的一個問題已經不存在了。
對單單這件事而言, 不覺得是壞事, 不過有需要跟進後續進展,
最近其實很不捨的出手了近20%的SAM, 原因不是SAM現在面臨的美金匯率和產能停滯問題, 而是加碼了另外一只讓我流口水又苦於投資資金不足的公司。。。
至於是那家公司, 有時間繼續和大家分享。。。
預知後事如何, 請待下回分曉!
卍 個人分析記錄 買賣盈虧自負 分析若有錯誤 勞煩提點指出
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股海無涯 Blog: http://e-thg.blogspot.com/
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SAM for me always a long term investment, current price for me consider no risk, problem is i am out of extra fund... so, good luck for those with extra money to invest for long term
2016-04-14 18:22
逻辑不通, if this is your long term investment, then you should not dispose off at the first place. However, 你的诚实是值得尊敬的.
2016-04-14 21:02
maybe sometimes we found somethings worth to investing and deserve a try then current counter? all the long term investors include warren buffet and cold eyes do not hold "all" the counter until end of the world, selling some counter(part or all) if they see better chances is what they always do. however,always appreciate suggestion form you, moneysifu, different perspective help me improve my decision and help me think deeper. after all, making right decision and earn more money is far more important than look smart and pro in I3investors.
2016-04-15 09:26
Cheap sale off market block
Big dilutions on the way (Anytime now as you said)
Now is how big is the special divident
Risk is high,
2016-04-15 10:02
Is SAM still a buy at the moment ?
2016-04-14 17:17