
【AIRASIA】管理层与投行会议视频Youtube分享 |股海無涯

Publish date: Sat, 25 Feb 2017, 12:42 AM
依般若波羅蜜多故 心無罣礙 無罣礙故 無有恐怖 遠離顛倒夢想 究竟涅槃




Youtube视频贴不出来/error, 麻烦大家点连接观看了


身为AA的小股东, 对于这种形式的视频分享是大大的赞赏。


除了很多标题哗众取宠, 很多都是简单的盈利暴涨,业绩急跌等很片面的立场。

再加上之前有提过, 很多报章是转载了再转载, 翻译了再翻译。



这样的视频分享让小股东可以直接接触原始数据(Primary Data), 而不是经过投行的分析或者报章的转载。


视频除了Q4业绩的presentation, 跟重要的是还有之后的Investment Bank的问答环节。


很多IB提出的不单单是那些“捧大脚”或者歌功颂德的问题, 而是很多投资者的疑惑, 和一些具有挑战意味的问题。


建议大家和Presentation一起看, Download Link Below:




还是那句老话, 站在理解相同资讯的平台下进行的讨论才有意义。

在同样资讯平台下,无论你认为风险太大, 管理层夸大;

还是你和我一样认为2017年AAC, IAA, PAA listed, 业绩, GTR, ACE, 任然有可期待,


这也是我设立Blog和FB Page的一个目的, 通过各行各业的老朋友们互相交流, 吸收各方面的资讯来降低投资的风险。


所以, 老朋友们, 以后有分享希望大家不吝赐教, 踊跃发言吧!


这次就不做Summary了, 有兴趣的朋友慢慢看, 再来聊聊。

关于i3有些高手有特殊理解的“970亿债务问题”Video里有稍稍提到, 有兴趣的朋友可以留意一下。


卍個人分析記錄 買賣盈虧自負 分析若有錯誤 勞煩提點指出


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Hello Thanks for sharing

2017-02-25 06:50


very good sharing. thanks

2017-02-25 15:43


Thanks for the sharing....here I drop some notes for the video briefing:

- For 4Q16, sales of aircraft has contributed 22M to the section "Other Incomes", the increased balance YOY (from 65.5M to 143.5M) is due to other growthing engine from associates sort like Brand Licensing fees from IAA and FAA which they have start paying, the normalized other income in future would be 100M.

-AACE IPO would generate 125M - 180M USD

-AAC 4~5weeks after 27th March to decide and announce. EGM for approval would be on May or June

-Air craft cost is substancially lower than many of AA competitor, that's one of the reason AA has lowest cost in the world.

-1st Qrt forecast load factor: MAA 89% TAA 87% IAA 82% PAA 92% AAI 89%

-Yield would go down because AA is expecting to promote air fares to push for load factor. Main concern is to focus on RASK instead of yield. Tony promised RASK would go up for 1Q17, but does not willing to anticipate for future quarters.

-IPO of FAA and IAA is scheduled to second quarter.

-Additional Aircraft this yr: MAA 8, TAA 6, IAA 2, AAI 6, PAA 5, JAA 3

-PAA if not including one off lost of disponsing 6 IEE old aircraft, it is actually making profit last yr. There would be another 2 aircraft to be disposed this year. PAA have record
profitable month this January. Bullish on PAA.

-Forex gain of 2016 is contributed by :
1.) Carry out corporate exercise of converting intercompany loans to perpectual notes with much higher rate.
2.) Convert back some years back Chinese Yuan Fixed deposit into RM which has significate rate gain.
Net off the corporate exercise, under normal operation, there could be RM50M~RM60M lost in forex for entire 2016.

-Stable state profit margin for AAC is about 23%-24%

-ASK growth with new plane would be about approximately below 10%

-Year 2016, out of 172 planes, 46 planes are on operating leases

-Out of the 30 new planes, some of them would be come from AAC.

-operating expenditure 50% hedged up to May 2017 is at rate of 4.3, would consider to hedge more.

-2018 fuel hedges just 1% started from today. (Everyone laugh, don't know whether this is joking)

-Not considering multiple years rolling fuel hedges.

2017-02-25 20:44


@feichs, nice sum up!! thx

2017-02-28 12:23

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