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Malaysia cannot succeed unless equal opportunity given to non-Muslims, says Obama

Tan KW
Publish date: Sun, 27 Apr 2014, 09:44 PM
Tan KW
0 460,351


APRIL 27, 2014
LATEST UPDATE: APRIL 27, 2014 09:18 PM

Obama pointing to a student for a question during the Young Southeast Asian Leadership Initiative town hall meeting at the University of Malaya in Kuala Lumpur today. - Reuters pic, April 27, 2014.Obama pointing to a student for a question during the Young Southeast Asian Leadership Initiative town hall meeting at the University of Malaya in Kuala Lumpur today. - Reuters pic, April 27, 2014.Malaysia must ensure non-Muslims in the country also have equal opportunites as its Muslim majority if the Southeast Asian nation wanted to continue prospering, United States President Barack Obama said today of his landmark visit, 48 years after the last American president paid a visit.

"Malaysia won't succeed if the non-Muslims do not have the same opportunity,” Obama said in a townhall meeting for Asean youths at Dewan Tunku Cancelor in University of Malaya in Kuala Lumpur today.

Obama said non-Muslims in Malaysia are currently facing hostility, and some have felt oppressed.

"There shouldn't be reason to discriminate, and you have to make sure that you are speaking out against this in daily life.

And as you emerge as leaders, you should be on the side of politics that brings people together rather than drive them apart," Obama said to cheers from the crowd.

Obama said this today when answering a question from a Myanmar youth on factors of cooperation that can bring Asean together given its diversity.

He pointed out that the biggest source of conflict and war and hardship throughout the world was due to people treating those who were not like them differently.

He said the situation in Myanmar right now was that the country was going through a transition after decades of oppressive government, and it was now trying to open things up, which he said is to be lauded.

"However, the danger now that they are democratising, is that there will be groups inside Myanmar that might organise themselves politically around religious or ethnic identities instead of principles of justice or rule of law and democracy.

And you can actually see conflict that would move Myanmar in a bad direction," he said, adding that one of the problems in Myanmar was that the rights of its minority Muslim community were not protected.

Obama then added that the situation was not unique to Myanmar, and that in Malaysia, which had a majority Muslim population, there were instances where those who were not Muslims found themselves experiencing hostility.

He also said that even in the US, historically, the biggest conflicts arose around race, but over the course of generations the situation had improved, to the point that he could be elected as a president.

"All of us have within us biasness and prejudices against people who are not like us or people who are not raised in the same faith or come from different backgrounds, but the world is shrinking and getting smaller.

"You could think that way when living separately in villages and tribes and did not have contact with each other.

“But with the internet and smartphones, cultures all colliding, no country is going to succeed if part of its population is sidelined and being discriminated against," he added.

He then went on to say that similarly, Malaysia would also not succeed if non-Muslims were not given the opportunity, while the same would happen in Myanmar if the Muslim population was oppressed.

"Malaysia won't succeed if non-muslims don't have equal opportunity, Myanmar won’t succeed if the muslim population is oppressed.

"No society is going to succeed if half your population made up of women are not getting the same education and employment opportunities as men too," he added.

As such, he called on youths to embrace culture and be proud of who they were, while also appreciating differences in languages, food and how differently one worshipped God, adding that these were things to be proud of and not a tool to look down on a person.

He also called on the new generation to stand in "other people's shoes and look at things through their eyes".

Obama said that almost every religion teaches the basic principle of "do unto others as you want others to do unto you" and to "treat people the way you want to be treated".

"And if you are not doing that, then we are going backwards instead of going forward and this is true for all over the world," he told the 700-strong crowd of youths and civil society representatives. – April 27, 2014.

4 people like this. Showing 31 of 31 comments


Aik. no one listening to Saturn/optimus talking about politic changy to all chineses power?

2014-04-27 21:55


What Obama stated is a well known FACT - that is why we are facing a BRAIN DRAIN for the past 25 years. We have fallen behind in progress,
and growth in countries like Vietnam, Burma, Kampuchea have all overtaken us. WHY ? because equal opportunity is not given to non muslims.
OBAMA thanks for saying it straight in "HIS" face. They need to be told in the face.

2014-04-27 21:59

Fam Jenny

Don't talk racially there are a lot of hardworking and capable young malay muslims compared to last time.Time has changed their concept about working attitudes as more have to prove themselves in private sectors to compete with others.We are the minority so wake up and don't talk nonsense.

2014-04-27 22:00


long live obama!!! long live obama!!!

2014-04-27 22:00


So when is the due date of unfairly? !

2014-04-27 22:04


Another thing to take note :
This statement from Obama will NOT make headlines in our newspapers.

2014-04-27 22:10


Something spoken by Obama will sensor in newspaper?

2014-04-27 22:22


Our headlines will instead highlight on Bus accident, case ROGOL lah !

2014-04-27 22:25


icon gor. American is the taikor of the earth planet mah. what they say carries weight. they control the world. like it or not.

everyone has to follow them directly or indirectly. without american. we r still in dark ages. think at their contribution dont just look at them on afgan or iraq. their contribution to the world is far outweight the bad.

2014-04-27 22:28


our headlines would be, let me guess. Obama praise malaysia for the effort in world peace.
2nd headlines. headlines in other smaller paper.
Ah beng utang along. along go spray red paint at home
3rd headlines, bandar abc no water yet.

2014-04-27 22:30


sorry i dont understand bahasa except the very simple one.

2014-04-27 22:35


I think I have expressed enough opinions here. But this kind of topics very divisive. I will delete my posts shortly. I not keen to be entangled in heated political discussions.

I3 is an investment forum

Sorry for the outbursts just now, everybody. Let's live together and love each other as brothers and sisters (all races)

I love Malaysia !!

2014-04-27 22:35


We were not born yesterday and have independence for 50+ years. The race relation and situation is worst than before. If in the earlier years we have the term Muhibbah and children are not expose to the differences in race, today the children are ensured they know the diffences.
Obama has every right to comment as he too comes from a country of multiracial and have experience racial riots. Similarly, if we expect the problem to solve on its own, we too are in denial. The situation with Utusan, Perkasa openly expressing racist remarks and go unpunished is already a proof of weak regime and practicing oppressive management without ethic. It is abysmall that no effort was put in to improve race relation and act impartially on sedition for both side of divide

2014-04-27 22:36


ya it was. and it is still. tell me another country that has done more than them to humanity?

2014-04-27 22:36


Optimus is right!
Treat humanitarian and religion and countries separately.
When crisis happens any where in the world,ask yourself whether it's humanitarian help or religious help that comes most?

2014-04-27 22:42


american has been setting standards in safety, accountability and technology, health, medical standards to the world and they r not stopping.
if u been to california u would know what i mean.

hate american, boycott them, by not using google, facebook, microsoft, apple, oh, www. internet. dont eat medicine, dont travel bcos boeing manufactured by them infact they invented airplanes. car.
so dont drive car. dont use handphone la, motorola invented handphone.
aiyo i cannot finish la.

2014-04-27 22:48


Another thing that I notice:
Those heavily involved in the Share Market dont bother about their fellow "NONS" being kicked about, unfairly treated, jailed for standing up & speaking for their rights etc.
They prefer to praise the gomen so that the Share Market is artificially held up and their investments are safe.

2014-04-27 22:48


So many flag!

2014-04-27 23:16


This applies to any society or country in this globalized but rapidly shrinking society where cultures collide through the internet, smartphones...

Opportunities must be given to all irrespective of ethnicity, cultural background, food preferences, religious orientation, colour, creed, etc with the ultimate objective of openly inviting willing participation, creating an environment for a society that respects the principles of justice, rule of law, democracy , civil liberties, and getting the best and brightest talents to come forth, be entrepreneurial, working as a team to create employment opportunities , assume leadership roles, take charge, manage and influence the process which creates better opportunities for every generation living in the society/country.

The ultimate challenge and responsibility for any leader in any society or country is to Bring people together rather than drive them apart.

This inclusiveness approach creates far greater value against the "Divide and Rule Policy which is sub-optimal " as evidenced in all societies/countries that practised such "Divide and Rule Policy" in this globalised world where the quality of life, employment opportunities, the economic wellbeing of every generation deteriorates over time for societies/countries that practised such "divide and Rule Policies that had resulted in sub optimal returns for its people."

2014-04-27 23:23

sense maker

Discrimination on any ground is wrong. Period.

2014-04-28 00:17

Fam Jenny

If children are not properly bought up and trained well, thinking they are privileged people will not have the willpower and determination to overcome future challenges and real life when the grow up,making them less competitive in society especially at working place.That is the price you got to pay for discrimination in any soceity.

2014-04-28 07:19


goodla, let them think they are privileged and when they go oversea they r laughing stocks lo.

2014-04-28 07:26


Ya .. you are right! already one.

2014-04-28 08:25


Mahathir should listen it... Let us together post this article on mahathir facebook!!!

2014-04-28 14:21


Yeah..Obama and the world also know. Good or good....

2014-04-28 15:13


Yea very true, when I was abroad in Dartmouth I took this class on racial policies and one of the chapter in the class book was dedicated to systematic racial discrimination guess what- it's happening in our country Malaysia. In that chapter, these Malays were bred and raised to feel that they have a sense of 'entitlement' over the other races and thus the evil cycle begins. There are no other way we can overcome this, and as a wise man said, success is the best revenge, let us ravage this land and continue to dominate the wealth while China rises slowly as the regional hegemon of Asia. Chinese people everywhere can thrive even with dire circumstances, look at the Chinese in San Fran and New York, they have all come a long way to being the model minority in the United States.

2014-04-29 02:15


The chineses youth nowadays are pampered and preoccupied with modern luxury wasting their parents wealth. Its going to be gloomly futures for malaysians chineses especially now that chineses are sidelined from mainstream politics.

2014-04-29 02:25


The current regime is more than happy that we chineses no longer hold any importance or decision making. During President Obama visit, no chineses ministers were visible. President Obama only see malay leaders during his whole visit.

2014-04-29 02:27


Current regime agreeing to PAS Hudud law will see PAS and UMNO becoming dominant malay coalition and the end of us chineses in Malaysia. Eventually, we chineses will be regarded as super minority and with little voice in politic, economic and be force to accept main stream schools for our children.

2014-04-29 02:34


Reality will follow ones thinking and perception. If one thinks otherwise then it will be otherwise.

2014-04-29 14:15


Time is the essence come 2020

2014-04-29 15:48

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