OIL PRICE US 59 ... veri cheap. But wait .. your A$$ hole oil is CHEAPER !

Publish date: Fri, 12 Dec 2014, 10:37 AM
0 57

OIL PRICE HAS DROP TO US 59 ... veri cheap veri cheap ... good for business ... good  MY ASS.

(some) People stlll confuse between cause and effect; and effect and cause. Certain time, the effect become the cause, sometimes the cause is ... still the cause. If u can't differentiate between these two, u are DEAD. This people i dun worri much, because they die veri veri fast. No suffering. 

Then there are those who know wat is cause, wat is effect. But when the situation has change, and the effect become the cause, those who miss the changes, will miss the opportunities. And again, i dun worri much, because, they onli miss some opportunities. 

The one i really really worri (actually i onli pretend to worri niah), is the one who think the situation has change when the actual fact they haven't ... will suffer the most slooooOOOOOOOOW dead. 

Oil price is US 59 ... why ? 

U see, when oil 100 ... a lot of big users buy a lot. Because they worri oil price will go up. They buy more than they use. They stock up. Then oil price drop to 90. And they buy even more. 10% discount wat ! How many of us who go shopping when got 10% sales ? Then oil price drop to 80 ... whoaah ! 20% discount ... and dun forget to average down the mistake they bought at 100. Their oil stock getting over-stock now. When oil drop to 70 ... at 30% discount, all shoppers start to buy ... even clothes that they DONT EVEN OR WILL EVER WEAR !!!

And same goes to oil users also buy-buy-buy all those oil that they can never use. But hey ! Maybe they can become oil seller instead. Yup .. buy at 70, later can sell at 90 or 80 or maybe 75. Worse can still break even by selling at 70 mar. U must understand ... everi countries is now is OVER-STOCK with oil !! Singapore not a oil producer ... but Singaproe is also OVER-STOCK with oil and even start SELLING OIL ! YES ! u hear me RIGHT ! SINGAPORE also start selling oil. 

Now, let's come to oil producers countries. If non-producer oil contries over-stock, can u imagine wat will be saudi, opec, non-opec countries look like ? When non-non-opec countries also start to sell oil ... U ARE DOOM ! U have to cut oil price to 60, 50 and 40. U have to sell. U need money ! No money the whole countries will go HAVOC ! POLITICAL unrest ! Public admin close down.


Have we see the CRASH CRASH BOOM ? No right ? Meaning WE ARE NOT in the CRASH CRASH BOOM .... YET !! WAIT UNTIL OIL PRICE DROP TO 40 ... then wait for the CRASH CRASH BOOOOOOOMMMM .... then ..... now now ... dun get ourself to fast forward yet. One step at a time. 



3 people like this. Showing 7 of 7 comments


Leno can be quite graphic but he makes sense. He is brave enough to put himself on a limb and invite derision. I'm sure he has saved quite a number of investors/speculators. SKPETRO with their billions in contracts and recently announced attractive dividend continue to be sold down. After reading Leno's explaination on the current oil crisis it makes sense. Dont understimate Leno's intelligence and research.

2014-12-12 12:19

Lewis Lee

When oil price shoot up to 100 in the future, this idiot will tell opposite side of the story la ....
This idiot has zero knowledge of economic !
Leno, open your mouth and repeat word by word after me for the basic lesson :-
"supply, demand, supply demand, ....." x 100 times


2014-12-12 17:55


Leno. Your explanation of oil crude oil crashed is really easy to understand. Those pros claimed the crash was cause by conspiracy theory, supply and demand, political la,...It was so confusing to a layman. wakaka

2014-12-12 19:21


think other way,
those countries capable to pile stock should be able to sustain,
while those unable to do so, now will buy at lower price.
it's another way of balancing the wealth....

2014-12-13 01:09


How much oil will a country stock? For 6 months consumption? Or a year? Even if they are rich enough to stock for a year they will replenish the oil tanks when they are half empty, right? That's mean the crisis will end within 6 months, right?

2014-12-13 10:23



Behind every cloud is a silver lining. When daylight is over nortunal creatures of the night like bats and moths will be active.
When recession hits businesses like pawn shops, car reposession, basic food like maggie mee, repair and recycle shops will thrive.
So one classes of shares in Bursa might crash, but if you know where to look you will find great value bargains now.

In Chinese the word crisis is a compound of 2 words
Ngai- Danger
Kay- Opportunity

In times of crisis or danger like now

John Templeton made his fortune in such terrible times like this!
If only you Know How.

That is the TOP SECRET


2014-12-13 10:45


Calvintaneng, can share the secret with our wechat group?

If yes, please give me ur wechat ID.


2014-12-13 11:48

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